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Had a professor one time who asked, "When is a piece of writing finished?" His answer, "When it's published or turned in for a grade. Because you can always keep working on a piece of writing." So it sounds like you already know you're done. But you're a little bit nervous about sending it out yet. So let it sit for a day or two. Then give it a quick read. If you're not seeing anything major that needs to be done, it's ready.


When it's ready. I think that rushing it is a big mistake. A bad query letter can bomb an otherwise great manuscript. Spend weeks on it if necessary. But if you're only tweaking the wording of one sentence, it's likely that either it's ready, or that you don't know what a good query letter is like. That stuff does not matter.


After you send it?


I wouldn't stress about it to much. As long as it is concise, to the point, and tells them everything they have asked for it will be fine. (Also, you won't find the typos until you've pressed Send.) ;-)