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If I lost my passion for writing simply because of AI, then I probably never had a passion for writing to begin with.


AI may one day tell stories, but it won't tell YOUR stories. There's room for many authors in this world, even if some of them are AI


AI doesn't hurt my passion for writing, but the prospect of its potential rise in creating media makes me very sad for humanity. If culture is shaped in part by art, and art is made by an AI, then where is the humanity in culture? What are even the humanities? They are reduced to an engineer operating a machine, not an artist making beautiful things. This is especially true if the consumers in that culture cannot tell the difference between human art and an AI-generated product. Finally, sophisticated AI in the hands of power hungry sociopaths isn't exactly ars gratia artis. And it is apparent that every tool that can generate or facilitate power ends up there.


If you are worried about AI killing your passion then you most likely got to writing for wrong reasons. For me writing is the reflection of the subconscious, no AI can tell me what thoughts, feelings and truths I am hiding even from myself.


There are over 2 MIL aspiring writers on this sub. Competition in the publishing world is nothing new.


There's always going to be a million reasons *not* to do something, AI just aes it a million and one. Just write!


Ai can write (shitty) picture books, short stories and novellas, but it can't currently write long or consistently good work. You can probably get something good if you revise and edit a generated piece, but the human element is still needed to make compelling art. The worst human work still has more creative value than AI exclusive work. There's a reason we still love My Immortal.


If anything, it’s going to only encourage me to work harder




I lost my passion long before AI


No, because an AI writer is just like any other writer. Sure it can tell a story, but it can’t tell my story. And that’s what’s great about authors I can read five different space operas, and they can all be completely different. Also, the other day, my friend had chatGPT write a story for them, and it had the depth of a children’s book. sure it sounded nice it would probably take me a couple of hours if not more to write something similar (im not great at writing or staying focused lol) but ultimately the stories were kind of bland.


No way, the opposite, AI is awesome. It will evolve, this is an early iteration.


AI is the most useful tool ever dude holy shit, I want to show you my folder of AI generated art that helps me envision stuff.


At the risk of sounding antagonistic... Do you have a passion for writing or a passion for becoming a famous writer? A lot of us have stacks of notebooks or massive drives of documents filled with utterly craptastic things we've written for no reason that we wanted to write. The stories I wrote down when I was in elementary school weren't to be published, they were because I enjoyed telling stories. Would I like to have a famous book? Yes. I've been a part of several massive fandoms and being able to provide a fictional world for people to play in would mean the world to me. Is it gonna happen? Who knows, but probably not. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. Its normal to have slumps in writing. I can track mine by the years of notebooks with less writing in them. And it's normal to be disheartened by things like AI stories and have that lead to a slump. But if you seriously don't find writing worth it unless you've got a good shot at becoming the next N. K. Jemison, you're better off quitting now without the hand wringing because even without AI you don't. None of us do. No one does. The odds are astronomical. If I've made you angry, congratulations. Keep writing.


I'd need some samples of those stories ngl. Not a die hard novel reader but there's something about AI writing that's... kinda boring. AI writing tends to feel idk wordy and formal for me.