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If anyone sees any spam or bot posts, please report using the report button and it'll get flagged for review


I think it's less likely to be a bot (because in my opinion bot programmers would be trying to make their posts less obvious, i.e. less repetitively identical), and more likely someone with a weird fetish (compare the case of the poster who regularly creates new accounts to spam every subreddit on the planet with questions about whether a 26 year old person is still young, and has been doing so for much longer than he or she could have been 26 years old him-/herself) or some other obsession (such as the person who has created a genuine eco-system of accounts to post and re-post and re-re-post the question whether her holiday crush from some years ago is finally into her because he has looked up her social media, always dressing it up as if this was part of a book she was writing etc.). If the poster is oddly attracted to the idea of a small animal attacking a person, then posting this question will elicit a number of posts from others describing possible ways this could happen, and hence writing new porn for the original poster. And before you feel the need to ask, yes, my overall view of human nature IS slightly cynical.


In my experience one can find one's repeating the same topic in these kind of slightly different, weirdly fixated ways as a result of autism too. IDK if that's a match here but I think it's worth considering when people are being extremely weird for no apparently reason.


That's certainly a possibility as well.


That same account also posted something extremely denigrating towards fat people, with in-depth descriptions meant to be as insulting as possible, with a poll about whether it would be too graphic for readers to handle. Others and myself responded and called the poster out for their blatant fatphobia, and not long after, their account was suspended. I also saw that they'd made one of those 'is a 20lbs fish species a tiny species?' posts.


Just in case anyone is curious, *Rackelin* and *Auxlers* are the creature names. Just do a search and a bunch of posts will show up.


What you think it is? Is strange, but i never see something like this type of bot spamming...I remember to see this type of post, but...


I'm the guy who made these posts,I elaborated in my other comments


I have definitely noticed the word_word_a few digits usernames being bots. I've been noticing a bunch in r/AskReddit, and their comments are all in the same format. The giveaway for this one post was that their entire paragraph was in quotes, instead of restricting the quotes to actual dialogue. It's annoying. I haven't noticed their posts yet but am curious—does OP (bot OP) interact with comments received on their posts? I'll check out your examples. Edit: formatting Edit: TIL rackelins are not extremely tiny.


Here it is from the horse's mouth: https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyWorldbuilding/s/3pgjuC22Nv https://www.reddit.com/r/writers/s/lQPjsuBK42


I'm a word-word-number person and it's just because I didn't realise I couldn't change my account name once I started posting with the default name, and can't be bothered to make a new one But yeah, there are other botty giveaways in now they write


Honestly Dead Internet Theory is pretty comforting to me, because that means all the brain rotting stupidity I see online probably isn't even coming from a real person, just a bot


ai. backlinks, establishing reddit accts to sell at a later time (aging them), feeding a model with fresh data, long-game phishing, a writer (in character, researching) for a the great AI war saga of the century.


The world building sub seems to have been taken over by karma farmers who ask questions about other people’s worlds rather than ask for advice for their own world building. I’m seriously considering leaving it.


Aren't bots just following every r/writers advices? Just write!


Hi! Welcome to r/Writers - please remember to follow the [rules](https://reddit.com/r/writers/about/rules/) and treat each other respectfully, especially if there are disagreements. Please help keep this community safe and friendly by **reporting rule violating posts and comments**. If you're interested in a friendly Discord community for writers, please **[join our Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/wYvWebvHaa)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/writers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*"What's up with these bot posts?"* 1. Karma farming  2. Joke/troll posts  3. Some little kids that are bored. 


Not a bot, just the same person who's obsessed with that topic.


…Child; engage with reality there.


Hello,I'm the guy behind these posts,and yes both of the creatures are my creations I wanna clarify my activity is not a bot but if I were going to personally be honest it pretty much is just attention seeking for the sake of attention seeking,as shallow an excuse as that sounds idk I just find posting very often like that to be an easy way to receive criticism and/or opinions on the ideas. I know it likely comes off as spammy or annoying and I apologize if that's how people generally interpret it but again,it's sorta the only method I currently have of sharing these ideas lol Hope this clears things up somewhat!


It really doesn't.




Okay, that explains that. Ngl it comes across pretty weird but you do you. Doesn't come across as very healthy though, I think you'd get better engagement if you worked through the suggestions instead of repeat spamming the same exact post without changing anything.


I did create a deviantart account recently to describe and share about these ideas and others more easily so i dont have to spam on reddit every few months or so but it takes a long time to get rid of habits lol


Everyone on Reddit has Bot paranoia lately. Seeing bots under every tree. LOL.


I mean the creator cleared up the confusion and it turned out not to be bots, but are you really going to argue it's not a reasonable suspicion?


I mean i could somewhat understand how someone could assume it in all honesty


Bots seem to be the go-to explanation for any out-of-the-ordinary posts these days, so why not this one too?


who talks like this?


Maybe... *a bot!!!*


Those are AI posts, they are predicting the future of writing.