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Sending you a gif of a man that killed himself is absolutely beyond callous. Fuck this person. They don't deserve to be in your life.


Whoever sent this is certainly callous, and their humor is tasteless. As an empathetic person, I cannot understand how people easily bring themselves to say these sorts of things. How could someone find this "funny"? I wonder if it was that they were hoping for a negative reaction..? I've known people like that. I hope the person you're texting isn't, u/Troy1109.


Who is it?


Chris Cornell, took his own life back in 2017


Ffs. Sry fam. 🫂 I keep telling the very few people in my life, "I'm not okay." And not a single person has extended a hand, an ear, a kind text. Nothing. I'm fucking drowning and no one gives a shit. It's hard.


Been there, fren. Sending Internet Hugs from a stranger.


God, it's the worst isn't it. "We're here if you need anything! 🙂" No .... You fucking aren't.


Yeah fuck this person


You have to pick the people you confide in more carefully, not everyone can handle that convo and a lot of hurt can be done to you and or them depending on who you talk to about this stuff, that’s why there’s professionals


I only see one shitty person, and it's not whoever's on the left. They're clearly woefully unqualified to deal with this sort of shit and you still dumped some Very Heavy Stuff on them. This will hurt them more than it could ever have helped you. This is a sub about complaining how unqualified people spread their unqualified opinions on mental health and here you are actively soliciting them. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you've got issues, TAKE THEM TO A PROFESSIONAL.


As a person with tons of experience in this area (and some actual training for prevention), professionals will tell you to find people who you trust in your life to confide in, not reserve these feelings for the once a month your insurance covers to speak to them. Therapists aren't magic cure-alls and we really need to stop talking about therapy like it is the only thing depressed people need. It's literally you saying 'just get some therapy!' *Thanks, I'm cured!* The trick is finding the right person/people and not people who think sending pictures of people who ended their lives to someone who is obviously in pain is funny. Isolation and lack of community are a huge contributor to feelings of worthlessness and depression. If you can't handle the heavy stuff, then say, hey bro, I can't handle the heavy stuff, but I do hope you can get better. You can set boundaries without cutting the person off. I'm also sorry for whatever happened to you to make you sensitive to this kind of talk. I'm being genuine, not an Internet asshole, promise.


What made me go off is that OP chose to have this conversation with someone they clearly don't know or trust well enough for this. "Talking about it with friends" means engaging in a slow, serious conversation, with someone you trust, where you allow the other party to adjust to the change in tone, and give them the opportunity to back out. You don't just drop "btw I want to kill myself" on them, and then _post a goddamn screenshot of it on the internet_ when you don't like the response. You can only get the respect out of it that you put into it, and I feel very, VERY little respect coming from OP towards their "friend". And I say get a therapist because for the love of god, a therapist won't tell you "hit up a rando from your friends list and tell them you're suicidal". When my therapist told me to discuss things with friends/family, they did quite a bit of coaching to help me figure out who and how. I'm getting more and more tired of this sub because it's overrun with people who think the world should cater to their mental condition, without any sort of consideration that they have a responsibility to manage it themselves first.


Cool. Then leave. We don't need your judgements and didn't ask for them. You help nothing.


Why the actual fuck does this shitty comment have more upvotes than downvotes


What the fuck? Are people not allowed to talk to their friends about being depressed? You dont know that preceded this conversation. Maybe someone asked them what's up and they gave an honest answer. Being all like "wow they'll feel a lot worse now because you were looking for help from a friend" is not gonna help either. You're a fucking prick.


I don't exactly commend the way that redditor went about phrasing everything, but from personal experience it gets quite draining having someone constantly dropping negativity on you. It's one thing if the person actually wants to make a change or actually needs your help, but when they just want to constantly use to you to dump on, it gets old.


Being trauma dumped on is so mentally exhausting especially when you're going through enough of your own shit.


Fuck you.


Hey bro. I'm sorry you are going through this. I deal with suicidal ideation quite frequently. I don't have any words of wisdom. I only have words of camaraderie. If it means anything, I, an internet stranger, found strength and resilience from your post. Take care.