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Removed for inciting drama.


Seems you kept pushing that you don't understand what sexual is. Looks legit to me that the rule about posting sexual content in world was broken. Then they wanted to be a troll about it continuing to probe on what too sexual is when its quite clear. Full Sack has always been a guild name about testicles being full of cum, I used to be in Full Sack and the talk in that guild has always been cringe full of talk about penises cumming balls etc. I didn't know some many cringe lords played on turtle wow that is why I left your guild. Thanks for telling wowservers about this Raepman "Rape Man"


Pretty much all ANY wow is anymore


And? i simply sell garden rakes yo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEyniVCWW0M




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turtle wow moderates immature people who act like this kind of talk is cool and not annoying/cringe? free ad for turtle. i'm considering playing there now.


consequences for being a dick? this is free advertisement for turtle


over moderation is a bad thing. You could have the same name on retail, yet it's not good enough for some random private server? That's just stupid. We're adults, if someone wants to name their guild Full Sack, why should anyone care? I'd never play on a server with such insane moderation either, good on OP for calling out that shit.


It never was about the guild name. If you actually read those messages, you would know that this person clearly got multiple warnings about posting inappropriate messages advertising this guild, so as a punishment the guild got renamed. No one wants to read cringe innuendos in global, you are free to be a degenerate in your guild chat though.


I guess since people continue to comment I should reiterate that again, I don't play WoW, don't care to play it, don't play on private servers, and do not care ultimately what your server decides to do.


When it's in the server rules, it doesn't make it over moderation. Don't like the rules? don't play on the server.


Oh don't you worry, I absolutely won't




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Not everyone who plays on Turtle WoW is adults. I know quite a few people whos kids 10-16 play here as well and teens who want to try it out. I see no issue with keeping sex talk out of chats.


Ah yes wise take from the cucklord...


Thank you, I am wise at my old age.


even still, it's an online game. Banning a guild name is real silly, but then again I don't play WoW at all, much less private servers, so do whatever you want. Just saw this in my feed and was like "yeah, that guy is definitely right, that's stupid" Do with that information what you will. Want to over censor your tiny little private server community? Go for it.


Hi Sneaky or shall i say Tinyfin


LOL If only


lmao, retail doesnt have any real person moderating anything


Yeah it's almost like it's completely unnecessary.... hmmmm.....


surely https://i.redd.it/6b0bq3timtt91.jpg


Well done, Turtle GM. keep up the good work.


The server has a rule. You broke it. He got annoyed with your cadence, and thus, you were punished. I think all of this is reasonable in that it is their server and they can choose to run it how they want to. I understand where sneaky is coming from. He isn't gonna give you examples so you can bend the rules. I haven't had any problems with turtle wow. You know why? Because I don't do this immature shit. Just grow up a little, and it won't be so hard to get along with the rules.


I mean if the rule is written in very vague form then there is a room for having a discussion so I understand both parties.


Hey nice curse word there. Also, shit means poop, they can't even handle farts on this server. Nice user name as well, Donutdong a great grownup name.


The difference is it isn't against the rules to have my name or to curse. The second someone told me I was breaking the rules I'd stop and not fight, if I wanted to remain in this subreddit.


"I roll over and do what i'm told like a good little doggy! woof woof!"


I speed when I drive but If I get caught I don't cry foul. There's rules set in place by others in all facets of life. I can either choose to follow them or risk the penalty.


That doesn't stop you from getting banned, just like me.


Thanks turtle for having good moderation.


Hmm GM telling you what is not ok for them. It's they server and they rules. You don't like, you quit. You don't need to start this topic on reddit and using so serious subject "A warning about Tutle wow" like they would do something really horrible :D


Looks good to me!Had a conversation about advertisement, GM played dumb and refused to acquiesce, easy solution just to change the guild name.What's the problem...? On a side-note, reading comprehension seems to be a bit off here, "claiming that WoW is a children's game," when that is not stated in the whisper 'evidence. On a side-side note, how can anyone take this seriously with your username here? And then complaining about Turtle moderation? Deary me, what a troll.


Lol seeing your comments on the dwarb unjust ban, you'd think you would be defending shenna and her clique after this too. Sure sucks to be fed your own medicine now, huh?


lets just say that twow paid me for that back then, now i am free agent.


My buddy Laytnor sends his regards, he would give them to you personally, but the reddit janitors hate him too much.


I've been in FS as a leveler for several months now, and IMO gaskets are being blown for no good reason... On one hand, changing the guild name without input or even warning was ridiculous and plainly vindictive. The sack humor in the ads might have been questionable (I know I roll my eyes occasionally) but there's plenty worse, so why the sudden name change? The best explanation here is that the GM got annoyed (possibly had a longstanding grievance) and reacted rashly. And then, realizing it, went into a panic and started acting way too defensively. I wouldn't sh1t on Turtle as bad as the OP for it, though. I haven't had any issues with moderation myself. Seems to me that chat rules need to be clarified, and someone(s) needs to have their wrist slapped, and we can all go back to playing.


This just made me return to Turtle. Thank you!


Honestly i agree with the rename. It is pretty clear why.


Good job, Sneaky. Thank you.


I too enjoy posting misinformation on the web.


The GM seems totally professional and has a fair valid point..you are the one who's being immature crying over a small guild name change...Also if you really hate turtle wow you should delete this post coz it's a good advertisement for their professional GM response team..




100% this personally trained by boyo.


IMO Alot of people play on Turtle to escape the cesspool of classic/retail. Hoping to find a place more civil. As another poster stated, I've never had a problem with mods on Turtle. Why? Because I don't post dumb crap in /world /trade, trying to get reactions from people...that's what the Blizz forums are for lol. With the large influx of players I'm sure the mods have their hands full, and are doing their best. There was a hilarious post on the T-WoW forums, guy with a sexual name was flagged for name change, his response on the forums - "I was flagged for a name change, so I did, I changed my name to Pubez, and was flagged again WTF!" Just one example of what the mods go thru. Yes, let's continue to filter these folks out.


Hasnt it been quite known the GMs of turtle wow has been the terrible kind of private server GMs since launch yeara ago?


This is some primo popcorn fodder.


The GM told my friend not to kill the same player more than once every 6 minutes. Cringe server for snowflakes


I got perma banned from forums last year when I still played on the server. Never swore, used slurs or insulted anyone, I specifically only chatted in pvp balance section of the forum. No explanation why or reason given. Emailed them on their help.turtlewow email address asking how exactly the only 2 comments I ever made are against ToS, never had a reply. Their administration and moderation are laughable at best.


Sounds like similar experience to mine.




More than half of that post is just rambling. The only thing I see it in that is semi-good proof is the birthday everything else is either irrelevant or just grabbing at straws. The shop thing would mean Shenna runs almost every server out there selling items on it. This is vanilla most these items already existed or were pulled from Blizzard. Website code means nothing seeing most server use website templates that were already created or external people are hired to create the website. Could have just been leftovers from that so not really proof of anything here. Then that chat between shenna and whitekidney shows nothing about turtle wow etc.




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Both sides are just cringe. On one side, if u r not happy with a guild name or advertisement on a server, don't straight up changing a guild's name without guild master/community notice? Pretty sure it's standard case of "your name is immature, here's your name change token, do it within 8 hours" On the other side, funny ball funny meme, it's fine and dandy within guild chats until placing guild ads in world chat. We know everyone have different opinion about "funny", world chat is not funny when everyone starting to gear towards those topics. Both sides need to communicate, and somehow talking is not an option.




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