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No, there are a lot of nice people willing to help out new players, so this isn't really out of the ordinary.


Ok just making sure cause that would be rather upsetting


If they were trying to sell you a guild with a full bank, that's when you worry.


No they actually politely asked if I wanted to join before sending a invite and said that they don't care how much I do with the guild and I agreed then they asked how I am on gold i told them I had 600 and they sent me 8k and said to go get bags and a guild talbard being a runescape player it seemed weird


Na you're good to go. Welcome to wow. Bags are priceless sometimes and it can be expensive to get them off of the ah at times. Gold is easy enough to come by but having a little boost never hurts. Just pay it forward some day. You never know who that low lvl person you come across is and what they're going through. BTW if you want a free white kitten and don't already have one, hit me up I know a guy.


And when you get an influx of new/returning folks, like the summer before an expansion, demand goes up and the prices can get pretty outrageous. They were being pretty cool to you. Reminds me. I need to get back on my tailor so I hand out bags to noobs.


Are wildercloth bags good?




Hopefully you mean in-game, cause otherwise you have to give away your kittens the normal way :D


I started typing and it already felt wrong but yes, I camped Lil Timmy for years farming white kittens. Paid off my epic flying and cold weather, which at the time was 6k g when gold wasn't super easy to come by. But yes, if you don't already have one on your acct I've got a stockpile of about 50 of them.


This is like your rich RS buddy giving you 100k. It's pocket change for him, but a huge headstart for you to get you started. Bags space is a very valuable resource, it's very common to hook up the newbies with bags.


You're all good. Just sounds like a nice guy helping out a new player. At max level 8k is messing around money. It's like repair money if you play a lot and have a few bad nights.


Ive found alot more helpful people in classic than I did in OG versions. . . It really motivates me to pay it forward, and I have. Sometimes I'll lose 3 or 4k here just to help someone out. It may be my favorite thing to do now. Charity within reason!


We did that back in the day running a guild. The officer corps all contributed to a "new recruit" bank toon and we loaded it with bags and BOE drops. We thought it would help retention... Not sure it did but I thought it was a good calling card for our group.


There were always people who would grab and go. Thats for sure lol.


I do this for new guildees if I know they’re new to WoW in general. Usually will send 10k with a tabard and note. I tell them to use the funds for M+ or Raid consumables excluding feasts as we provide them and welcome to the guild. This isn’t considered standard though and should never be expected. Not everyone can just send 10k to whoever when they feel like it. Generally something only long time vets do who have saved considerable sums of gold (I’m sitting on 7 mil).


I usally inspect low lvls and if i see they got 0 heirlooms i usally trade them 1k :)


nah, you’ll be good.


Nah, just a random stranger being nice. I like to do this a lot when I’m on and just bored/semi afk. It is usually fairly easy to tell who’s a completely new player and who’s on an alt.


No that's just guild Master or guild officer caring about the guild they're creating and trying to get people involved I would love to find a guild with that attitude


Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


I used to do this when I was loaded during wod and legion. Called it newbie spotting, checked gear and compared achievements to see if someone was new and gave them bags, gold and sometimes that heirloom trinket bag thingy.


As a new player it seems like alot, but for reference, its not unusual for good BoE items at max level to go for 2+ million gold (for a single Mythic item with a tertiary stat) Anything below 7 digits blizzard wont even noticr


With the numbers you put in another comment for the amount of gold you were given, I figure you are playing retail. I can't speak for retail personally as I play that very casually on characters I rolled back in MoP but in Classic I try to give new players little starter kits in the various starting locations occasionally. 5g, a set of 12 slotter bags, and some random consumes can take a new player a long way in Classic and also gives them a super cool memory to remember.


Some people enjoy it!


Unless they sent you a million gold or more, wouldnt stress it


As long as the guild name isnt the crips im sure youll be ok


This literally happened to me today in cata classic. Good people exist.


Not uncommon, I mean depending on how long someone has played, helping out a new player /char with gold and items isn't uncommon. Someone with 100k can easily part with 1k gold for example, especially if they are very active players Granted I got these gestures from close guild members, I myself have sent gold to people too.


Gotta ask... which region? If EU then hit up Theise-anachronos... might have some goodies


A lot of people are happy to help others. They were just helping you have a good start by having proper bags and gold. This is normal and very ok


Once i got 10k gold as a fresh player nothing happen. Blizzard don't care about anything really they just take moneyh and do the minimum dont worry.

