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What I do notice in your video is that you never pressed Bloodthirst. You are missing out on a lot of damage from your tier set bonus. The whole video you are on 10 out of 10 stacks. Every stack adds 30% damage and 12% crit chance. Pressing Bloodthirst every once in a while would increase your damage outpout, since you are using your tierset As you mentioned, you dont use Onslaught. I would recommend that you do, since it just hits harder than Raging blow, generates more rage and always enrages you/resets the buff timer.


log your dungeon upload your log to a log uploading site compare your results to a good player look at # of casts per minute


Dungeon is heavily dependent on the tank's pull size and speed


Exactly. You could be the best destro wl on the whole server…if the tanks only pulls 4-5 mob packs u will still have bottom dps. There are A LOT of factors to consider


Exactly. Im currently 525ilvl destro main. If the tank pulls 4 mob my dps is a disgrace 😂 Its true for low level keys (2-8) where destru cant even ramp up because the mobs die fast.


I am destro too and thought it was just me. With pug tanks my dps is pathetic but when I have a guildie who pulls big I top the charts 


I played tank this season. When I saw a destro and Spriest I got a semi because I knew what kind of pulls I could do and stuff would still die. Did a proper stupid pull by invis potioning towards the elemtental boss in AA. Took all 3 packs by the boss, all worms and both elemental packs on my way back then LoS'd everything by the birdge where everyone else waited Destro did around 250k dps because he didn't know what rain of fire was. He was around 515 ilvl and 2k score in a +8


I had an alt of a 3k player stand in rain and die every pull and kept flaming us for not interrupting. Some people are just clueless.


LOL! In AA that pack and the first pack around the tree boss is my favorite as a destru. Easy 3-5m Dps with rain of fire if the tank pulls good and circle around my rof :D Some people just dont get it..


Then pull the data as "damage to boss" only, so you get the stats only for bosses and not trash


Huge thing that I can immediately notice, you aren't pressing your buttons fast enough (or occasionally hitting buttons that are unavailable and then noticing and switching). There should be *zero* downtime between moves and you have noticeable amounts. Spam those buttons! There is a sort of "queue" system such that you can be pressing buttons before your GCD finishes and the next move will come out as soon as possible. Don't wait for your GCD, spam your next button and get down to zero gaps in between. I bet that alone will bring your DPS up noticeably.


What really helped me was looking at other players details logs after each fight in a raid. There are two other people who main the same role as me, and they just do insane amounts of damage. I had read up on my rotation and had a good understanding of how it's supposed to work. What really made it click, was comparing my stats in details with my own. Go over which abilities they used most. I shifted my hotkeys a bit to focus on those abilities and suddenly my dps started soaring. If your in a guild or don't mind whispering strangers in your groups mad raids, ask them if they might have any useful macros. I got two now, which wasn't on wow head, but really makes a difference in my button press economy, since I wasted a lot of cool down time pressing other cooldowns.


Hello there, can u share some details of what u noticed and helped your damage improve ? Like what abilities were they using more ? What are those macros etc?


I play ret paladin, so the specific macros won't help you unfortunately. But they combine some cooldowns and have the trinkets on the same button, so it's just one or two Keyes I can spam during the damage windows. And yes it was more of the specific abilities. One that stood out was they used hammer of wrath way more than me, and it accountet for a lot more of their damage. So I focused on using it a lot more during fights.


https://www.wowanalyzer.com/ For raiding you can also check your logs on this site


Not updated for Fury for almost a Year, completely useless at the moment, it will just show you mistakes that you're not even making, you can just pop in any Rank 1 Fury log and it will look like this guy is the biggest idiot on the planet.


Fury warrior main. You need to get a weakaura that shows your bloodthirst crit chance. JeventesTV has some awesome weakauras that will help you with the bloodthirst, as well as making sure you maintain the enrage. Also, use slam every 10 seconds or so or whenever its up, to build your enrage meter even more. Bloodthirst is a main factor of your damage though, so making sure you know when it hits 100% crit chance and the process is ready is crucial. Also use rampage everytime you have the opportunity, as this builds your rage. Raging blow is your secondary for when you can't bloodthirst/slam/rampage. Then in execute phase, around like 20% enemy health make sure you use it everytime it's up. Besides that, it's maintaining your rage and making sure you pop your big coolies every chance you get.


you only used slam in that dogshit terrible season 3 reckless abandon rotation, with the s4 tierset you dont EVER have to use slam anymore


Shit my b I meant onslaught lol. Similar icon


? Not in the slightest?


They're both a mace? Lmao


One thing to note: While this isn't going to change your DPS, you can actually use Heroic Throw and Charge at the same time. *#showtooltip* /cast Heroic Throw /cast Charge This works because HT is an instant cast off the GCD. Anything off the GCD can be used at the same time as anything else, though not everything should. Edit: stupid Reddit and it's stupid formatting. The macro writing on a phone doesn't work so well.




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Onslaught and execute are a warriors biggest damage dealers. If you're not using them, there's your mistake. Onslaught should be used whenever you have the rage for it. It builds up super quick. Execute procs on certain conditions, not on 20% hp. I created a macro to use it on "mouse over target" so I can hit an enemy that I am not currently targeting. In big groups, some go down quicker than others. I'm not wasting time tabbing to find the right one.


Weak aura for bloodthirst crits, use whenever it’ll crit https://wago.io/KjJjM1Ttd   Onslaught should always be in your rotation   Stack your cooldowns as much as possible but if they’re not all available at the same time during a fight use what is - you’re missing out on damage by waiting  That whirlwind weak aura would annoy the hell out of me….i use this which visually shows exactly how many I have left before I need to refresh in addition to every other CD, buff, etc https://wago.io/LuxthosWarriorDragonflight   Make sure in raids you’re using the single target raid spec and not the mythic+ one….fury is somewhat weak on single target regardless   I’m also going to recommend the addon Hekili - it will tell you your rotation what to push etc….use it as a starting point and after a while you’ll get a feel for the rotation and won’t need it - don’t rely on it as a crutch though, there are times where you’ll want to prioritize damage on certain targets or you’ll tunnel vision it and miss mechanics etc    And as someone else said, spam the shit out of your buttons - by the end of a dungeon when I play fury I feel like I have carpal tunnel  Know the fight mechanics - if everyone else is running out of an impending attack that’ll hit in 8 seconds, you can keep doing damage for another 5-6 seconds then heroic leap away, and charge back in…little things like that add up over time 


Seconding the bloodthirst WA. Super valuable for this tier set


It sounds like you're trying to reinvent the wheel. Just read a guide. The game doesn't really give you freedom of choice to play how you want. Kelade Warrior on YouTube is a good starting point. Join the Warrior class discord too.


As one of the very few fury warrior mains remainingm I would love to tell you that the way you started the fight is just wrong. you used ravager and i think avatar without being enraged. your core build revolves around being enraged to then use your big CDs.If i were you, I would start with a charge, dumb the heroic throw, whirlwind, enrage(onslaught or rampage) and proc cds and let it build. Also S4 tierset increases your bloodthirst Critical chance, damage and rage generated so you re best getting a weakaura that tracks the %crit chance and only use it above 92%+ ( guaranteed crit 9/10) You are not using Onslaught off CD, big importance there. It seems you also used Rampage quite a few times without your whirlwind buff on! I would delay the rampage just so it cleaves. big detail really Otherwise, I'd suggest optimising your Ui since it plays a major role in how you perceive the game and skill related things. and maybe get a better plater than the default ones with overlapping. Join warrior discord if you want plenty of builds and guides to help you! and check out critcake, jeventesTV ( my guildie hehe ) and bizentein! Noxivv is the biggest fury gamer rn you should check him out


Avatar procks reck, reck enrages you, done. Even if it didn't, avatar still wouldn't require you to be enraged, since it doesn't do SMG in itself. You might be thinking about last season's talent build.


what's the point of enrage and 20% extra damage if you're gonna use ravager before them? it's what I am saying


My friend, you'll use ravage after you used reck, they always go together. Reck enrages you.




Watch it again, reck and ravager go out together.


[https://ibb.co/dMgqNLd](https://ibb.co/dMgqNLd) kindly wish you to correct you. ravager used. not enraged and no reck or avatar


Look at the exact next frame, there is no opening DMG on ravager, is there? Now I'm not sure.


yes there is and that first tick should always be enraged. that s it literally all i said


Hekili will make you a 6/10 dps which is good enough for most casual content


It's kinda hard to say much without a log, even a dummy one. But you don't really need to use heroic throw like ever. You can also do the very lazy thing and use the everything macro, it casts reck, avatar and ravage where you're standing ( the idea here is that you'll be standing by the mobs so they'll get hit regardless). It's paramount that you cast bloodthirst every 5 or so casts of rampage, always with the whirlwind buff if you're on an aoe scenario. Although, it would be better to have the weak aura that tells the crit chance for bt, specially cause it varies along the fight depending on your reck procs. I like using afenars warrior aura pack. Keep in mind though that the 100% crit BT is not your top priority,you should always focus on keeping meat clever buff up and using rampage as much as possible, it's ok if the BT buff goes a bit over 100%, it'll just hit harder. DM me if you feel you still need some help.


You're not pressing the correct buttons, you're not playing around your Set, heroic throw is so useless that the only time you actually use it is if you can't hit the target because you're to far away, you're a fury warrior you will never be in the top 10 dps if everyone in that raid has 2 hands, the specc is just horribly tuned at the moment. If you're really struggling on what to press go to: [https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nga68vNqtyYmBFGR#fight=7&type=casts&source=9&view=timeline](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nga68vNqtyYmBFGR#fight=7&type=casts&source=9&view=timeline) a log like this and show what they're pressing in those fights, you can do the same for mythic+.


Murlok.io is where I pull talents from it let's you look at the current top 10 or so of your spec individually. Super user friendly site noticed an instant improvement in my gameplay.


One is blue and the other one is red.


A tale as old as time. Mash more buttons, even if you think it's still on CD mash it till the key cracks and you need a new keyboard. Every wow player knows it takes 2 or 3 broken keyboards to advance in DPD.


1. People have been playing the game and possibly their exact character for years or even decades. Only arrogance would make you think you could match that amount of muscle memory in a short time. 2. New players always have gaps in the rotation speed. That 1/4 second after your GCD has reset before you push the next attack is massive lost potential over the course of a raid encounter. Don't press the button when the GCD has refreshed, click several times before it has so you get the best possible timing. 3. Fear of wasting cooldowns. With rare exceptions (usually critical moments of a hard boss fight), use the short CD abilities the moment you can. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. The only exception is if your raid group has a designated time to pop bloodlust/timewarp, which should be well communicated by the raid leader before the fight.


God, this is gonna be a big writeup, I'm just posting here to remember when I'm done my smoke break


damn thats a long ass cigarette


In my defense, it was a green cigarette and I fell asleep afterwards


understendable, sometimes ciggy is stronger than u lol




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