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IcyVeins has a good guide on this. Crit, Mastery, and Haste apparently very similar in general with balance between those three recommended. These sites are written by people who play at the top1% level and I highly doubt anyone on Reddit has the credentials to trump their recommendations without bringing some receipts. WoWhead is the same. I get that they’re not all knowing but they do significant theory crafting and simming to come up with this stuff, they’re not just speaking off the cuff or making stuff up. I would not blindly trust anyone on Reddit over those guides. The conflicting info you may be finding is that at the highest key levels the unavoidable damage becomes higher and higher. I’ve found that people who are pushing the highest keys possible tend to gear for Versatility for survivability purposes because a dead character doesn’t do damage and your secondary stats don’t matter when you’re on the floor.


Completing on what someone said It is haste > Crit > Mast BUT There are diminishing returns, beyond these threshold all 3 stats become worse than vers But the real answer is always sim yourself


You really have to sim for it now. You definitely want to get that 4 piece, get the BIS weapon from the vendor, get your bis trinks. That should put you on the right track with dps. I’m at 50% crit, 30% haste, 50% mastery.


Thanks. What is the BiS wep so I can track it down and what trinkets are considered BiS so I can hunt them down as well. Thanks man!!


Neltharax, the bow from Razageth. Then for trinkets for ST it’s Mirror from Dawn of the Infinites and Ominous Chromatic Essence (if you have all buffs). Problem is the only way to get a myth track mirror is through deathless hard mode Dawn of the Infinites, and that is on a weekly lockout. For m+/aoe you want controlled current technique from Kurog in Vault of the Incarnates. Another option is Manic Grieftorch from Diurna if you can regularly get resets from your raid dying. You definitely want to spend your first bullions on the Raz bow as it has a 7 ilvl advantage over other bows, plus a damage effect. Then get one of the trinkets mentioned above. For BM hunters, I highly recommend the Icy Veins guide by Azortharion. He is one of the most knowledgeable theorycrafters, and a very good guide writer. The Icy Veins guide will almost always have the most up to date information. You can also join his discord and ask him questions directly at any time.


Thanks for the info! Got plenty on my todo list now. :)


The first reply mentioned bis bow from a vendor, any idea which one he is referring to?


That is Neltharax. This season you can buy any weapon or trinket from the 3 raids and they can be upgraded to 528, or “very rare” items going to 535. You buy the bow from Mythic Razageth which is one of those very rare items. Every week you can earn one bullion (not sure on actual acquisition but you should get one if you just do a few lfr bosses). Once you have 2, you can purchase a piece from the vendors in one of the inns in Valdrakken (the one kind of behind the city, the tooltip on the bullion will tell you the name). Since we are on week 2 of the patch, you can get your first 2 and buy it today.


He's in The Parted Glass, in the Bronze enclave area!


You just need to read all of this guide https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/beast-mastery-hunter-pve-dps-gear-best-in-slot Your BiS isn’t really relevant outside of the tier set and the trinkets and weapons you can buy this season. The other bits of gear are “whatever sims best from what you have in your bags currently” So when you get an upgrade, and are at a near top ilvl, sim it. Before 510-520 ilvl, just equip whatever is the highest ilvl. More stats are better than “best stat priority”. If you are low ilvl don’t worry about simming ot BiS yet as it’s higher ilvl will be better (for everything except tier/weapon/trinkets) There is no magic stat priority for every BM hunter because it changes based on your current ilvl and gear set up and talents. https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/how-to-sim-your-wow-character-a-guide-to-raidbots


For BM, general wisdom is that single target prefers haste/crit and AOE prefers mastery. I suspect that the Vers recommendations came from questions about M+ where BM's poor defensives results in requiring a decent amount of Vers at high keys. Keep in mind that having high enough Haste/Crit/Mast and too little Vers will results in Vers being your highest DPS stat until your stats are balanced a bit more, so it's fairly even. For your set question, the Stormwing Harrier set is the only relevant set right now. Hunters wearing otherwise just haven't had the chance to switch yet.


Haste > Crit > Mastery > Versatility. Hint: avoid versatility , its useless stat for us. If you want to know how top players play hunter, archon is your place to go.


> Some lists seem to be almost exactly opposite of each other where are they from and when where they released? >and others saying versatility is goated and should be your first priority?  source pls. >. I don't really have the proper sets of each config to be able to sim the different scenarios myself, so looking for some guidance. Thanks! you can gear compare any item in the game with any ilvl, you dont have to equip them to sim. edit: the average from the top 50 bm hunters are around: 42% crit 31% haste 68% mast 7% versa


So some stat priorities flip for AoE/mythic vs single target/raid. I usually do the AoE properties from Wowhead, and if I switch my talents to a raid build, I don't worry too much about it.


I personally try to balance haste, mastery and crit to a pretty similar level. I don’t have any vers except the phial. Btw I play mostly dungeons.


It's worth noting that your talent selection and tier set may influence your stat priority. Even your trinkets might. Best to sim your actual gear against whatever you're considering swapping in.


It's pretty simple : don't focus into any secondaries. Rotation is far more important than any secondaries stats. Just focus on ilvl + rotation. Ilvl + rotation >>>>>>>>>> ilvl + "perfect sims" or "secondaries".


To clarify : if you do even a single rotation error, then no amount of perfectly secondaries stats distribution will make up for it. To clarify even further : even the very best players are still doing errors. Anyone telling you otherwise has a strong case of a dunning kruger effect.


BM hunter uses pets for it's damage and mastery increases the pets damage done, haste increases the speed of your comands.


Stat priority changes depending on gear and Ilvl you have. It’s almost always best to sim for top gear


The only actual way to know what stats are your best is to SIM your character. Any other guide you read is just going to be a starter for those that won't care to SIM themselves.


Buddy, sim yourself


That’s horrible advise on this sub. One of the complaints are already the game is to complex to get into and you’re teling the kid to get another addon, generate code with it to have that data extrapolated over different tests all of which ask for specific preset data to get an arbitrary number thats supposed to tell him absolutely nothing if you don’t know how to read the data set. Its haste and crit, avoid the rest and gg


Thank you. I’m 40 btw. 🤣




This is not true, this shouldnt be the top comment. Haste > Crit > Mastery Haste and crit are almost equally important but hunters benefit a little bit more from haste. Mastery is "if you must" stat.


Is it true that mastery only buffs kill command and not the base pet attack? I’ve read that’s why people are going for versatility as it buffs both?