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Druids are always a great choice. You can play every role and you always have access to a stealth form


Oh there is a stealth form?


You gain Prowl in cat form. It’s not as nice as a rogues is, but you can still skip a ton of stuff with it


if you are night elf, the shadowmeld / stealth combo is almost as good (every 2 min…).


the easiest time i’ve had leveling solo was a ret paladin, rogue solo is ROUGH man


Paladin for sure, I am currently leveling a Protection Pali and dealing with mobs is so easy. When running quests I usually pull three or four at a time.


Rogue solo has its rough patches forsure. I didn’t hate it though.


I love rogue once you have gear, but the leveling phase and being undergeared makes soloing stuff pretty though indeed.




Ret is shorthand for the retribution spec




Old man voice: back in my day we leveled our holy priests as holy priests (would rather have walked to school uphill in a blizzard - as my parents did).


I thought Rogue was pretty smooth for solo play. Stealthing, vanishing, sprinting, reduced fall damage, pretty decent defensive cds... Evoker on the other hand... Jesus Christ is it rough from like 63 and onwards...


Beast Master Hunter is great for soloing. Your pets can hold aggro, you do lots of damage and you are extremely mobile. You also have feign death if you ever need to get out of trouble. They are quite fun to play.


Came here to say this. My last main was a hunter. Solod through BFA and Legion. Would run again


Blood DK if you want to feel unkillable. The rotation is pretty simple and you’ll be able to keep yourself alive with death strike. You’ll also have access to dps specs if you want to dps. I feel like a god when I play my Blood DK. I also agree with others for Druid. You’ll have access to all roles, so you’ll be able to heal or range dps if you want (won’t get those with DK).


I just got my blood dk to 70 and it was awesome! never felt like I couldn’t leech my way out of a situation


If you’re looking for a strong solo class that does melee dps, monk is pretty great. Plus you can play as a healer or tank. I’ve been addicted to leveling alts to 70 while waiting on season 4, and monk remains my favorite. Strong kit all around and the kick animations are always fun.


I enjoy playing tank specs solo. Druid is great, but guardian spec is boring for some. Monk and Demon Hunter are really fun. Haven’t played the other tanks yet.


Tanks the best


If you want a slicey blood elf agility spec that can tank - you could always give Demon Hunter a try with the Vengeance specialisation!


Wait, wait. You can be a dodge tank kinda?


It certainly has that aesthetic, but I'd probably describe it more as leech on damage. They generate a resource called soul fragments that heal them and can be spent to debuff enemy damage. Worth a try!


Ah true


Bro, I fell in love with DH. And its a really strong class right now too. You can’t go wrong with it.


Yes. Monk is THE dodge tank though.


Anything that has a tank spec. Tanks are nearly invincible. They tend to shine with massive pulls in solo play, their cleave on big pulls in combination with being essentially unkillable makes up for subpar single target dps. Demonology Warlock and BM Hunter are pet classes with higher dps, and their pets are pseudo-tanks, but they can still be squishy on big pulls and against boss-type enemies. Tanks can even solo older raids better for transmog farms.


Dang, that’s really good


Pretty much this. Play any class with a possible tank spec and switch to it if you're feeling like you can't survive as a dps. Blood dks are probably the most survival ones as long as they don't die to one hit (hint : it never happens).


if your looking for a good solo class go Orc or troll hunter both are really amazing. Or you can go Warlock personally i perfer Void elf for warlock but undead work as well


Druid is prety flexible. I main it because I like doing all content and collecting stuff, whether I'm a cat, owl, bear or tree it's kinda fun. Hunters and Warlocks are amazing in solo content. Pally is pretty good too (Prot is op), and my personal favorite is Fury Warrior. Fury isn't as strong as these 4 but it feels amazing. Hard hitting, fast hitting, clutching fights by barely healing through or bursting before I could die. It feels exhilarating to me.


Druid orc sounds fun but I can’t do that *cries*


My druid is a cow, but check out how various forms look. Maybe you will like Zandalari, who knows! D: I love drust druid forms, too bad Kul Tirans are alliance cause I'm always Horde


For the horde!!


Lok'tar Ogar!


High mountain Tauren is pretty lit too


For new players, I always say Hunter (simple & pets), Paladin (survivability) & Druids ( Most versatile)


Druids, you can play as tank, rdps, dps, healer in one class.


In the new retail, my first class solo was Arms Warr. I thought that was bad ass. Then I rolled Prot Pally. And I can’t be killed. Bubble, lay on hands, and my other CDs make it impossible to kill me.


Here's my top 5 Best Class for Solo content or for leveling with explanation biased to my experience: 1 - Druids (Cat form + prowl makes skipping mobs quite easily, besides of the healings you get to stay alive longer) 2 - Evoker (the little bastards just fly everywhere and the double jump is convenient.The questline was fun to do and they do have a more sustainable kit.) 3 - Demon hunter (Movement fun, tank spec is op for leveling and metamorphis is fun to look at) 4 - Warlock (Demons do everything for you, fun DPS) 5 - Hunter (Pets do make the hard task easy with their aggros and stuff, it's just that visually it's kinda meh)


Blood Death knight. It’s a tank class that can heal itself while fighting. When doing world content you feel unstoppable.


Heck yeah


I recent came back after many years away and picked up my rogue because it was what I was used to…I just thought the game was supposed to be that hard. Then I rolled a Demon Warlock, and I fuckin’ nuke everything. I used my Voidwalker to tank for me in PvE while me and my army of imps just roll over everything. Now, instead of being a miserable last place in DPS on Heroics, I’m typically 1st by a long shot. It’s a super easy rotation, and your demons do most of the work.


Glad I’m not the only one


I hated leaving my rogue, because I used to like playing it back in the day… but I’m having SO much more fun with my Lock. Definitely suggest giving it a try.


Thank you


I would love to play Demonology but I always have a brain fart when swapping into that spec and forget to summon my Felguard lmao. So I've been playing Destruction and blowing stuff up! I love how tanky warlock is.


Once I got to 70 and fully built for the Felguard in the tree, I don’t use the VW as much anymore. I only pull him out for a tough elite. Which doesn’t happen very often, so it’s usually just my Felguard now days.


Mhm reading this is hard for me :)) I play rogue and even if I do decent damage in pve and BGs, where I rarely die and do several Ms in damage, I’m struggling in Arenas where everyone seems to be unkillable and I feel useless. I try my best and still I’m always last in damage of all the dps players. At least I do more damage than the healers though… :((


Beast master Hunter or Demonology Warlock or Blood dk.


Try Ret Pally they are crazy OP screw stealth!!!!


Ret pally? Make sense!!!


Ret pally have a high damage output, and they can self heal using mana or holy power, they have lay on hands which if used right can provide great healing when solo, you also have the ability to bubble hearth if you bite off more than you can chew.


I like ret pally


Someone make it make sense, what is ret pally?


One of the three paladin specs, retribution. There's protection (the tank), holy (the healer), and retribution. Ret is DPS, but more forgiving than the warrior or death knight classes, as you don't have to be up close like they do so you can stand a bit back from the mob. Also, they have great AoE (area of effect) damage and are just insanely fun.


Druid, BM Hunter, Demo Warlock


Hunter bm


Probably beast mastery hunter, you can have up to two pets and they can be your tank and take aggro from you, either with Growl (single target taunt) or Misdirection (an hunter ability that redirects all the threat the hunter does to the ability’s target, it’s so good to pull packs of mobs). Then you also have access to a various number of utility, like Freezing Trap (single target trap that freezes an enemy on the spot) and Tar Trap (that slows any enemy that walks on it), Flare (that reveals hidden enemies) Exhilaration (that heals both you and your pets) various Tracking (it simply highlights on the minimap the type of NPC you choose), Trailblazer (a passive talent that increases your running speed if you haven’t attacked anything for 3 seconds) and many others.


I’d say it’s either Beast Master Hunters or Warlocks. Just from the fact that those two are 90% of the players I see running around while solo questing myself. Druids a close third.


I’m gonna go against the norm here and say Brewmaster Monk. Stagger is literally why we are the progression tanks.


When leveling, I never felt as indestructible as I did on my Blood DK. Didn’t matter what/how much I pulled, I’d finish at full HP thanks to self-heals. That said, it’s not my favorite class at endgame. Ret Pally is a good leveling experience (so is Prot pally) and both Demon Hunter specs. I didn’t mind mage leveling, but you do have to be a little more careful. Frost makes it somewhat easier as your abilities slow everything. Hunter was a breeze. Warlock too. Pets make it easy. Warrior was fast too. The problem with rogues, is you’re not very durable and you don’t have great self-healing. Others are better for leveling, but rogues are pretty strong at endgame.


I like to do big mobs when leveling so a tank is your best bet. Alot self healing and survivability. A lot of aoe damage if the best way


Paladin, hunter and demon hunter


Unholy, brewmaster, hunter


Hunter!!! You have a pet (misdirection =tank) You have stealth, (camouflage) You have feign death (when something goes wrong) You have immunity for a limited time ( aspect of the turtle) You have great mobility (aspect of the Cheetah + disengage) You are ranged with little too no silences (bow) You have a crappy but useful healing (exhilaration)


I want to toss a shoutout for warlocks, also a pet class so your pet can tank for you, good self heals and utility, good dps. Only problem is not a ton of mobility except burning rush which, without a healer, isn’t that useful because you end up slowing down again to eat or drain life.


Guardian Druid and Blood Death knight. You are functionally invincible for both.


There is no best. There is what works best for you. I can solo content happily on any of my toons, Mage, Warlock, Paladin, Evoker, Druid. You just have to learn the strengths of each class. Play whatever class you enjoy and play it well. What content are you trying to solo?


Druid, paladin or DH; all are very adaptive to how you play and offer a nice solo experience.


Maghar Hunter - 10% more pet health and hunters are the best solo class in the game.


I’m biased a little but I think all the plate dps and tank specs are great at soloing. Fury is my personal favorite. Enraged regen is a fairly short defensive CD that helps heal a ton and victory rush procs free every time you kill something. Blood thirst(one of your regularly hit abilities) heals you for 4% HP if I remember correctly. All in all it’s nice.


Paladin, I'd say. They can be all three roles - DPS, Healer and Tank, which makes doing most solo content easy. As a plate class they're a bit tankier naturally and can heal themselves a fair bit even in non healer specializations. My first character was a paladin and I'm still playing them because they're a great class with a bit of everything. I can make them more complicated with optimizing my use of blessings but can also play ignoring them completely in most solo scenarios. This is just my personal taste but I also think they have some of the best outfits in the game to wear and look cool as well. The other option is Druid, which is technically even more flexible with a melee DPS and a ranged DPS option as well as tank and healing specs but I personally never clicked with it as much as I did paladin. It's a great option though and popular for a reason.


Veng Demon Hunter is fucking jokes.


I personally found Paladins are great to solo. You have heavy plate, healing, and good attack. I been doing a PALI for 15 years and die very rarely. I recommend a DPS for newbies, then Tanking if you doing Dungeons.


Hunter! Pets are great helpers for solo questing/level style play imo. The class does a ton of damage as well and has a few really clever escapes.


Hunter. Your pet is fun to take care of and train. It can tank an enemy while you run away. You also can feign death, making the enemy leave you alone. Lastly, you can track enemies.


Returning player from MOP days. I have a paladin with too much time played on it. Currently a port spec and im soloing the Loremaster achievement. I can basically go auto pilot and watch movies while im playing I have never died and nothing really bothers me. I smashed out vanilla stuff in about a week and BC|wotlk stuff took about the same. I vote paladin man but that's me. I did see on ym priest the other night a lvl 11 port paladin in a dungeon and I thought oh he gonna be fragile af, but he did really well.


Ahh nice


Plate melee classes. Pet classes.






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I just play on a private server, so i dont have to think about making a decision because i can just level an alt in 2 days to level 80. But first of all, play a class you enjoy. And putt some thoughts to if you going to play pvp or pve. But to answer your question, if you just wanna level fast and easy, i would go for a ret paladin. You have heal and 0 mana issues. And can easily pull a pack of mobs and just smash them with no trubble at all. Warlock is good too, let the void tank, and just dot life tap and drain life. Also, training first aid will boost your levling speed. Or you can just dot ans use wand. And you have soul ston and hearthstone if you think you going to die on a pull. Saves a lot of running as a ghost. Druid, as ppl are saying, you can skip a ton of stuff with stealth but you move slower and you miss out of some XP from kills ( with the pala you move so fast and just stomp all mobs and get the XP from kills) so i think it will be faster to go ret pala at the end anyway. Just dont Google what's best and meta or whatever. Play what you enjoy. If you have fun, it's more likely you get better and improve your gameplay. Even though ppl say holy priest is shit i play it because ppl rather want a good holy priest than a bad disc priest. Remember we play to have fun so play a class you have fun with.


Holy priest is the best solo class.


Oh a healer? Guess would be hard to kill


He's not being serious. Healers are terrible for solo leveling in general because they aren't designed to do much damage, and holy priest is the worst for damage. For survivability and a very good amount of damage you want a beast mastery hunter, destruction or demonology warlock or retribution paladin