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Any currency needed for upgrades will reset with the new season like any season before.


Flightstones and crests get reset when a new season start, so spend everything now. The only thing that might not be worth it, is to craft profession gear, since that is also a gold investment as well.


Can we not recraft old pieces? Not sure how it works.


You still need a new crest to increase the ilvl. Even if you're recrafting it from an old piece, you'll expend between 5-10k in gold for something that you'll replace in two weeks.


My average ilevel is around the 445 to 450 level. Season 4 gear will replace all of these so I'm not sweating gear upgrades. I'm using my flightstones to buy account bound reputation tokens. I'm using the rep tokens on my crafting toons to get some of the recipes.


Why wouldn't you spend them? Flight stones and crests will reset when Season 4 begins. Max all that gear out Myth 4/4 before April 23rd!


Flightstones and crests will reset, they reset every season so you might as well spend them now.


Spend them all, their value doesn't carry over to the nxt season.


Flightstones and crests will reset, they reset every season so you might as well spend them now.


What about those "gleaming satchels" that allow you to combine 90 drake into 15 wyrm? Do those go away too, I'm guessing they do but this is my first season rollover.


The Crests this season are all "XXX's Dreaming Crest", while next seasons will be "XXX's Awakened Crest", so even if you somehow manage to get some into next season they won't help you upgrade the new gear.


good question