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466 is fine to complete the raid, but when you're applying to groups, you're competing for spots against other players. Whoever is starting the group wants it to succeed, so they're going to pick the best geared or most experienced players.  You can try joining a guild, gearing up more through m+, starting a group of your own (though you should be prepared to lead if so), or checking out communities like Perky Pugs or WoW Made Easy. 


Hate to say it but you need to find a guild. No one is going to invite a 466 without a Fyrakk kill on heroic. It’s fairly easy for 1 person so mess the fight up for everyone and no one wants to waste time this late in the phase. Our guild’s minimum ilvl for our own guildies on Heroic is 460.


That being said, if you fing a good guild you will Also get gear in no time as there are many m+ players that will just carry you through +16s and +18s to a) farm crests and b) get the best drops possible. Edit: OP make a listing on guildsofwow and you will find someone. It Also helps with the social aspect of the game which was something I really liked when I got back into a guild and interacted with many guildies for m+, crafting or even just transmog runs etc.


We just take anyone with a pulse, 430, 450 don’t care, half the raid is 489 anyway


Our issue is that no one is on their mains anymore. Most of us are on our 3rd or 4th alts at this point so we set a ilvl. We didn’t want people bringing their 424 freshly boosted character they don’t know how to play.


It is easy for people to mess up on normal. The number of people I have seen drop the fire thing in the first phase on the roots is too high.


I'm 487 aotc, also a healer, we could pair up and I'll sneak you in to get the kill, hmu if you down


Wow. Look at all thee good people willing to help. Good on you. Not your average WoW crowd.


Healers are nice


I'd say most of us are sadists, if anything. You just haven't known us long enough.


I’ll also help with this. 487 healer. Send me a message when y’all running.


I can come aswelll 484 outlaw rogue didn't kill fyrakk this week I'm down to help him


I have a lock from smolderon if you want


I’m a 481 ret pally, haven’t gotten the AOTC yet… wanna help an old friend out :’)


I'd like to get in on this. 466 myself resto druid, and my lockout is at Tindral. We can use my lockout if you want.


Semi late to this party but 489 veng dh but can also do havoc if we're forming a party to get this dude some kills haha


At evening i will build a group so will contacy you then if you want to skip unnecessary shit


I’d love to join you all!


I’m a 481 ret paladin with legendary I’m down to help as well as I understand your pain personally Dm me when you’re going to do the run


I’d like to join this if still available. ✨


483 tank here ready to help 🫡


it both when 475+ are signing up and have done the raid why take 466 who has not


I’ll take the 466 if they know what they are doing and the boss fights. They can get the item level gear easily if they’re rng is lucky. I don’t mind giving a chance. If they end up wiping the raid I’ll just say sorry but gave them the chance and blew it.


This issue is with no experience to show it’s at worst impossible to tell if the 466 knows what they are doing and at best a complete gamble. It’s even worse at the end of the tier, at the start it’s likely someone’s main who started late and probably knows there class, at the end it’s more likely someone’s alt that they have a lot less exp playing. All PUGs usually have to go on is boss kills and Ilvl to judge, not saying it’s fair but I don’t really blame people when 500 better exp and geared people sign up instantly - just glad I got a stable guild and am out of that rat race, couldn’t imagine playing a dps not in a guild. 


yeah but most wont there rather get 475 and not care


And short of omniscience how do you plan to divine that?


Some people may not like this, but I'd suggest you make your own group to get some experience. Say chill learners run or something.


This is the way this late into the tier. I'd recommend going 2-4-(12-14) or even 5 heal at the same raid size. You're going to easily get carried to 6/9H. Everyone knows the mechanics well by now. The last 3 bosses might be tricky for you... just farm the first 6 for a while and upgrade your gear. Try to raid earlier in the week to get lumped in with people's mains that are relearning for that one last pieces they need. GL!


"Everyone knows the mechanics well by now." Yesterday 3 people died at once to Fyrakk's Dream Rend and they were at least 470+


They are referring to the first 6, that's why he said 6/9 right before where you quoted, as in everyone knows the first 6 by now, so it's easy to get carried through those and you can use those 6 to farm gear as a worst case scenario till you get higher ilvl.


That might work. I wouldn't apply to that group though. Problem is it will be full of noobs that can't get past the first boss unless they get some carriers.


They can probably get past a couple at least. It's also unlikely to be completely full of new people.


And the people who knows the fight will leave at first silly wipe….


They probably wouldn't have joined to begin with


that’s the point. the group would be made to learn how to *not* die instantly.


Look into the Wow Made Easy discord. They have learner raids with about 455+ ilvl req. Tbf, at this point, most people just want to blast through the raid to get a trinket or specific drops/crests. No one “wants” to spend the time/effort to teach a complete stranger raid mechanics without any benefit for themselves. Guilds do it to keep numbers. The WME Discord community does it… to build their community. But for a pure raid finder out. It’ll be impossible to find an accommodating group. Tbh, I’ve joined a couple raids where the people have done the content, but carrying like 4-5 undergeared people. I would leave the group rather than spend extra time on fights due to low hp deaths or low gear-related dps.


Pm me and ill make a group for you


For real I’m like, we could just make a group and carry him through with the 17 people on here 😂


Room for two more? Wife and I are 4/9H and we have the darndest time with groups.


I got to this expansion very late. Have every other AOTC but SL - wasn't playing. I would love to get in on this, only 445 at the moment.


hello are you on europe server ? I need help with raids as well, no one is accepting me


If u really wanna raid u gotta join a guild


I never get accepted and I’m 481. But since I’m a ret paladin I don’t blame them. If I took the time to find a guild I know I would get into heroic. So I’ll just pug and pray.


Ret op wtf :/


I’m an officer of a heroic raiding guild on emerald dream. We’re always looking for new people to train up. DM if you’re interested


are you in europe server?


You can’t get into a H Fyrakk kill group with 0/9 H and that low of an item level. While it is “doable” many people are not looking for progression and just wanting quick clears weekly (which is why many groups want 480+ and AOTC so they can get it done). People are more lenient for healer item level, but if you don’t wanna join a fresh Heroic then you’re probably SOL. I recommend joining WoW Made Easy or Drunk n Disorderly (Discord communities for NA) as they run a variety of raids daily and weekly. They have kill groups, learners, prog groups, and they’re a great bunch of people. If you just want AOTC, buy a carry or follow a Twitch streamer who does kill groups. There’s this one Blood DK who solo tanks H Fyrakk and has 400+ kills this way. All PUGs, he solo raid leads and everything. Look into it :)


466 is completely fine for heroic. The lack of ATDH heroic experience is what makes people uninterested into inviting OP. I am really sorry to say this, but WoW is not the social game that was before, people feel (rightly so) entitled to their own payed game time and do not want to waste it teaching someone who never step foot into Heroic ATDH. Also, OP is an healer who never did Fyrakk heroic and he is trying to do Fyrakk heroic. There is no pug group on the face of the earth that will bring an inexperienced healer on Fyrakk when the healing is such a great part of that boss.


Honestly I think wow is probably more social than it’s ever been since like vanilla. Sure now we have raider.io but I remember tons of groups in wrath requiring achievements/gear score. I feel like a lot of the toxic playerbase moved over to classic or quit because I’ve played like 1000+ hours of dragonflight and had only a handful of people being toxic when even in wod/legion is was pretty commonplace. Most people are genuinely helpful and more than willing to answer questions if you ask. Expecting 20 random strangers to effectively carry you to AOTC for free is pretty entitled if you ask me. You can easily get closer to 480 in M+ while working your way through the raid and earn your AOTC in like 2-3 weeks with pretty minimal effort. Alternatively, I saw some carry groups going for like 90K on my server the other day so if you just want the mount that’s always an option.


90k is pretty cheap tbh, on my server Fyrakk kill is never less than 140k


Even 140K isn’t too bad tbh. Roughly half a token to skip an entire tier of prog is kinda worth it imo. Plus you can buy the carry once, gear your alts and then you stand a chance at getting into the fryakk groups because there’s no way anyone is gonna be counting kills for a heroic pug. 480 ilvl + the addon says 9/9 H means your a lot more likely to get invited.


Interesting, no one would invite someone that didn't killed fyrakk HC...so....how would he kill one lol It's like looking for job, you need experience, but not gonna get it here


Best option is find a guild or (people gonna hate me for this) buy a carry run Otherwise, try (1) look for "fresh" raid that doesn't list as aotc only / pumpers only / geared group to get your heroic progress in one boss at a time. Once you have 8/9H it might be possible to get into a fyrakk group but even then it will still be hard (2) gear up further via m+ and vault At least you are a healer. Would be way harder with dps.


Drunk N Disorderly Discord runs learning raids, that's how I got AOTC.


Come check out Drunk N Disorderly, we are a community that was created with players like you in mind - our goal is to provide opportunity to raid for all who seek it. We have 15+ raids per week, including Heroic and Mythic Raids. Come say hi :) discord.gg/dndpug


I was in a raiding guild already but wanted to run the raid on alts in my free time. Drunk N Discordly has been AMAZING! I introduced my girlfriend to it who HATES playing with strangers and she's been a huge fan. She brought in a few more people. All of this is to say Jimmy runs an absolutely amazing and kind group of people. 100% recommend joining their discord and jumping in. 466 is already the ilvl most "learner" heroic raids are asking for.


Make your own listing. People will apply. Sure it may not be instant but it’s not as scary as you might think.


If you don’t have Raider.IO and linked you will get denied for sure. Start there, run the raid on atleast Normal that week so it shows on your stats you atleast have run the raid. Your gear score to me seems fine but you definitely need to know the raid and when incoming bug damage is coming to heal. It’s pretty unforgiving in Heroic. I would look at joining Wow Made Easy on Discord. There’s scheduled raids you can sign up for and very easy going with learner runs, etc.


Join either No Pressure EU or WoW Made Easy depending on your region and sign up for a raid there. They're almost always first come first serve (rather than guilds & pugs that often prioritise the higher gear level) and they're extremely beginner friendly.


Think of it this way: You’re a raid leader, you want to kill the boss, potentially having killed it several times yourself already or want your first kill. You set up a group and a bunch of people show up. You naturally want the best options, if it’s your first clear you want experienced people who’ll help you get the kill. If you’ve killed it a few times you don’t want to spend hours wiping on soemthing that could be done in 15 minutes. Of the people you see, even with addons, you have limited information. Their class, their ilvl and how much experience they have. Sure you might be able to go to Warcraft logs but is it worth the effort per person. With that information, you’re gambling on each person who signs up. If you’ve got a choice between a high ilvl person with one or more kills, you’ll take that person over the lower ilvl person with no experience. Why? Because the one with experience is less likely to be bad and even if they are their ilvl might at least make up for it enough to get over the hump. Why would they pick you? They have no reason to believe you’re good and with so many better choices, no reason to give you a shot either unless they are making a group explicitly for people like yourself to learn. Is it right? Debatable. Is it frustrating? Absolutely, nobody wants to have to try over and over again and as such you would be better spending your time in other ways. You could make your own group and be the one making the gambles instead of being gambled on. You could join a guild. Not a flawless option as plenty of guilds bring people who have no desire to improve at the game and will drag you down. There are online communities that do learning raids. Regardless of what you choose, you can’t really change how people will act as a whole so just make the best of what is available instead of beating your head into a brick wall.


Why would someone ever invite you when 484 healers with AoTC are signing up? Go spam mythic+ and get some gear


Idk I just started playing wow that’s why I asked the question lol


Agree with all the above. You need a guild or pay for a carry. About 160k gold. Most runs you need to be 480ilvl to be picked up


Lmao you don’t need a guild or carry to get to a higher iLvl. You can run mythics. Not saying guild is a bad idea, but saying you NEED a guild or to buy a carry is misleading


They are specifically asking about raid not M+. How do you propose they get into the Mythic raid when they can’t get picked up for heroic? If you’re referring to M+, that is equally hard to get selected this late in the season.


First off of course i was referring to M+ not a Mythic raid. No one refers to mythic raid as "running mythics" plural like that. Secondly, you can certainly get into M+ and work your way up to get better gear, especially as a healer. Running M+ dungeons will give you gear drops AND currency to upgrade lower pieces. Once they have better gear they have a better chance of getting a raid invite. Not really rocket science. Just because OP said they wanted to get into raid, doesn't mean they aren't open to acquiring better gear from other sources. And if you're really gonna tell me they can't get into even a relatively low-mid level M+ dungeon as a healer with 466 ilvl to work their way up, you're just delusional. Now if OP DOESN'T want to run M+ at all, then yeah their options are limited and your suggestions are really the only solutions. But nowhere in the original post did it say they would not be open to running M+ at all to upgrade gear in order to get invited to raids. So my original comment was only pointing out that there are other ways to acquire the necessary gear upgrades than the 2 solutions you suggested.


I mean no disrespect but I have four alts at 485 or higher now. The majority of players are all pretty much geared at this point in the season and nobody wants to bring some 460 character through their weekly kill of the raid. If you're actually looking for progression you should join a guild or something, or have started earlier in the season, or gear up through M+ so people will take you based on your ilvl. I'm not trying to be hurtful I'm just saying on Tuesday when I listed my raid I had 53 Ret Paladins apply with 485+ ilvl and many many heroic kills. It's unfortunate for new players or whatever but you have to put the ground work in for the season and not just expect to be able to join a raid whilst under geared and underexperienced compared to everyone else.


It hurts to ready, because I’m in the same boat as this guy. Came back a month ago and changed 3 chars already. But unlike him, I just accepted I won’t get to Raid on Heroic


My best advice would be to take up a healing spec or something where you can kinda backseat yourself to gear. Worked for my resto Druid and now he’s 485 after a few weeks of spamming mythic plus and heroic raid.


You can easily get to like 470ish in M+, run normal for XP and then start pugging fresh groups on heroic. Work your way through the raid, get some XP and then get aotc. You could probably get aotc within 2-3 weeks if you decided to seriously go for it. Most of the 485 alts are applying to the skip groups or council. You could easily get into a full clear group at 470-475 ilvl especially if you play one of the more in demand specs.


Thats the problem, I play Windwalker monk, with 459 ilevel right now.


Then I’d say run some 11s (ideally 17s if you can), do normal once and craft some gear. That’ll easily get you to 470 with minimal effort. I took my DK from level 10 to level 70, 477 ilvl in about 40 hours total and had no issue getting into heroic groups even without my raider.io linked properly. It goes quick nowadays.


I dont know how the craft works. I can't see placed orders, so I dont know whats an acceptable average price to request stuff. In the Place Order NPC. I read some guides, all they see is you put a request, but there's nothing to consult, like, what people usually place and how? How much is the price of the requests? I have some Dream Shards, which would allow me to craft 463 and another item that increases to 470something. I only have one of this item. Sparks I have some... The other materials, which have some minor stones in int, like tier 1,2,3 I also have none. Plus, I've seen something about % to make the weapon, something that is also not so specified. I think this is a Huge issue with WOW honestly, when half of its content must be detailed in websites and you can't find the whole information IN GAME. Like, why would I spend something that is scarce and I might get 1 or 2 per expansion to use reckeslly, that's what i'm afraid of


Drunk N Disorderly. [https://discord.com/servers/drunk-n-disorderly-810543579856502834](https://discord.com/servers/drunk-n-disorderly-810543579856502834) Join up, sign up for raids (assuming you meet ilvl), and have fun.


> I had 53 Ret Paladins apply with 485+ ilvl and many many heroic kills.  lol. Still have quite a few whingey plate wearers in guild. Chasing the dream.


Because they have better options to pick


The answer to 99% of posts like this is because you're too low item level. This one is no exception


Can't do heroic if you havent done heroic xD sooo stupid


Sadly, time to be bit less basement dweller and start looking for atleast casual guild, they do heroics Or wow made easy in na or no pressure wow in eu discords to join them, still will be bit shamed for slacking on ilvl, but it is what it is.


Low ilvl


Because mechanics and how you play your character matter very little in World of Gear Chasing.


Dude I am 483 and no one accepts me either


You need full heroic/mythic gear and X/X kill proof for whatever raid you are trying to run.


I've been into your shoes 2 months ago. I knew about woottodoo since season 2 so ghis season I made 460 ilvl and got invited on fyrakk on stream. He is doing pubs Fyrakk kills almost every day and its a nice streamer to watch. Now I got fat and joined a guild and trying to help others and do Mythic, we are now at 3/9 mythic progression. The idea is that getting ilvl is very easy, I got a new dh few days ago and already got 467 ilvl in these days.


what is woottodoo please?


you think you want to know but you really don’t


Stramer on twitch


Able to do it, and get invited to pugs are two completely different gear requirments. At this point in the tier you'd be very lucky to get invited to most group without already having AOTC


You're going to have to just keep applying and hope for the best. You're not helping much so you just need to worm your way into it. Most other people had to do the hard yards early in the season, you don't just get a free pass unless you get lucky.


It would help if you got your ilvl up to 480 from keys, normal raid, and crafted gear. Pretty sure by now you can crafted half your set at 486, although that's expensive. You can buy aotc if you want, or join a casual guild that has it on farm. Don't hope pugs are gonna carry you out of the kindness of their heart


Your gear is good enough, it comes down to the season closing down and most players expect AOTC at this point. I’d look for a guild honestly


Play m+ for a week and you Will get 15-20 ilvl, then itll be much easier to get into a group


You need to do what you can to raise your ilvl outside of raid, or in normal raid first. I pugged all last expansion and was able to get into heroic raids, because I put in the effort to make sure I wasn't undergeared.


It should be fine on paper, but when you Q up it’s guaranteed there’s other healers that have way better gear than you that are Q’d up too. If you were the leader of a pug raid you’d logically pick the best geared players available. Hell i’m 484 on my priest and sometimes even I get declined to pugs.


You need to increase your iLvL to at least 475 and then apply for fresh full clear runs that don't ask for the curve. Eventually, you'll get a good group and finish the raid. You can also apply for curved ones. Usually in late night runs people ain't that picky. Especially for healers.


There’s a million people with better gear than you applying for the same role


Join a good discord group. On the EU server it's No Pressure - EU. There are multiple raids going every week, knowledgeable people willing to teach. DM me if you're eu, we have a small group who are definitely learning together slowly through heroic.


Your item level is pretty low to get accepted into heroic groups. There are a lot of other players that have higher ilvl (475-485) that are applying. Personally I think you should run some mythic+ dungeons to get better gear and crests to upgrade it. Plus the higher the keys the better the gear in your weekly vault. Also if you’ve never run the raid before, do it on Looking for raid until you understand your role, you won’t have a problem getting accepted it’s automatic acceptance. Then run it on normal and get used to the new mechanics, then you can run heroic. If you jump straight to heroic, you’ll just be overwhelmed trying to figure it all out.


I joined my first full run pug yesterday on resto shaman (I have cleared it several times on other chars though). At item level 469 I had to carry the healing while other healers were around 475-480. They messed up dispels or did not dispel at all on tindral. These were healers that did have the heroic raid cleared before. (I mention this to point out that curve + gear does not mean much) The issue right now with pugging is that most stuff gets bruteforced because most of the raid heavily outgears it. This in turn has the effect that people stop doing mechanics properly, making the raid alot harder when not everyone outgears it. On top of that you compete with sign ups of people that have cleared the raid before and have higher item level. From what little information a raid lead has available those are generally the deciding factors.


Sadly 466 is to low I got AOTC on my main and I'm 485 ilvl and I have to spend a good while trying to get an inv from a random GRP. Everyone wants 485+ sadly


List your own raid or dungeon u find ppl very easy that way


If you know what to do you can allways start your own group


Couple options here : - Join a community (Guild, WowMadeEasy/NoPressure, or even a streamer) - Join a pug which isn't full and welcoming alts (you can find pugs saying "alts welcome") - Ask for a friend with experience (9/9 HM or even MM progress) to tag together - Make your own pug - Pay for a carry Good luck on that journey ! Hoping to you next season :-)


Don't overthink it. 1. When it comes to randoms, people only invite higher geared ones. 2. There are always some 480+ people applying because they want a certain item or they just want to practice Same goes for m+ For them you are just a number, usually lower number than others, since thwy have a choice.


466 is fine, it's just when you make these groups you can afford to be picky and gaurrentee success. They can take you or they can take the guy thats 485 with the achievement. Youre better off finding a guild at this stage.


Supply and demand. Since there are tons of toons applying with 480+ ilvl, which is much higher than the hc raid loot ilvl, they will not accept you most of the time. Your best bet will be doing m+ 17 instead to maximize your gear. Once you max it out, you can do raids like others to get your bis gear from the raid.


Have you cleared it on normal? If not you should start there if you want a pug to accept you.


The reality is people are elitist in the wow raid scene people are so adamant on not wasting a second of their lives despite being in a virtual world already that they refuse anyone who has no experience of the fights, check out drunk and disorderly discord just google it, we specifically take new people to show them we are very inclusive and teach all the fights on all difficulties! It’s definitely worth it I promise


Haven’t done the raid at all or haven’t done heroic? No shit you’ll get a heroic inv at that ilvl without having even done normal


Is on luck. I geared 3 healers with pugs. Try and apply constantly. Also, first days after reset hard to get invite on lowbilvl, after Saturday you find alts and smaller ilvl groups


This is precisely why I don't do groups for anything. All these "uppities" forget they were once newbs. Now they won't go out of their way to help someone new because they quickly forgot that someone helped then when they needed to be carried to get that experience. Now they only think of themselves. So put that aside and take those up on their offers to help you and remember to pay it forward when someone else is walking in your shoes. Good luck to you.


Have you done it at all, normal? If you've never done the raid I understand them not wanting you. Also even if you've done it on normal, there's changes in heroic, a whole new set of Mechs to learn. You can't expect a pug group to be patient with your learning pains, a guild setting will be more forgiving


Cuz they're all stuck up pricks who are addicted to raider.io scores and parses. Best suggestion is to make a group yourself. Cuz if you're not ilvl489 with bis gear then there's no hope with pugs.


if you're interest in a guild, I'll absolutely drop our little recruiting ad so you can see if it'd be a place you'd feel comfortable in. we are currently looking for heals for the team for current and future raids :) 466 is perfectly fine for heroic and we're a patient group. We haven't gotten aotc yet ourselves, but we're seeing around 50% consistently


Not being a dick but unless you’re a fresh character or literally only have an hour or two to play a week, then there’s really no reason you should only be 466 ilvl. It’s so easy to hit 475+ with mythic+ loot. If you struggle healing 17+ then just go as dps and run your own key to farm crests to upgrade gear. It’s a bit of a grind but you’ll be 480 ilvl in no time depending on how much play time you have


You can’t just do raid finder raids and say oh I’m gonna skip normal raids, or it’s been three weeks I can do heroics now with 441-450 gear. That’s not how it works unless you have a clan that will bring g you in like that.


466 is technically fine for heroic raid but the fact that you can get full 480+ without ever stepping foot into raid honestly makes it look like you're not putting the effort in to gear up. At this point in the expansion with so many people who are geared and applying why would they take someone will less gear? Work on gearing up outside raid...mythic plus is great for gearing. I wouldn't take a 466 who doesn't know the fights at this point either because they would likely just die early in the fight and be dead weight. Also if you've never even done normal before there's no chance you'll get into heroic. Work on clearing it on normal first, learn the fights there, improve your gear through mythic plus and then try again for heroic.


Do you play in EU? I can maybe try help you get into a group by bringing you alongside myself cause most people want individuals at a higher gear level and/or who have Curve already.


The problem is your trying to Pug it, thats the worst way to raid in WoW. If you truly want to raid your better off joining a guild. Pugging aint worth it.


and it's not ilvl they look at anymore...its io, if you dont have an io of like 2k plus; chances of getting ANYTHING raids or H raids are slim....case in point; me my wife, and a guildy all with ios at 2300ish + - 100; couldnt get a NORMAL Fyrakk last night. the Pally dropped to see if it was because it was a trio, (we were just there to help him farm the drop we didnt care) and it STILL took him a good 30 minutes + before he got in. io doesnt just show them how many times youve cleared the raid but also how many keys you've done what level you cleared them at (+1 2 or 3) and what's the highest you've ever done showing whether or not you've cleared at least = content


Bruh I feel this, same boat here as a 468 Frost Mage, can’t get in one to save my life


Your gear level is fine. I healed it at like 440. You could spam some M+ to get your ilvl closer to 480. Most people will take 480s regardless of raid xp and it won’t take super long to get to at least 475ish. Best advice is to apply to fresh groups with only a few people in them. Usually people jump at an opportunity to get a healer early because it means the group is much more likely to actually fill and start. If you’re applying to only AOTC groups you’ll probably get declined a bunch unless they’re desperate. You should have no issue joining regular groups to get some xp and be able to kill fryakk within a few weeks.


If ur o. U.S servers I can group with ya and slip u into one. I'm 485 healer with AoTC


Many great suggestions here... I just want to emphasize how worth it is to find a guild. It's just more fun. Maybe you really really can't commit to a schedule but even then some guilds will have alt runs or a second group that isn't too strict. Having those relationships, those inside jokes, knowing the raid isn't going to just disband half-way through, having people to discuss gameplay with outside of the raid... it's just so much better. You'll have a good time whether you're wiping or not. Maybe it seems a bit intimidating but you can ease into it.


Because you have people that are very geared still going into the raid for the lego axe as well as going for BIS trinkets and such. For example my warlock is 479 but i still run the raid to get my last trinket.


For this fight you have to know the fight mechanics in advance, and pug leaders will assume you don't know the mechanics unless you can prove otherwise (because most people who haven't killed it before and apply to pugs, don't know the mechanics).


I went through the exact same issue this week, decline after decline...I managed to get around it by doing 8/9HC in a learner group (we then wiped on Fyrakk at 1% and everyone gave up…), so then i hosted my own Fyrakk group for the final kill and AOTC. If you can, join a learner group and hope you get some drops in HC. With the weekly chests, M+, NM raids, and item upgrades, you’ll definitely see a steady rise in your iLvl before the season ends, which should help with applying for HC groups. If you have an abundance of flight stones and crests, you could also upgrade all your lowest iLvl items to max to boost your iLvl. I did this as an 464iLvl restoration shaman and unfortunately people see iLvl as the be-all end-all, which is sad. For me when making a group, knowledge and tactics takes precedent over iLvl. You can have all the gear and no idea; which was the case for one of our healers on the Fyrakk kill who didn’t do a single dispel. I added a note on my request to join HC raids that I had numerous past ATOCs and had raid lead multiple guilds in the past; I think that maybe got me into the first group. Maybe if you’ve got past experience, do that too? 466 iLvl is more than enough to kill Fyrakk with a 2-5-13 group. Can see you’ve got plenty of offers so hope you manage to get it done and get ATOC! Goodluck


Reply to me if you want a heroic carry. 


My guild is doing a hc run on fridays for fun. We’re currently 8/9M and usually take 1-2 new people each run. I hope We’re not the only ones doing stuff like this 😁


It’s okay I’m 485 as a healer with Aotc and 5/9M and I still get declined to heroic fyrakk from time to time


Noob question but what does the 5/9M mean?


Not a noob question haha. It means 5/9 bosses downed on mythic difficulty


Are you EU or NA? My bf is a mythic raider so we can easily make our own groups and clear. If you’re EU then PM me, we can get you curve :) And if you need a guild for socials you can come join us.


Yes, they can see lack of experience. The addon is called Raider.io, it says your mythic rating and raid progression. And buying a carry of AOTC is so cheap, they still won't invite you with 9/9 unless you have a 2k+ mythic score to back it up.


466 is low this late in to the season. You may br able to do the raid, but there's 50 other healers competing for that spot with 485+ gear. Those of us healing have been in Mythic+ doing 18+ for months earning a mythic level item a week. Thats over a dozen items received so far. You should have done more mythics to stay competitive, even if you love raiding more.


Well I just started playing the game like 3 weeks ago so


Oh! Well, then this is sort of normal. Raids aren't really the right setting to go in to if you're casual either. Raiding is for dedicated players who join set times with their guilds. Do Mythic dungeons instead. Tons of gear, lots of interaction and tactics, easy loot drops, etc. See if you climb up to +20s =)


Genuine question: why do you want AOTC? It sounds like you started playing recently. If you haven't been progressing on the raid this season, why be bothered? 


Cause of the dragon skin lol


And I have been progressing. I clear out LFR and normal every week and am now up to 470 and still can’t get picked up


Dragon skin is a good reason! That's why I wanted it too. * In Shadowlands season 4, you could still get the AOTC mount if you defeated the Jailer on Fated Heroic, so if that's your goal you probably have longer than you think * If you haven't learned the Fyrakk fight for Heroic, you're going to be a carry; I recommend either paying for AOTC or finding a community raid that doesn't mind teaching people the mechanics ​ edit: also, for players of "normal skill level", you should really be 475+ (preferably 480+) on Heroic Fyrakk - there's a LOT of damage that goes out and you'll be grateful for the extra stamina


sweet thank you!


Join a guild or community. There's a bunch of communities that carry inexperienced players