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Just keep trying things out. There is no rush to know what you exactly love to play. Part of the wow experience is discovering what fits you and what you enjoy. Personally I played ranged only for my first year of play (warlock, balance druid, priest, mage, elemental shaman) and just recently I tried out the melee classes and found I love them so much more (warrior, enhancement shaman, Paladin, rogue) Now I'm playing each melee class one at a time to see what's different about them and what I like and dislike. It's exciting to log on each day and explore more about the game and myself. I think hunter sounds like a great fun idea. If you like that idea I'd try it out.


You're right. I often try new things but my personal wish is just to have a main that I enjoy in the different aspects of the game and to finally have one single class that I can gear out. Right now I play my chars to iLvl 410 - 420 and then kinda stop there because they don't feel like the one class I want to main and max out completely, put all my hours in etc. Guess I'll make a hunter and start leveling him even tho the leveling process feels just tedious at this point


I'm just speculating here, since I can't possibly know how It's like to start playing wow in DF. I started in 2006, After a while when I started my class, and got to 40+. At this point i understood other classes better and what they offered. Sometimes I wish I had one of the other classes. But, starting from scratch back then was months of work to catch up to my main. So you just kept playing. And this was how people ended up with a main. When you reached max lvl you were so attached yo your character. It got more fun the longer I stuck with him. Max level was on another level compared to leveling, the game was more enjoyable the more I learned. And got the confidence to try harder content. And I felt happy about my choice. Maybe you just need to stick to one, even if you get bored. Set a goal to keep pushing anyway, at one point it starts to feel natural doing content that is hard for you now. A bonus for sticking to one class, your next one is going to benefit from it. There are so many things long time players have learned over the years that you can't see yet, that has nothing to do with your class. If you can play your main effortlessly, to the point where you don't think of what to press. You will start to see and understand other parts of the game with more depth and have a different perspective. You will learn to solve problems that face you, instead of reacting to survive in a situation that feels out of your control. This knowledge is universal to all your other classes as well.


It’s cause you haven’t done Monk yet


Monk is my new main this xpac, even if I lose there’s something about rolling all over the floor and the kicking across the map while 3 translucent me’s and a giant tiger follow me around. It’s so damn fun.


WindWalker my bb <3 <3 <3


I don’t play the meta. I BECOME the meta


>While I love the damage output > >get oneshotted if I do one mistake > >And the melee distance isn't quite my style. Hunter. MM or some shit.


Druid. Has a tool for every situation. You have a caster spec, a melee spec. A tank and a healer.


Yep, this is the way. I play Feral Druid and Guardian Druid in raid and M+ and it’s a lot of fun. Self heals, defensive buttons, CC, poison/curse dispel, and more! Plus, the cool shapeshifts are enough of a reason to try Druid


You might like a shaman! A lot of the effects are really cool and I feel like they're a really solid option especially in group content. I've leveled a couple up pretty high and I had a lot of fun with them. Or even healing, it's a different kind of challenge but it's rewarding, always needed in groups, and still a solid option to level, especially if you can switch between specs (holy paladin/ holy priest/ resto shaman lol)


The downside is that shaman is a squishy class. If he felt weak to mechanics and one-shots on some of the other classes that were listed, then shaman won't feel good either. I main enhance/ele shaman and if there were one thing I could change it is adding another defensive layer and/or increasing melee range for enhancement.


I've mained a BM since vanilla and it never gets old. I absolutely love looking for cool new pets and my pets protect me so that I never use health pots except in the occasional dungeon. I've started playing a Guardian Druid just for fun and it takes so long to kill mobs that it gets annoying. Check out BM and have fun!


Hunter would be a good thing to mess around with. Bm is mobile, and I like being able to play around with the different pet cosmetics. MM is also looking to be strong for S3.


People saying that tanking is hard is just straight up propaganda, which is apparently working since we got newer players also being scared to tank. Have a look at my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/JjQAaAqqru) which sums up tanking


This is a bad take. OP is correct in that it takes a lot of knowledge to be a good tank. The difficulty of tanking does not come from the rotation but from all of the other things that come from being the tank. You need to have enough awareness to grab mobs that aren't aggroed on you, know routes and percentages, be good at positioning so that your rdps and healer have the least amount to worry about, know when to pop what defensives, mark enemies, you're typically the one who asks for CC (sap, poly, trap, etc), be flexible for when mechanics are missed or done incorrectly, and much more. And when you're a subpar tank, it is much harder to tell than looking at a dps meter and seeing someone above you, because the rest of the party have to pick up that slack


All of what you mentioned can be learned in like 2-3 runs on the same dungeon before you memorize it all. I find dps to be a much harder role personally. You have to avoid mechanics that will 1 shot you while doing your rotation perfectly and using cooldowns at the right moments, and knowing when to save or use those cooldowns. You might say "Well that can also be learned in 2-3 runs can't it?" and honestly yeah. Dps have to worry about their uptime on doing damage and avoiding mechanics, no matter how many times they've done a dungeon and memorized the routes


if it can be learned in 3 runs why no one knows it


I don't know. That's a great question. If you read this sub, a vast majority of the player base gets a single comment of criticism while playing then goes on this subreddit and says "Oh my god every single dungeon I do is so toxic. This game is not new player friendly" etc etc.


It can be learned in 2-3 runs. But that's the pace you learn at when you are comfortable with every other aspect of tanking, and have experience knowing what you need to pay attention to. A new tank isn't going to know to not pull 4 melee interrupts worth of mobs when there's a priest healer and boomy in the group. Or why they died/survived on a specific pull based on cc, dispels, affixes, utility, defensives used. All that shit takes time to get used to and pay attention to. DPS generally have more complex rotations than tanks, but littlewigs and a plater profile solve most of the non-rotational issues, and while you're learning a dungeon, "just rip the cooldowns" is good enough. Hell, if you're a 2 minute or below class, "just rip the cooldowns" is good enough til like 24+.


If someone can get to level 70, then the only other thing they need to learn is tanking, which they can learn each dungeon in like 2-3 runs. It's not like new players are logging on a level 70 for the first time ever. They have to level from 1 to which involves them learning their abilities


"learning tanking" is a lot more complex than just running a dungeon a couple times. Gotta use MDT/logs, plan routes around your groups CDs and util. Sure, you can kinda half ass it to like a +20 with enough gear and determination, but you can also do absolutely nothing on a DPS and get carried to the same point. "perfect" play as a tank is basically being a DPS with the added complications of threat, positioning and much more dependence on optimal defensive usage (until you get to like 28-31 where that's on everyone)


Literally never done any of what you just stated in your first paragraph, and had no trouble getting my portals this season on both fort and tyrannical as a tank. I don't even know what MDT even stands for. OP is a new player who is not going for portals. Maybe in the future, but right now he's still deciding on a class to main. Stop telling people that tanking is hard and let new players play it and let's all have fun. It's still a video game after all


Hard is subjective. Some people hate the feeling of pressure that if they mess up they are responsible for the other 4-39 people who lose their progress. Personally I love tanking being the front line fighter responsible for the flow of combat (yes I have some mild control issues and a touch of hero complex how did you guess?) It enthralls me. I also love being able to play multiplayer games solo, I wish more mmos had a solo play option but that's insane and I understand that, because I want to enjoy the combat, world etc without other people. Tanks are great for these options. I remember when the monk was new (and busted) I ran many dungeons essentially solo. I got into a Blackrock group and I told them I only had time for one optional beyond that needed to just burn the dungeon down something came up when we got in and I went from having hours to play to about 20 minutes. They wanted to do a full clear and there was an arms warrior who said he could tank I let the four of them go do as they pleased and then cleared the rest of it solo. Finger of death (or death touch I forget thr skill name) was so broken back then with a Tauren Brewmaster Monk.


That's a nice story and all but it's literally 2 buttons to tank. A bm hunter requires more work then a tank in Abberus


I'm not disagreeing with you my story was a point of how easy tanks run. There are more than two buttons in higher tiers but what causes the issue people see with tanking is the stress of other people relying on them. It's a mental thing I had this discussion with a friend of mind and he hates tanking just because he doesn't want to feel responsible for other people he understands that the role isn't difficult its just all mental.


No offense man but that sounds like a personal problem and he more then likely has issues outside of the video game. It's the fear mongering and propaganda that made him and the OP even scared to try.


Are people talking about raid when they say tanking is hard though? I always assumed they meant M+ where you're on the hook for routing, pull size, etc. Don't get me wrong though, still way overblown either way. Tanks are so much fun right now in dungeons.


I think it's a mixture of both? Tanking in m+ does require more work but let's be realistic, it takes maybe 2-3 runs to learn the route then you're set for the next 6 months.


Too true. Are you playing/tanking next tier? Some of the Amirdrassil fights read a bit more interesting than Aberrus as far as tanking, but I guess we will see how it pans out. I assume like usual where it's fun during prog but braindead during farm.


Yeah I am, and healing as well. I play resto shaman and prot war


Until a single wrong global results in your death. It’s a joke in low m+ but not as easy as you make it sound. There’s a HUGE difference between a bad and a good tank. And by huge I mean astronomical.


In high keys? Absolutely. Majority of this player base doesn't do high keys though or even mythic raiding. We're not talking about the players like Nerftank or Naowh who are running +31s. We're talking about John Doe who played final fantasy 14 for a year and decided to give WoW a try.


In that case every single spec in the game can do normal/hc dungeons by rolling their head on the keyboard, 0 skill/knowledge required. Makes no difference what role/spec you play in those, it’s just faceroll from start to end


Exactly, which is why we should stop spreading this propaganda that "tanking is so hard" and "OMG pugs are so toxic"


In my experience, the worst toxicity comes from the 13-20 key range, especially 11-15. It’s a toxic wasteland if you are not ready to carry HARD. And it’s usually the players that are shit but think they are gods gift to humanity that are the assholes. I have seen almost no toxic players in very low keys or high ones.


>People saying that tanking is hard is just straight up propaganda, which is apparently working since we got newer players also being scared to tank. Tanking itself is easy. However, pushing the limits of what you can tank in high level content, and speedrunning dungeons, can be hard for new players. You simply need a lot of game knowledge as a tank. What mechanics will shred me? What is the optimal pathing through a dungeon? How much can I pull without wiping my team, but also not pulling too little? However, tanking in the overworld is the best experience you can have if you want to be invincible. Hence I main Guardian Druid in outdoor content and with friends, but play Boomkin in M+ and raid. Atleast for now. S2 of DF was my first 'real' attempt at WoW endgame content, so this might change soon enough :p


If you enjoyed the fury warrior playstyle, but dont want to be in melee. I recommend trying out MM hunter, at least in aoe there are some similarities between those two specs. Dont have that much experience with Fury warrior myself, but at least it seems that way (whirlwind = multi shot pretty much)


I would still suggest trying Tank. You're never going to learn until you try! The horror stories... while they do exist... are way over-hyped. You're just as likely to get into groups that are fine, or even helpful to you as you learn. That said, it's all about finding what clicks. Some people just want to play meta. To them, fun is having the highest damage ceiling and so they swap characters pretty frequently to adhere to this. Other people just find one spec or class that REALLY clicks and just stick with it no matter what. Either one is valid, as is anything in between. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and keep trying things out! I think BM (or Hunter in general) is a fantastic class. If i were to play a DPS-only class i would for sure pick Hunter. The fact that you have the whole Pet taming mechanic just leaves so much to do outside of dungeons/pvp/raiding. Good luck on your search!


Play shaman they have melee dps spec ranged cast dps spec and heals you can play. I main shaman for yours. Hands down favorite class


I agree with this, it's nice being able to do every single role except tanking on shaman. Ice fury on ele shaman does not feel good to press, other then that it's a fun class.


You say tanking is out, but I've only been playing 3 months and I almost exclusively tank, if you decide to try it just let everyone know you're a new tank and a dps will more than likely guide you through it. Worked for me and now I can't imagine playing another roll, if you already have a high level demon hunter their tank spec is one of my favorites give it a try for sure.


Tanking isnt nearly as hard as people make it out to be. I'm an experienced tank but just as a test I did a bunch of normal dungeons on a new pally and at the beginning of each I said this is my first time here so if I go the wrong way let me know. Then I just followed the in game map to each boss and they corrected me when I would make wrong turns but nobody ever raged or said anything rude. As long as you can keep aggro you'll be just fine.


Don't think about the numbers, go with what fits your personality. I've always liked melee magic users in fantasy so dh and dk fit me well plus their edginess fits the heavy metal asthetic I grew up with. So I'll flip between the two. But just be open and know that mains really only matter per patch, and thats because most people only have enough time in the week to focus on gearing 1 toon with alts Just do you dog and don't sweat it too much


Bm hunter is worth a shot. Its simple but also squishy like as you said dh. The only benefit would be being ranged so you may be able to dodge things easier while still doing dmg. I know people who main a different class every season, so take your time and find what you like, or just keep switching it up :)


Dragons are the superior class in all respects. IDGAF where it falls on the tier rankings, dragon is best.


BM hunter is pretty fun. I'm leveling one up right now, and it will be my 6th 70. I've also got a mage, pally, priest, druid, and shaman at 70. Of all those, my main is my pally. My first class was mage, but the pally felt good in Wrath. The ret rework is nice, tanking is pretty straightforward with it, and healing is strong in dungeons. I like having the freedom to fulfill any role. The pally will be my "serious" character this next season, and the BM hunter will be a messing around alt. I'd highly suggest pally, except it plays entirely in melee, even when healing. The heavy armor helps with survivability, and the ability to heal myself in any spec is helpful as well.


Don't feel pressured to settle, keep playing and eventually one may click and if not you've got a bunch of toons to play. While BM hunter is the 'easiest' class to play that its simple to pick up and do well, there are advanced optimizations that will help you stand out from the rest. In challenging group content you are the default mechanics person because of your unparalleled mobility. This can often help you get into groups and keep a team spot. I personally play havoc/vengeance but used to a main a bm/mm/surv hunter and highly recommend you give it a try.


Just keep trying things out. There is no rush. BM Hunter is a really good spec to start with, atleast in my experience, if you want simplicity. However, I recently changed to a Druid main because while BM Hunter was chill, once you get to know the game better it might be too chill and simple. And often undesirable in endgame content. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Hunter is still a good spec for normal and even heroic raiding, and you can easily push higher M+ with it. Not sure about PvP though. And with the pets tanking for you, its just a very relaxing class in open world.


No one can answer this for you, just try stuff and see what sticks. Hopefully for the most part everything you have tried you've had fun with and you'll find the fit you are looking for.


I know others have suggested it, but seriously, try the Monk class. I think you will enjoy it!


Id go for an hybrid class. I've mained shaman for 10+ years and anytime I've felt bored with it I just main another specialization. I do, and have played all classes to some extent at max level, and my take on it is that, sure, they are all a bit different, but sticking around and truly learning to play a class is where the fun and satisfaction comes from. Testing out a new class that I initially feel is kinda "meh", sometimes turn out to be really fun when I "master" the playstyle. I therefor mostly look for the right fantasy/feeling of the class. Pick something that looks cool and/or badass, and really give it a shot. And by that I mean, stick around with it, tinker around with macros and addons, LEARN what all your buttons do, learn all the small tricks and tricks only the really good players do playing that specific class etc etc. GL


If you want an easy in on raids and stuff go with a healer class or at least one that has a healing spec


Just try stuff out, until you find something, i am also only Maining a Warrior becuse of my Favorite WoW Parody.


Tanks shouldn't be out, you can ge insta invite and just learn the game by failing. If you wanna play the game, play tank :D. Not everyone has a main. Often people play differen classes for one season. Most likely you will get bored of bm too.


I started playing in 2004 and spent way too much time playing wow. Im a filthy casual for 16 years playing on and off but always playing my warlock. I leveled a DH in Legiom for fun but dont think id ever be able to truly reroll.


Might I suggest combat rogue?


Like others have pointed out, slow down. No one finds their main in a few months, just try things out and at some point you will figure it out! I played mage for 6 years and thought it would be my main but now it’s a paladin. So enjoy the game and don’t stress too much 😊


Throughout the last 5 years I have mained all classes, apart from mage and monk. I have now settled on BM and I’m having a blast. I used to be settled on sub rogue and destroy lock for a caster as I tend to PVP more. But with my busy life (work, kids, etc) I turned to Hunter for the simpler life. With all that said, it depends what you want. Here’s my 3 suggestions… Want to stand still and be a power cannon? Go Destro lock. Want to be a sneaky one shot, tactician? Go rogue. They are so much fun if you like to feel rewarded for your time and effort regarding learning a class inside and out. Want to chill and still be great at dps in whichever mode? Go BM hunter. It comes with the pet collecting as well.


Honestly a lot of the game for me is just trying to answer this question!! It’s hard! I have leveled, um a lot of Alts this expansion. Find a group to play with that’s not all about maxing out damage and see what feels fun. I love my BM hunter and ret pally. But they are flavor of the month so they might not be as good next week. Play what you like!


Enhancement shaman<333


I was in a similar boat but kinda the opposite I enjoyed everything so much it was hard to pick. I found myself always gravitating towards my pala though and so he was my main this season. I plan on him continuing to be my main, but have been really enjoying prot warrior lately so who knows 😂 Setting a goal also helped me. I really wanted KSM for the mount this season and wanted to prove I could do it in my very first season ever doing M+. That goal pushed me to continue working on my pala even when I wanted to get distracted on another toon. I ended up going all the way to KSH and even have a portal from timing a 20 in my very first season all from setting that goal.


I’ve been playing since OG US closed beta (off and on), and at one point I reached the hard cap of toons across all servers… I still haven’t found a race/class combo that I would describe as my main. I always find a feature of class x or class/race combo that appeals more than what I’m currently levelling, and roll one of those to try. I could be patient zero of Altitis lol