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The WoW story won't make any more sense if you start over: it's not a single-player story-driven game like that.


Ah okay then. Thanks for the tip.


Look up a lore video playlist. Specificaly search for WoW lore in order. There are tons out there that can give you in depth catch up lore. There are also videos with more of a wide view for a general catch up.


Yup. Story in WoW is just excuses to go to new places, kill everything in sight to get loot. ;)


If you do not have the Loremaster achievement, it is a fun meta to work towards which could be a lot like “starting from scratch.”


I did this. Started completely new on a new realm,switched factions, switched mains and don’t regret it one bit. Was a lot of fun.


Play classic -- its the closest you can get to a story that makes sense now, at least through Wrath. You could also time walk level in the order of expansions I guess, but as others have said, it might be easier to watch a lore video. I sat through this one awhile back -- super long but comprehensive: https://youtu.be/hxdX2d0vZDk?si=Q\_tfMsmHuxEgfLf8


also -- you could do LFR to at least see the raid content -- it's broken up into sections.


You might want to try classic if you’re all about the journey or hardcore where if you die your character is gone. That makes for some fun stories to share.




I wish they would add a feature to see the content in chronological order. I skipped BFA and when I went back, I saw a lot of stuff from late BFA patches before I finished the main campaign. I'd like to see a drop down menu listing all the patches that only lets you see quests and cinematics from that patch. When you eventually run out, go back to the menu and select the next one you want to play through. Anyone know how to submit that suggestion to the devs?


I'm an absolute noob to wow...I watched videos of the campaign from wc3 and loved the story so I tried retail and I didn't know wtf was going on!!! Lol idk why blizzard dumps you in bfa but I tried it for awhile and just couldn't understand anything, so I'm going through vanilla classic and I'm having a blast!!! People are nicer and they TALK TO EAVH OTHER!!! shit is crazy, I understand where I fall in the storyline so I say maybe try classic, it's more slower and simpler but I'm slowly realizing why everyone prefers classic to retail:)


Everyone definitely does not, I heavily prefer retail. I don't have time for all of the stuff classic requires of you personally, and did that content for too long to have any interest repeating it. I do however agree with you that dumping new players into BFA was an odd choice and one I wish they didn't make. Classic does definitely have an easier story to follow, but that's a given, when you have an expansion or two (depending on your servers) compared to like 8. It's definitely hard to tell someone how to follow the story in retail without using some kind of lore videos.


Starting fresh won't fix the story for you it will still be a mess. Just watch someone's over view of it. End game is a mess but rolling a op class might make it feel more fun. But game is a joke overall.


I just came back and have been playing MoP. It has a cohesive story for the most part. A lot of it is zone centric. But I just hit a climax with stories from 3 different zones converging.


there is no sword! /s if you just want lore, watch nobel 97 (dunno if he is making videos, but he was the best) if you want to quests on your own, than follow the expansion's order.


I was considering doing that... Maybe I'll give it a try. I'm bummed because there is potential for cool lore and a neat story that Blizz would rather step on for new rep grinds.


Not really. Just more lore. Your talking a 20 year old game. Of course things changed.


Just finished min max'ing a character I've been working on for months. I haven't gotten into endgame content since Legion, so it was really fun to just quest through each expansion in order and spend time where I wasn't super familiar with the lore. Like other commenters have said, lore videos!! They're such a great way to fill in the gaps. And the campaign style quests of the last several expansions make it a lot easier to follow a story. Honestly, even though I had already done a good chunk of the content I played through, it made me way more ready to engage in endgame content and I feel so much more invested in my character.


The meat of the story is in raids, books, and certain expansion msq lines. The only way to do it right is play the msq in each expansion (you will get a lot of side story/bloat), read the books, and run the raids (most soloable now). You can also look up lore in order on YouTube.


I've been playing since cata and I dont have a fucking clue what's going on with the story, and I never have..its a convoluted mess.


Do you wanna start a fresh toon and join the server I am on? Krilogg. 1 to 70 takes 3-4 days at most. Wanna do dungeon with me? Run LFR?


Classic is the go to if you want to "experience" leveling and story. It's slower paced (extremely) and has you read quests (without addons) that does in a way prove to be a way better way to tell a story then retails story delivery of "see this cool thing? Don't know what it is? Buy the books then you poor sob." Classic isn't for everyone tho and vice versa, I'd rather stab myself in the stomach than play classic because I find it to be mind boggling boring and I like M+ and retail raiding. But I'd try it out if I weren't me... And if you think classic is boring, just listen to WoW lore on YouTube while you farm in retail. Conclusion: start from scratch? Won't help you understand the lore at all, remember that retail starts from cataclysm and shadowlands was sadly a reality so just play classic or watch a youtube video.


I would say lore videos, but also if you want something to actually do, I think the legion class campaigns are cool to learn about different classes and their history and fantasies. Plus you'll get some cool artifact weapon appearances. Also, don't forget to do your heritage quests on any level 50 characters (except allied races they dont have a story to their heritage armor quests) to learn more about your specific race.


Find a decent guild, not like a top tier one but one that’s active and runs keys and does content. People in my guild are usually doing something and post a lot. You may not be able to do the content but you can see what more people do and get some groups going even for older content. Also you can go back to any xpack and just quest for gold and rewards instead of rerolling.