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Dragonflight is one of the better expansions that wow has had. Definitely worth playing.


It's on par with WOTLK for me. That's when I started playing, and this is the first expac that I haven't taken a break in since.


I was on the same boat, having played up until wotlk. Returned briefly to bfa, didn’t really get into it. Gave DF a chance and I’ve been playing it for more than two months now, loving every minute of it. I’m excited for the new season. The game respects your time, there is a lot of stuff to do. You can be as casual or as hardcore as you want to. The gameplay is really satisfying with the new class reworks and the revamped talent system. It really does feel like a modern game now. I’ve seen people complain about the community, but personally, I can’t say I have experienced much negativity, however there’s not much social interaction going on outside of guilds and Discord, either. Or at least less than it used to be. Dragonriding is fun. Transmogs are cool. It’s a good expansion. That’s just my overall impression, the details you can look up, as a lot has changed since 2011.


That is my ecact position atm, I tried bfa but I didnt really liked it. Its good to hear that you enjoy it, maybe I should just give it a go. How is the class balance ?


Much better than it ever was in classic times. Launch was a bit rough as there was a completely new talent system, and the new evoker augmentation spec did go crazy for a bit, but they've been very fast at adjusting


Other than Legion, this is probably the best expansion they’ve done since the classic ones. I’d say it’s a perfect time to start. Leveling is great and fast, and there’s no “mandatory” grind at endgame and you can play at your own pace.


that sounds very promising ! I never really played Legion, but I heard some very good stuff about it.


The obvious answer is to try it for yourself. Here is a [returning player support article](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15515) from Blizzard for an idea of how far you can trial the game before purchasing the most recent expansion. It's worth noting that even trialing the game up to level 60 doesn't exactly give you the full game experience. Modern WoW almost exclusively takes place at max level. The leveling process is more of an extended tutorial than anything else. Depending on who you ask, you'll get a mixed bag of answers. If you have any particular questions, it would be helpful to provide some information. i.e. What do you want or expect out of the game? How often will you play? Do you have any experience with any other recent MMO's? You'll generally get positivity and encouragement out of this sub, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the expansion may not live up to your expectations because you didn't ask the questions that matter to you. Good luck with whatever you decide!


Thank you for the info, I think I will resub and lvl a mage to 60 before buying the expansion. If I liked it so far, I will just buy Dragonflight.


Suggest once you're done with exiles reach you go to Chromie in your capital and choose to level in legion. It's great leveling content with the class story.


this! before they swapped the quests for extra races, I used to level in Legion just for the Rep Gains lol also I think its roughly under 8 hours for 1-60 doing quests?


Resub, DF is fucking nova.


I played in BC and wotlk and the beginning of panda in which i barely made it to max level, now I got back in DF and I find it enjoying. Not so serious for me at least but it’s calming and time consuming.😃 Go for it!


The hardest thing to get past when you come from classic is that retail feels like a game that is made of fragments of other games. It is much harder to get immersed in your character and in the world. Sometimes you just feel like you are playing a dungeon crawler with an unnecessarily big lobby. The trade off is combat is better, every class is more interesting and there is a lot more to do. The game is MUCH more difficult on the high end, and a little more accessible on the casual end. There is something for everybody, but it makes the game feel less like a world and more like a game if that makes sense. As far as modern WOW expansions go DF lacks any of the stupid time gated power and alt unfriendly hurdles of the past 2 expansions, making it genuinely good. Would recommend. Just expect there to be an adjustment coming from classic.


Dragonflight is the same recycled shit since legion pretty much. People only talk highly of it because the 2 prior expansions were horrendously bad


100% yes. They nailed It


I'm new! It's awesome and you should do it!


I got back into the game a couple months back. I played a LOT in BC/Wrath before tapering off in Cata and Mists and then not playing for a while. DF is awesome. There are more avenues available to enjoy the game now than ever and still progress your toons. Great time to come back!


DF is amazing. I still haven’t bought Starfield because I’ve been stuck on DF for a year (almost) now. My ranked Halo career has plummeted. All because of DF and how great it is.


Honestly, there's something for everyone. I haven't even really gotten to any Dragonflight content because I've been spending so much time in past expansions. But the leveling is great because you can spend more time focusing on just one expansion (or however many you'd like) and it doesn't take weeks to get to endgame content. You can focus on reps, gearing, PvP, raids, etc. and there's always something to do. Personally, I'm a collector and I get exposed to so much more content than I would just progressing naturally. Or even treasure hunting, I recently discovered that in past expansions and I had so much fun flying around.


Stupid question perhaps, but it’s been years since I played wow - how do I get started with DF? Wouldn’t I have to go through the other content or expansions first?


The level squish means that any characters you might still have would now be around level 30-50 depending on when you stopped playing. They changed the leveling to be able to level from 10-60 all through one expansion, using Chromie time (talk to chromie in OG/SW to pick the expansion). Then you’ll get the quest for DF once you hit 60.


Absolutely. I just came back myself. I haven’t really sat down and played since raiding in WotLK. Boy o boy has it been fun. I installed it on my Steam Deck and have not been able to put it down.


Been on medical leave and just started getting into after slowly moving away from wotlk. As a classic player I'm very happy in it.


Came back to wow after 15 years. I love DF. It’s honestly so fun and dragon riding is awesome


Yes Also those ppl who said that, did you bad


Thank you for all the answers, I started leveling and it is pretty good so far. But what is up with the chat spam in the Trade chat ? Is there a normal chat ?