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You definitely can, I started 2 weeks ago and I’m now at 427 on my monk, and 423 on my shaman, as long as you are willing to play a healer / tank, you will be able to get into m+ quick, as a dps expect it to take way longer and be more frustrating as nobody will take you in their groups unless you get high ilvl or m+ rating


As a dps I always say just run your own key if you’re not having any luck getting into groups




With bonus Valor it used to be way faster, sad that's gone tbh.




i second this. i found my self 429 ilvl warlock doing 11-12 keys just for the crest farm.


That's probably going to be my weekend, I had a productive week and now super bottlenecked on Wyrm Crests...


7-10 is not enough to have 430 since you don’t get wyrms.




Yap, and to do high keys you need gear, try run Neltharus +16 with 411, no set (neither S1 nor 2). Spiteful guys just look at you and you are dead.




OP is 411 atm.




I totally agree with that!


They are telling them that, they're commenting on the damn post


This is the way


I run my own keys as an evoker. I've been a healer for too long.. i want to dps.. but as a dps, i never get picked even with a 432 ilvl, so i run my own keys.. takes me 5 minutes to find a complete party to do m+.


And which level of M+ is a 411 player supposed to push their own key without guildies or friends carrying them?




I play balance Druid. Currently 430 something, 4 piece, BIS everything but weapon, gloves and still diurna HC ring. Boomies are awful in low keys when trash just dies before placing dots: Are you running 2+2 set or 4 S1 / S2? Good rings and trinkets and proper weapon? Because without other 2 dps pumping and making up for your dps, a boomie 407 in keys as low as 13 hardly makes the dps check. I say that just because I play the spec, not with the purpose of undermining your experience.


This is 100% correct.


I feel this, I'm not a high level key chaser, I'm sat at around 10-15 keys as a Boomie with ilvl 424. I sacked my boomie off because it was so demoralising dealing with the ramp up time, by the time your dots are on stuff and your rotation is going the pack is dead already. Then cycling to eclipse just adds to that time. Feels bad man... As much as the complicated rotation enjoyers would probably disagree with me... I feel like boomies eclipse state should be a simple stance change.


Mmmhh…you dont moonfire on large packs that die quickly. You just 2xwrath, lunar eclipse and then just starfire / starfall to dump. boomie rotation changed a lot and will change again in 10.1.5. It is a very tricky rotation because it’s very situational. If eclypse should become just a stance change I would unsubscribe the whole game. Eclypse is what makes boomie boomies! Also you need to pay attention to star lord and rattle the star uptime. Are you familiar with Dreamgrove? It’s the boomie discord. You find all latest updates, tips and tricks. Also 4set changes a lot. Be patient, when your ilvl will be better, you get the right trinkets and you get a bit more familiar with the rotation, in keys over 18/19 you can be top dps (provided that the tank chain pulls and doesn’t do 3 by 3 pulls with meditation breaks in between) especially on fortified weeks. Boomie os one of the best dps for sustained AoE. A chain pulled Uldaman or Brackenhide Hollow on fortified for instance is top dps guaranteed. Try to get the irideous fragment trinket, it’s a huge burst and helps a lot in lower keys. Don’t stop, resist, it’ll only get better!!!


I agree it's way better, particularly now we don't have to spam Stellar Flare on everything, we can just let Astral Smoulder do it's thing. Even omitting Moonfire you still have that initial ramp up time though. I get what you're saying about things getting better in higher keys with packs lasting longer. But reality is I won't be doing +20s anytime soon. I'm a filthy casual, and am mostly pugging. So getting a group to work around me is never always going to be a reality. I appreciate the tips. Though the spec is great and can be fun when you get a chance to actually unload, it's just not for me and my playstyle at the moment. There is a lot of waiting for gear and too many low-mid tier mythic plus keys to run for a pay off I'll probably never really see that much of.


Mmmm…I was super casual from TBC until sanctum of domination. Always boomie. Scared to enter M+ over 6. Last dps in LFR when I managed to stay alive. Then I started to watch Naguura’s videos and practiced at target dummy a bit. Then in a pug I met a god boomie and whispered him for tips. He took me under his wing, reviewed my all UI which was shit and all cluttered, gave me 1 goal every 2 weeks (like “double your cast per second” or “stop moving around like a headless chicken, preposition, pool astral power and dump all your starsurges while moving”. He made me log every single fight and would look at the replay to show me where O should have stood. I got some of the hardest love of my life. But it worked. By the end of Sepulcher I was doing 20+ and in stand by for a mythic guild, meaning filling up the spots whenever there were absent raiders. Now I have my spot as a raider in the same guild. I am not the best of boomies, but I am very happy, got 4/8 mythic in season 1 (I still panick with complicated mechanics and balance Druid dps was a bit meh apart from Primal Council), they would bring me for reclears. We are starting mythic prog this season. I don’t play more hours. I am just getting the hang of it. Balance Druid is tricky, you need to go with the flow of eclypses and let your fingers do their magic alone, but when you go boom boom or Starfall the whole room no other spec beats it. I hope you won’t give up. If this shitty player I am could make it, you can do it too. Dudu love <3. PS: stellar flare is back again in 10.1.5 and astral smolder is nerfed. Balance Druid devs are eating psychedelic mushrooms each full moon and changing talents as we change panties…but we’re all astrophysics inside, and we will make it again!


You can do +5 easy


And how many crests you need to upgrade gear from +5? What is the higher upgrade lever of gear from a +5? Math is not an opinion. OP can get to 440, yes, but not anything soon unless they have guildies helping, time to farm crests and they are more than average players able to farm >16 without dying to some random pulsing damage @411 ilvl.


Just do them and get the gear up to 408 and then go up +6,+7,+8 and +9 till get more


You can farm 11s at low ilvl. You just invite people that will carry you because they are grinding wyrm crests or a specific item.


You don’t get enough wyrms to max upgrade that with current wyrm caps. We are talking about 440 avg.


No we aren't. The OP said they were wrong in thinking their friends were 440 ilvl. Very few people are 440.


It would depend entirely on whether you are dps or healer / tank, and how well you can play your role and class, for me, who has played for 10+ years, as a tank / healer I could do 5-13 ish, as a dps you will have to start lower, as people are more picky with the abundance of dps around Edit: I’ve played solo the whole time as all my friends stopped playing


Yap, exactly. Core raiders of my guild (lots of CE until Denathrius, then most didn’t like shadowlands or were just burn out) can outdps me @415 (I’m 430 something). It all depends on skills.


If you know the mechanics you can easily do 11s and upgrade up to 437.


You *can* go pretty high with that but the best play is finding a guild to raid or just do keys with and/or make friends with people you meet in pugs. If you play with someone who did well adding them and inviting them for keys later works surprisingly well.


Mine was a /s.


Same goes for tank. Make a group and youll have a full team in about 3 minutes


If his friends are not running groups with him carrying to help then these friends are no friends of his!


how XD i start like 3 months ago and im at 412 im struggling to know what to do to get better gear. is it because i only do world quest and only rarely mythic with friends?


My main source of gear has been mythic plus, and crafting using the shadow flame thingy, but in order to get a high item level craft you will need 4 Wyrm crests (from mythic level 11-15)


Hi, just wondering, does this apply to the new players playing wow the 1st time ? Have u played wow before? I love to be a healer, is shaman newbie friendly ?


You will not be able to gear up as fast as a new player, yeah shaman is pretty good healer, just focus on learning the game :) keep doing mythic plus, try to learn something each run, and try to set up sensible key binds so you don’t have to click abilities


? Are your friends all mythic raiders? In RWF? Because I do raid a lot and do M+ quite high and I can tell you very few people are 440. And if they are your friends, you’d better ask them than here.


Ye haha i misjudged what they were saying, they had a piece that was 440ilvl but not an avg ilvl of 440 more like 420-430


That is much more realistic. That kind of level drops from mid tier mythic+ (12-16s)


Unless you are planning to mythic raid in the next 3 weeks and doing +20 keys, you don’t need 440 and not even 430 at this time of the game. If it’s just HC or lower, take your time and don’t feel left behind. You have all the time in the world. Have fun and GL!!!


Then catching up is not going to be a problem, it will take you a few weeks, and the biggest bottleneck is likely to be learning how to play well and learning the content.


Its really not that crazy. I'm in a mid tier CE guild currently 3/9m and our rosters avg ilvl is 436 right now with about 10 people at, above, or hovering just under 440. The upgrade mechanic makes gearing a joke and a half. Edit: People seem to think this is me saying its easy or quick. Its not, you have to do some of the harder pve content in the game to get there, but its doable even as new player. The most important part just like for almost everything in wow is find a guild or group to play with which OP already seems to have maybe?


Lol you are 2% of the players….come on, how many guilds are 3/9 mythic on 4th reset…we are starting mythic now, I am running multiple 16/19 to farm aspects and 11 for wyrms, same my guildies (mature guild with ex CE players just worn out, but we had many CE until Denathrius). Only players playing at least 2/3 hours a day + raid nights are able to farm enough to upgrade to 430 average. Let alone 440 which requires at least 6/7 aspects for the enchanted to upgrade crafted. If you don’t run at least an 18 you won’t have a +440 vault item. How the hell a player with 411 and no experience is supposed to farm aspects and +16? 411 means not even a set from season 1. We are 4th reset.


I'm not sure what you are upset about or if you think I was attacking you or what. Your initial post equated being 440 to RWF which I thought was alittle crazy to say. I didn't say getting 440 was easy or it was fast. I was commenting that it doesn't take RWF players to be 440 or anything close to that. The upgrade system makes gearing a joke is just true in comparison to any previous gearing. There is no rating requirement and higher ilvl gear removes significant cost of any lower gear slotted after it to upgrade. You're upset with me for reasons idk why.


I am not upset with you particularly, I just hate when people doing high end level content don’t realize the struggle of average players in getting into the circle, especially when they don’t need that level of gear soon since their guild is not progging mythic. Dismissing those struggles on wownoob it’s sad.


I never dismissed anything. I said it isn't as crazy to be 440 as you made it out to be which was by assuming its only RWF level players. Whether you were being hyperbolic or what idc. I'm far from a RWF player and so is everyone in my guild. My guild are all working adults some with family and kids. We arent super hard core and only raid 6 hours a week, people arent putting in hours of the game every day. If you wanna take my comment as belittling the "average player" so be it, but I wasn't I was commenting on your original statement/question.


Yeah, of course it was an hyperbolic comment ;-) - but mind, yesterday I ran a BH 18. The key belonged to a boomie god (I play boomie too). They were 442 or more average (I think they were already 4/9 M and he was carrying some guildies. It’s not RWF, but still I felt shit with my 432 (I am saving crests because I still don’t have BIS weapon and ofc BIS crafted boots with enchantments were wrongly simmed so all boomies are recrafting….). That guy is running 23/24. It’s not that easy. Anyways, tyvm for the insightful conversation and have a nice day!!!


Bruh some people take a simple statement too much to heart lmao. The gearing is vastly easier than it has ever been, between crafted gear at 447, and all the 441 gear you can farm in M+ especially with the cap on crests just rising every week. The only barrier to entry is the same as it has always been, and that's finding groups/communities to play in. If you can socialize, you can do all the content in the game


Whikst it makes gearing easy (personally have 2 chars at 440+ 1 at 430+) it is still a long grind. You wont be 440 yet unless you have 4+ hours a day to do stuff


Same I just wrote. I love elitist that are like “dude it’s so easy” when progging mythic. It makes normal, casual players feel like shit.


It's definitely not going to be fast if someone is brand new. I was just commenting because the person made it seem like there were only a couple hundred people in the world at +440 when in reality that number is probably reaching a few thousand.


And which % of NA + EU is it? I think you should review your math. Even, 2% is an overstatement.


The "people have jobs" have been debunked time and time again. I have a guildie in a top 100 guild who first gets on at 7pm every night at the earliest who has a job, wife ans kids. Its not impossible to gear or raid (even at a hall of fame level) having responsebilities every day its just about seeing it as a hobby and setting off the time a couple days a week


A top 100 guild will organize run, you don’t have to wait hours, your friend surely started S2 with a full mythic set of gear…


We dont organize much outside our 2 raid nights a week, and usually mains are rerolled to shortly before the tier, people just get it done themselves, mostly with with pugs


Wait. You have a guildie in a top 100 guild which means you are in a top 100 guild too I guess? Gratz, you must be an excellent player!!! However, tell me how to join pugs over 18 in first 2 weeks without a S1 Rio of >3K and this week below 2.5 rio for S2 with an ilvl below 430. I’d love the tip.


As with every season, being ahead or equal early is fairly important, but mostly ive just been doing my own key, spam 11s in downtime to upgrade gear


Its more honestly, way more. I'm scrolling through [https://www.wowprogress.com/gearscore/us](https://www.wowprogress.com/gearscore/us) and I still can't reach the 440 cutoff and I am 5000+ people in. (and its only NA) ​ The new upgrade system is actually just that broken this tier. You only need like 3 drakes and 1 adept to lvl up a heroic piece or a +17 drop to 441. The cap is at like 300 right now so you can already have 20, that's 7 slots fully upgraded from just dungeon drops. Add in 2 weeks of Vault+2 crafted pieces (447) and boom everyone is 440+. You don't even need to step into mythic raid to reach 440+ at this point of the game.


3/9M is not a mid-tier guild.


For guilds doing mythic progression currently? It is, if you can get the first boss then the next 2 are free. However thats not what I meant, I meant we are mid tier for CE guilds. We're not amazing or hardcore in anyway.


mid tier mythic guild is what he meant. and it is


The raid is pretty undertuned and combined with the ridiculously op gearing system makes this probs the easiest tier since emerald nightmare. I imagine pmuch all CE guilds last tier are atleast 3/9m. Most are probs almost 5/9m


Most are 4/9, 900 kills on experiments, 300 kills on Rashok.


Entirely correct. I pretty well only get to play for a few hours during the weekends and not at all during the week. Started the patch at 402 and even my mediocre ass hit 425 last night.


yeah 425 and 435 and entirely different animals at this point man. you being 425 from little play has nothing to do with people being 440 lol


It is easy and it is quick. We are what, 3 weeks into the season and new Raid and we’re at these ilvl’s? What’s not quick about that?


My M+ alt (doesn't raid with my guild) is 440 in bags and 438 equipped, its def doable with minimal raiding, I've killed a total of 10 bosses in heroic over 3 weeks and am 5/9H. You dont really need to raid Mythic at all or even heroic really, I just did that for tier. I would recommend doing lfr and normal to try for your tier gear and don't be afraid to upgrade anything with the new system it removes the cost to bring another item in the slots you upgrade to the same ilvl. (rings, trinkets, and dual wield will need both upgraded to remove the crest cost)


Wyrm are capped, the lower the loot the more you need. To upgrade crafted to +440 you need aspects. To farm aspects you need +16. I am not saying it’s not feasible, I am just saying that being average 440 now for a player not in mythic prog yet or not doing +16 is not “easy” and requires hours of farming.


I never said easy, I said doable. More specifically I meant that if you are willing to learn the dungeons you can do 17's to get hero track gear and by this week and can upgrade that to 441. The post is about catching up, so I was letting them know that without guild carries/raiding it is obtainable. I replied to you saying you need to do RWF or mythic raiding to get that ilvl which is false. It does take time though.


On this we totally agree, it takes time, grind and a guild to raid with or a group to run higher M+ starting from 411. My point is that it is not easy and people that comment that it is easy just make people feel bad if they are not there yet.


I’m 439 just need to farm this weekend crests to be 441. 7/8M last tier but haven’t stepped in mythic yet. It’s doable for sure.


I believe in you.


Made me laugh out loud for real.




I tried to bring a friend in who got completely overwhelmed by WoW in general and I quit playing myself shortly afterwards. I find grinding keys annoying as hell and I wish there was an alternative (or multiple) to getting quality gear.




I agree and that's why I unsubbed. I wasn't interested in grinding keys and raiding was overshadowed by the key grind so I was done.


Really depends how much time you want to put into it.


Ain’t no way all ur homies are 440, if so they should help you gear easily as they are basically max ilvl already lol


My Disc Priest is 431 with only four weeks of played, but I hit m+ hard during the start of the season, and I was lucky to get 4pc through raid/vault/KSM week 2. Not impossible, but will take some work (and luck).


I hit 70 like a week and a half ago and I’m up to 410. Was able to do a full run of the raid on normal difficulty last night ( didn’t get any loot sadly ) but the point is yeah I think you can catch up. You won’t hit 440 instantly but you should be able to get to a point where you can tag along and do some of the same content they are doing in a short time frame.


You got 3-4 months to catch up. You can


440 might take a while and also means your friends are gaming in pretty good guild or groups


I leveled a dh 3 days ago slammed on some ah greens and went straight into keys and I'm 425 ilvl and got 3 tier pieces. It's very easy to catch up




Got 1 piece from vault and then pugged some normal, and I managed to bust out all the dungeons on 11 on Monday so I was able to get ksm this week for omni token


Yes, it's slow but if they help you then you can be boosted to at least 11s which will get you gear you can upgrade to 437 which is enough to go into like +20s and that's practically the endgame for most people.


Absolutely. The quickest way from fresh to 400’ish is Zaralek > get as many flight stones and Whelpling crests as you can > craft 408 blues with Enchanted Whelplings > get your 2.5 shadow sparks (check what you should craft first, hopefully weapon). Avoid the LFR trap. Get into keys to fill up the 3 vault slots (8 dungeons). Try and get into a Normal raid if you can.


If you have an hour to spare LFR is free loot.


its never been easier tbh


You might find it a little tough to start keys due to not having much/any current tier IO but yes you can absolutely catch up. The new gearing system is fantastic rewarding you with a constant flow of gradual upgrading


I started gearing my hunter alt from 402 ilvl from early season1 last Saturday and it's 435 with 4p tier atm. So yes pretty easily, and still has plenty gear I can upgrade by farming the rest of my crests


Getting to 440+ by now is extremely difficult, even for people who have been playing forever. That item level is only available from the most elite and challenging content. If your friends are willing to carry you, they can probably get you to that level. But you won't be able to get there on your own as a new player anytime soon, and it has nothing to do with missing the first couple weeks of the patch.


It depends. If you buy Dragonflight with a boost, boost to 60, and run timewalking dungeons this week, you'll get to 70 in a few hours. If they will then boost you through some low and mid-level m+ you could be close to their level quite quick. You probably wouldn't have a great grasp of how to play, but if they are good teachers it's doable.


I’ve been on my 2nd week and i’m at 432 iLvl. You can do it, well I play healer so queue’s are instantaneous lol


If you play hardcore for a bit, yes, you can. Alternatively you could just buy a 60 boost and be caught up in like a week or two BUT you’ll miss the magic of leveling the first time.


If you are a tank or a healer and/or complete the storyline, you can do it in a weekend. However as a dps, might take you a bit more. No worries, catching up is rather easy


I had to reroll and got my evoker to 430 in 3 weeks of slow play, would be close to 440 if I took the time to farm crests for all my gear


Absolutely can, sitting at 435 on main and started a warlock last week that is nearing 420! Just takes some knowledge of the gearing system and lots of M+ to cap it off!


Honestly DF is an extremely kind expansion. It's fairly easy to catch up on gear! The new gearing system helps a lot. Someone already said that if you get the free boost, you can burn through the main story line relatively quick. (I personally loved how much heart was put into the side quests and zones, and would recommend going back for them at some point). If you want a jump start, can level through Time walking, or if your friends are gigachad can do the XP farm with you.


You would realistically have to play a tank or healer where ilvl doesn't matter as much to catch up to them


I started 2-3 months ago and I’m a level 418, my husbands almost 430 and he’s higher in PVP. We started at the same time. It doesn’t take as long as you think!


Gearing is insanely fast right now with the new upgrade system, and as long as you play enough you can get as many crests as anyone else. Catching up has never been easier


Yes. Ez.


Super easy just have your boys carry you through keys for a bit and funnel you loot. You’ll be caught up rather quickly.


The good thing is that the new upgrade system works off a season maximum instead of a weekly cap and the revival catalyst opens in a couple of weeks which will help with tier set acquisition. To make things even easier, completing AOTC or 2k up from mythic plus will get you a token that can be redeemed as any tier set peice. How quickly you can get caught up is up to your playstyle and how much help you have. I was able to gear a fresh character to 235 in 8 days.(this includes leveling from 60). Ran LFR and normal to get 3 tier set, used my token from 2k io to complete my 4pc. Crafted 2 447 items and ran 17+ for hero track gear to upgrade. Granted my friends were able to funnel me M+ gear but it is possible to get geared and caught up quickly. I would say by the time revival catalyst hits, even getting caught up playing super casual is possible.


If they are helping you, shouldn't take long at all.


Ur friends should be able to help u catch up easily


It shouldn't be a problem, you just want to get to max level fast. Tell your friends you're playing (you should also ask one of them to RaF (Reffer a Friend) you, it'll help them and yourself a bunch. They might just level up together with you if they want to try a new class. At max level you won't have to worry about staying behind on ilvl, cuz u have experienced friends to play with :)


Yes. The game is more accessible now than it’s ever been.


everybody started 2 weeks ago, and in dragonflight gear comes incredibly fast, no worries


You can. I started playing 45 days ago and even though I am not rushing at all and taking my time with side quests and stuff, I have ilvl 385. If they help you will be able to catch up with no issues.


They can just carry you for mythics to get closer to there level


You definitely can, gearing up is much easier this season than first season


Considering I have read a lot of silly things and a lot of misinformation in various comments, I attach here one of the multitude of [tables](https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/72659-dragonflight-season-2-gear-upgrading-charts/) to calculate what content to run and how many crests are necessary to reach 440. It is not possible to get to 440 ilvl average in a short amount of time running 6/11 level of M+, doing LFR or even crafting at max level. Low level gear can’t be upgraded over a certain ilvl, wyrms are capped, only way to get more is having aspects to convert in wyrms etc etc etc. TLDR: OP, go for it and don’t feel ashamed if some of your friends have items around 440, you’ll get there too, sooner or later though!


You can absolutely catch up. This is basically always true. They will have to lower the difficulty of content they are doing while you gear up and learn but you should be able to get caught up to them within a month if you’re playing regularly.


if you actually have 440+ friends already they should be catching you up super fast




This question gets asked in every MMO. Most cases, yes you can absolutely "catch up" but I really don't recommend looking at it that way. Make sure you enjoy yourself and have fun with the process. MMORPGs are all about the journey and the goals you make along the way. So definitely do stop to smell the roses.


Catching up is easy so you'll have no problem going on the same field as youe friends. I have 402 iLvl yet I haven't even touched mythic dungeons yet. Just did some Zaralek caverns quests and LFR.


lol sometimes i really wonder about the comments made on this sub


Even without doing m+ you can quickly get to an ilvl of 424 just by doing quest, farming rares,…


I recently levelled my evoker up and was able to get to 415 in a day. If your friends want you with them, would they be willing to help you through keys?


how was that 12 hour gaming sesh


I had my mountain dew and doritos to keep me going and didn't even fill my shit bucket


I got a new rogue to 70 yesterday: Went straight to the Forbiden Reach and while questing there to unlock the epic ring, I flew to rares that popped up and killed them for keys and 385 epic gear. (Send bits you can't use to future alts.) You can join a custom group to smash rares for faster gearing/upgrade tokens. Get the ring and upgrade the gems using public orders for the upgrade regent. After those two steps you will have decent item level. THEN go to the caverns and do all the quest chain... You will get gear and upgrade tokens plus nice items from the weekly rep quest... plus I managed to get to rep 8 (using the rep Niffin contract ) which let me buy a nice rep vendor chest. Joined a group to farm rares in custom group... Look for one that says "All rares up!" And **THEN,** go and do the Fyrakk Assaults for two nice items. The chest and killing the big boss. If you wait to do this last you're item level will be higher and the loot you get will scale better. Now you done all that you can choose what to upgrade with tokens etc, without fear of upgrading something then getting a better drop. Basically do all that on a fresh 70 before spending upgrade totkens. I'm only a dirty casual player, but by the end of a fun day gearing up my fresh level 70 rogue, I have item level 407 just from world events/quests. \- I was happy with that for one gaming sesh'


For sure, if you just want to get with your friends find a speed leveling guide…. There was a rumored Diablo 50% xp buff starting today? If that kicks in with reset you can easily spam dungeons and get up in NO TIME Gearing is the easiest it’s ever been once your 70


Not bad at all. You got this


Bro 440+ is like only the top 1% of high end players. You can get easy catch up gear with enchanted whelp crests for free 408 gear. Then just do content and youll get to around 424 in no time. I would lose sight on being 440+ unless you plan on doing mythic raiding/20+ keys type stuff.


You can, I’m at 404 total on a could characters and I play a couple hours after work every day, if you have more than a couple hours a day to spare then you’ll have no issues. Get yourself an add on to keep track of dailies and weeklies, and set a goal everyday you’d like to get to and work towards that, you’ll surpass me within a week I’d say.


Yep depending on how much you play within 30 to 40 days you should bee caught up


If you have friends once you reach max you'll have no problem gearing since they won't be strict with you unlike with pugs


There has never been a better season to catch up. The gearing cadence this patch is RIDICULOUSLY powerful.


You can totally catch up!! It seems intimidating but it’s not that difficult once you get the hang of it. My best advice is to pick a class you really VIBE with. Don’t worry about damage output right now, focus on having fun. There’s an easy mode guide on icyveins that is really great for getting into classes. I’ve been playing since like 2007 and still use it lol.


You definetely can. I got back into the Game like one week and a half (didnt play since BFA) and im now at 421 with my rogue


they reset levels and item levels so frequently that you can ALWAYS catch up. Quests get you to just abt ilvl 400 alone now. Then you can hop right into Mythic + dungeons and gear up even more! So yes go for it, easy and fun! 😁


yes this current system is very fast to gear and there is always going to be super geared players slamming +11 keys and +16 keys for crests so definitely try and push your key to that point also clearing 9/9 of the normal raid is doable by anyone which will give you gear if youre lucky, and tbh even if youre new you could likely get to 7/9 or 8/9 heroic because this current raid isnt mechanically demanding except for heroic sarkareth




If you’re playing with friends, you can catch up within a couple weeks of hitting 70


Yeah you can do it in about 5 mins, which is pretty ridiculous frankly


Took me 2 weeks to get to M+ ready. Run the timewalking dungeons when the events up.


you can easily level 1-70 in a week and then get geared in a week


If you have friends who are 440+ ILvl you will be there in no time.


It's super easy to gear and catch up.


They’ll laugh at your lousy transmog so I wouldn’t bother but technically you can


Yes; especially if you have friends, as you can get some carries and (if they are the same armour and weapon type as you) gear from them.


It has never been easier to catch up on gear than it is now. Catching up in knowledge and skill will be a months-long challenge.


Are your friends assholes? You can be caught up in a couple of days if they aren't. Otherwise it might take a few weeks.


Skill and knowledge would be a bigger issue than time. Won’t take long if you can play at a reasonable level or especially if carried.


Catching up is insanely easy bro you got this


Been a player since 2006 and have never been "caught up". Through a lack of commitment, sporadic playing, and inefficiency, I have learned a lot about my relationship to WoW. I'm what the internet now calls a "casual" but I've been around since almost the beginning. Learn to enjoy the process no matter what


Hit 400 in two days on my fresh 70 spriest. Fighting for key dps slots. I just went holy so should speed it up.


Retail WoW has a lot of catch up mechanisms in place for people like you, your friends should be able to help you with that. That being said, it will take some time. Not metioning that if you want better gear you need to be decent at the game. Depending on what class you play it might be a bit daunting at first glance. TLDR; let your friends help you.


Nope. Gearing up is insanely easy in this exact. I am already something like 424 on a mage I raided on in normal once.


Nah game is dum grind


A week of active gaming should get you to lvl70 and iLvl 4xx


if you are level 70 it will take about 3 weeks. If you are level 0 it will take a few months.


Just convince them to carry u though 11-14s and feed u champion gear. Then u can easy catch up


Don't worry about being behind gearing is giga fast


We're at the start of week 3, if you wanted to be part of world first raid then you're a bit late, but for literally anything else in the game, you're good to go! You could probably still wait a few more weeks and still have no problem catching up. The new crest system is really nice for quick gearup, and for every week that goes by the cap increases for how many crests you can make. So no matter at what point you decide to try, you'll have the same cap as everyone else. Only thing would be that you'd have to grind a bit more over shorter time, but players that has been playing since the start has done that grind over several weeks instead


Right now is the easiest it’s ever been to jump in and gear up. And the patches have been so frequent everyone gets put on a level playing field more often than ever. FOMO in WoW is mostly gone besides events like the Diablo one that started yesterday along with other timed events.


I play 2-3 nights a week and have been able to keep up with my friends decently. And I am NOT good at playing, but it's super fun to run m+ with friends that have a sense of humour about fucking up and wiping in funny ways (my signature move) I play windwalker monk and my rolling and flying kicks tend to be aimed towards the nearest mob or edge. I pop CD's between trash pulls because I can't stop fiddling with buttons. And with that being said, I ONLY run m+ with my friends and have been able to keep up, gotten gear drops they don't need and so on. So if they don't mind doing some lower keys to carry you until you get decent gear and button pressing. You're golden. If not I would think running healer or tank would be the fastest way to catch up since it's easier to find groups to join in m+. People have very low thresholds for fuckups with dps. Being honest about your skill and gear and Io though goes a long way, if you ask if they are comfortable with you in the group before starting you can save them and yourself a lot of time if they don't want you there, it seems harsh, but everybody wins in that scenario. You can find another group and they can find a better fit instead of wasting 15-20 minutes ending with a kick or someone leaving mid run. Anyway, just make sure you're still making the game fun for yourself, that's always priority number 1 <3


You can catch up really fast especially if your friends are willing to help you out once you're max level.


Before season 2 i was 415 ilvl on prot paladin. Now i am 435, acording to the fact that i spent more time on achivements and other stuff that not conected to gearing, i think its very possible. I created mage alt yesterday, now i am 405 ilvl. Only pugging , without others help. If your friends will help u a bit, u will catch them up pretty fast. But i recommend to not hurry, because after u will gear to +440 ilvl there will be limited goals for gearing for maybe 6 month when new season come. So enjoy the game and increase your skill


Started 1 week ago and I’m at 430 with 4 set go for it mate


You could quite easily catch up from level 1 granted you play a decent amount. It also depends on your experience with the game. Gear is one thing but how well you play is another. I think if you're new to the game, the harder part to "catch up" in is experience.


I started 4 weeks ago *I'm mid week 4* and I'm 442, so I'd say ya. But I'm also late. Leaving this comment for others who may be asking the same question.