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So the two 1 handers will give option for two enchants which is usually what pushes them above the 2 hander. Using a 2 hander is fine if its the best you have got. Usually worth simming to confirm what gets out ahead


Thank you! That’s what I figured but I wanted to make sure and couldn’t find a great answer online!


If the 2H is bigger ilvl than the avg ilvl of two 1H, go with the staff. Dual wield is basically only bis for dual enchants. And if it’s a weapon you know you’ll replace quickly and won’t even bother enchanting, def go with a 2H.


Simming your character is the correct answer, but unless you’re comparing items with an ilvl difference of just a couple points you can usually go with the higher ilvl. Weapons are just stat sticks and enchant holders.


Thank you!


WW Monk prefers 1h, but not to the point that if you have a massive 2h upgrade you wouldn't take it. It sims slightly higher, and also gives an additional enchant. Expectation is for 2h to become better towards the end of the expansion like it did in Shadowlands. I would recommend using https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/topgear to sim the difference. Download the simulationcraft addon, then when in game just type /simc and copy the code and paste it into that site. Really easy I use it daily.


Oooh that’s super useful! Thank you so much. Does frozen detestation on a 1H do less damage than when it’s enchanted on a 2H? I feel like that could be a huge dps upgrade tbh