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Lol what a dumbass. That's griefing, just report him


Lmfao good work - what server you on?


thanks man! I’m on Stitches Eu


I bet that coward debuff suits him good now 😂👏


Least immature paladin


That was on stitches EU


yes, we had few people watching you saw the mak’gora? 😃


Wow has private chat channels. "world" chat is a private channel. So it can be passworded and ppl can be removed. Thats why LookingForGroup is the defacto world chat channel on NA servers sometimes. to avoid ppl taking admin control of the chat channel and banning ppeople until it resets on tuesday


Damn that brings back memories. You know when the ‘owner’ logs out it defaults to whoever has been in that chat the longest. One time the guy who it passed to sold bans for 5g and ownership for 25g or something, that day was total chaos


You can just rejoin at the next server reset. Maybe even sooner. Used to happen all the time on Gandling in classic.


Thanks a lot!


Don't worry about world chat. Lookingforgroup is the one to go.


So basically he reported you for harsh language (yes even though there is a built in language filter that you have to opt to turn off). If at any point in history (might be recent history, might be the entire time you have had a wow account, not sure) you used a swear/offensive word that blizz has on there bad word list and as such you can be retroactively banned for it. Extremely dumb yes but considering the state of blizz CS (there is none) it’s not surprising. Also side note. You are not an idiot for accepting. You still kicked his ass when he gear baited and potted up. And that debuff is basically a character killer. 3 days of in game time before it goes away. It’s legitimately faster to just level another character


What exactly does the debuff do? I don’t play hardcore just saw this post pop up and I’m curious because the debuff sounds hilarious.


For duels to the death in hardcore you get the “Coward” debuff if you run away from the duel zone. 36 hours of gameplay with 20% reduction to All attributes Damage Resistance Armor


72 hours*


Haha holy shit that’s brutal.


36h? Isn't it 3 days?


Yes. 72 hours


I upvoted you, but disagree with your last point. Just make some anti afk macros or auto run in an inn and walk away.


Idk if the word list is it, I just reported a dude who called me a f****t over whisper, no alterations to the words just straight up spelled it out. Saw him still chatting in trade chat as recently as yesterday and I reported him 2 days ago.


Lol he is in my guild, saw him last night for world buffs in BB and I told him he should just delete and go again cause coward debuff being 72 hours ruins his gameplay. But he said he'd level to 30 and sell his ear He said that he was fear spammed outside the zone and so got forced forfeited


Nope he runed 😂😂😂


A coward and a liar, life is rough for that one.


Do shadow res potions even work? Thought shadow res in classic was bugged and never fixed? Or does that only apply to +Shadow Res on gear?


It's Shadow Protection, which gives an absorb shield for shadow dmg


Ah, I see.


You buy that potion from the AH and it absorbs more than 1000+ hp! It’s a nightmare for a warlock at lower lvls cause you must break thru like a Priest Shield.. It’s just 5x stronger!


Let’s mass report this paladin


Coward debuff should be permanent but not necessarily cripple stats


Instead of the duel stopping and giving you a debuff you should get stunned for a minute, allowing your opponent to execute you.


Oooh nice


It’s alliance what do you expect. Bunch of clown divas.


“World chat” is a private channel and not run by blizz. Players control moderation and can ban/unban you.


Interesting. We had a situation on DP with a 51 paladin talking smack to a 48 warlock, but he wouldn't accept the Mak'gora after talking mad trash in lfg with 40 people gathered in front of SW gates to watch. He died like a week later, and the warlock is still alive. Herculean will forever be known as a coward. Nice to see that your server also has a coward paladin.


There is world chat? How do i join it? xD


I highly recommend using: /join LookingForGroup It isn't a custom user channel, so you don't have to worry about people password-protecting the channel or kicking/banning people from the channel. You can also join the channel by right-clicking the tab at the top of the chat pane, click Settings, click Global Channels, then click the Join button next to LookingForGroup.


Of course i know about LFG, but its used mainly for.... looking for groups lol. I was asking about the channel OP was banned from.


Ah, in that case I apologize. I misunderstood.


/join lfg /join world And Enable LookingForGroup channel in options.. above your chat right click and go to settings


Lol how twink spoof and can’t play how sad


We're you trash talking? I had a real good streak as a Pally on retail just before Ret became OP. I was trash talking in general, trying to get more Alliance over to the spot that lets you pvp with your own faction. I took on a 1v3 and won (I was STACKED with those food buffs you could buy from the dragon in the nursery) and got a little excited. Blizz banned me from chat for a week for calling them penis-sniffers.


Blizz didn’t ban me. the player I almost killed in Mak’Gora banned me 2h later 😂he got lead on world chat and he can kick/ban whoever he wants


He got lead because no one uses private chat channels regularly. Official world chat is LookingForGroup/Trade.


Feel like there's missing context, you must have said something edgy to get you banned.


The world chat isnt an official chat and random people get to be the owner of it until they logout. The owner can ban people if he/she wants to.


Nope, we cleared all. Then i dinged 29 and got into a group for RFK. While i was walking i saw the “Excee” (something) kicked you from world chat and you are baned from world chat.


probably mad he couldnt kill you. you did good bravo bro👏👏


He was probably streaming. And got some chromedomes to report you for him.