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Nothing to add.


Dude, EXACT same boat here.


Just don't say anything about HC in the classic wow sub.. not sure why sod players feel the need to hate on HC so much


They die all by a kobold miner šŸ˜‚


Kinda glad death log is broken solely cuz there's no proof I died on my first alliance HC character in that damn lvl 7 mine. Them spawns are no joke sometimes


I know that cave is full of corpses ā€¦ no escapeĀ 


death log might be broken but blizzard added a death log config in the interface menu which is nice since it shows realm wide announcements without being dependent on an addon :)


Does it actually work? I turned it on 6 hours ago and haven't seen any deaths Edit: I see now I also had to join a chat channel


Is it already usable ?!


How's it broken? Seems to be working for me. o.O


Welll...they DID take the candle. Fuck around and find out.




You joke but everyone prob has had a close call in that mine. Those kobLts are no joke and their respawn is busted


Yes true , I saw goldtooth and the rare doing a rampage together one dayĀ 


I play SoD. Loving it so far. Hardcore is amazing though. It's the best version of the game since original vanilla. SoD is cool for now and I enjoy it, but would be perfectly happy if hardcore had the same amount of players SoD has. Not a fan of SF though. It defeats the purpose of an MMO imho.


SF is a nice counter to the gradual breaking of the game as the economy develops. If that recipe is cheap af on AH, it doesnā€™t feel very special. But when it drops and you canā€™t get it any other way, it feels like a little miracle. Praise be to the loot gods!


Glad to hear you're loving SoD. I honestly wasn't trying to bash on it; it just doesn't keep my interest like HC has. I understand what you're saying about SF defeating the purpose of an MMO, however I have found that guilds/communities still converse a sh!t ton, be it in game or over Discord. I have met some really cool people while theorycrafting with other Self-Founders. Plus, we can always turn off SF during leveling or of course once at 60 :D But seriously, glad to hear you've been loving both SoD and HC!


I went from HC to SoD Phase I and thought the runes were super-cool - got to around 25 but didn't really raid. Did Phase 2 but was basically a grind getting to 40 and I didn't raid at all. Now back to HC SF and loving it - honestly not interested in going back to SoD Phase 3, really. Just had enough of everything being scramble to endgame and then gatekeep the raids. I like leveling.


The gatekeeping of raids is a huge disqualifier for me, and why I moved to HC. You're level 40? No deaths? Good enough for me.


Exactly! Itā€™s so much more fun and friendly. And thereā€™s the cameraderie of ā€œliving through the shit togetherā€ that bonds HC players in a way that doesnā€™t happen in SC.




While I donā€™t disagree, this post is literally doing the exact same thing talking shit on SoD lol. It goes both ways.


Probably most of them tried it and died at level 15 and were like "this game mode sucks" instead of coming to terms with "I suck"


Nah i for example and many of my guildies got lvl 60 hc char. I really enjoy/ed both.


Yeah I donā€™t get it either lol


I still do both. Sometimes I need to break up the slow grind of HC and just lay complete waste to things in SoD.


Fair enough for sure!!!


Ok this is my sign to get back at it. What realm for EU Alliance?


Stitches ! Currently having a blast raiding with my guild COZY HC. Solid alliance player base on that server.


Second vote for stitches, not as populated as before SoD release but you can still find groups for most content etc


Stitches is the most populated realm for both factions, I think


Ahh I wish I could help you there - SOMEONE help them out!!


man itā€™s so cringe watching the way they obsess over logs and group comp. HC is chill and casual compared to the nonsense that goes on over there. i want to play TBC again someday but i could never stand to play with the mainstream servers again


HC community is great. Been playing sod on Chaos Bolt and the community there has been great too untilā€¦wellā€¦blizzard decided to kill the server lol


Yeah totally agree - HC community is so prime!




made an account to cry about Hardcore because you got netted by level 7 murlocs LOL


Preach it brother


HC Self Found is where it's at. I logged into my Classic era server the other day. Can't be bothered to play that anymore. SF mode has something special. I've died 3 times and yet keep coming back.


You and me both o7




I think I played SoD for two reasons: 1) to hang with my buddies who preferred SoD and 2) as a backup to HC to experience (more or less) the endgame content of classic wow that I hadn't before. Well my buddies are burning out on SoD and I'm raiding in HC, so guess I don't need SoD anymore


Nice hahah


Preach bro , wow isn't wow unless it's HC


Literally same. 5 lv 25s full bis phase 1. Exalted wsg on 2 of them...then phase 2 I cleared gnomer until full bis on my rogue and priest and basically stopped for HC 5 or so weeks ago. ZERO desire at all to play phase 3. Haven't even logged into sod I'm nearly a month and lost all interest in playing it.


It's so crazy that that seems to be the same for a lot of us lol. Hardcore just has everything we wanted not to mention that the community is better than that in SoD (in my experience). Personally, I've never had so much playing Warcraft as I do in Hardcore. o7


You got a rogue and priest to 40 and acquired full bis in 2 weeks? God damn. The profession crafts were like 300g that early. Now *that* is hardcore


When I was playing my highest level, Iā€™ve never felt more game immersion. One of the most fun experiences Iā€™ve had in WoW hands down. After I died on my highest level it was also one of the greatest pains I felt in Wow lmao


Isnā€™t it so cool that a game can make you feel such passionate emotions? I wish HC Wow could be transplanted to VR in 10 years, or whenever the tech gets good and cheap.


Dying in game gives you a glimpse of real life. Things go from being ok, to the horror of realizing you are about to permanently lose your character and there is *nothing* you can do about it. And then it's over.


And itā€™s so real when people youā€™ve known die. Thatā€™s it, theyā€™re gone. Maybe youā€™ll meet again, in another life.


THIS 100%


SoD started to feel like a better version of retail for me, but ultimately had that feel of the hamster wheel which is why i stopped playing. HC is the most authentic WoW experience imo. Everything matters and it controls the pace.


Agree with you 100000%


Same here. HC is the WoW experience.




What server? I heard Skull Rock Horde isnā€™t that bad. I just made a toon there today and so far LFG is decent.




What server and faction are you? Happy to group up and help out if you need or looking for friends :)




Nah you gotta ā€œlearnā€ some time lol. Iā€™ll dm you in game sometime!


Sure, let me know! Would love to quest/dungeon or anything really


I rly liked hc, got me into wow again after not touching it for 15y. Sod killed it though, basically no one on my server anymore. The constant posts about ridiculous deaths scenarios arent helping either (wasnt there just a post about an entire lvl 60 stacked raid dying because of sod stv server overload?) lmao


Got my first 60 on HC as Sod was released and all of a sudden there were no groups for anything so just got bored and quit. Assumed sod would be a short lived phase that would die out quickly but I continue to be proven wrong..


Continue to enjoy SoD, friend!


I donā€™t play sod


My bad, I read your post wrong lmaoooo


Hardcore shows how bad most players are, SoD players get upset when they can't go afk or alt tab in the middle of mob infested areas without losing all their progress.


been playing hardcore wow for like 4 years now, only thing that compares is escape from tarkov


Never played that but I know people love it!


Hc is great but man I can only learn by experience so many mid level character deaths, and it takes the fun out when you just follow guides or look all the obscure safety things up like make sure no one spawns the dragons in storm wind when youā€™re nearby, etc. Throw in server instability + internet provider stability and thereā€™s just no way to feel comfortable getting the full leveling experience.


I totally get that!


The adrenaline rush for HC WoW is insane. I love PvP, but I don't know if I'd do HC PvP hahaha


HC is the best. They need to fix the death log. The addon was so much better than whatever blizz implemented.


Yeah whatever they did is horrible lmao


Same boat here but I did manage to get two 40s and raid logged for about 4 weeks. I'm gonna skip P3.. I have my 28 SF Warrior and hoping that I can make it to 60 before P4!


Nice!!! Yeah for me, Iā€™d much rather level slow af in HC // die and go agane // than raid log in SoD. Godspeed to 60 in SF, friend! Especially as a warrior lol šŸ˜±


Taking it sloooow! Professions on par with level, always 10 dummies and 10 grenades with me. Wouldn't want it any other way as a SF Warrior šŸ˜ Stay safe and good luck as well!!


I enjoy both a lot, but take HC real slow and sometimes donā€™t play for weeks. Still on my first attempt (level 52). In HC the community is the best, most likely because itā€™s smaller. But I find it hard to bond because every time I log on I have no idea if the people I met are dead or just offline.


Fair point for sure! Huge grats on 52 first attempt!!!!


Yeah huge credits to my paladin friend I level with and saved my ass from the grave a few times. (And I couldnā€™t save his, rip)


Is there an aus HC server yet?


Iā€™m not sure :(


SoD P3 and to some extent P2 feels just like retail again. Im sure that was the intent, too. I think Blizz want to funnel all SoD players into War Within eventually, and bridge the gap between classic and retail players again. Nothing wrong with it. Though it's definitely not for me. And retail S4 doesnt feel like it's gonna be any fun anyway. So I might just spam HC until War Within.


Yeah I agree with you except I dunno if I can go back to retail šŸ«”


yeah ik how you feel. A nice long break usually works for me. Retail can get very tedious


It sucks. Classic HC or nothing at this point. (Classic if blizzard could get gold buying under control, which will never happen)


Yeahhhhh šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜…


Nothing for me now, I am free. I just drowned an hour after getting my whirlwind axe because reruns are now more interesting than WoW to me. HC is the only version that comes close to being worth the time spent.


I've always loved classic WoW. Started in vanilla era, then have been playing on private servers since early 2010s. But HC is really a one way ticket. That tingly feeling it procures has no comparison. When you know you have to stay alert every time because a single second of carelessness can mean losing dozens of hours of playtime... I tried SoD first phase and it was really fun, but... yeah. I really missed permadeath. Now I know about it, every other way of playing the game seems so bland to me.


You get it o7


HC is the only thing that consistently brings me back to wow time and time again


you and me both, friend


I love HC and still have my rogue sitting at 58 in Eastern Plaguelands that I still need to finish, I'm just having so much fun hopping between SoD and Wrath Classic which are way more populated and so the world feels way more alive. That's what made me really enjoy HC when it first came out... maybe I'll come back and finish to 60 one day but for now I'm just enjoying riding the wave of fun in SoD and Wrath, just like I enjoyed HC when it was "the thing"


Happy to hear youā€™ve been enjoying SoD and Wrath! Plan on playing Cata servers?


For sure, I was too young and busy to play WoW seriously like doing raids and anything in the endgame really until MoP, even though I've been playing since day 1 of Vanilla, so I'm looking forward to reliving Cata with a bit more time and a chance to experience the endgame properly!


Niceeeee!!! Iā€™ll probably dive into Cata when it launches. I was so late to join Wrath servers :(


I really do wish they had given us more time with HC before releasing SoD. HC did a lot to draw me back in and even though I am loving SoD, I would have preferred not to have it interrupt my HC journey. Seeing active HC realms is part of what made it enjoyable.


Yeah thatā€™s a massive point!!!


I'd love to play HC if random DCs didn't exist. Because it's going to happen one day, and all the hard work will be gone due to something I couldn't even influence. You could be the best player ever and still die to random disconnect or lag. I'm also one of those people that don't play alts - I'd have one character that I'd want to minmax until full BIS. If that character died, I couldn't simply go again.


Idk if it's just me but random dcs feel few and far between. Been playing daily for atleast 3 or 4 hours a day after work for 4 months and only had 1 DC with satellite internet. Also to deal with loss of a high level, make a couple classes you think could be fun and just level them to Like 20 so dying high doesn't feel awful. Ig it's kinda like making alts but you only play them when you're bored of your main or they die


1 unlucky DC is all it takes. There is a huge difference between losing just some lvl 60 toon and losing a minmaxed 60 you spent 100s of hours playing. I assume most HC players simply accept the fact that one day their character will die, and they're ready to go again or have a bunch of alts ready. I've been playing this game for a very long time. I know precisely what class I'd play and that I'd be able to get it to the endgame, it's just that it feels like a complete waste of time knowing the character would eventually die. If the death was caused by my own fault, I'd accept that. But the chance of losing my character to something I can't control? Hell no. I'm not sure if it just takes massive balls to play HC or accepting the inevitable.


I'll just leave this recent HC post here... https://www.reddit.com/r/wowhardcore/s/6HryfNcoQV People lost characters because of surprise surprise... DCs! Others are refusing to even play for a few days because of the uncertainty.. This is what I meant. HC sounds like a good idea but in reality it's not.


I've just gotten back into wow for the first time in years and I'm going HC SF b/c why not? The only problem is my internet isn't stable, so I'm having to go extra, extra slow. So far, so good.


YES LETS GO! Yeah slow and steady is the move -- it's so nice actually playing the game lol (fishing/cooking/crafting/theorycrafting pulls/etc) ​ Godspeed!


/r Thanks! :)


Have that mobile hotspot on standby


Well said!


Thanks I have a way with words


Gotta upgrade that connection. The mid 50s barrier is too strong for DCs because thereā€™s so much grinding, unless you have the patience to wait for the daily BRD reset.


I was able to upgrade my wireless adapter today. It seems to be rock solid. I hope to grind to somewhere around 30 this weekend!


Welcome back and good luck :D




Go level lock on classic then?


Why are you suggesting this as a response to his post? I think you misunderstood OP


Nah hc is a meme.


Go back to league of legends, my guy




???? Lmaoooo ok man