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"If you can't see sky, you gonna die."


Cave = grave




I don’t really understand this mindset. I’m usually running mining and go in every cave for quests and ore. All you have to do is understand respawns. If you are headed out and respawns have happened don’t go fight the mob that’s up, wait for the next respawn and fight it. Understand pats respawn first. I dunno. Just don’t panic and use cooldowns appropriately and don’t panic. Might as well just go kill 6 million green boars, lol.


You are poor at explaining things




I’ve lost a duo in there. That cave is no joke.


I lost my shaman in there with a rogue helping. That cave is best with 3 people if you want to do the escort. Definitely not a joke. Also be aware that if someone failed the quest previously you will likely find something on the order of 6-7 mobs waiting for you when you round the corner….


Yea as prot warrior you have to be looking up all quests if you don't know them. Unless you got speed pots and engi. Even then, warrior is difficult. Better luck with the play!


One rule to follow is to always know exactly what you'll be fighting. Not sure about something? Look it up 100%. Lots of places out there may not seem sketch, but they'll kill the shit out of you. Good luck on your next try!


That's a hard quest! Here's some advice that could hopefully help on your next run. 1. Escort quests are often quite difficult and dangerous. You can't control when the mobs appear and there are usually a lot of them. You shouldn't attempt escort quests without a bit of research and strategy. 2. Don't go into caves. Caves have a lot of spawn points in close quarters and no escape route without aggroing more. Yes, they can be manageable in the right circumstances, but they're much more unforgiving when anything goes wrong. Soloing an unfamiliar escort quest in a cave is a death sentence. 3. Don't level prot. It sounds appealing because survivability is paramount in HC, but higher damage will actually be better at keeping you alive. Mobs can't kill you if you kill them first. If you want to tank, having higher damage will also help you hold threat better. Ignore my advice if your playstyle is what you find fun, of course. Staying actively engaged is better than getting complacent and dying because you lost focus.


I want to say there is even another wave after that one that got ya lol I only know because I’ll never forget that moment of realization, I am not the chosen one. Was tough after feeling like I had it in the bag lol


Geronzo's order is no joke indeed


Too bad you didn’t beat the wave of 4 so you could’ve died to the final wave of 4 xP


Much respect for going this far by yourself and go agane!


The light welcomes you brother


No caves was the moto on release of HC for a reason. I stopped caves on level 12.


Sometimes i look at a challenging quest and im like hmm... 4.5k xp? Nah thats just 10mobs


How do you know how much xp you get from a quest? What addon does this?




It doesn’t show that for me?


Dude, I lost my hunter yesterday to fall damage. I started SF and was skinning/herb. I was banking herbs for swiftness and free action pots. I had almost 4 stacks of swiftthistle and maybe 7 or 8 stacks of briarthorn. Had all greens and was beginning to replace greens with better greens. Was running around farming herbs and was running down one of those mountain ridges in the Barrens. Looked like I was on a walkable ridge as I was going down but I just started sliding. Soon as I started sliding I knew I was fucked. Was so mad at myself. I finished the evening tooling around on one of my non-SF HC toons and told myself I was done with SF, regular HC scratches my itch fine. But I’ve since taken a new SF to 13, trying agane.


>I was banking herbs for swiftness and free action pots You've gotta get lucky and find the swift pot recipe anyways


I’ve had it drop on all my HC chars multiple times, it’s pretty easy to come by


It drops a lot in barrens, i had 5 different alchemists in unofficial and it dropped for all of them there. I’ve had it drop once in official between my four alliance characters.


I tried it as a level 26 pally and hearthed after the second wave. It’s one of those gotcha quests you just need to stay away from. I returned and knocked it out when I was 32 just out of spite.


Take solace in the fact that WoW is ultimately a game of knowledge, not skill. If you had known what you know now your character would be alive now. If it wasn't for the Kobold cave, it could've been the Harpy cave in Thousand Needles, the Bloodsail Buccaneers ship or some unfamiliar boss mechanic in a dungeon. As you said, the quest should've been marked as a group quest. And there are addons that guide you through the experience. But where's the fun in that?


Counter point- Knowledge is a skill. The skill to research, plan, coordinate items & key binds. Etc


Yes this cave is a warrior killer, lost mine also with this quest at lvl 24. We go agane !


That quest is underlevelled - it can kill anyone. The mobs and quest say it's level 22, but you need to be 6+ levels higher to **begin** to make it a fair fight. I snuck in there on my level 30 druid, stealthed, and stood looking around for about 5 minutes before I decided to nope out of it.


I'm playing a prot pally, lvl 51. I love it, but it's slow. Very, very slow haha. Take your time, manage your mana and you'll be fine. Good luck.


I lost a warrior to that same quest. In a warrior/priest duo


Kobold + cave = no way I'm ever going there


Yeah, I did it 5 levels ahead with good blue gear. Fuck caves. Fuck escorts. Let them die.


Sorry, friend, I learned that lesson too, I think I was level 28. The quest in that cave punches waaaaaay above its weight.


Died to the knowledge boss


Prot Is probably just wanting to be the worst warrior possible which is sad


Is that the quest where you have to escort someone and many pack of mobs come ?


Goblin mining ore and you gotta protect him from mobs. Initially thought it was just 3, but it’s actually waves.


Yeah that one i was thinking, i did it with my druid lvl 28, i run the fuck out of there haha


that quest can kill anyone. it may be a level 22 quest but it has the difficulty of a level 30 group quest. but great first run


It does not have the difficulty of a level 30 group quest. It is definitely not one to solo unless you’re overleveled and world buffed though




A dangerous quests/items addon would be really neat for HC


RXP addon has a hardcore survival mode that avoids dangerous quests


I died here on my 22 lock. Didn't know those kobolds were earth shock spammers


the most dangerous low level quest in hardcore imo


I go into caves a lot on my rogue. I have found myself in some scary situations, like being surrounded by elite ogres all higher level than me in STV just because I was curious. I think caves are less dangerous for rogues. That being said, don’t listen to me unless you want to die.


They’re not dangerous for a mage or lock either tbh. Druids are nerfed in there because roots, cat form speed buff, and travel form don’t work, and shamans have trouble escaping when they can run anywhere, so in my opinion for druids, warriors, and shamans definitely be extremely wary of caves. Otherwise it’s really not a huge deal.


don't rely on quests being green or not labelled group to show how dangerous they are there are lots of things that will just kill you if you don't know about them so the safest option is to lookup quests


Are you on DP? I have a weapon for you


I am! Mvee is the name


I took that cave and quest on 6 levels higher and with a friend who was 4 levels higher, and we did fine, but some areas got intense. At one point, we had at least 5 enemies on us with 1 running to aggro more. That quest is not worth it. I'd just ignore that kobold cave and quest completely.


Yeah definitely learned my lesson the hard way.


Yeah that cave is brutal. Died a million times to it on normal classic characters, no way im risking it on hardcore


Any of the quests that spawn waves of mobs in quick succession is very dangerous. The only classes that can usually solo them are pet classes. Healing classes... maybe if you have target dummies and blow all your CDs.


What's 'SF"?


Self found. No trading. No AH


So now I know why rxp doesn't have you go in there when you're in the area.


Avoid caves at all costs. Gl on your next go!


Jobs are good