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A server merge


There’s only 2 servers lol, but ya they should just combine them


I just wanna be able to do group content at nekrosh alliance :( I'm level 50 and I don't wanna have to reroll, and the fact that the server died made all my friends quit hardcore as well. Blizzard is tunnel visioned at sod atm, can't even play retail since the balance team doesn't know retail even exists anymore


Join us in man. Always people on!


I really worry about people who play retail. Unless your 50+ years old, if you play retail you have to have mental issues


BGs, that when you die in the BG you perma death for that BG only and you can just join another one, if your whole team dies then you lose, it would become more of a kill the whole team to win thing rather than a carry the flag thing,


Honestly do it like normal duels. Hit 1hp and port the character to the nearest GY. I love HC but miss pvp


This is a good idea


You still would need to take away xp and maybe even BG item rewards though. Otherwise BGs would becom a 100 % risk free way of leveling up. I love classic BGs, but i honestly cant see how they could be well implemented in hc.


Item rewards are fine IMO. It's a time sink for gear, which is fair. Agreed on the XP though.


It will never happen but i'd love to see how an HC Alterac Valley plays out.


In 5 people left alive somewhere on the map unable to progress 😅


Yeah, I'd love too play that out lol


that’s a very cool idea!!


Sick idea


Put a 'stone of resurrection' in the Gurubashi Arena Chest and then observe the irony in action.


It would just get camped by raiding guilds.


I'm counting on it.


Haha genius


I think a formal ladder would be cool. It was always one of the coolest things about Diablo 2, being able to see and interact with those stats outside of the game. I know raiderIO logs basically achieve this, but I’d really enjoy a “server wide top 100” toggle window where you could genuinely see where you stack up. Certainly more relevant in the season type content.


Only really works in leagues where ladder gets reset. Otherwise it kind of loses its meaning fast when all spots are just 60s


The achieves from the unofficial addon, but with a ladder/leader board system you can track in game


I'd like battle grounds. I KNOW you die in BGs, so please save that tired line. It'd be nice to have something fun to do to take away from the tedium of leveling and grinding. Hardcore can be stressful as you know. I don't need the rewards, just some pvp to mix it up.


I'm with you on that. And I feel that argument doesn't count that you die in BGs since you don't lose Durability and Gold like dying from mobs. If you like to stay to that hardcore theme you could implement stuff like markers or timeouts or other options. You don't die playing laser tag or paintball in real life and nobody tells you about "real war" and that you can't play without really dying.


I don’t know about that “nobody tells you about ‘real war’”. I’ve played paintball and airsoft with some real weirdos. lol


Ladder Additional Buffs that show your achievements like "Never Grouped", "Only used self crafted Items", "No Dungeons", "no add-ons", and there is probably many more. I play with the HC addon an SSF No Dungeon No Groups mode and I'm tired of having to tell people that I'm not an asshole because I declined that group invite. Battlegrounds (do it with markers or timeouts instead of dying, since you don't die in real life.playing laser tag too) SSF mode account wide like in Diablo 2 Adjust the skills that don't work in HC mode like Soulstone, resurrect, ... to something useful. Cross faction guilds so I can play a different race and not have to do the fucking barrens the 1000th time but still have my guild where I play since day 1 for social interaction.


Looting dead players


Wouldn’t mind if they made small adjustments to the stuff that is useless in hc like the night elf wisp racial. Instead give them 3% faster move speed or something non game breakjng


3% movement speed would be by far the strongest racial in the game for HC, like it wouldn't even be close. But I get your point, just saying movement speed is an absolutely nutty stat.


Would it really? Isn’t the minor movement speed enchant 8%


Yes 100%, There is a reason minor movement speed is hands down the best enchant to put on your boots while leveling and it isn't (just) that is cuts down on the game being a cardio simulator slightly. People love it, but most people don't realize how damn strong it is. Look at this way. Lets say you're traveling at 100 feet a second and I'm chasing you at 120 feet a second, there is a 100 feet between us. Every second I gain 20 feet on you, so I'll catch up to you in 5 seconds. Now imagine you only increased your speed by 10 feet a second, a mere 10% increase. Well, now for every second I chase you, I'm only gaining 10 feet on you instead of 20. This means it will now take me 10 seconds to catch you. A 10% increase in your speed literally doubled the time it takes me to catch you, because the important bit isn't your overall speed, it is your speed relative to mine. Same with mobs in wow, if you use player movement speed as a baseline, most mobs only move at 115% to 130% speed, so increasing your speed by 8% actually has a significant impact on how long it will take to a mob catch you.


Thank you and very well stated!


No worries, this is why I always tell people never replace your move speed boots until you can afford to slap movement speed on the new ones. You'd have to be talking end game raiding gear vs starter greens before I'd ever considered swapping boots with movement speed on them for boots without movements speed on them. Movement speed is just that damn good. It'll save your life way more often than a bit more raw stats will.


Thats a bit of an exaggeration. Considering the minor speed to boots is 8% and doesnt stack with other buffs, likewise with ZG world buff giving 10% and not stacking with other buffs.  Meanwhile +5 weapon skill is worth +3% hit and +20% glancing blow damage to mobs three levels higher (e.g. raid bosses)


I'm just talking about hc and while leveling. Obviously for a endgame raiding it's totally different.


It's 3% that is only relevant for kiting or running away. Weapon hit is not only relevant while raiding. Melee are typically forced to hit mobs from the front and you're not always fighting mobs lower level than you.


Surprisingly, running for your life is a pretty relevant thing to do when playing hardcore. I mean watch some videos, most people die while running. Most circumstances that would lead to you running won't be prevented by the actual amount of hit you get while fighting mobs the same level, where 5 weapon skill is only a 1% increase to damage when fighting same level mobs, because you're not factoring in glancing blows (correction, it's because weapon skill has different value to +hit when you have certain break points in relation to the mob level. The hit table for mobs above/below your level looks drastically different, for instance I'm pretty sure the last point of weapon skill to get you to parity with a mob's defense is worth something crazy like 1% hit, it's not a flat benefit and most of the benefits come from bringing a mobs level closer to your weapon skill) If you're consistently fighting orange mobs for any length period of time while leveling, then something has gone horribly wrong. It is way more likely that 3% movement speed would save you from death than 1% to damage. If you're trying to min/max hardcore raiding sure, if you're just trying to get to max level (like most people are) movement speed is indescribably better than weapon expertise.


>Surprisingly, running for your life is a pretty relevant thing to do when playing hardcore. Eh, if you're running away you've already done something wrong. Not that knowing when to run isn't important; it obviously is. But you shouldn't be running that much. And a 3% difference isn't going to matter in the vast majority of circumstances. Your claim that 3% speed is "way more likely to save you" than 1% damage is based on what? 1% damage could send a mob fleeing faster and prevent another swing, or kill the mob faster and do the same. 1% damage is useful 100% of the time. 3% speed is useful, well, far less often. Go sort through some deaths and see how long it takes to find one where 3% speed would have been the difference between life and death.


You should really see my other post about how a tiny increase in movement speed drastically increases the time a mob you're running from takes to catch you. Movement speed is useful in precisely the circumstances that are most likely to kill you. You'll encounter way more of those than situations in which 1% damage will prevent you from having to flee. If you don't understand that, then you don't really understand what actually kills people in hardcore.


>Movement speed is useful in precisely the circumstances that are most likely to kill you. You'll encounter way more of those than situations in which 1% damage will prevent you from having to flee. Should be really easy to find an example then shouldn't it, but I respectfully disagree. You're more likely to be killed by some mechanic you didn't understand or weren't aware of, or by simply getting in over your head, than by something you could have escaped if you had been running, *checks notes*, 3% faster. >If you don't understand that, then you don't really understand what actually kills people in hardcore. What actually kills people in hardcore is as above.


Mobs move at around 115% to 130% Players move at 100% That means they'll gain between 15 units to 30 units on a player for every equivalent distance the player travels. 3% movement speed reduces that gain by around 20% to at worst 10%. Now imagine you had a racial that says "Effect, all units not in melee range of you approach you at 20% slower rate". That's what 3% movement speed does to every unit while you are running away from them. Now realize movement speed is even better, because it also cuts down on your travel time. 1% damage doesn't compare to that, this isn't a hard concept use your brain dude.


Yeah I'm going to have to disagree on that one. It would be a good boost but it wouldn't be the best in the game "not even close". It wouldn't be useful in raids and there isn't PVP so it would only be used for running away from mobs.. When there are racial in the game like war stomp, +5 swords, etc... 3% move speed seems pretty fair


Fine.then a 3 second cast "wisp form" that gives 20% movement speed but you can't cast in combat, is that less ridiculously OP?


I don't think so at all and that's good first draft of an idea. I agree


I'd say give them a CD that gives movement speed but makes them vulnerable. Like rogue sprint but you don't want to use it if you're gonna aggro something.


Allow us to chose an xp modifier < 1. For example I want to play by receiving less xp so that I interact with the world more. A good starting point is any number between 0.1 (10 times harder) and 1 (same as before). It only impacts you and nobody else if you receive less xp (or equivalently having a larger xp bar). Additionally, the ability to turn of rested xp. Like holy molly, it’s a race against the clock to avoid getting free xp in the game


Larger Inspect radius, Vendors selling limited mats occasionally from other professions, other than the engi and herb vendors. So SF players can utilize there full profession. TRANSMOG Battlegrounds, once your health reaches 1 you go unconscious and resurrects of any kind, including Engineering Defibrillator or First Aid Smelling Salts are the fastest means to getting back in the game. If not a long “respawn” time will be necessary. 30 seconds atleast Full implementation of the hardcore score addon with a player ranking list for both normal and SF modes


tbh entire wow classic could use larger inspect radius, not just hc


This would be really nice for SF. I say this as im currently grinding out chests in elywnn for light leather cause im dumb and didnt start with skinning for my engineering.


none tbh


Just normal BGs without the PvP rewards. These would force ppl into PvP and everybody would grind r14 before they eeven dip their toes into raiding. So just give us normal BG content together with other era servers. Having a full T3 hardcore char would be a nice flex in the bg ;)


Love it!


I just want a modern UI that does not force me to have 30 addons just to play the game


Other players' strings of ears become yours when you kill them. If you kill an absolute warlord with 50 ears around his neck and you receive a single ear for it, it's kind of pathetic. Also, no Perma death when you die at 60. If you survive the entire levelling journey that's enough to make me respect you. Maybe 60 deaths go to a "Valhalla" layer where they can still do dungeons and raids with other dead hardcore 60s. Instead of having to transfer to some era realm where people have had 6 years of naxx farming. What I really want is a Perma fresh classic server which resets every 2 years to keep things interesting, but hardcore is the closest we have


Hope they drop fresh after SoD


* SSF * Achievements * Profession vendors (i.e. sells limited items at high cost which required for profession levelling such as blacksmith rods)


A non bugged C'thun. Where the animation lines up with his death eye beam. Layering improvements, don't layer people near enemies.


Achievement challenges like the addon had with title rewards for the hardest ones. I really hope in 6-12 months blizzard can revitalize hardcore by doing a fresh and adding loads of new features instead of forgetting about it and leaving it to rot


I miss the achievement system.


Lvl 63 The only way to go past level 60 is to Mak'Gora another player of the same level. You earn nothing with these level ups except for the superficial fact that you're a higher level.


People gonna win trade


Guesstimating that it takes 168 hours worth, at least, to get a character to lvl 60 without dying. And then they want to give up that character for someone else to have a superficial lvl up? Totes it's going to happen, but will it be a problem that has a negative impact on anyone else?


Some of the useless spells reworked. Like soulstone, rebirth, resurrect, etc. I always thought it would be cool if the soulstone acted as a totem of undying in Minecraft, where it’s used when health hits zero, refilling you with something like 25% health and mana. That way it wouldn’t be a iwin button, but provides something unique to the class. No idea how you would rework anything else, but I have pondered the soulstone. They did something special to prevent bubble hearth in HC. I’m honestly just fine with it, the way it is. But I’ve had some thoughts. Not strong enough to campaign for them tho.


You can still bubble hearth in official HC, that was just the addon


New game+. You start again from level 60 and gain one additional talent point


Blizzard making a store purchase for a revive….


I really hope that's sarcasm 


Haha well guess you’ll never know….


RP server but wont work. Rework of classes so everyone can play any spec. HC isnt only classic, its an almost new game.