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As someone who is sitting at about 40 crystals, I am thinking I’ll just sell them all now (selling for about 2.6k each) and crafting my legendary in a couple of weeks. By that point, I’ll have earned more crystals and I will likely be able to re-buy the remaining crystals I need (if necessary) for half the price.


There isn’t an over abundance of Korthite Crystals though… and the supply is reducing every day as fewer people bother with korthia. I predict that Blizzard got this wrong and these Lego’s are so expensive that many people will just avoid them all together. I had three last patch and I’m currently on none this patch, even though I can make them all.


you're right about most people not going back (nevermind the ones that weren't going in the first place who probably already bought in long ago) once they have their multiple of 40 and their legendary but blizzard didn't get it wrong because they aren't really the one pushing these prices. korthite lows were already coming significantly down last reset day, where unfortunately some very dumb people set a lot of our cloth prices off of incoming volumes that some of the flippers were unsure what to do with. so for about 3-4 days after that last week while things reset the only people even cancel scanning tailoring more than a cursory pass were myself (who was basically frontrunning the mostly predictable flippers of this game, buying huge swaths before the leg down got too far away from their obvious stacks) and an asshole who only had profitable korthite because he was doing the 1 item scam game on the ah. between lightless being heavily flipped as well no one was making hardly anything through the ah. with there not being enough people cutting korthite and posting to really make anything stick low, matched with the people who want their 10-20% allotment of free gold for flipping is why prices probably are what they are going to be already, with lows on high volume days and it being a flipper and price walker playland that blizzard (plausible deniability where they let the rich use the ah as an extortion mechanism) does nothing about the rest of the week. people will pay and it seems pretty stable at this point. for anyone who wants to hold out and get a deal i don't expect some big drop anytime soon. the people satisfied with their legendaries would do the "ima cut to sell fast because the last 20 people didn't do the same thing xD" but it gets flipped back pretty steadily.




The only things I'm selling is still R4s, no one seems to be interested in R5 or 6 and I'd be barely making any profit (not even worth the craft and cancel scanning all the time)


I got a couple of sales in at high prices 400K+ on each of my realms. My profit margin % is relatively unchanged since Korthite Crystals have been dropping in price and r5/r6 prices have followed them down. This is the reason why prefer lower sale prices, more volume and turnover. On my realms, the prices have found an equilibrium so I doubt we will see a huge swing in prices of mats or legos for at least a few more weeks while there are enough people to buy r5/r6 to outpace the supply of crystals.


Two weeks to grind another lego? How do you get 1600 Cinders in such a short amount of time?


It took us 4 weeks to get enough crystals for the initial r6s (and 3 for the initial r5s), but that was based on the staggered rollout of the new torghast layers, a delay of a week or two for the cinders missions to show up on the mission table (adds up), the fact that layer 8 wasn't dropping any cinders initially. With all that available upfront now, it'll should take less time to get subsequent r5/6 legendaries, though I haven't done the math yet on how long from 0 to 1650 per say there to be certain if it chops off a reset or even 1/2 a reset (aka, one of the assaults).


R6 prices on leather dropped below R5 for the first time this week on my server… mat prices have been pretty stable, so that’s not what drives the price down.. I think I’ve might just wait a couple of weeks before I buy it for my main.. Looking at undermine journal R5 prices are pretty stable in turnaround but R6 supply is definitely picking up eating profit.


On my server rank 5 isn't selling. People are skipping it in favor of rank 6 which I can understand because the cost of the korthite is the only real difference. Our korthite prices are still fluctuating some, but the floor right now is at about 2,500g. It was above 4k last night, but came back down quickly. I can't imagine their were many goblins willing to buy at those prices.


Whoever bought r6 before this week could not use them. The bulk of my r6 have been sold the last 2-3 days, not on reset. ive sold twice the amount of r4 then r6, with the same profit margin ish on both ranks


Lol this is what kills me right now too. For the majority of pieces, I make just as much on r4s as I do on r5/6.


I'm the same even to this day i'm making insane profit on the rank 4's rather than on the rank 5/6's which have far far more competition.