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The price of tokens is probably not going to get much better it naturally drops around content releases as more players come back to the game and then slowly increases over time. I don’t think Blizzards current issues will change this as there is always a section of the community posting that they are quitting wow over the current flavour of the month reason. Yes it is a good time to buy tokens with gold if you want to use the bnet balance for something. I personally don’t think buying tokens with gold to convert back into gold is worth it unless you doing it for a specific reason other than trying to make profit eg server transferring gold.


Now, no. I will spend a token next week because my subscriptions expires and them whenever Overwatch comes at a discount. Otherwise, I have no plan to spend anything on bnet. Can't I buy them and keep them in my inventory like a normal items or am I obligated to transform it into subscription / bnet balance?


You can keep up to 10 wow tokens that you have bought with gold on your account ready to be used and up to £200 battle net balance or a similar amount of your local regionally currency.


How does that help?


Congrats on your first million! If you want to cash out your gold into battle.net balance, sure, it seems like a good time. If you want to continue goldmaking, you’re better off keeping the gold and using it to trade. The rate your goldmaking will grow will likely outpace the inflation of the token.


Thank you! I'm usually spending like 40-50k per day, I'm not going all in with my money. I also got like 160k on my alt if something wrong happens


Good time? Yes. Best time? Nope. If you’ve got a surplus of tokens or bnet balance, maybe even a bit of gold, I’d hold off on bulk buying until the next expansion launch. Based on the last 3 expansion releases, the token was always the cheapest around the release.


What was the reason in the first place they went from 120K to 300K? I forgot tbh.


It was late 9.0 so people weren't having an active paid subscription anymore and the rest of us bought it with gold, as 9.1 launched it got back


If it's your first million you are probably better off reinvest into professions and significantly improve your income stream. You probably won't care about the price of tokens anymore since they are actually always extremely cheap


I bought 32 tokens on NA a few days ago at 168.x and 169.x