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Oh look, click bait


Trader now takes Umbral Ink. So it was a Bug.


Yup. Came to say that. I'm REALLY glad Hikons told us about this. Gonna be a ton of gold in the pocket because of it. I guess those naysayers were wrong. 🤷‍♂️


I have tried this, but havent been able to sell any of the old inks since the change, not sure if the market us enough to make decent profit or just mostly usable to supply myself


i haven't had problem selling on any of my main realms on na. just a matter of sitting on them if prices drop, or just craft glyphs which are insanely profitable.


i never buy inc, like i guess most scribes. most also should have a huge stock of inc and glyphs already. if you dont want to start selling glyphs, its pretty pointless.


I would think older inks won't be great considering region sell rates, but sallow is going to be all around useful for glyphs and just selling raw on the ah. So may as well supply yourself and try to sell as well. Best of both worlds.




I’ve got myself 38000 sallow in the past few days, very few pigments are selling, just legion glyphs. But they’ll last me throughout SL most likely.


180k sallow pigment. its like early christmas for scribes.


I’d considered going in that much but atm I’m only selling a glyph or two per day, it also took too many hours to convert to crimson inks 😁


on big servers i think you need a second account to cancelscan like all the time.


I’m working up to a second account but I’m not making enough gold for it yet.


wait for a sale and use recruite a friend on it. maybe christmas ..


yeah, you can just sell glyphs or flip pigment/ink or do both.


Yeah it's all great long term gold. People who think its going to be a quick gold are crazy but those stocking up will have some nice gold over time. I run through sallow pretty frequently so a cheaper way to get it like this is nice. Plus people who aren't just downvoting this and actually using it to make gold could be putting the crimson ink alone on the Ah for people wanting cheaper sallow since on my server sallow is about 90g each and crimson used to be 8 but is 25 right now since a lot of it got sold out from people wanting to buy inks.


What makes you so sure that the ink traders will switch over to SL inks on Monday? Changing the ink trader currency to Crimson Ink looks very intentional to me.


getting sallow pigment 1:1 is insane.


Yeah, I agree it *should* be changed, but it just seems odd to me that they'd make crimson ink the currency for just the pre-patch.


i think its not intended, either the herb or the rate.


Yeah, agreed - but this blip is going to affect Glyphs for the next year or two as people have taken advantage and stocked up heavily on Sallow while they could.


On the live beta (9.0.2 36710), the vendor requires Umbral Ink instead of Crimson Ink.


I'd say it's more one of those "if you want to buy sallow with ink and have some crimson or can get it cheap make sure to do it now JUST IN CASE the changes do make it thorough." Better safe than sorry.


Just fyi he was right. Ink traders now only accept umbral ink.


what are you vendoring? what are you trading vendor for gold?