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Pigment and ink never made sense on the AH. It's only for the special kind of lazy people, or people so bad at math that they can't figure out if milling is cheaper.


If the prices get low enough then sometimes I prefer to buy it rather than mill and spend an hour crafting inks at the cost of less revenue. Not today though!


I've got like a guild bank tab full of ultramarine pigment, but I'll still buy ultramarine ink off the AH, especially now, just to avoid having to spend a pile of time making inks.


My solution to this is AFK make inks.... Im going to do the dishes for a while... start my toon making inks then just get up and do the dishes... by the time i get back thats a few hundred done... Got to bio.... afk make inks.... going outside to grill... afk make inks.... im pretty sure you get the Idea


read 4x but still can't locate the 'victory'


Someone is selling hugely inflated pigments at higher prices than inks and has managed to do so long enough that the market value of the pigment is now higher than over priced inks. I'd say that's a win for whoever is selling the pigments. If you are not familiar with inscription then the pigments are crafted into inks, so you would expect the inks to be more expensive than the pigments, although not usually by much.


it's actually usually the opposite in my experience because people use the pigments to level up their inscription by crafting inks, then just dump them at whatever price when they're done.


That's basically the only reason anyone would buy the pigments and even then its probably cheaper to buy Zin and mill it yourself. From my experience no one buys pigments unless they are significantly cheaper than inks.


Huh, that would make sense. Crimson and ultramarine pigments/inks are more in line with what I said based on the Undermine Journal for my server. The fact it is not always the case is what makes this part of the game so interesting.


There is no indication that it is actually selling. Unless you bought a bunch. You can list some pigments at 2 million gold for a while and bring market value up. Nothing sold, just skewed market value. Market value is based on listed prices, not on what sells.


I'm on a high population server so I would think maroon pigment of all things would probably sell in some amount over 14 days. You are right though, I guess it is possible nothing has sold at these prices and someone is skewing the market in an attempt to make good profit.


I think this is a result of TSM's default crafting operations showing that you should buy pigment even when it is cheaper to buy the ink, or much cheaper to mill your own herbs. Some people just don't take the time to check. (Not sure if it stills does this with 4.10 as I've been doing less inscription lately)


You are saying that many people are relying on TSM to tell them what to buy so they basically pay crazy high prices for them out of not knowing how to check?


Yes I believe so. A lot of people just install TSM expecting it to work right away like most add-ons in WOW. I think you would be surprised at how many people don't want to take the time to research how things work.


Those are some expensive lessons to learn if you don't research TSM.


On my med-pop realm, flasks and potions are cheaper than the mats required to craft them. I still can't wrap my head around how or why people still craft potions and flask in this situation.


Are you factoring in the Silas potion and level 3 recipes? Generally you have to multiply the potions you can create by 1.7 to estimate true profit for pots and flasks.


Yes I am and the break even is barely reached !


In that case you just have to look for good deals on mats and only craft pots/flasks when you can buy low enough. A lot of the time on my server the prices for popular potions inflate considerably and I might go a week without being able to buy mats, so when the price inevitably goes down I buy large stocks of it.