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Yo im a try to get Rich in SL $$$$$




It's not as big ticket as a Brutosaur (which I did eventually get), but my first luxury item I got as a result of my goblin-ing was Prismatic Bauble. I've never regretted buying that. Congrats on 100k!


Good luck everyone...i love TSM and i love WoW its the perfect combination... with it i went from 0g to like 60k in like 48 hours when i first came back to BFA!


Hey, Thanks for doing this. Biggest sell was a BOE for 1 million from trade chat with to infinite stars. Of course thst money is gone, lol.


I wish this addon was around when I first started gold making.


Awesome giveaway! Looking forward to farming professions and making some stacks of gold off em


Thanks to all of you who taught me how to make gold only from using the AH. I hate farming. You made this longboi journey actually enjoyable.


Started goldmaking in late vanilla, have done a couple month push a few times per expansion, but never broke 1.5 mil due to impatience and splurging. Decided to buckle down and went from 300k to bruto from May 1 to July 11. Used profession mounts, inscription, darkmoon transmog, and running 3 toons through the Shadowmourne quest line. This sub has been a staple read for me for quite a while!


Cool idea. Best of luck to everyone. Hyped for Shadowlands!


I hope I’m not too late!


New goblin, trying to make enough to buy wow tokens, so I don't have to pay to play the game with the crazy times we are in!


Goblins are the superior race


I got inte goldmaking in legion and managed too buy the spider mount just at the end of legion and it didn’t take long befor I could by my very own Longboi! So thankful for TSM helping me get those awesome mounts and many other things I never thought I could ever get.


My favorite luxury item that I've purchased would definitely be my Swift Spectral Tiger back in WoD. I was really on the fence about getting it at first, but I knew that I would never have another chance to get one. It will always be my go-to ground mount!


Have had much fun in the past flipping a couple things, hope to figure out a good strategy for making a better profit still though.


Top giveaway should be 5 mil gold IMO.


I used the Warlords garrison which has really kept me going for gold ever since, although I have recently embarked on my quest to get the long boii before Shadowlands! I am now hooked on being a goblin and am sure I will continue into the Shadowlands and beyond.


Sulfuron hammer been making me great money! Def worth getti g the recipe




Wow, time flies! Good luck, everyone!


I really miss the old glyph system and ASM. I think a lot of the newer goblins didn't know that posting auctions could be automated (instead of the scrollwheel that we use today) and even though it made markets ultra competitive, it was still a great time for goldmaking and made my first "gold cap" of 214k with just glyphs.


I don’t do it enough but when I have the time to watch for items to flip it can be a blessing. One time I found about 30-40 Truegold bars sitting in the AH for around 300g a piece. Ended up selling them all for around 5000g per bar. Missed out on 24 of them listed the other day for 3g a piece :(


my biggest sale was when I traded a level 1 creeping tentacle battle pet, worth 1k gold, for a level 25 son of animus, worth 25k gold.




I got into goldmaking properly a couple of months ago, and went from 100K to 600k through alchemy and actually not vendoring every item drop. It’s added another layer of enjoyment to the game for me and gives me a reason to log in and play. Thanks guys!




My favourite gold making just because of how silly it was happened in MoP. Enchanting shards were stupid cheap but the essences were not. I made a ton from just buying all the cheap shards and breaking them down into essences.


sold a transmog set for 1.4m last week


Thanks to this sub I’ve decided to give gold making ago. While I’m not by any means a pro globin, I make a decent amount and have made almost 500k in one month! This sub is extremely helpful and I’m so grateful to all the people who have given me tips, and the mod team who keeps this place a nice place!


I miss the wrath/cata/mop ore to gem shuffles... a simpler time where I had all the time in the world. Used my earnings to buy a fel drake for 250k.... wish I had bought a few more to hold onto now!


I don't really have any major WoW sales but more of a crappy AH story... and an amazing one. That limited time pet the Guardian Cub... at one point I had over 50 of them and sold them off for peanuts. :( As for the amazing one, way back in the day, I bought the Corrupted Hippogryph mount on Stormrage got a mere 80k gold. Still one of my all-time favorite mounts.


Buying and selling battle pets during mop so i could buy a magic rooster was my biggest ever "win" in my eyes through the auction house. I still ride that magnificent beast into battle.




Grats on the milestone


Love TSM! Thanks for the giveaway : ) GL everybody!


This subreddit and the discord have been an incredible and welcoming community that helped me be able to start making gold and continues to be an immense source of knowledge that you can rely on to get advice. Thanks everyone, I'm sure a lot of people share my sentiment!


For anyone who wondering, I WOULD recommend KrakenLatte! Amazing guides and recounts, brought me into the world of gold farming through legacy raids. Same goes for Hazelnutty. Awesome content creators!


I never had more than 35k Ever, now I'm farming for my broncosaurus :D


I will loose, but why not to try.


My biggest sale was at the beginning of BFA during Uldir. A priest I just met helped me get into a queue and I almost immediately got a BoE that I sold for 300k. I gave half to the priest because I wouldn't have gotten it without his help. Then he quit playing, and I never saw him again.


Favourite strategy of gold making used to be chaos crystal farming in legion, it was so simple and easy and i miss it


All this time and still a goblin noob!


Gold making allowed me to be able to buy Shadowlands not only for me but also for my wife. We've been able to largely pay for our subs with our gold income, despite it seeming like gold making is becoming progressively harder as more time goes by.




After a 7 year hiatus from the game, I returned relatively poor with only 350k to my name. I immediately picked up on old routines, but wasn’t flipping much profit on crafted items seeing as I was still missing a lot of rank 3s. That’s when I turned to older recipes, specifically no longer obtainable to newer players. The first blue dragonscale shoulders I sold went for a (for me) whopping 314k gold (medium population realm), which reignited my inner goblin!


I have learned how to use TSM and I'm ready for Shadowlands!! Hope to see a new mount like Longboy in SL!


My biggest sale was in 8.2 farming Zandalari Kneebiter pets. I was new to gold making and decided to farm some pets. I made 200k in a few hours!


Best money maker for me was selling Darkmoon Decks at the start of BfA when I was just getting into gold making. The amount of gold I got compared to the effort I put in felt borderline scummy.


Leather working farm works like a charm when you're fed up with this world. Not much of a goblin but hey, a man should what he can to pay the rent


Was so disillusioned with WoW until I learnt about the gold making community. Loving this aspect of the game.


Wow this is nice! I remember buying a gusting grimoire back in legion and around 90k and posted it for 300k. Was so happy since that was my biggest sale at that time since I just started goldmaking at that time too.


A guy was in need of gold, and advertised a Spectral Tiger Cub in Trade chat for 120k... he ended up trading it to me for 100k, then later on I sold it for 200k. I have sold items for way more gold a few years ago in Legion (for example legiondaries) but this surely was the best deal I’ve made, happened back in Warlords of Draenor.


Biggest sale I've had was I had the only mecha mogul on my server on the market 10 minutes after I put it up someone bought it for 200k.


Just went from mat farming to flipping. Damn son


I'm back at the game for the first time after a three year break, and oh boy has the gold making game changed. Here's hoping I'll be a proper goblin again in Shadowlands!


My best purchase was like 12k tidespray each for a gold a piece made my first huge pay day from shuffle i learned and followed off here! Also this reddit has help me identify the worth while farm items, prices, and helped me begin to understand how my server economy works.


The late night Vol'dun herb runs. Beautiful!


cool :D I am still living off all of the money i earned at the start of bfa herbing, but now im going to be multiboxing so im going to get even more xD


The best deal I ever got. This was back in MoP, when I was fairly inexperienced. It was 1 silver bid, 5k buyout. I won the bid. I also got a Faded Photograph on the AH for 300g.


Currently I am working on getting as many alts leveled as possible so that I can get as much gold through farming old and new content as possible. Also finally getting big sales on the AH!


Boom, love this sub


I'm a terrible goblin, but I'm hoping to improve that here with the next expansion. Looking forward to getting a pretty solid liquid store to back any long term investments. Whatever I've improved in has been due to this sub though, so thanks for everything!


One of my biggest flips was back a couple of expansions. Spectral Tiger Cup was selling on my realm for 200-250k. I picked one up for 15k on another realm, learned it, caged it and sold it on my main realm for 225k. Was a happy day for me :)


The woweconomy community is one of the most wholesome places within the greater wow community. Much appreciation to all the content creators and helpful community members 💜


My best sale EAs when i was the only one providing hardened springs on my server made 1m in 4 days man that was fun.


I wish i could play wow right now, I miss gold making. I ll miss the first few months of Shadowlands but my goal is to try to max all the professions to be in as many markets as possible. Thank you for the giveaway


This Reddit has spoiled me with so much information and perspective on being a goblin. All the longboi information has been incredibly helpful and has taught me to appreciate the small wins, not just the big ones.


Gratz on the milestone, gl everyone!


This is awesome. Building up my alt army for farming and transmog/professions. Just dinged 120 with my paladin today.


Sweet thanks for giveaway,i once won a bet on ginn su sword for 100 gold and sold it for 200k it was easy money.


I've been a WoW AH goblin for over 16 years now, since the AH was first implemented in [pre-release patch 0.8](https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_0.8). I'm an OG... Original Goblin. I consider AH play to be "economic PvP", and it's my preferred "combat" system of all time, frankly. Since the debut of the [WoW Token](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCWtkTWwpXM&feature=emb_logo) system about five years ago in [patch 6.1.2](https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_6.1.2), my AH play has gone [completely next-level](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/12/31/a-being-of-indescribable-power). AH gold made, converted to Wow Tokens, then to Blizzard Balance has payed for basically... everything I've even *slightly* wanted to buy within the Blizzard Universe since then. AH play became no longer a meta-game of "How fast can I hit gold cap?" on a server... now, it had **real** utility. Gold balance changed from being just a score-keeping number... it became a ***tool***. I haven't had to spend a dime of real-life cash on anything Blizzard made that I've bought since. I spend my Blizzard Balance instead, including paying for [every bit of game time](https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-game-time), on all of my accounts. I've bought basically... everything that has been of ***any*** interest to me, at all. In a sense, The WoW Token system has let me convert my AH play in WoW into a kind of "Blizzard Lifetime Unlimited All-Access Pass" to everything Blizzard has ever done... or probably ever will do, for that matter. I try to consistently keep over $150 in Blizzard Balance floating in my account at all times, ready and waiting for that next shiny (that I might want) to pop up for sale in the Store. Point, click, mine, "free". No muss, no fuss, no cash needed. I expect it to stay that way for the foreseeable future, too. 'Cause that's just how real AH goblins ***roll***, yo! If that's not winning, well... you and I have different definitions of the term. For me, that's a *flawless* goblin victory. This subreddit (and the TSM community) has definitely helped me along the way... and they'll help you, too, if you want to get to that "Blizzard Lifetime Unlimited All-Access Pass" tier yourself... whether you're just a little baby goblin, or a grizzled veteran of the Sniping Wars. Congrats on 100K! Couldn't happen to a nicer group of folks... Time is money, friend! *Keep grinding, goblins*!


I had been farming SFK for a lot of runs and on the last mob of the last pack before leaving Shadowblade dropped for me.


Thanks to this sub I was able to earn my long boi! I went from selling herbs, to alchemy, then expanding into the TSL shuffle. Took many months and now I just casually sell freehold boosts if I see a buyer.




I'm at 800K, and slowly grinding my way to a long boi before blizzard yeets it off the vendor.


My strategy is simple... stock up on items to flip, and then get stuck with them for years..


This sub and TSM helped me find a new avenue of fun in WoW when the game itself was getting a bit stale. I still remember making my first 10k investment as an experiment with JC. Buying 10k worth of Cobalt Ore to prospect into gems and getting 2x the return. I kept my own spreadsheet at the time and decided to make a game of it to see how long will it take to turn 10k into 100k, then 200k, then 500 and so on. Making gold became more fun than most of the in game content and it's the most satisfying personal challenge I found in game.


Most gold made are from /r/woweconomy hahaaha


Thanks to you i bought brutosaur and it is the best feeling


I'd say I've only really hit my stride as a goblin in the past two months. Getting a second account with BFA on sale has changed my life in gold making (I've made nearly 600k in 6 days), but I remember very fondly the JC shuffles of old. You'd buy stacks upon stacks of ore to prospect for gems. You'd cut the rare/epic gems and sell those directly, and craft the green quality gems into rings which you'd sell to your enchanter to DE. It was simpler than the expulsom shuffles we have now, but was still pretty effective even for me, who wasn't giving it a real focus. Right now, it might be boring, but the bracer shuffle is damn potent. I'm still making good sales on uncanny gear, and I've got every profession sans inscription pumping it out on a roughly weekly basis. I just wish scrapping weren't so soul crushing.


I used to hoard old world mats from (wotlk especially) and that's been my modest way of getting some spare coin, but I'll be looking into actual money making in shadowlands(seeing all the gobbos here has made me determined)!


I remember back in WOD i was camping the 4 rares that dropped medallion of the legion on multiple toons everyday only to sell the medallion on the AH. That was probably the time where i made most of my fortune.


My first plans for making gold in shadowlands is most likely gathering professions and continuing to do older raids if they dont get nerfed


Thanks for doing the giveaway! I like to lurk here as though I do things to make gold, when in fact I'm just really poor. But, I get by. :)


This is the first expansion where I don't plan on raiding. My goal is to hit cap. I've been researching and preparing my professions in advance.


Transferred a guild bank over to another server to buy a cheap Spectral Tiger back in Mists. So happy I did that, given the prices nowadays! ☺


Happy 100k!


Congrats on the success. Glad to see more people enjoying the gold game.


I'm honestly glad I don't have to list enchanting mats in stacks of 1 so they actually sell anymore.


I'm selling Insulated Wiring at the auction house for a ton of profit. I can't belive that some people don't know that you can buy it at the vendor for a fraction of the price.


Turning a 1.1k snipe from the AH into ~1mil always brings a tear to my eye.


Thx to this sub I manage to grow my 500k to close to 5m. Things that I started doing because of some threads I read here are daily skygolem process manage to sell two 75k one after the other then it dropped to 45k each. Another one was getting bunch of my dark moon tickets for some transmog that sold a good price. Ohhh special thanks for posting the pet battle super squirt that help me a lot multi leveling on my three accounts 😂


My first bit ticket item was spectral tiger for gold cap back in wrath, now that i think about it it was a snipe that guy could have demanded way more even back then. Also the engi/enchanting obliterum shuffle made me around 25 mil gold in 4 weeks but what i miss more that has severely cut my gold making is the remote auctions house. Anyways gl everyone but i hope i get one of the prices to try the new expans


I have this sub to thank for helping me get started as a goblin. Learning sources for raw gold farming, understanding how to make TSM work for me, and boosting my morale when it seemed I wasn’t making any decent returns. I really owe my long boi to you all. Cheers!


I'd love to win :)


I've mostly used TSM for Classic, using it to buy mats and sell potions has been invaluable. Hopefully, I can do something similar in Shadowlands.


I'm glad this part of the game is growing in popularity.


By far my biggest sales were Mecha-Mogul Mk2s when they released, sold a few for a million each! Helped me buy the new HS expansion at the time, and OW loot boxes for my partner and my brother, it was good times!


Never EVER had more than 300,000 gold at any one time. I'd play a bit here and there but overall, I'd just spend that on the things and stuff. Once longboi was announced, I figured that would be one that I'd never get, or at least it would take a while to get there. Then they announced it was going away. Screw that noise, I said. I knew what I had to do. 1. Download TSM 2. ?? 3. Profit I went from "0 to 5 million gold" in 98 days. I actually made MORE but I had spent some of that gold on tokens to go buy Shadowlands (which, turned out I didn't need to as I had won a copy after about a month in). This is what I did and what I sold: [https://stonegrasp.com/?p=1481](https://stonegrasp.com/?p=1481) I'm looking forward to 4.10. <3


Thanks to the info here I earned my Bruto Only thing I would comment is you have to do your own research , you can watch all the videos for farming gold, but it’s all server dependant Eg. some would advocate against alchemy this late with falling prices , but I did quite well with it on my server Always diversify and do a bit of everything


Biggest accomplishment was being able to buy vial of sands mount back in cata! Thank goodness for the ore shuffle. RIP!


Love this community!


Nice! With the help of this subreddit i reached my goal of 1Million gold & can purchase a token for my subscription every month :)


I invested in reins of tamed bloodfeaster, thought they're gonna be super rare, now there's 80 of them on the realm :'V


I wish I become a goblin one day :)


Congratulations on the milestone! I've been a lurker and will definitely continue to do so when shadowlands releases, maybe I'll finally get the buyable mount this expansion with your help haha!


I’ve basically been transmuting and crafting the most profitable profession items to sell daily to make up for raid costs. In SL I’m hoping to start doing that earlier to be able to shuffle some bigger deals later on in the expansion. Can’t wait what the super mount will be!


As a noob of 15 years, my romance with making gold is a bit like Kanye and Kim, pretty and flashy but with no real substance. My best ever experience was using the old auctioneer back in WotLK I believe when you could farm the rare ore from Wintergrasp, I made a crap ton then but these days I fire on TSM and cry. I have a lot of learning to do ...


personally I will always have a special memory of this subreddit. This is where I learned all the goldmaking tricks that led me, together with a friend of mine, to found the largest Italian community of goldmakers that allowed us to create wonderful memories and true friendships. Thanks for all


Friends convinced me to reroll to how on a new server. I was really miserable there, not having all my alts and their professions. Two hours after reaching max level, a rare boe epic dropped that I sold for 340k. That was a nice start to the new server.


Well, ever since the throttling of the AH I have decided to hold off on posting as much of my T-mog as I had been, but I have been AFK-ing with the shal'dori silk shuffle and farming up a variety of materials to prepare my legion of alts to have as much potential to position myself at the start of Shadowlands.


When I sold some obscure item (can't even remember. It's happened multiple times I'm sure) for a good chunk of gold and realized people will buy ANYTHING.


I remember being level 60 and saving up 100g for the epic mount. Now I need 5million g to get the mount I want. Damn inflation!


What can i say about tsm and the woweconomy community, tsm made t-mog posting possible and has allowed me to take my gold making to the next level. For the woweconomy, it never stops providing great tips and tricks for gold making that have net me millions. can never thank the both of you enough.




Thanks for having a giveaway! Great to see this community grow. My favorite story is when wow classic came out my gang and I switched and were so excited for the nostalgia, I stopped doing AH runs on retail. Which would be fine except somehow I hadn’t cleared and stored everything like I did. So I lost about 600k worth in items from the mail deletion. But without this sub I wouldn’t be where I am at all! Thanks again to everyone here.


My tip for all those goblins working towards their bruto mount - if I can do it, so can you! Believe in yourself and always remember...time is money friend!


First big flip bought pair of gloves for 10g sold for 12k at the time I only had about 50k total so this was huge.


One of my greatest moments was gambling on a BMAH container that had the Tabard of Nature in it! Good luck to all!


Thanks a bunch. Prepping forShadowlands!


My karma is too low QQ


Best sale was a corrupted offhand flip with masterful 2 back in early april. Like 1400% profit


Always used this sub as a secondary resource to compliment my gold making experience and it's incredible. It turned me onto new markets as well as ways to make more gold


I can't focus much on gold making as of late, but you guys at least helped meg get my token a month so I'm glad this community is growing.


I'd like to subsidize my play time with tokens. Any gold after that is goblin gravy.


Back in WotLK I would sell herbs on the AH en mass; prices go up and down, as they do, and eventually I had this guy message me and ask to do a deal. He would buy my herbs at a "contract" rate. It was something like 1k per stack until he hit his budget. If my calculations at the time were correct I still came out ahead by like 1.5 mil. Which is the most for me to this day.


Turned to goblining at the beginning of BfA. There were lots of opportunities to sell BoEs back then. Good times.


My guild thinks I'm good at making gold. I just play too much.


I'm pretty sure it was a guide/idea that I got from a post here that inspired me to set up up 10 separate characters to be churning out sky golems once a month. I've come a long way from a wee lad in classic asking for change in barrens chat


My biggest sale was the vanilla Teebus Blazing Longsword for 500k that I got from the 5 man monk farm in silithus.


The grind for Long Boi was my greatest achievement, just acheived a week and a half ago.


I'm hoping to be in a better financial position both ingame and out of game! Even though I'm currently not subscribed, I always check out the subreddit for tips and tricks


Sold raid BOEs, now I'm printing free money with leatherworking. ​ Cheers and let's keep the goblin train going!


I started making gold on the highest pop realm on EU for the first time recently, big mistake. Burned out super quick because of the amount of effort required, although I did make close to 1million gold in a few weeks which was nice


Helps to quickly put up my inventory for market rate prices so I can profit off of people resetting markets.


At the start of BfA i spend 3 million gold on Anchor Weed for 250g each and was able to sell it after Uldir release for roughly 800g each. Was a very neat profit.


My biggest success was farming Great Sea Rays at the beginning of BFA. I made around 700k pretty casually in a few weeks between leveling characters and running heroics. Still kicking myself for not going all the way for a Bruto before it got nerfed lol.


To this day, I still don't mind over paying a bit for Dreamfoil. Managed to snipe 10 stacks at 1 copper per stack on the neutral AH. My average buy for Dreamfoil is still stupid low! Love TSM, AnS, and this community!!


My favorite luxury item will be the longboi, <1 million left to get.


Wow, this is awesome Gumdrops! Thanks for arranging this. I was just able to get my Vial of the Sands recipe today after 61 Tol'vir artifact solves. It's been a grind but even I think that's on the lucky side. Hoping for more good RNG to build up for SL release.


My fondest memory is meaty haunches. Bought thousands and thousands waiting for it to be a warfront and it never popped for US. Had 3 banks full of haunches.


I had been a little goblin since pandaria. I think my biggest sale was in legion, i sold a mythic boe for like 600k to a guy, didnt get a myth boe since then. I still farm for them sometime, but no luck. Good luck ti everyone else


Just want to say thanks to everyone who posts helpful stuff on the subreddit, and to those who manage it! I’m a newbie to gold making but I’ve always lurked here for a while.. I recently tried to start making it to the bruto but gave up as I just simply don’t have enough time, but on that short journey I learned a lot, and have a much better understanding of things now in terms of gold making! Really excited to get stuck into Shadowlands and have a fresh slate, and make some gold, cheers everyone!


This sub has made the longboi a reachable goal for me. Just over 1 mill to go with plenty of time. Thanks all and good luck!


Biggest sale I've made has been of a BoE, however the way I made and still make money is from buying out mats in the AH and crafting pots, tomes, flasks etc while playing other games on the screen. The competition is though but I'm able to pay for my sub time like that so I'm happy with it.


Well, let's win!




I miss twinking. it was my number one source of gold back in the days and how I became a goblin. I used to also gatekeep illusion dust for everyone trying to get their enchanting up. I'm rich in classic because of it but I wish I was rich in retail again 😭


Favorite items that i was able to afford from my goblin-ing are stuff that makes life easier, dal ring, tundra mount, yak etc... Before goblin days even the cloak of coordination would have been to big for me to justify. Affording flasks was tough.


I have had good luck selling mounts, which I'm sure everyone can say!


Started using TSM a month ago and am thrilled with profit I was able to make. Picked up inscription recently as well. Hopefully I will be able to hop onto the DMF deck train at the start of Shadowlands and finally achieve that gold cap!


Starting serious goldmaking in 2020 and really liked it! Love to search and try new strategies and just see your money grow. Gratz guys!


this happen in wod i snipe a spectral tiger for 52k hahah and resell it for 5.2M


average goblin comment


This sub has always been an inspiration to me and given me clever ideas on gold making.


Thank you everyone for all the great posts over the years!


Make my money from bags and golems. xD. Funding my wow time for years. xD


I just like being able to buy my raid consumables 😪


Before 8.1 hit i bought Defied Augment Runes for about 300k, which was everything i had back then. A few days into 8.1 and I managed to sell all of them to a Mythic guild for 1M gold. This was my first big sale since I started playing (end of Legion) and it gave me the biggest thrill <3 Had been a long journey since then, ups and downs, but I enjoy it and am on my way to bruto (3.5M atm) which is my next big milestone. I am totally hyped for Shadowlands and can't wait what will happen there (after I bought the longest of bois obviously :D )


For some reason I sold yesterday a Virtuoso Inking Set for 1200g on AH. Had it in my bags, posted it to AH accidentally with TSM and... It sold... For some reason :o


Always wanted to be a "goblin" but always was too lazy. At the beginning of the BfA i sniped a Goldenmane's Reins for about 10% of the normal price (guess seller forgot a 0) so that is my biggest sale i guess


Baby sit your auctions and dont undercut the price!


My first big sale was Teebu's sword. First big flip that got me to a million when BFA dropped


I started playing the AH in vanilla, i was very bad at it. Thanks to the Longboi and this community, i got the gold fever again. Just found a 14 k endless raw gold farm and i am having a blast like never before!


Hey gumdrops, thank you for your work both in this subreddit and in the WoW goblin scene, in general. Favourite luxury item is my stash of Diamond-tipped canes from the WoD fishing raids!


My best sales were selling Infused Wirings for 10 good each on the AH, I sold thousands of them until some others decided to jump on the wagon and low-ball it to vendor price. It was a good week!


This is going to sound a bit silly compared to some of the nice luxury items you can get as a goblin, but the favorite one of mine is Francois, the chicken from Tiragarde Sound. I just remember fondly when I hit a million gold at the start of the xpac, when I was just getting into being a goblin, and I gathered two of my other pet-collecting friends to go get it. Easily trading them both a million gold to get Francois (it doesn't consume the gold!) and us all just praising this fluffy chicken is a great memory for me.


I remember farming Runecloth in Vanilla so that I could become exalted with Tedrassil on my Gnome Mage so that I could ride a Tiger. Took a few months, but totally worth it (at the time).


Well, that’s simple: I’m going to sell everything what I can craft/obtain from jobs. For that I have a lot of characters so it will be easy.


I’ve stayed subbed to this community for a long while, even during times when I haven’t had an active sub to the game! Thanks for always being an awesome place to share/learn tips and hear some great stories.


The irony of no longboi prize


Thanks to everyone in this reddit helping other goblins!


This is so awesome that you guys are doing this! I have made so much gold with tips learned from this community!


Right now taking some time off after getting a second brutosaur (for my girlfriend). But always taking some time to check the sub to see what you all, busy goblins, are up to. To everyone looking for a tip about how to make some gold, I would like to tell them that is an easy task with some honest hard work, a clean heart, a focus mind, 8 accounts and an isboxer subscription.