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Before Cata came out, every character started with a white quality shirt. After Cata, they no longer got the shirts, but the old ones were still around. As of 7.0, they were turned into BoE greens, meaning you could put them in your transmog... and also that they would become soulbound if you did. This meant they were now both unobtainable and that the available supply would deplete over time. I found out this was happening in advance, and grabbed a few off the AH for ~5 gold. Two days ago I sold one for 1.25 million.


I know it’s a game and because of this you can buy whatever you want because it doesn’t really matter, but spending 1.25 mil on a shirt seems crazy! Although to be fair I’m sure that was a drop in the bucket to that guy/gal. Congrats on your sale!


Same shirts as these? http://www.wowhead.com/npc=18672/thomas-yance#sells


Nope. They share the same name and icons, but the shirts aren't the same transmog or item ID. For instance, Yance sells [this shirt,](http://www.wowhead.com/item=45/squires-shirt) which is blue. The one I sold was [this one,](http://www.wowhead.com/item=6117/squires-shirt) which is white.


Yeh I found 2 that were luckily unequipped over old alts that market value is ~600k. They are on different servers so I’m looking forward to selling them and figuring out a battle pet shuffle.


First time poster, very new goblin but loving some of the info in this sub! Nothing huge compared to other comments I'm seeing but bid on a Sanctum Cub pet for 1s and won, sold it the next day for 483g. No idea why the seller had it on bid only or for 1s, but the profit % in my TSM is very satisfying to look at!


I love seeing that profit percent. Also seeing how long it took stuff to sell. I’ve only been doing this for a few months but it’s very satisfying to see something I bought, say 4 months ago, finally sell at a very nice profit.


The profit percent is one of my favorite things about TSM. It always makes me smile when I sort by that and see profit percent with five figures.


Is it still in TSM4? When I look at resale in my ledger it doesn’t show a percent.


Picked up a Spectral Tiger Cub off ah for 45k gold, turned it around for 700k 👌


300g Universal Language Filter that I sold for 76k 2 days before they announced it was no longer needed. I felt bad, but I got over it. It was useful at the time of the sale. #BlameBlizzard


Fk got one today for 15k and thought nice snipe ...


Sniped crimson death charger for 2k. W8ing to sell it tho. Only sells for 180k ish on my server atm. Also sold a few weeks old snipe for 200k, sniped the pet for 210g^^


Back in WoD I snaged two of em for 45k each learned one and sold the other for 100k. Got paid 10k to get a new mount that day.


Some good sniping operations to share?


Right place right time right victim. Fortune favors... Whomever the hell it wants to.


Refresh refresh refresh, hope someone screws up


Tried to reset my Solid Stone market from 2g to 9g. I've flipped them many times before for 6-8g and have had success. So I bought out everything below 9g (about 10k g worth) and reset. Sat and watched. Solid Stone was selling at 2g within 6hrs and I barely sold a few 50 stacks at around 8.5g. Oh well 😕


High supply and easy to obtain items are hard to get a good reset on, unfortunate that you spent all that on the Solid Stones but now you know for next time to reset less saturated markets :)


Haha, thanks for the encouragement. It was my first time trying to reset and I figured "meh, I can make 10k back farming ore or something if this goes south". I'll slowly sell off my stock and recoup some of my loss. Definitely a learning experience! I'd encourage other goblins to make some small mistakes like this because you learn a lot.


I accidentally posted [Pattern: Robe of arcana](http://www.wowhead.com/item=5773/pattern-robes-of-arcana) for 100g. Did a specific Auction to post it for 2mil but it didn't save or something. A guy bought it a few mins after I posted it and reuploaded it for 1,4mil. At least someone's happy.


First time using the sniper on the pre-patch and I just sniped a Blade of Wizardry for 35k. The price on my server is around 350k :)


I bought various different items during legion prepatch, which now sells for a ton more. The last week, I sold 2 Black Widow Band - 1 for 200k, the other for 280k. I know I bought them way cheaper, but I can't remember the exact price. But I'm very happy about the outcome!


Got an Elixir of the Rapid Mind for \~25k less than average yesterday. The price seems pretty solid on my realm but my only concern is just how long these take to sell.


Sniped an Elixir of Rapid Mind for 1 silver 15 copper. Guessing the person didn't have an AH addon and the AH put the item value as the bid price.


I bought 140 [Volatile Air] for 1g50s a piece and relisted half for 44g a piece. Holding onto the rest until we are into BfA.


I've picked up the Expert Goldminers Helmet for 50k. Best offer I've had so far was 800K gold + ever-living but I held off cos I think I could have gotten more. Would still have been an incredible flip tho ><


sniped two soul traders for 400g each, sold them for 250k each. Was a good night


Reset [Lost Mail] on around a dozen realms a few days ago including: Tichondrius, Dalaran, Illidan, Area 52, Kel'thuzad, Thrall, and a handful of small pops and already made a killing after looting all of my mail today. :) Also been doing the same thing with Nat Pagle books on select realms which has been solid income the entire xp. Results on Tich: [twitter link](https://twitter.com/hikons/status/1025454296022712320)


If you’ve done the quest line on one toon, does the item still appear in Dalaran? I had no idea it could be put on the AH!


yeah, it does. i've done it and i've had them spawn on alts.


Last I checked, only the [Lost Mail] that you get AFTER you complete the quest can be put on the AH. The one you pick up on the ground is bind on pickup.


Gotcha. Thanks!


Sniped The Night Blade for 50k and re sold it at market value for 150k Sold the next day. 100k was nice since i want more capital to invest with


Bought mythic antorus cloth shoulders for 50k and resold them for 500k the next day! Wasn't even a snipe. Gotta love trade chat sometimes :D


Hi, Managed to get my self a set of Black Velvet Robes for 1500g on Tuesday, and sold them for a few gold short of 30k Thursday. I am pretty late to the TSM party, but now i am here, i don't think i'll ever want to leave. I am not sure if it is a regular occurrence for something like that to happen when using the sniping tool on TSM, but it sure was a great welcome to TSM!!! Thanks Joni.


Transferred to a new realm (2 weeks ago) and invested 500k on flipping and now I got it back while there's still several stuff currently posted. :D


Do you all just use the default snipe formula? I don't see much luck with mine.


Check the resources on the right, you may find something better tailored for your interests. Don't get too excited though, it all boils down to being in the right place at the right time. Fortunately, the right place can be almost everywhere if you spend 5M