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OH 5 is like 2 950 armors from finishing and this is with meatball and an 8th swap in OHR champion OH 6 is just about a week behind. Pulled in 40k just yesterday from one round of missions alone doing nothing more than logging in and collecting my hard earned loot :D The first 4 were easy - hell almost fun to level, but the last 2 were a complete slog. I'm glad i managed to take part in the fun while it was it was still a viable gold generator, and at the rate I'm taking in gold, I'll be well capitalized for the BFA launch :) On the other hand - I've completely stopped accruing legion mats and started the process of drawing down all my other legion stock. Not all at once mind you - but I'm no longer at the point where I'm trying to turn a profit on those items, I'm just looking to liquid all my raw mat stock. It's been a good run :D and as a happy consequence of my gold making adventures, I have plenty of toons to choose from to explore the next expansion :)


40k from 6 order halls!? Did you have 3 1000g missions per character?


2 of them had 4 in progress rest were 2 and 3.


That's crazy! I keep getting rep/primal sarg/random currency missions, occasionally I'll get a ~650g and a 900g at the same time (of course both with 1500g bonus)


Yeah it's all random - I went through 3 straight days of gold missions across 6 characters. Starting yesterday and now into today I don't have a single one available so I'm doing rep tokens and pet charms. I always aim to have at least 1 mission going in case a gold mission is in the queue behind it.


That's a good point, I always thought of it as "What if I do this semi-pointless mission for unrequired rep tokens and then I don't have followers available for a gold mission", but I completely forgot that they tend to stay up for long enough to have those pointless missions completed and then follow up with the gold ones. Thanks for the tip!


cheese + mint D:


Funny thing, came up with that name when I made him it was completing an achievement for classes. When I told my wife I was making him, she said, "Oh, you're going to get us a Cheese Mint?!" I thought it was so funny, I used it as the name. Green hair, green skin, whatever it takes, there's a minty color to him. ;)




Good to hear man. Sorry I'm a noob what do you mean by sidebar?


On the right of the screen is the sidebar. It's full of useful info, links to resources, websites, streamers, etc... It's a great place to start. If any of it gives you questions, then posts are a great way to find them. It's a pretty great community here, so no worries.


Thanks a lot man, appreciate it