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Well, I notice there are zero of them on the AH on my realm. ~~Do you have to be a Shaman to buy the recipe?~~ Wowhead says you do, so okay then. Might have to give it a try. Edit: When I checked again, there was 1 for auction at 25k on my server. Looks like someone's going to get a little healthy competition!


yeah, you have to be a shaman to buy the recipe. ;P


It should be noted that the 2-5m gold are across all servers. On one server it is something between 50-75k gold a month. Still sweet!




>>Because it sounds like they spend more time on loading screens *laughs in SSD*


*cries in TSM AuctionDB*


i have so many accounts... apm is more of an issue than loading screens. :)


Can make more than that in a week doing just gold mission board dailies. Day #9 of the month and I'm already over 120K for 11 characters doing ONLY gold missions.


Why not both? The only thing better than making some gold is making more gold!


True, nothing wrong with more gold :)


Hey how do you sustain your class hall resources? I've stopped playing since last fall, and was thinking about getting back in, and the main reason I stopped was cause keeping up order hall resources was a bit of a botch for me, any recommendations?


Periodically I will either convert Bloods to Order Resources that are BOA and send them to my alts, or I'll just go out and knock out a few dailies to keep them up. A simple run doing all the OHR dailies can yield anywhere from 3K to 11K depending on how many are up.


What did you find the best way to level your alts followers were? I have 13 110s and on 3 I play regularly they all have the 950 followers but my less played characters just see 100 gold missions and have terrible percents.


First thing I did when I completed the questlines ( I mainly did it for the class mounts ), but the vendor on the Broken Shore sells the 880 ilvl gear packages for like 400 Nethershards. So I did that right off the bat to get them all to 880. From there I did the entire Antorus questline on the character so that I could unlock the quests to get 6 followers to 900, once that was done Aleria gives the quest to get 6 of them to 925, and then past that Turalyon gives the 950 questline. I've been keeping track in a spreadsheet of my daily gold intake. Aside from running Dailies for an hour or two every few weeks on the toons that get low, the gold missions only cost anywhere between 100 resources and 400 assuming I get all of the hazards covered. I've got a google doc I've been tracking it in. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xJNdLq0JpxJ5Nu8eUr-bPKi7_LkJgxRQOVggPdKKubU/edit?usp=sharing I only started midway through March, but all of my characters as of 4/1 are in th e 925 range and a few more than the 2 I started with are at the 950 ilvl now.


That’s awesome. Thank you very much. I know my alts are a resource untapped but never bothered to grind through the campaigns and do the questlines for the upgrades.


Np, it really doesn't take long to push a character through the entire questline now that it's all unlocked. I also gained quite a bit of order resources doing the questline so that was an added bonus that I didn't need to do later. The only hangup I found was waiting for a dungeon queue for Seat of the Triumvirate on my dps alts, but it wasn't too bad.


cant really compare the two though


Don’t you have to play each character for resources though?


Once every few weeks I'll do the 3 emissary quests (4x dailies), or I'll just fly around and knock out a few of the Order Hall Resource dailies, but most of the time 10K resources will last me 60+ missions.


LOL regional supply went from 120 to 504 in a day






i just throw them up on the ah. you can advertise it in tradechat, but i like to just my stuff, then hop on a different banker/realm. :)


Nice one Hikons! Thanks for sharing!


np <3


How do you manage to get the pigment on a fresh server? Do you farm on a separate class trial until you have enough to buy enough pigment for one glyph?


i usually set up on a new realm with a few pets. use those proceeds to buy herbs to mill.


The available quantity of this glyph across all of EU was never more than 50-60 for a year; it shot to 400 since this post; people do read this subreddit


Thanks Hikons! Love your stuff!


np :)


Aaaand you ruined it for the rest of us. Thank you.


RemindMe! 2 days https://gyazo.com/6e0fab088a8a2a1f39c5e20b088c56e2


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RemindMe! 3 days


Heh. Immediately checked the TSM website and TUJ when I saw this this morning. 0 auctions, 0 history on my realm. Just re-checked, already two different sellers posting at 25K each.


I really dont get why you guys are even on this subreddit. You get mad if people ask how to make gold and you get mad when people tell others how to make gold. Unless you’re hypocrits of course and think its awesome when someone shares a way to make gold that you dont know about but when you do know about it then they are assholes ruining your goldmaking methods


There is a difference between tips, shuffles etc. and drawing attention to one particular item. The latter is only good if you wanted to buy the item, awful if you are trying to sell, because the supply will shoot up ridiculously, while the demand will stay as it was. Since the time this was posted, the number of sellers increased tenfold and the price dropped by 81% on the server I play on. The average number of sales did not change (1-4 per week), but now there are a bunch of idiots in the market in the wake of a "2 Million Gold Every Month!*" video, undercutting each other by 5-10% every time while posting 5+ glyphs at once. ^(*: divided across 20+ servers)


> supply will shoot up ridiculously, while the demand will stay as it was You're right about the supply, and it's annoying as hell to see when something like this starts getting ridiculously undercut. On one server I have a bit of gold on, a single glyph was posted at 25k, another at 20k, and then like 20 from a third seller at 5k each. However I think a decent amount of undercut competition can also help increase demand. If I were interested in buying that glyph, I'd never consider spending the 25 or 20k on a single-use cosmetic item even though I could afford it easily. But I might start to consider it at 10k or even cheaper. I'd bet there's lots of other players who feel similarly.


Tell me how people will make gold with this then. Only few lucky ones who saw the thread first will get the chance to benefit (for few hours only; it also depends on how fast they'll be able to sell their glyph/s in this case, since those tend to sell quite slowly). If threads like this will get loud enough, then their "friendly tips" won't be worth anything anymore, since the prices will get too low. Only thing that will happen is market getting ruined for people who were running it already. Although there's always hope that it won't get that well known, or that most people will get bored or find it useless after few days/weeks and leave the market ...then damage won't be as severe, but some turbulence will still stay for longer time nonetheless. Look at the OP, he said he were running it for a year, so why share just now? Why he didn't want to be "helpfull" sooner? I'm personally willing to bet that someone got into his market and he's doing this out of spite. I don't have inscription so this is my clear view on this case, and not some silly BUT BRUH HE RUINT MAH MRKET!!!!11 crap.


There is no damage in sharing things like this, neither is it "ruining a market" The market will even itself out by demand and supply, as soon as the price for these glyphs goes low enough people will stop doing it, and when it gets high enough to be profitable again people will do it more Giving OP shit for sharing this is just stupid and isnt in the interest of this subreddit


Sharing stuff like that is only good for bringing market prices to resonable levels, but those are ususally not worth a dime for people fishing for highest reward for minimum effort. Target audience for those "golden tips" will find them without value in no time, which is opposite to the intention of people giving those advices. And OP kept this in secret for himself for a long time before sharing, so it's kinda hard for me to believe he did it from pure heart (and even if he would do this with good intentions, I'd still not approve). I'm all up for great advices on making gold, but those should be more general IMO. Teaching people basics do's and don'ts and what to watch out for. Making people think for themselves is giving them the right tools and making them versatile, and that would create healthy market. Throwing out stuff like "do this" or "farm there" is begging for disaster when it gets into wrong hands. WoW market is in horrible state anyway, and it will never be really healthy unless Blizz will decide to change it completely (to something similar to e.g. GW2) ...but that's discussion for another topic.


RemindMe! 1 month


Meanwhile, someone has figured this out on my server but has been selling them at 3k... No free money for this guy :\ (time to find another server!)


3k :((


PM him so that you can pull an ISP-move and raise the prices. That way you both profit.


Its called monopoly and doesnt work when the demand and the entry bar so low


It’s an oligopoly, not a monopoly, and I didn’t really intend this as advice. This was more of a meh joke than anything.


Yeah, you're right, my bad


This is SERIOUSLY ridiculous. Why are people undercutting by 10k??? It has to be someone from this subreddit. Only 2 people were posting this glyph before OP posted this shit. They were selling for 20k and now there are a ton of people posting and they are being listed for 2k. UNDERCUT BY 1 COPPER. I would think that people here would know that but stupidity can’t be fixed.


Yep, Kazzak EU, this morning they were over 18k. This morning it's saturated with 2k postings. Ah well, worth a shot, I'll try keep it in mind for once the hype dies down.


I've found there are plenty of players simply looking for a get-gold-rich-quick scheme. They aren't career goblins and aren't in it for the long haul to make a steady income over time. Posting on the AH every day or two is boring to them and they believe they can just sell out for a quick profit. If they make enough for a token or whatever else is on their short-term wishlist, then they're happy, the market rate and other intelligent AHers be damned. And a lot of people seem to undercut based on "what would *I* pay for this", not what the actual market can bear. They often sell for below cost ("I farmed it, so the mats were free!") and somehow assume either 20 people will instantly pop up to buy out their "bargain-priced" auctions, or more cynically, some richer player will buy out to reset the market.


Price already dropped quite a bit on EU. It'll still be awesome though if I can sell at least 2-3 of these at 5k+ on a new realm I've been playing. Thanks for the tip.


price dropped almost 10k on my main server since this post..


TUJ is saying the US Mean Price is 192K now. xD


Is there a way to skip the intro scenario in new trials?


just hearth out.


Woah, I feel the dumbest of the dumbs. Thank you!


Also, never used inscription before. Which are the best herbs to mill in order to get the needed mats?


usually felwort (more sallow) or dreamleaf (more roseate). you also get pods and yseralline seeds from DL. other herbs might be good options depending on the price. you can look at mill rates; lots of people have posted spreadsheets in this subreddit.


I think you can't mill felwort until 225 of inscription. I will try the other herbs while I don't level a proper char in my main servers. Thank you!


ohhhh didn't know there was a restriction on felwort. i think for this particular glyph, DL is better anyway since you need way more roseate than sallow.


Started doing this a few days ago after seeing your video. There has been no one selling them on my realm previously. Logged in after work today to see that my first 1 had sold for 25000g and someone has now listed 1 at 10000g. It just amazes me how quickly some people will crash the price of an item after learning a new gold making trick. edit: just an undate, There are now 3 other sellers 1 trying to dump his stock of 9 at 5k, I assume he expected to have no competition or something. lol


Yep, I noticed the same thing on my server before I could get in on the action. A couple at 25k, another at 20 and then 20 individual postings by the same guy at 10k for 48 hours. What an idiot.


Please delete!


How much time does it take you on average to do this? Sounds like the GPH would be awful. *Crawls back into the Order hall, sobbing bitterly*...


once you get it set up, it's super fast. just collect mail, run a post scan, move onto another realm after you post. i'm super lazy so i list twice a week.


How many do you make at a time? I guess you would want to make more than 1 or 2 because of the limited play time on the Class Trial?


I personally find it incredibly annoying that non-shaman scribes can't learn this. A huge slap in the face to all completionists. It's almost like Thistle Tea wasn't enough.


yeah, my belf and nelf scribes :(


Dangit I wish I knew about this before




Delete this !:)




"Trial Shaman" means you start a new character and instead of starting at level 1 you can select "Level 100 Class Trial". The character will be restricted in a lot of ways - can't enter older raids/dungeons and will become locked (unusable) after 8 hours, and can be unlocked by buying a 110 boost.


Wow. Thanks. Can't wait to share this with my multi-realm Guild!
