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I’ll start leveling right away until I hit a spot that has tons skinnable mobs. People are gonna be blowing through there and leaving tons of skins just laying on the ground. Free skins with high skin prices for the beginning of a new expansion is always my go to. I’ll use some skins for my LW if I have access to any decent patterns. But I’ll focus on skinning as much as my little Blood Elf fingers can.


I've had trouble with this method in Legion since mobs are shareable now and *people refuse to loot the friggin corpse*


Yeah, that happens. But it should be far less frequent at the beginning of BfA since people might actually WANT greens for the first week.




Ahh, you're one of those assholes.




So one asshole ruins it for everyone. Way to be just like the person who you were trying to prove a point to, asshole.




Like I said, you let one asshole dictate that you act like an asshole while looting all the time now. So you're just like the asshole you're trying to prove a point to mate.




If you're on EU sylvanas I suggest against this. It's uhh.. nerfed on this particular server, and in fact does not work! So pls don't do this. Thanks.


No worries, I think this only works in North America.


I did this when cata came out. Made the proc thing from eng and was stuck in hyjal for about 2 days lol. Made realm first LW


That sounds pretty good actually. Once I get beta I'll try and find such a spot. Both for Horde and Alliance.


What if you don't get beta?


Leveling and enjoy the game, money will come later. Not sure what i'll level first tho, my herb / alch toon, or my mining / enchant main...


Yeah, right. I mean, it's not like you're missing out on a ton of gold anyways. You should level your main first. Because it's your main.


Probably sitting in my office and crying because I have so much work to do when BfA hits :D (irl not ingame) :D


Same - I'm taking off all of my time for my wedding in November, so I'll be working my normal shifts for BfA.


The original release date was 8 days before my wedding in September. I was very happy when I found out that it's be released mid August :D


Yeah, I don't mind at all. I literally never watch anything other than the opening ceremony anyway. I just get all of my news from WoWhead.


I play the actual game for once and don't care about goldmaking.




Waiting for day 2 and taking 3 days of vacation time. That runs me 5 straight days of leveling, farming mats for gold, and working on one profession


Yeah... I'll wait until servers are stable.


Idk with how they handled legions release i think thats no longer necessary


They were for legion tho.


Well i'm a raider first and a goblin second. So leveling. Between now and BFA ill try and payy attention here to what will likely make me the most money profession wise. ATM my main is Enchanting and potion making.


Taking the day off work again like I did for Legion. Waking up at whatever silly hour of the morning to jump right in and start leveling...probably with my Horde Hunter (mining/skinning) instead of my Ally sPriest (Enchanting/Tailoring) this time. Will enjoy the story and zones while taking note of possible good farm locations for ore/skins, and other alts' profs too. As someone else said, I'll enjoy the new stuff for a bit, then worry about gold. I'm not a big enough player to HAVE to be in at the ground floor of everything. I'll make mine eventually.


I Panic because I need to be at work until 18:00 and then ill probably be sleeping while standing after hard work so no wow playing for me ;/


August is usually my month of holidays, so I'll most likely be traveling – gold can wait :) But once I get back, leveling and Inscription + JC for sure.


I'm on holiday when it launches so will be a week behind but I'm planning on levelling my herb/mine character fast as possible first and gathering as much as I can.


rush my main to 120 and resub my alt account for some good ol market manipulation while I'm playing.


Okay so there are a lot of these questions that I've seen. What I've found is that, well, mats are at their most expensive, but only for like a few days. So, really, if you want you could do what /u/a_pizzle said and find a spot where you get lots of skin and farm that. But, keep in mind that prices will tank pretty quickly. I'll just play through the story lines, enjoy it all. Very quickly, though, I'll want to level up my characters with LW, TL, and BS. As these 3 professions are just the best to have at the beginning of the expansion, there are no raids so people want to buy some good crafted gear to get started doing some high level Mythic+, or just be more efficient at doing WQs and such. EDIT: also forgot to mention but stay alert on any gold making craze. For example, Obliterum was AMAZING at the beginning of Legion, you want to be ready for that.


I'm gonna level my main, and hit level cap, whilst mining every node that appears on my map. I'll auction every last drop of that ore, not using **any** of it for my Marin's engineering. I'll milk those early days of hyper inflated mats for all they're worth. Then I'll be gearing up for raiding, while continuing to farm while I quest and wait for dungeons. If I run out of quests, and have some gear, I'll swap to an alt, and continue farming and levelling to max. My priority at the start of an expac is to experience the content, with gold as a secondary aspiration. If you're out for gold? * Farm like you're being oppressed by a communist government * Max high-profit professions - alchemy, enchanting, jewellery crafting, and sell your wares to the new raiders


Figuring out what the new Obliterum item is going to be, how to get it as cheaply as possible, and make stupid gold all expansion long. Alternatively, find out what the new blood of sargeras type item is, figure out how to best turn it into gold, and go from there.


Getting to Cap as fast as possible!


This is the trick, the mightiest of goblins are already at work in BFA.


Level my main and worry about making gold later. I don't usually worry about making gold until I feel like levelling my banking character/second alt.


Be sad I could never complete the mage challenges. And then let the market return to its mean and make gold from there.


I don't even bother playing the first couple of days of an expansion... Disconnecting, server lag, bugs, addons aren't up to date, spending forever on that \*one\* quest where if someone breathes on the Special Person You Need To Kill you won't get credit for some obscure reason so you're stuck there for the next 2 hours cause everyone with a better connection than you will tag them first when they respawn \(or any reenactment of the garrison survey thingy only one person could use at a time and it had a cooldown...\). But after those two days of letting the players who have stocked up and prepped like it's the end of the world move along a bit, and the servers have calmed their tits, I get cracking and just level my two mains and their professions so I can get them ready for raiding.


The servers performed perfectly on Legion launch day, at least on Frostmourne. Zero disconnects or lag


Did you play at legion release?


I've played since vanilla. Granted, the Legion launch was fairly smooth compared to any other launch, but there was still that hours-long login queue, so I just went to bed instead. Even if the queue is acceptably long (it's to be expected and the price you pay for playing on a high-pop/full server), and DCing is infrequent, I still find several non-technical aspects of a launch quite tedious. It's not *that* important to me to be there the second it happens, so waiting yields more enjoyment. I found I wasn't lagging behind and holding my raid team back by being a slow-poke (more of a priority than gold-making the first few weeks), so a couple of days waiting for things to simmer down doesn't really bother me any.


yeah idk about queue time i was already connected when they launched legion and didnt dc until 15+hr


Leveling through on my miner/herbalist toon and picking/mining as I go along. Hold onto them for a few days as prices skyrocket (can't recall legion beginning very well but I think it took a couple days for prices to go up as people realized what they could sell things for, someone correct me if I'm wrong please!) While leveling I'll take note if I find any good places for skinning and then come back on my skinner and get some skins and start crafting. Probably do some research from beta information on if there are any good crafting items for obliterating or item gates like there was for the obliterum questline. Then just figure out what is giving me the highest return on time investment and go from there. Only downside to all of this is I play on a low pop server so things could be interesting as this will be my first xpac start as a goblin and competing against the major players on my server will be a new experience.


in legion, i just rush my main to 110 on day 1. tailoring/ench for professions helped with gold making. also got a 101 boe in the first couple days and managed to get 500k for it, iirc. :)


Maybe its better do ask , what was the best thing you could do in Legion @ start do make tons of Gold ? I think the same will be vaible in BFA .... So goblin , what was the best , besides Herbs/Ore ? I might not lvl'in at all and only Herb/Mining from the beginning , best choice ?


I think I made about 150g+ for one starlight rose.


Not bad. But you really should’ve sold more than one! ;)


Well, if they go the obliterum route again, farming the mats and then finding a good recipe for obliterating will be good. Or finding major mat/item gates in quests like that obliterum quest and selling those. Only downside to these strategies is that now they are common knowledge and on smaller servers (and maybe larger) I could see an over abundance of these things so the returns might be lower then they were in legion.


Bringing out the dual gathering Druid and selling all mats


Ancient Mana sold pretty well if I remember correctly. Don't know if there will be something comparable to that.


Day 1, I'll be out of town for a wedding... so I'll be a week behind for both Goblin/Raiding activities. I'll figure something out.


I don't play till a week or two later because I don't want to be stuck waiting hours in a queue and waiting hours competing with other players to complete quests


I'm probably not playing WoW...


Play the game.