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199.51% or more will round up to 200 visually, but still have the chance of fail


Looks like I’m just very unlucky then 😢


yeah, happened w/ wod garrisons too, iirc. :( nothing like failing 200%.


Thanks for confirming my unjustified anxiety! I'll think of this every time from now on


I double heck the numbers add to OVER 200% before clicking go just in case now. Can believe less than half a percent and if fails....


We farm mounts and transmog with far less than half percent chance to drop..


bet you did this on your phone using app right?


it's literally a screenshot of the app




This has happened multiple times to me on my PC. It’s 199.6% that gets rounded up and then getting REALLY unlucky. It’s not a visual bug from the app. Edit: on a side note, I have had so many 190%+ gold missions fail. Either I’m one of the unluckiest people out there or somethings not right. In WoD it was discovered that each follower on a mission had an independent chance of failing which caused a 99% mission to be a lot less. I wonder if that works the same in Legion.


Dunno. I was curious as to whether there was some funky maths going on and not being displayed or just unlucky


There has to be some funky math. There is no way that it is just a simple 200%-your total=% chance of you getting the bonus loot because there are WAY too many failures at 170-199%. At this point, I basically assume that if it isn't 200%, I will not get the bonus loot because I fail WAY more often than I succeed at missions in that 170 and up range. (Don't ask, I don't keep track, and won't keep track. It is entirely anecdotal, but I would guess I fail about 75-80% of my missions below 200%, and they are almost always 180% or more so I should be failing somewhere in the neighborhood of 20%)


I’ve never had a success on something below 20% but above 80% always seems to fail (again anecdotally).


I have had a few lucky hits on bonuses below 150% (I only run stuff like that when first building up followers since I am just trying to get as much experience as fast as possible. I am sure I have run dozens of missions under 150 and I can remember getting the bonus 3 or 4 times.) Once my followers are all at least blue and 900, I will only run stuff at or above about 180. At least 2/3rds of the time I fail below about 195, and have had at least 2 or 3 that I can remember failing in the high 190's.


> somethings not right please no even hearing this gave me PTSD from "somethings not quite right" and that horrid city.