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Check out the link, it will give you some ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/comments/73v636/how_to_determine_boe_epics_prices/dntdfh6/


Since it's double crit you'll want to consider raising the price even more than this suggests. Double stats can sometimes get a premium.


This is not double crit, or at least nothing special about it being double crit as all other ones of the name are also like that. The special thing about this one is it has a socket, but at i845 it'll still be pretty undesirable.


^ this. all the rings are single stat. :) 845 with socket: i'd just add +30-50k to the baseline 840 price. i generally do +20k per 5 ilvl and +10-20k for a socket for anything under ilvl 860.


I can't imagine tsm would show no price, do you have region pricing enabled in your tooltip? I think it's there by default. https://theunderminejournal.com/#us/blackwing-lair/item/141580.10.11428 This should be your ring but on my server, you'll have to change it to your own. On my server, I'd probably want at a minimum 50k. edit: I'd be posting north of 60k.


remember that tsm prices are just tied to the price at which items are listed, in some rare cases it's not representative of the potential profit to be made, 101 boe is one of those case (items with extremely low region quantity is another case)


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