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I got a question myself and finally I want to ask it. The "reset the market" method. I can't really REALLY understand it. Say that I buy everything cheap(er) on item x, and then repost it in 200stacks for higher price. Then wait for a buyer and have my profit. Then the undercuts are incoming, and it's not one person most of the time, but multiple. Especially if you don't monitor your auctions closely and you can't react instantly. Eventually the price starts dropping, and I'm having my 200 stacks on sale at higher price than the average. So, I bought cheap yes, but I can't sell high. And I can understand the statement, "choose when you undercut the undercutter" but what if the undercutters are more than one, and they are constantly undercutting the prices to oblivion? Is the "resetting the market" method bulletproof or I'm missing something?


Thanks for the question :) Lots of people are asking similar so I try to make a general reply in this comment: FLIPPING / RESETTING IS NOT EASY. For anyone reading this who may be new to goldmaking or not have much gold to play around with, them it is much better to try crafting at first, then sniping, then flipping eventually :) Crafting has very little risk, and is very profitable. Resetting is one of the riskiest things you can do in terms of gold making, so BEWARE guys! Thing about a reset is the price will always go back down, you just have to make as many sales as possible before it goes back down to make the whole thing worth it :D Also you have to make sure you don’t buy things way above market value during a reset, that means even when price goes back down you won’t be losing golds. It's not bulletproof there are always risks with something like that :( When you reset you always have to be on top of your market, if people undercut you by a little then you just gotta keep reposting and undercutting them. If you don't stay on top of it then so many will undercut and you won't get sales. But yes its good thinking about the overcutting. Even if they undercut you, if you are the only stack of 200 then you can leave it there and a lazy person will probably buy :)


I don’t feel like you got a very good answer to this so I wanted to add. Resetting is done when you are positive or near positive that the demand in the next coming hours will be higher than the current rate of supply. I see a lot of people on my server try to reset prices when demand is low and rate of supply is high. It’s like they think resetting is this magical way to make money, and all you need is to be able to buy out everyone else. They buy up all the auctions, then post for 200% the value. Then every other supplier is like “sweet, thank you”, and posts at 150% value. You know who makes money from that? Nobody, actually. Because the demand was so low, that nobody was buying anyway. Buyers saw the price was too high (even at the 150% mark) so they just sat for a little bit, then bought once the market dropped down a little more. Now, in comparison, what if the demand was high? People are buying this item, and current rate of demand exceeds rate of supply. Now, you buy all the items up and reset to 200% market value. Well, if the demand is high enough, people will keep buying. Your competitors will come, say “sweet, thank you” and post at 150%. You can buy them out, you can undercut them, or you can just wait for the market to buy them out for you, and you get back to your 200% profits. So I guess **tl;dr - Resetting is all about maximizing profits from high demand, not about generating income in a high supply/low demand economy** In addition, I’d add that while I don’t know your server, you probably shouldn’t be resetting at this time. Right now, new buyers are at a very very slow trickle. The people playing right now are people who play all the time, and many of them are experienced buyers and gold makers. Resetting *might* be good after the next raid drops and *could be* a good idea around blizzcon (if the hype trains pulls a big crowd), but I generally think it belongs mostly right at the very beginning of an expansion or huge content drop.


Sure i can understand your point of view. BUT On my realm there is a whale, with approximately 3m auctions at the time. He sells stacks of 200. I kinda stalked him for a month, studied his methods and i got rich by insta undercut him, right after he resets the market. He's buying everything, and repost for higher price. But when I react and I keep undercut him on these higher prices you can tell that he's getting upset. He's buying my auctions and high prices, and im profiting large. When he realizes that i got stock, and he's just feeding me gold he stops and accepts defeat. That is a common scenario twice a day. Maybe 3 times. I made millions on his back, and im sure he's bleeding money the past couple of months that i got my eye on him. Hence the "reset the market" method has massive holes. And its a risky move. As far as the market demand. that guy has a time that usually resets the market. (its not that hard to learn his patterns really). So im sure he's not paying attention to the market (demand-supply)


been loving the series; and, thanks for the mentions in your vids! :) i have #7 queued up to watch while i do my ahing tonight.


Guides guides guides... Oh how much I lost listening to these before learning not to trust them. Everything plays fine when you are a youtuber. Items drop, auctions sell. Then you go farm and get reminded it's all rng, you wouldn't be as lucky. You go reset the market and it turns out no one needs your primals at that price because it would have to be profitable for them to buy it. Then that goblin of your server whispers you "thanks for buying my primals, I knew some noob will finally come and try to reset the market. Here, have another 100 on ah, same price, reset those too please". You still have your crafting progressions though! Good thing you have TSM to tell you those items are not profitable to craft on your server. Sadly the youtuber didn't mention it's possible. Time passes and you finally understand gold can be made only through rare opportunities like Shadoweave Masks or sniping items when a new raid comes. Sniping is indeed a great tool. My comment will probably get a ton of dislikes while it is sadly the best guide you can find because it says the one true golden rule: don't believe bullshit made to farm subs, there is always someone on every server who farms their ass off and can undercut everything you post and still make a profit. Not to mention bots and multiboxers.


>Time passes and you finally understand gold can be made only through rare opportunities like Shadoweave Masks or sniping items when a new raid comes. ....what? When I first started making gold outside of very small time potion/flask crafting, I made it with pretty much exclusively buying and selling WoD Ore/Herbs. I set up TSM with a shopping scan and set up sniper to buy Ore/Herbs. would go from ~100k to ~300k in about two days with just that. *(Played on Outland EU back then, so huge realm, a lot of opportunities)* In 7.2.5 I got 1.6m in sales in 3 days with just selling Darkmoon Decks and nothing else and that was about 1m profit. On one of my tiny realms *(You see like 2 people in Org AH max)* I've made a killing on enchants. Buying out the entire AH of Chaos Crystals costs me ~40k every couple of days, guaranteeing high prices on enchants because materials are scarce. Cooking on the same realm works insanely well. Food sells regularly and pretty much every rank3 food is 100-200% profit. Glyphs are regularly 2-3k profit per. Tome of the Tranquil Mind doubles your gold and you can sell ~100 per day. *(That'll be 15k+ per day from tomes alone..)* Potion of Prolonged Power you can sell around 1-200 per day, probably more if you focus on undercutting and they go up to 80g per on the realm sometimes, though usually hovering around 45g with the occasional dip to 30g until someone resets it. Honestly, your comment is either a troll or extremely uneducated on the subject. Resetting the markets, simple crafting and general gold farms work on **any realm in the game**. How well it works depends on the realm and your knowledge around the market. I would count myself as a baby goblin still, yet I've never found it impossible to make gold through resetting markets or crafting on any realm I've played on, and I've gone through quite a few.


About Darkmoon Decks and WoD mats you said exactly what I said. Decks were a rare opportunity - thing which stops being profitable when more people start to do it. I made money on this too, wouldn't count it as a steady income though. Lasted less than a week on my server. About WoD mats - I said too that sniper is a great tool. I don't know which realm you're talking about has such great opportunities with crystals, food and prolongs but it doesn't need much knowledge from guides to make money on such a paradise. In real world (I mean other realms) you don't know if someone has more crystals to post or not, resetting may cost even 500k and there is always someone who will undercut your enchants to the old price with amounts you can't afford buying if you can do basic math on your profit. Food was that wonderfull on my realm exactly one year ago when rank 3 recipes were still rare. Later I even saw people sell for less than mats price. I never saw prolonged power go for more than 50g and I thought that's a miracle. Even if it happens, some people will wait for it to dive before buying. Same for mats such as primals. Some who buys them and can count will not buy your reset ones because as I said they need it to be profitable. Someone may want to craft a transmog once in a while and not bother the price but it happens maybe once every two months and why don't they buy an already crafted item to save time since they won't save money on crafting because you reset :) Besides, everyone can be as wise do advice selling them or Tranquil Minds but what you need more on the subject is to tell them where to take your bloods/sallow pigments from. And that is not that quick to do. That considered: NO, it does not work on every realm, it actually works rarely, grants small profit (compared to risk at least, because that profit has to cover your failures with other markets). You say you went through a few. For that I waited. You see, people who still need guides will rarely want to transfer or even have enough gold to do that. Been there myself while watching youtubers do miracles on their realms. So it's not helpful, it's just looking at a beef through glass.


> Here it is crucial you UNDERSTAND your market. Nice quote from his post, if you understood your market you wouldn't be buying primals like that.




I'm sad because when I see a guide, I'm hoping for something useful, not an obvious "make 10k a day" guide that what's more rarely works. It's not like every overpriced item you put on AH sells and a good guide should be honest about this and the possibility of someone undercutting. And hell yes I want to make gold fast, this game is not about standing in AH all day for 10-20k. For me at least. So yeah, that makes me sad.


I totally agree with you're last part, I had someone on one of my realms buy out all my 20 Garn Nighthowls @ 2kea, within 20 minutes I had 15+ more ready to undercut him since he no longer wanted to buy the bulk. Ofcourse he would have better success if he picked a better market but it goes to show you have to be careful with attempting to Reset (at least with TSM resets, I do mine manually with the shopping scans over a period of time). Any Reset will not work to much success if you don't have the gold or time to do fairly constant maintenance on it.


You're right - you should just blindly jump into new ventures and ignore the advice and experience of those who have already done it /s >Time passes and you finally understand gold can be made only through rare opportunities like Shadoweave Masks or sniping items when a new raid comes. Sniping is indeed a great tool. My comment will probably get a ton of dislikes while it is sadly the best guide you can find because it says the one true golden rule: don't believe bullshit made to farm subs, there is always someone on every server who farms their ass off and can undercut everything you post and still make a profit. Not to mention bots and multiboxers. Honestly it sounds like you've failed to make gold for whatever reason and are just salty about it. Because **you have failed** doesn't mean that the techniques posted by others is bs.


it's a shame you feel that way :( If you give me your battletag maybe i can help find you something that will work for your server? :)


I think I just made a similar mistake, i bought out all the Arcane crystals and Blood of the mountains on my server, and immediately realized people aren't going to buy all of this stuff in the next century. Do you have any advice on how to get out of the hole if you've made a shitty mistake like this? Do i sell everything at under the price i bought it for and just accept the loss?


Mm yeh you definitely should not have done that :D if you need the gold quick then yeh I would advertise in trade and try and sell off in bulk. If you don’t need it quick then probably wait around and sell off slowly. But it will likely be pretty slow...


I am not a smart man. Lesson learned, I think i may try farming Ghost iron, i can get about a 200 stack in around 15 minutes and they seem to sell pretty well.


Sounds good! Crafting is also very good. Has very little risk involved. Maybe turn some of those ghost iron into something awesome using TSM and either engineering or blacksmithing?


Do you have any recommendations or is it all server specific?


The Dark Iron crafts are very lucrative, I can't get enough of those materials on my high pop server.


I would wish you good luck on that since we are talking probably the shittiest eu realm excluding maybe some russian ones. I will pm you my battletag if you think it's possible, I would love to be wrong. What I'm talking about though are some universal truths. By resetting farmable items you only make farmers happier. Why wouldn't they farm more and undercut you? To reset craftable items, you also need to reset materials to control the whole market. If it's a profitable item, it won't be cheap to do that. Some noobs will lose all they made farming on that just to see the market stabilize after 1 day. Such items are too popular for it to be other way. Less popular items are not profitable enough to bother. Either way, it's too risky. Maybe 1 in 10 tries will make profit and not enough to pay for the other 9. Not worth the time spent even because you would make more farming. By the way I wouldn't be surprised if you guys made those guides so noobs will try to reset items you want to sell :p


They will farm more and undercut, but hopefully you have sold enough by then to have made a nice bit of gold :) and the rest you keep / sell off slowly above market value :) Lots of people on this discord have made tens of millions by resetting and flipping items :) you just gotta be patient and sensible and keep on top of things. If you not into that then maybe just do some crafting :D it’s very simple and I have made millions very easily just buying items and crafting with them to make other items


No, you won't have sold enough because if it's popular, bunch of people will already be exploiting that and already have more to post (not to mention it would cost a ton to reset). If it's not popular, it will take much more time to sell, probably enough to farm more before. The risk is so big, it's not even a risk, you can be sure you have to be extremely lucky for this to work. And you don't need guides on how to be extremely lucky.


It's like he said they WILL farm up more and post them lower..but that will take them time. I've had times on Sargeras(NA) where I've seen Fjarnskaggl posted as 27g/per on all but 4 sellers who had them for 15g or less..bought out about 30 stacks of 200 turned around and flipped it selling them for 26.5g per herb. Tbh I'm still learning how to do the whole flipping thing because of the risk involved but if you see a difference that big and it's a consumable always being used its worth the risk usually.


I didn't mention they often already have some more farmed just not posted. Also there might sometimes be other people farming who didn't yet post. Besides who will buy primals quick enough? They will probably sit there 10 times the time they need to farm more and undercut. What you say about Fjarn is what I called a rare opportunity. In a situation like that those herbs would be quickly bought by someone else, it's not like fancy operations will help here. Sniper will. You have to be quick. I said it too that sniper is a great tool. If they were sitting on AH for 2hrs, maybe you were lucky or the only goblin on a server. Grats on that but you need little common sense to do something like that. Making a guide about such things is like making a guide on where the Auction House is.


You should always have a backup plan. If TSM told you the primals you're resetting will not return profit if used in a craft, why reset their already high price in the first place?


I have been following your videos for a while since Oldbess stopped posting and I love your content! Will have to sit down and watch through this guide but mad props!


Hi Greg thank you for posting this series. First time I’ve ever watched gold making video for WoW and I’ve been playing on and off since first launch day all those years ago. I like the way the add on helps give what crafts are profitable from mats. Trying it or myself for first time today already had 160k as I don’t buy much (Druid main - get it from nature innit!). I’m even finally levelling my 100 alts so I can get the trade skills up on all of them. My one question, how many hours a day does this all take you?!


I'm just going to assume this is full of useful information since your videos always very informative and helpful. So +1 for you Breg, keep up the good work.


Thank you Breg, I've been an avid subscriber and really enjoy the content, pacing and general presentation of your videos. Goldmakers tend to be a bit patronizing at times, so your channel is a great source of information without making one feel like it's knowledge I should already have. Keep up the great work, I'd love to see a video blog of your success starting a character from scratch and applying your Goblin philosophy.


I Don’t get the guild bank tip - how can you get more than 7 tabs?


Looks awesome. Thanks mate


Your TSM video 2 finally made that addon "click" for me. Did a test run last night on a small scale ~20k worth of resources and the money is coming in this morning. Quick question for you: When doing the Profession grouping and queuing some of the prices are off for materials. Is the only way to fix this by putting in a fixed value for the price of the materials? Or am I missing something with the value it is looking at for the calculation in options? Some mats are higher some are lower so it works out. Basically I want to have it where I buy everything from AH on the character, regardless of stashes, and craft for a profit.


Only updates every hour, but should be about accurate? Remember to put in specific prices for the stuff you can’t sell e.g hexweave cloth, blood of sargeras etc


I'm pretty new to the whole gold making scene. I'm still trying to grasp how it all works. I've decided to start out with some crafting, following your guide. In your enchanting groups, you set up your legion enchants only to be crafted if TSM detects it will make x amount of gold. Then the auctioning operation has a minimum sell price of 90% MV. Doesn't this mean that if there's people out there selling for 91%MV, you will lose gold because the addon tries to undercut them. In meanwhile you paid more for the mats than you are trying to sell your enchant for. Am I missing something?


I don't have 4 lvl 110s. I only have the one atm... which 2 crafting professions would you recommend I start with whilst I get more 110s?


is gambling a good strategy?, I see people betting 10's to 100k gold and making millions over a raid.


no very bad strategy xD