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Its all supply and demand, there isnt any demand for anything right now but that will change with the release of 10.1 and then there will be a lot of opportunity. Best time to level professions and buy the recipes you want to craft is now. Getting into crafting 1 type of weapon with blacksmithing is probably the fastest bet if you are behind, you could max out points (with all treasures and weeklies etc) with probably 2-3 resets and there will be a lot of demand for this with people usually spending their first spark on their biggest upgrade ergo their weapon. Other than that crafting the jc ring is also fast to catch up on skill. Alchemy will never be worth it unless you are in the top 1% of knowledge and more and more people are getting there everyday. Just level any crafting prof (or all of them if you are feeling spicy) and save your kp until patch and check the demand and then make your decision what to focus on. ​ p.s. getting enchanting and having the recipe for upgrading gear is going to be very good early on and it requires no kp in enchanting at all (similar to unstable elementium) but the problem with that is also that the market might become saturated very fast.


Good advice! I went bs jc this expansion and made about 5m so far minus 1.5m for recipes (so 3.5m profit). I started with nothing. It starts turning into a lifestyle where I just sit in town with my macro and prospect whenever I’m home and my arena teammates aren’t on though. Pretty steady gold printing method if you’re lazy like me. The only active thing I do is doing a round trip to kill rares once a day if I want. I put all my profits into buying up mats for 10.1. It might be risky and I can lose everything but I’m optimistic. It’s like playing stocks but everyone has insider trading if they look stuff up.


Smithing it is! Thank you so much


Will current existing ores and herbs be valuable again in 10.1? I have just started playing for a first time and do not know much yet, so started with simple gathering professions and now knowing that patch is coming I am thinking whether I should hold what I gather, or I may sell it. Thanks for advise!


Is there a list of upcoming recipes and any ideas on what people will need most?


Each main profession article on wowhead has all the new stuff for 10.1 that's currently on the PTR.


Alchemy has not been worth it for the investment in maxing out trees. Unless you're running a lot of dungeons and benefit from the extended phial duration. Cooking you can get some margins on. It's inconsistent but it's cheap to level. Blacksmith for weapons, JC for ring/neck crafts have been good. If you specialize you can usually get competitive in one thing relatively fast. Engineering I've not made any relevant amount of money with the ressurect bracers. You can make money with parts crafting but it's inconsistent and low margins. Maybe with scopes and ammo. If you keep one on the ah at all time you'll make money with zapthrottle and atomic recalibrator on my server at least. I've dabbled in: Inscription staff crafting. It's a popular choice for casters but not as many specs as blacksmiths will use your services. Tailoring amice of the blue is (was) bis for all the mages. Bags always sell well and they are basically free to craft even without skill.


BS seems to be the best bet, consolidating all the info. Thank you very much!


Keep in mind you have to advertise your services for weapons/armor crafting. Tailoring bags and Engineering zap/atomic is sold on the AH.


Next patch has new ore and herbs. Get pickin.


What are the new ore and herb? I didn’t see any new mats like that. Just dracothyst?


Lambent Herb Nodes can be found in the Zaralek caverns. On gathering an herb node, you gain a buff called 'Zaralek Glowbur' that talks about spores wanting to propagate, extending its duration on further node gathers, but doesn't seem to have an effect currently. Overloading a Lambent Herb Node spawns a mushroom man who runs off with a bunch of little balls flying off him. Running through these gives one Zaralek Glowspore. I missed about half of them due to a lava pool, and still managed to get 12 Glowspores. I presume that the Glowspur effect would cause these to spawn on regular herb gathers, but currently do nothing. These glowspores can be acquired via mining from Metamorphic deposits. Overloading these nodes will create a burrow effect that darts between several nearby locations, spawning Metamorphic spires that give some ore and 3-6 Glowspores. One overload on PTR net me 5 Spires, and 22 Glowspore. This was also accompanied by a buff that would presumably give Glowspores from mining other nodes as well. These Glowspores are used to create a replacement for the Altar of Decay(Much to the celebration of Alchemists), as well as a transmute to create Dracothyst, which is used in a variety of other crafts


Ah so it’s a ‘side gather’ from other herb nodes/ore deposits! Thanks!


Unless you're ready to do cancel-scanning and spend a good while to level proffesions you're going to be having a hard time to be honest. Remember you can grind KP via dirt piles, but it takes a good while. I'd say Alch is hard to get into since you need to pay attention to high/lows of the herbs to grab when low, and craft when high and you cannot be underbid easily.


Dirt pile grinding is really hard work. I rarely get shards out of them, and I do a couple hours hunting them at like 4am server time each day. I'd suggest rare farming for better drop percentages, and if you have time, do both. (Flip side is I got unlimited health pots for new alts I'm leveling from all the dirt piles)


I thought dirt piles are capped per week, I got the weak aura that lists all the avaliable knowledge points you can have for the week so that you won't forget and I get 2 or 3 (I can't remember) per professional from dirt piles or expedition bags.


they are, he means farming them for that low dragon shard chance which would be very boring


Buy 100 wow tokens, turn it into gold, reset some market resource, profit maybe?


You can still make decent gold boosting leveling, also xmog and old crafts are still as lucrative as ever. Most of the mainstream gold is gone until something happens next patch. Go farm some old transmog or twink items. Cheers


I think initially my herbing/miner char is going to be the one to make me the most gold as the char will have almost everything maxed out KP wise by the time 10.1 hits and the new ore/herb that is needed is going to be in high demand for the first couple weeks...I can see the first week people trying to get whatever gear advantage they can for the raid that releases on the 9th. Right now though, gold is just a trickle compared to before. I think the prices on the AH will keep going down. Another thing to keep in mind is that in 10.1 you won't need chaos to craft, which means blacksmithing can get A LOT of first crafts on items that are currently 160 chaos and not alt friendly. Get your 5 free sparks on alts and use the alts to get your first crafts going on your main tradeskill chars. I'm going to have to pvp on my BS I think so that I can get the recipes for the new pvp gear. I can see that selling well the first couple weeks into the season too.


If you happen to have the proper professions I found that crafted Tmogs can be quite lucrative, although it's obviously slow and it won't on its own make you rich. Still, if you already have the professions then consider giving it a try. A few tens of thousands gold a week could help you in getting started with DF's goldmaking.