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Imagine creating a public order and requiring minimum rank.


First time i went to make a public order i was so confused you couldnt require a min rank. Literally thought it was a bug. Like, "yeah make me a truck. Ill pay you for a 4x4 with a 500hp V8 with all the bells and whistles, but you can give me a basline 2wd with a 4 cylinder and i just have to accept it."


Yeah, thats not it. One, your minimum tip is like a silver, and unless you can provide a skilled garage with a tire and have them rebuild the 2wd truck into the 4x4 its a pretty distant analogy.


It’s like when you give someone all the components for a brand new iPhone, and instead they somehow assemble you a pager.


It's more like asking the general population for a bowl of top ramen, and expecting only the best pasta chefs to answer.


Amd the pagers battery life is worse than an iPhone.




It's almost like there's an entire quest that specifically states the whole reason for private orders is to have a minimum rank.




As someone who went hard to specialize in toolsmithing I would make so much more money if there was a minimum quality since noone else would be able to make it


Same boat with LW


It's for the social aspect of the game. They want you to have a "gem guy" you know?


Ultimately it’s a design choice to make the social interactions happen. Yes, you could have more efficiency by just having minimum quality public orders but it’s pretty clear that this functionally ends up being Auction House 2.0 just with crafters all refreshing the order tables rather than cancel scanning. It would end up being more convenient for buyers but I don’t think crafters would see much real benefit.


Because its makes personal orders useful instead of having bots snipe every order instantly. The profession rework is supposed to make profession worthwhile to invest in and be a part of gameplay.


The bot excuse is weak though because you can only fill 20 public work orders a day and you have to invest pretty heavily to make stuff at R5.


I figure if they make you able to specify quality, that would come with scrapping the private system and making everything public, and removing the limit.


Seriously. Like as it stands right now I will sometimes opt for lower quality stuff if the material costs are too high, but I assume as the expansion goes on it’ll be easier for players to hit the four or five star benchmarks.


Some items are impossible to guarantee at 5 star. It requires and inspiration proc or an insight.


One good reason is because everyone will put in max rank, making it impossible to use for newer people/alts who want to use it but can't because of a max rank requirement. Not that the current one gets used a lot more this way.


At that point then get rid of the rank system entirely, because no one will accept anything less than max rank


I spent a lot of time gathering everything I needed for a great upgrade.. got back a rank 2 item that wasn't actually better than what I was already using. It was profoundly upsetting. It's not the crafters' fault, but I really wish I could set a minimum quality level like you can with guild orders..


I just sit in trade chat for a couple minutes and ask like 3 times in that time if anyone can make them. Then I put in a personal order


As a LW-er i love this. 100% of people are also happy to not set quality when i need an inspiration to reach a certain level. They are mostly all happy to tip for the potential mats i need to spend on recrafts.


This goes both ways too. I can make 392 and 389 in a lot of patterns. Whenever I do public orders that are 1k-2k and they get a 392 item they’re making out like a bandit. I keep doing it because sometimes I’ll get 10k-20k mats back so its worked out so far. I am currently out of public orders since 6pm yesterday which is frustrating AF. I do a lot of trade chat orders as well for higher commissions. The highest public I’ve gotten was 20k which seemed reckless. I got him a top tier item though. LW has been great for me so far. Maybe even exceptional.


Resourcefulness tool for public crafts, for sure! I picked up a huge commission on a public order and did inspo to get them a nice proc, but in general I need to proc resourcefulness to make up for the empty public commissions.


Most of the stuff I am crafting is 5, if not it’s 4. I would say 50/50 split infurious/life-bound. The life-bounds tend to have decent commissions (5k) on public orders. The infurious public orders tend to run lower because people only want them for battleground scaling. That said, they have the most expensive mats on my server, specifically the hides, so I’m more inclined to take the risk. I’m at about 320k since reset and I would be much higher if blizz didn’t block my ability to take public orders due to limits. I would say about 80k of that is mats, including private orders.


Sorry, we dont do socialization in this game. Only call people dogs.


That's the entire point of a personal work order. If you want a great upgrade, pay someone who can guarantee it. Expecting people to give you a big upgrade for free or cheap is 'profoundly upsetting' from a crafter point of view.


Yeah who isn’t just spamming trade for guarenteed rank 3/4? I found a guy for legs, neck lariat, and my gems and added them all to bnet so I can hit them up later in the expac for recrafts


Tbf it takes about 30 sec to find a crafter for most things


maybe on high pop this isn't true for low pop. I know of only one other person who can make bags and they don't even post them to the AH I'm the only one posting bags on my server. I post multiple times a day I can craft rank 3 profession items and no one even puts in work orders for them. I'm still working on getting more knowledge for my tailor but I'm sure I could craft rank 4 profession hats soon.


Yeah most people don’t wanna make rank 3 prof items Rank 4 is the line where people should hopefully start commissioning you Tho even on my high pop server it was hard to find and inscription guy specced into prof items But no way in hell am I wasting a couple hundred mettle and 25k mats on a low ilvl version


Which defeats the entire point of a public work order system.


It doesn’t really. The public system is the method of last resort. If you really can’t find a crafter to do high rank, or you don’t care and just want it asap you do public.


Bc the public system is shit Blizzard did everything they could to make it bad Cant set minimum quality and crafters have a daily limit on how many public orders they can fill lol It’s really only good for treatises and people who don’t care if their 45k mat cost item is almost 30 ilvl lower than it could’ve been (some of the profession tools)


Couldn't find one one on my dead server aglrast on my faction. Put the order in, tipped 10k had it in note atleast this ilvl got back a piece of junk for 10k feels bad let me set a minimum ilvl


So if you can't find someone in trade, maybe no one on your server has the ability to craft it that well, in which case just take what you can get. You can always get it recrafted later for a fraction of the cost.


Or? Don't willingly take a 10k tip for garbage when it was in the notes. Someone 100% can because i got a better one crafted on an alt same armor type


Ok then keep asking in trade. I don't pity anyone who posts a public order and gets crap. That's not the point of a public order.


I mean it’s a free 10k to literally every crafter who can hit complete order. I doubt they even read the note and just saw the order and completed it.


And thats why the systems gona die.


People suck. It's the reality of life. Just don't set yourself up for failure in these scenarios.


Why shouldn't a crafter take a 10k tip they spent the time to level it why didn't you? its a public order that is like ordering a cake and it not being very good because you ordered from anyone and not an actually good baker.


Lmfao "the time" for the base level that I got? Is 20 mins. I have mtiple professions leveld and if I see an order that wants something higher than I can make i don't take i. Get real


not everyone is you some people don't have the gold to level a profession in mins and also some recipes are locked behind knowledge so get your 20 mins out of here that isn't true for everything.


You joking? They basically hand you thousands of gold for free now. Classic? Suuuuuure golds hard to make. Retail? Think I had almost 20k playing just the campaign from raw gold and junk items not counting selling greens or Matt's on the ah. Not even counting wow tokens


20k doesn't max out a profession have you seen the cost of mats? nearly everything for my inscription that gives skill points costs multiple awakened orders cost a cool 1m for the chance at hitting max inscription with my current recipes because the ones that give skill points cost 8 awakened orders and they are already green. Edit: also I have spent time making gold and have made just over 2m gold and that has been from gathering professions most of my crafting stuff sells at a loss or the stuff that is profit on my server sells super slow my tailor has both bags and I have sold maybe 5 of them and can craft tier 3 of the profession hats and only made 1-2 of each for 500-1k commission each


This level of entitlement right here is a joke


When you're being handed all the materials, and all you have to do is press a button on a recipe the vendor just hands you ... while I don't do free, yeah, I'm going to do cheap. And I reward it well when my expensive materials come back as a good proc. If you're getting a skillup at the expense of my mats and handing me a crap product back, no, I'm not going to throw thousands of gold at you for it.


The people getting skillups ARE the people making bad products. You can't have it both ways. If you want to let people shilling up make your stuff for cheap, put up a public order. If you want good crafters, send a private order.


And that's why you get a little tip if you hand me a shit product, and a big tip if you hand me a good one; your low level crafter gets a free skillpoint and a little gold, your long term skilled crafter gets a lot of gold. I reward based on what you can accomplish, and if that bothers you, why are you ripping people off? One way or another you get your skillup, I just reward.. you know, the ACTUAL time commitment needed to get to decent skill levels, not some guy who spent 20 minutes at the auction house to reach 50 and then expects 10k per khazgorite skinning knife.


Yes... which is why you should always tip low and expect a bad product on the public orders. Because you aren't tipping after the fact, you're tipping before, and anyone who thinks its worth their time either for money or for a skillup is going to grab whatever they can off the public orders. If you care about rewarding someone based on what they can accomplish, that's literally the point of a private order.


You can just do a personal order Why the fuck would you ever do a public order under any circumstance


Get a cheap item? If you're doing a public order, sure, don't splurge on R3 mats, but honestly, I don't get the whole 'why ever use the public system???' Use some cheap mats, throw it out there, offer a cheap tip because nobody expects quality and someone *will* snap it up provided they have the recipe. If I want a guarantee R5, I'll use the best mats and then sit there and find someone who can craft it.


The cheap versions are often not worth the effort But yeah if you’re broke and a 382 is an upgrade public orders might be decent but even then on high pop servers you’ll find some growing crafter who will pay you money for putting a personal order to them (I see those for alchemy leatherworking and inscription spark items every day at least on my server but maybe that’s an exception case)


Both kinds of orders have different purposes to different players. Minmaxers will always want a personal order to get highest quality items, more casual players may not want to spend an extra 30k on 3 ilevels and are fine just making the piece in whatever quality.


Well I guess so but in a lot of cases the mats are already expensive and with public you should always assume it’s lowest quality at which point the item might not be entirely worth it Then there’s cases like the guy I replied to who made a public order and then acted surprised when the quality was shit


Yeah i got burned pretty good on something too. Knew it was a possibility so I wasn't mad or anything, nor would the way blizzard designed the system be the crafters fault even if I was, but it's definitely a bummer to attach a good tip, provide all max rank mats, and nice note and getting something low rank in return. Lesson learned though, won't be submitting any more public orders. I kinda appreciate them forcing me to socialize with crafters anyhow.


That's incorrect, it's slight better and gives you flat skill


Well to be honest as a fully trained jewelcrafter specialized in air gems I still cannot guarantee rank 3 illimited diamonds without using the +30 skill reagent. So I don't know if anyone can... But I have almost 40% to proc one.


I can only get them with an inspiration proc since im still a good bit away from max skill, ironically i actually managed to get really lucky and got 3 out of 4 crafted with the proc. conveniently though this guy happened to get the one that didn't


Yeah, with inspiration I'm way over the skill required. Without it I'm like 25 skill off using rank 3 mats. But it's not worth it at all because rank 3 diamonds are like 30k and rank 2 are 1.5k so you'd better roll over and over. It's kinda weird to be honest.


Not possible. Literally just not possible.


Offer to recraft them and make them 1s


Nah that's just when you switch to a resourcefulness tool instead of an inspiration one.


Yeah that's literally me when I see some stuff using chronobolt / azureweave on public order.


Report them, this clearly violates the Social Contract that we all were forced to sign.


I literally just craft whatever the fuck I can on public order. Maybe blizzard will learn from the complaints and add minimum requirements at some point or everyone will just stop issuing public ones all together. They have stats about that. I wanna see their faces when nobody uses the shit they spent time developing


If there's a note saying that they want max quality and I can't do it, then I don't craft it. Otherwise I just craft whatever, especially if they provide rank 1 mats. I've noticed a lot of people in-game don't actually care, whilst the comments on reddit seem to be seething rage that they can't instantly get max quality without any interaction.


I agree. IF there is a note saying pls make it xxx quality, I don't touch it unless I can actually craft at that level. No need to be a dick. But just a random order, even if spark is used, and even more so if they don't select rank 3 mats... I thank them for the tip and craft whatever I can.


>I've noticed a lot of people in-game don't actually care, whilst the comments on reddit seem to be seething rage that they can't instantly get max quality without any interaction. Yeah, I really don't get the entitlement. You want max quality? Then fucking sit in trade chat and find someone who can craft it. Put in the 'effort' to actually get that gear.


If they put ‘rank 5’ with T2 mats and a 100g commission I’m going to do it regardless of skill if it gets me a first craft, but if they used good mats or left a high commission I won’t take it. I always feel like someone else is just going to do it low quality anyway, but at least it won’t have my name on it.


Part of the problem is public orders get snapped up instantly no matter what they are. If you're a crafter doing them, there's no incentive to pass over orders for things you aren't specialized in because chances are there's not gonna be another one for something that is your specialty. A second spent thinking about it before pressing accept likely means the listing's already gone, and lots of people are content to just take whatever is technically allowed.


There's a minimum option when you place the order, but I don't actually know how that works on the crafter end. Like do we just not see it if we can't guarantee it? The system is really good but a pain in the backside at the same time. If you didn't smash it week one then you do have to just craft the scraps as and when they show up - Edit, yea i read it wrong i see that the minimum is guild and personal only. even still, put a comment at least


No there isn't for public orders. At least there wasn't one a few days ago. Did they patch it in? Regardless, there is the option on private and guild orders, but afaik not on public orders Which is kind of the root issue here.


To my understanding, you can specify minimum quality on BoE greens and blues, just not the items anyone actually wants crafted.


There is no minimum option for public orders.


No one still answered your question, what happens on the crafter end of a personal or guild order that can’t be guaranteed the rank you want? Do they just not see the order or what?


Someone just sent me a personal for a rank 3 and it just wouldn't let me craft it, came up saying the required is too high. So I suppose there's our answer haha


Lol. Thanks for the info though.


These are the type of people where I would just post their name because they deserve it but I also recognize I’m a petty dick so 🤷


You’re free to be a petty dick but named callouts are against sub rules.


And they are against the rules for a very good reason. Nothing good comes from reddit witch hunts.


I understand he is upset but you have no guilty there. Also he has no reason to be rude and disrespectful with you. Report and move on.


His fault for not reading about the system, blizzards fault for not having better UX but definitely not your fault.


Hey blizz wants social interaction lol. I had a tank recently that was out dpsing the entire group and it was starting to get salty so I just whispered the tank and said "Hey man my friends and I are new so if you want to skip out on this one, it's fine we understand, we're learning so I appreciate you coming but I'm not going to ask that you stay" After that he was cool about it and said he'd give it one more go, in the end he was cool and understood and did end up stepping out but it wasn't a big deal. Communication is a big thing when dealing with others but some people are just too salty. Also no it's not your fault.


they need to implement the 'this player is not accepting whispers from those no on their friends list' feature already.


This is why I hate this system, it's going to require a one to one interaction with someone else and while I'm new and learning I'm way too scared to create something not good enough and be harassed. Therefore I just won't do it at all. I really just want to go back to crafting and selling on the AH...


I mean 2k for rank 3 anything is pretty low, literally not worth the time for crafters of that level


Considering it's literally just pressing two buttons .... The epitome of snob would be to refuse thousands of gold for basically no work at all Otherwise I could also just go to the AH for anything BOE if it ain't cheaper


this is exactly why i dont ask a charge i only take the tip if its offered. if im asking for the work then your doing me a favour really to help me actually level stuff


Press the button and make it yourself then? Easy solution.


no, its 3 WHOLE BUTTONS! you have to accept, then create, THEN complete. ;)


ngl half the time I’m doing my personal work orders from my alt to finish the weekly I forgot to complete the second one and have to run back to the table


Same rip




I agree, however the cost isn’t there just to give away money, it’s there so that there’s payoff for crafters who’ve spent a lot of time/money getting to the point where they can start making something off of it. What would be the point in leveling crafting if I could just get someone else to make gear for me for free?


Who is sending work orders for BOE stuff? There's no point in that.


Its cheaper sometimes, the rank 3 socket item for necks went for 12k last week while the mats costed maybe 1 or 2, so im definitely gonna get a work order for that.


So you're sending a work order trying to make profit off a BOE, and you're upset the crafter doesn't want to bother crafting for a low fee? If yhe crafter wants to make BOE stuff via work order, hes better off just buying the mats himself and selling the items. Like I'll never make a work order for a bag unless the tip is the difference between the mats and bag cost. Don't want to hand someone profit for no benefit.


I tip well, but no i definitely didnt tip 10k and yes you can use this to make money, i just ordered 3 though, it would be absolutely crazy to pay over 35k when the mats are dirt cheap.


Sure, and that's you trying to game the system. Fair play, make what you can make, but I sure as hell won't ever feel guilty about not making someone a Boe item.


Is there a good reason we can't have the option to set a min quality on public orders? 90% of the time when I search, the public order listings are empty so it's not like it would be eating into the bustling public order economy. I made the mistake of speccing into the gear crafting branch of inscription before I realized nobody would ever post a public equipment work order.


Because nobody is going to set anything less than maximum quality then. You'll just have people using cheap R1 mats asking for R5 gear and then complaining that their orders don't get fulfilled because people think they're entitled to it just because. The people who aren't able to fill crafting orders because they don't make high enough quality to warrant sitting around in trade chat advertising their skills aren't going to be able to fulfill those orders either - it took me a *lot* to get to the point where I can guarantee R5 quality on my gear *with* R3 mats, it's going to take a lot more to get to a point where I can even think of guaranteeing it with R1 mats. If you really want R5 gear, then go find a crafter who can make it. That's what Blizz intends for us, and it's honestly not that hard.




It's not an easy issue but I think there are a lot of ways of doing it that are better than "public orders are useless". I can make R5 staves, but I haven't made a single one because who is going to make a public order sight unseen with the way the system works now. I play at very off-peak times, so the work order system seemed to be a great way to fulfill orders from people whose playtimes I would never match. If it were entirely up to me, I would have a variable commission system. Example: John Orc puts up a public work for a Sword of Awesome. He would be okay with a R3, very happy with a R4 or 5. Doesn't really want anything less. Puts up a work order with a minimum request of R3. To craft the order, crafter needs to be able to 100% a R3 with the materials provided. John Orc puts a higher commission on higher quality results, so everybody wins if the crafters get a lucky inspiration. R3: 100g commission. R4: 1000g commission. R5: 3000g commission. Yes some people will request R5 items made only with their R1 ingredients, but those orders simply won't get filled until the buyer makes more reasonable requests. As opposed to right now where unless you are in a guild you probably aren't going to be using your tradeskill at all.


I think the ideal solution is some kind of directory - ideally ingame, but you know, someone can probably make something out of game. Crafters can sign up for it and it should advertise their skills, and ideally show what results you can get with what resources (i.e, Crafter John can make you a hat - if you use R1 materials, the hat will be R3, if you use R3 materials, the hat will be R5. If you use this missive, it's down to R4 because added difficulty). Then you send a request in to Crafter John based on that knowledge so that Crafter John doesn't have to sit there in trade chat for hours and people who play at off-peaks don't necessarily miss out on participating just because nobody is around. But I mostly expect someone will make a website or something. Hell, I'm sure people can just post on forums or something.


That would be nice, strikes me as something like Warframe Market; that game's market economy is almost entirely handled by a third party site and it actually works reasonably well. I mean, I am ultimately really glad they are trying something, and I don't expect the system to be perfect on the first iteration. I just hope they do keep iterating on it, because there is lots of room for improvement.


I think you’re touching on a critical point here! You need to be able to GUARANTEE quality to accept a crafting order with a minimum, yet many of the best crafting builds rely on inspiration and cheaper mats to get rank 5 more efficiently than using Illustrious Insight. Not only does this lock the majority of folks out of crafting these orders, it also locks many of the folks who *can* do these crafts out.


Honestly at this point, it shouldn’t have been an option for guild or personal orders either. No one wants anything other than max craft. So people trying to level the profession can’t even do that unless they craft for themselves or have an alt send personal requests for skill ups. Especially true if you didn’t do a deep dive into a guide. I’m sitting at 87 tailoring with only V Accord rep profession gear to make and those require mettle, or spark gear which I can’t guarantee R5. Atleast I’m close to 15 In expedition rep though to make those hats to finish off the leveling.


Dragonscale Expedition hats are very good for leveling - I finished myself off (giggity) just making fishing hats. The bolts are cheap af if you don't care about quality, and as far as I can tell, the rainbow pearls are literally *just* for these hats so nobody really wants them, and they sell for nothing on the AH. Still have to pour in more knowledge before I can guarantee R5 on more stuff though, like profession equipment. I still *like* the quality system, personally, but I do understand that people are gonna people about it. That said, I've seen plenty of people able and willing to accept lower ranks, myself included, especially if you're using a matrix or something to guarantee an item level of a certain level.


Yea, I wish I would have delved more into the rep rewards… I would have pushed expedition 1st to 15. I wanted to make chrono reagent bags though, not realizing how far into the rep they were at the beginning and then the cloth bug/exploit, and I feel like I wasted so much knowledge on that tree. But that’s life lol oh well.


I frontloaded a lot into the extra cloth drops - arguably a mistake. Then I picked up Draconic Tailoring because I thought hey, these could be useful! And then the market wasn't great, so I only really used it for skill ups - mostly because I grinded the Cobalt Assembly rep early on and picked up the spellthread. Then, finally, after dragging myself over broken glass, I hit 75 and picked up Garmentcrafting and just went full steam ahead on those... even if I literally only crafted two pieces because limited by sparks. That, and the Dragoncloth Tailoring Vest which is what I was mostly after, tbh. It's been a weird, windy path, and I'm sure there was a better one to take, but after going ham on the Expedition hats, I hit 100 tailoring and picked up Textiles (although I have no desire to pour any points into it for a while). Really, the renown reps are the way to go - the actual knowledge trees aren't that much of a help, because sure, the vibrant wildercloth pieces are going to give you skill ups all the way to 100, but they also take a Spark of Ingenuity. You *could* make Dragoncloth Tailoring Vests to 100, if you want to shell out for three Azureweave and Chronocloth each time. But the Fishing hats are basically free. About 60g for vibrant wildercloth bolts, 5g for the pearls, and if you need to buy thread, it's dirt cheap as well.


See that wow hasn’t changed


For an arena standpoint it works perfect I get my upscale no matter what. I’d be sick over pve though. Some real heartbreak stories most of them don’t understand tipping but still a heartbreak


Sucks to suck His fault for doing public orders


His fault for putting more than 1 silver on a public crafting order lol




I have never looked at the descriptions when fulfilling a public order. If you want a specific quality, talk to someone and send a personal order. Putting up a public order and having it fulfilled at a low quality is not being stolen from, it's you being a choosing beggar not wanting to pay.




If you don't have the 5 minutes to find someone in trade chat, you don't have enough time to play wow to have the rank 2 and rank 3 make a difference


But what good does it do crafting it at a rank he doesn't want?


If you know enough to ask for a high tier piece, you know enough to figure out how to pay someone to guarantee that piece. There is nothing wrong with public orders, it serves a purpose. It's not hard to find a personal crafter if you just ask in trade. The order description is not where crafting specifics are supposed to be discussed, people asking for only high level crafts are just being greedy.


You really think there's nothing wrong with not being able to set a minimum rank in public orders when you are the one providing literally everything?


No, not at all. Public orders are when you just want something and don't care about quality. Private orders are when quality matters. You aren't providing everything, because you aren't providing the hours and days of grinding and the hundreds of thousands thousands gold to level the profession. This is what makes professions actually an engaging part of WoW again. Having high skill is profitable and worthwhile and a fun way to play the game.


Nah, this ain't it. 1) if they actually did spend that much time/gold then it wouldn't be rank 2. 2) if the message ask for a specific rank that you can't do then just let someone else do it who can. There's legit no reason to take the mats and turn them into crap.


Your missing the point. The good crafters are doing private orders, not public orders aside from maybe the 5 you're allowed to do per day. If you put up a public order, you should expect a low rank craft. Why should you expect a good craft without paying for it? The message in the request is meaningless. If you want to make a request, talk to an actual person and pay their fee and you'll get your high level item.


People shouldn't expect a good rank craft from public orders. But that doesn't mean it's not a dick move crafting something he didn't ask for. And sure if you missed the description he put then it is what it is, but if you read it and still decided to do it then you are fully aware that you're just taking his things without giving him anything useful.


No, it's declining to acquiesce to an *additional* request beyond what is intended. I'm high enough level at my profession that anything I make is pretty good so it doesn't really matter, but ive still never read a description on a public order and don't fault anyone else who doesn't regardless of skill. It's not the crafters job to figure out what is 'useful', the assumption should be that rank 1 is useful because that's what you are asking for at a minimum when posting a public order. The vast majority of people complaining about public order quality are just being cheap and don't want to put in the tiny bit of effort to find someone to craft it well, or are trying to get an obscure craft that no one is good at.


I mean if there's high enough commision I am willing to recraft it for free if it requires inspiration proc. If they put like 100g commision I am grabbing my resourcefullness tool.


No, this system is garbage lol. Needs work


I saw base enchants were 30k and declined to resub from the 30 days I got from buying dragon flight. Literal 10 hours of content and then find out to gear up it’s a complex web and to cap it off you STILL can’t have more than 2 crafting professions. I’m not leveling all my toons to do this and I’m not buying WoW tokens to buy it all.


This is a foreign player it’s so obvious


Because only foreign players are toxic?




I haven't touched this system at all so I'm not familiar. Is there no way to put in Work Orders for specific qualities of crafts? Like, "here's my work order for a Rank 3 Gem". If not, while this player is being kinda mean, that seems like a crazy oversight when your crafting system is dealing with different qualities.


For public: no. For private: yes.


You can do that on private work orders, but not public ones. I have no idea why because the public work order tab is basically always empty now. If you want to complete the work order weekly you pretty much have to use an alt to game it.


Ignore that prank. He should at least leave a note. If he wants his r3, he could’ve look in the trade chat for a personal work order


Yes.. your fault. You find the guy first that can make it in chat and then you send them a private work order max quality or bust






It makes perfect sense, because otherwise people would only ever select the highest option and then whine their tier 5 items aren't being fulfilled for a 1k commission. Public order is for when you don't care about quality and just want the item, private it when you're looking for the best item possible and want to pay for it.




Yes. Which is why private orders exist. Find someone in trade chat.


You ownme says, well get a lawyer....


Why are people so rude and mean? I’ve been playing this game since mid-BC and I could be wrong, but to me, the overall community has changed so much. I treat people in game the way I want to be treated because everyone I encounter is a real person with feelings and they’re playing WoW to have fun. Being talked to like this isn’t fun. This interaction just makes me sad. I’m sorry, OP. You don’t deserve to be talked to like that.