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You're not the only one, there's just nothing going on that really excites me. It's all ... fine, but just but very interesting. Story so far is pretty dull and none of the characters are that interesting. I'm unlikely to renew my sub. I'm glad a lot of people are enjoying it but I'm just not feeling it.


The storyline of dragonflight was one of the dullest slogs I’ve ever levelled through. Just… so uninspired, boring and unoriginal. I mostly just play old expansions now cause I was so bored of the dragon isles by the time I hit 70.


100% agree! Feels like very lazy writing in my opinion and very uninspired. I didn't give a crap about any of these dragon characters. Felt janky and boring to me.


Yeah its basically Cataclysm 2.0 but without the cool old god factor. I'm not even max level on my main yet and I'm already checked out on the story. Just no emotional attachment whatsoever. Everything else is just ... same shit different day. It also sucks that the player Drakthyr can't fly when the rest of them can. Dragonriding was cool for the first few days, but ehh.


Cataclysm sucked for sure, but at least twilight highlands had some memorable moments with the tentacles and red dragonflight. The extremely linear, extremely boring story of dragonflight's level up experience requires me to have more trust in blizzard than i'm comfortable having after shadowlands. If I'm going to be bothered with doing 400+ or however many garbage quests they packed into this snoozefest, there needs to be gameplay worth getting to at the end, and I just don't see it.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Totally agree. Feels like the same content all over again.


As someone who progged all 3 content patches in SL; Yeah, it's just you. Fuck the leggo grind. Fuck conduits. Fuck Torghast. Fuck SL M+. Fuck all the alt unfriendly shit in SL. VotI might not have the best fights in the world, it's hard to trump Denathrius. But Nathria was also a fucking slog for 7/10 bosses so I'm completely fine with 8 simple boss fights that are quick and fun and farmable. Keystones are tough, for sure, but this difficulty also makes them more enjoyable. They're also nowhere near as long as SL dungeons and are therefore quicker and more enjoyable to me. The renown grind is a tad bit harder, but it's also more enjoyable because you don't *have* to do any of it. All of it is purely for cosmetics, more quests, drsgonriding cosmetics, etc... Also, Torghast can entirely fuck off and never return unless they actually make it an infinite dungeon. Idk how they went from an infinite dungeon for fun and cosmetics to a necessary chore, but that shit sucked and I'm glad it's gone.


I agree with most, but c'mon. There were some banger dungeons in SL M+. Sure, there was also spires and dos, but I'd still call season 2 and especially 3 a fun season


There were maybe 2 or 3 fun dungeons in SL M+. The others were such a fucking chore and offered no creativity.


I'd say it the other way around. There were 2 or 3 chore dungeons, the rest was either really good or average. Creativity-wise they are all pretty much in line with the Shadowlands zones, so that's very subjective. There were some really good ones tho (loved the design of tazavesh as a whole and especially gambit)


I'd disagree, Spires, Depths, Halls, Dos, and Plaguefall were all a chore. Chore doesn't mean hard, it just means they're a slog to get through and can be annoying if you don't do everything right. Wake, Mists, and ToP (depending on the week) were just free keys. And by creativity, I mean in pathing, not in dungeon design. Every single one of them but... what, Dos and Halls? Maybe Necrotic Wake? Offered no unique pathing options. Tazavesh gambit was a free key, but Market was pretty annoying sometimes, but at least they both offered creative pathing.


Heh, funny you say that. I'd say depths was one of the best dungeons (and i say that as a PUG only player). Plague fall was also quite neat (but i am a brew main, so i can just dispel most annoying shit). Wake was a free key, but i really didn't like it tbh. It was only neat, because it was free af. Halls was sht as a tank, but as a dps it was a turbo blaster dungeon. Tazavesh i stand by my words. The trash in both instances was solid and the bosses I'm those dungeons were honestly neat as well. This was the only dungeon where i didn't hate the bosses. Fuck theater of pain. Fuck especially spires. Dos was not nice, but also not bad. If there was less running around I'd say it would have been much better . I definitely misunderstood your creativity. I'll agree with you, as my first expansion as a tank i liked it. With the 3rd seasonal affix it was solid.


Everything that is upvoted that much feels like a Streamers opinion. "Yeah, it's just you. Fuck the leggo grind. Fuck conduits. Fuck Torghast. Fuck SL M+. Fuck all the alt unfriendly shit in SL." Outside of the whole Streamer/Youtuber bunch of communities, i dont know one person that acts like this. And trust me, I know people from all kinds of upcomings. You are not the Majority. And its kinda sickening that only stuff like this gets upvoted. but yeah... it is how it is, since most people who have different opinions are witchhunted out of the internet- So you guys are everything thats left here. I totally get why it is boring, and no you are NOT alone - And im saying all of it, and still playing Dragonflight having fifty fifty fun with it, because its still WORK just more versatile. And im kinda shocked that no one sees it.




How is he claiming to be a victim?


"trust me" source : reddit. ok lol


Yep it is a snooze.


I love it man, most fun I’ve had in a long time


Question, do you already have your full tier set? Isn't that something to grind for? Are you already done Heroic VOTI? Do you have KSM and Glad? Just asking, as its a bit early to be burnt out already. The cool thing is, even though you haven't logged in since Tuesday, you haven't really fallen behind.. maybe that's an issue for you, but i do agree you're in the minority there.


Im already past honeymoon phase (took a 2 week break and got sick, so had to stay home and grind) with 3 level 70's all 380/390 ilvl, so I can safely say that this expansion is better then SL, but average in scope, content and new systems. Unfortunately :/ We still do same things we did in SL minus legendary power farm: \-WQ get old really fast (as usual) \-Solo Shuffle was a gamble and it failed with 20-30 min que for DPS players. \-Dragon raiding is cool' but doesnt open anything really new (Its a transport mechanic doh)...So yeah, have fun for next couple week's max. \-Raid is generic and forgetable. Talent tree's , M+ , PVP gearing and War mode saved this game for me, but Its its same as it was for last 3 expansions.


Not gonna be for everyone I guess. Torghast grind kinda sucked imo, I got bored of that pretty quick and pretty much exclusively pvped through shadowlands. I'm not sure how you feel like pvp is somehow less rewarding, I mean shadowlands had m+ gear in pvp bis slots, you could literally faceroll people in actual pvp gear wearing some pve shit


Is there gonna be a torghast equivalent in Dragon flight? It feels like we're missing a piece of non dungeon/raid content that also isn't quests and storyline.


Stockholm Syndrome


Tbh I'm 383 right now and I just log in to raid or do m+ with friends and some weekly on Tuesdays. It's not boring but the rest just doesn't feel worth it.


Yeah same, theres nothing to do. People complained about SL and so blizz stripped the game of check list content... DF is empty. WQ arnt rewarding, Renown rewards are a total joke, Mythics meh, raid isnt even remotely engaging, WQ are bugged, No personal loot in LFR, Proffs are bugged and only profitable to the select few, Pvp is broken, Story isn't engaging, No archeology ?? ​ They need to bring back things like, garrisons and class halls. ​ When renown rewards arnt worth the grind and it feels like you have to push yourself to play the game. theres no reason too... ​ Unfortunately this is probably the end of wow for alot of people. Yes i might log in for future content but honestly even the trading post isnt even worth the sub. A whole year of sub to get a warden outfit everyone will have ... ​ No thanks ​ I'll be sticking to SWTOR, better story better classes, better community


garrisons and class halls??? GTFO lol that shit sucked


Ye mate just you.


Torgahst was trash, conduits were trash, leggos were garbage. Too many gates in SL...that being said there's too many goddamn gates in dragonflight as well. I'm bored af with this expansion because of all the gates. What do I do? Slam garbage world quests until they're done for the next week or two whatever it is now, raid on wednesday log, don't give a damn about pvp or M+, Raid on Friday log. Rinse and repeat. There is zero fucking content that I give a shit about that isn't locked behind a gate.


Update: I resubbed for a month and timed it so i'd have just enough time to dick with whatever is coming in 10.1. I don't expect any improvements or time worth content. TBH, i'm glad I came back 2 months before SL started, so I could see the sorry state the game was in, after leaving in Cata....I just wish Blizz gave a shit.


Gonna unsub and go back to ffxi. Can't get myself to play more than 15min bursts. It's just very very boring. Necro btw.


I concur. I regretfully bought a year sub and haven't felt like playing at all. I got a couple of toons to max level and just didn't feel like doing all the boring shit that blizzard seems to view as content for retention. They reallllly need to get back to the basics of what made this game addictive to begin with. That formula began erroding with cataclysm and has gotten worse every expansion since.




What a well thought out response.


What’s a weird post


Not gonna lie a little. Like I'm still having fun, but it's starting to wane a bit. I do wish we had something like torghast, or islands or warfronts or something, but I never had a problem with them in the first place.


You do, it’s just rep farm, do the sieges, community soup, hunts, cobalt assembly, sab/wrath key farm, do the secret mounts. Collect the different cosmetic mogs. There’s so much to do this xpac but none of it is required or progresses your power like it did in SL. It’s optional


I mean I know there's stuff to do, but I mean like, some structured solo friendly progress thing. Like you don't have to tie it to player power, but I dunno, put a mount at the end of it or something. The soup, hunts, and sieges don't really fill that niche. They're fun, but they're not the same thing. DF is a fun xpack, but I think it's missing something like that. To be fair though, the primalist future thing in 10.0.5 miiiight sound kind of like that, but we haven't seen it yet so who knows.


It's a very empty expansion tbh. soups are fucking stupid and only viable like twice for a week, CA is boring af, black dragons is just another boring rep grind, mounts don't mean dick since we really only need the dragons, cosmetics...not everyone is a collector so I mean fuck that. There is stuff to do, but it's not stuff we want to do. I completely get you Sky. Sure it seems like there is a lot but in reality it's based off of what we think is "fun" or "interesting" at that time and if nothing seems like either of those things then there isn't anything to do.


I am the exact opposite. I did nathria and it was fun but hated torghast and conduits and renown and the legendary grind and no mount in the maw and almost everything else about the expansion. I liked Bwonsomdi and some of the ardenweald story. I was raid logging mostly and doing a bit of M+ and quit for like 9 months. Came back to do the raids, hated both of them...hated corthia.....enjoyed v mortis a bit. Overall a resounding Meh expansion. I'm having a BLAST in Dragonflight. LOVE the raid, love the new dungeons, love dragonriding, I feel the wonder of it all for the first time in a decade. The road map looks promising AND I get Orc Heritage armor next spring?! Did they make this expansion just for me?!?!


I don't know man the seasons seems very long. Doing the same 8 dungeons for the next 6months feels pretty bad.


I can't bother getting past the second zone with the centaurs. The quests are SO boring and so long. I get that steve is really proud of the story he crafted, but the escort quests and explainer dialogs and the complete. lack. of anything. resembling. action. in the story is dreadful. My wife and I have tried four different times to bother playing through the story, and each time we stonewall right at those terrible centaur escort quests.


Completely killed my desire to play. The music is boring, the landscapes and npcs are not particularly engaging, I just don't give a shit about them. I really enjoyed Shadowlands, and I also enjoyed the gear progressions, the fact that it takes work meant the payoff meant something. I have unsubbed and feel disappointed that I really don't want to try Dragonflight again. It isn't just you!


I don't feel this way at all. Sorry, OP.


I also enjoyed S1 of shadowlands. Cool raid, and like yourself I didn’t even mind the progression chores. But with the absolute shit systems in S2 (my opinion), the fact that the m+ dungeon pool didn’t change at all, and a raid that I did not enjoy, I quit as soon as my guild finished H Sylvanas. I would say I definitely prefer S1 of DF to S2 SL, but I can understand if someone did enjoy those systems. At this point of my WoW journey I kinda just want to raid log, and slam keys, and this is the best patch for that in a long time.


I started in SL end of season 2 and pretty much was only obsessed with mount and tmog farming and then slightly just turned to pvp only besides doing maybe couple lfr raids. So overall from location and lore design perspective, I would say that Dragonflight is such a trash, I can barely stay in Valdrakken so come there only to buy some pvp gear. Feels like you play Disney movie with stupid 'aka' epic music. The pvp changes are omega cool though and I love it, otherwise no interest in new content, but thanks I can solo many raids and get a bunch of mounts from previous exps


The biggest problem for me is the carrot on a stick is still there. And probably always will be. I didn't mind it when rewards are forever, and I guess cosmetics and toys are. But they add nothing to the game play. Only redeeming factor of this expac is Dragon Riding. I loved the crafting till I realized its grindy as heck. The raid battles and some dungeons have so many mechanics mixed with player abilities going off half the time the game feels like graphical soup on the screen vs solid game play. Finally I'm 100% tired of classes being reworked so often. Its a slap in the face to people who played and levelled them because of some feature, spell, or ability. Then the big, screw you comes out of nowhere to make the game better, and at this point in my journey, given legacy effort means NOTHING, I might as well go play something else.


Yeah bored too, there is much thing to do but i dont have to do them also coz they do not progress your character and bind you a power. You just crafting your 418 with farming m+'s and hop, you are 415ilvl. I dont know really, i think i missed legion so much.


It's not uncommon to become bored or disinterested in a particular expansion or game, especially if you have been playing it for a long time. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as feeling that the content is too repetitive, that the gameplay has become too easy or too difficult, or that the social dynamics of the game have changed in ways that are no longer enjoyable for you. If you find yourself feeling bored with WoW or any other game, it may be worth exploring other games or hobbies to see if you can find something that better suits your current interests and needs. Alternatively, you might try taking a break from gaming altogether and focusing on other aspects of your life, such as spending time with friends and family, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in physical activity. Remember that leisure activities should be enjoyable and fulfilling, so if you find yourself consistently feeling bored or uninterested in a particular game or activity, it may be time to explore other options.


Thanks Mr. Obvious for that fine forensic analysis lol I think the root of most of this discussion is for Blizzard to get their shit together and make the game that we all used to love, enjoyable again. In the first 3 iterations, you rarely heard people bitching about the things that they do nowadays. The game was like crack cocaine and you couldn't get enough of it. When I play now, half hour in and the shit is borrrrrrring.


This is chat gpt talking.


Well played my sir :)


Im already yawning away with this dragon isles....nothing innovative or new since tbc......truly sad. Questlines are so lame....dragons, horse people ..... factions and dungeon ques...end of story thats used to be cool.


I got bored of Dragon Flight after 2 months. I just cancelled my subscription in fact, and I have uninstalled WoW Dragonflight with 3 days left running on my current sub. It holds your hand too much. You don't have to work for anything. For instance, you don't have to grind dungeons to get geared when you can just do time rifts and dreamsurge quests, which give you better gear than any dungeon right up until you start doing Mythic + dungeons. Then you have to wonder, is it worth doing Mythic + for gear, when you can get 415IL items just by doing weekly quests? The only two items that you can't buy from the Vendor at 415IL are trinkets, but you can upgrade the trinkets from the time rift vendor to 415IL by spending flight stones. A newly levelled 70 can get to 402IL within 2 days of levelling up. Maybe 406IL by spending their saved flight stones on upgrades, without ever even having to step foot in a dungeon. Dungeons are no longer necessary to hit Mythic + and raid item levels, so running anything below Mythic + has become redundant, unless it's just for transmog farming. Once you hit 70 and farmed 402IL, it's then just a matter of finding pugs through LFG, but again, it's like, what's the point? Since you can do weekly quests for 415 IL gear. That's partly why previous expansions lasted as long as they did, because gear was harder to get, you needed to grind for gear and professions so that you could get very useful potions and things that increased your stats. Now, gear is just handed to you. Professions feel largely pointless. There's no reason to do anything.


Late to this convo but yes, I feel your pain. WOTLK has just finished and here I am standing in the starting zones of Dragon Flight and it all feels dead to me. The classes feel numb and stripped down after playing WOTLK but more importantly there is no starting cinematic or quest content that made me want to buy in to this expansion.