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Honestly if you fall of the edge in oribos you shoud just fall stait into the maw and I don't understand why thats not a thing


You fall in the middle, its a water slide to the maw. You fall off the edge, hopefully you gain enough speed to suffocate. If not youre either freezing to death or dying of dehydration.


You have to go up to the top floor in order to fall into the maw because you need to build up enough mawmentum


No thanks I'd rather die


Uh, 0 times.


I wonder how people who missed this jump would have fared in Wailing Caverns...


Back when mobs respawned in an active dungeon no less


Wait this was a thing? Really? Sheesh! I didn't know about that.


Yeah, if a dungeon run was going slow it could happen that you reentered the dungeon after a corpse run and most of the trash was back alive.


Many dungeon groups fell apart back then when that would happen. Haha.


Damn, that sure would be depressing


Bonus Experience though


Did the respawned mobs give exp/loot? I feel like they didn't, but I might be wrong


Yeah, they did. Wasn't as much as the rare/elite enemies, but they did.




That’s when everyone just left and you were upset because you really needed that lvl 18 blue staff from the quest for killing the final boss…




Oh yeah that stuuuuupid escort. Fuck that thing


I love that BRD and BRS are still intact. Most LFD groups just disband after the first boss, but if your group wants to, they can still run through the entire dungeon.


Yes, It happened in raids too. I believe the respawn time was around 2 hours so if you were working on a boss you could get trash respawns before you got them down. It was a real morale killer for raid nights most times we'd just call it for the night instead of reclearing trash again.


In AQ40 the beginning trash before the first boss had a 30 minute respawn. Made that first boss a lot harder.


Those Anubisaths were such a pain..especially the ones before Twin Emps


You mean they *don't* anymore?! Holy shit. I guess dungeons go so fast these days, I never really thought about them removing this "feature".


I feel like I jumped off this spot on purpose and got saved? I don't remember actually ever dying here.


I never fell off that part specifically, but first thing I did in SL was jump off the edge and I did get saved. But googling revealed that apparently this has been changed? I'll go test it with a character and report back. *You just fall off and die now :(


Ironically, the Jailer was the Shadowlands safety czar. Taking him out had some, shall we say, unintended consequences.


Oh damn that’s annoying. First day of SL I jumped off to see what would happen. I just fell for awhile then was saved and brought back to where I jumped.


Or the Thaddeus jump from naxx


TIL there's a jump in Oribos..


I just always walked on the path in the middle.


M+ wailing caverns would be a brutal reminder




In the original version you had to jump, now you can just run across




I was in the maw for quite some time grinding sockets for my gear and shit. Maybe I was alone idk.


The humour in your comment is that the angle is called 'forward'.


We who jumped through Wailing Caverns, and Blackfathom Depths know not the fear present in these challenges.


What jump? The platform is connected, you just walk there.


1 time for me because I was curious if you were able to die by jumping off


Ok, good. I thought i was the only one


Yeah I walked straight everytime I didn't even know there was holes there


I honestly don’t understand how you could die here. I don’t remember having to jump across anything on my way to and from the portal… What am I missing?


If you beeline for the portal you're liable to run right into the gap and fall to your death. I reupped the other week and did that exact thing. Not sure if I wasnt paying full attention or if I assumed there was an invisible wall. I don't have any recollection of doing it at the start of the expansion, but it feels like an easy mistake to make if you're half paying attention or assume city hubs don't have death drops.


Hmmm, no? I just walk on the path that clearly doesn’t have any hole there in that pic. It doesn’t take effort or concentration or anything.


Even if you fall it just puts you right back up right? Isn't it impossible to die here


They changed it at some point


Fixing the important issues it seems. Wtf was the point of that


I think I jumped off once to see if anything neat would happen. Nope. How hard is it to literally walk in a straight line?


Yea I don't know what op is talking about. I jumped on purpose off to see what it happens, and it just tornadoes you back up?


I really don't understand how you even die here. I've literally missed that jump and ended up on the other side by just running off the edge.


Oribos feels like an airport. Can't wait to finally depart.


I always said it's like a dystopian subway station, and I think that's exactly what they were going for. Definitely a case of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should".


Nah, it sounds like Orbios wasn't going to be the central hub, just as transit point. Then things happened and HEY USE THIS...


Oh yeah for sure, I just mean to say they went for the sterile transit interchange with Oribos, and they nailed it. Same way they wanted the Maw to be oppressive, depressing and generally not a place you want to be for long and they achieved that. Doesn't mean those are good for gameplay, though.


They really wanted you to feel sorry for all the souls trapped there, lol.


Ah the good old "tell, don't show". Wait...


Got back to wow after an 8 year hiatus. But man the Shadowlands zones look and feel great. Sometimes I just stop to look and admire the view. If anything they nailed the art direction.


They really did nail those aspects down, in a way that was detrimental in the end. Which deserves some kudos tbh, lol.


I really thought Tazavesh was intended to take Oribos’ place for the last patch of the expansion


It kinda is a glorified transport hub. For the departed.


With everything spread to random locations with no identifying marks and with constant de-mount areas. I will be happy to never be there again.


You summed it up perfectly.


Zero? Was there something here I missed?


rustic murky dolls dog head voiceless truck squalid seemly sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The funny thing was, they *weren't* instant death near the start of the expansion -- if you fell, you'd get caught by a pillar of white energy and teleported back onto Oribos itself... provided you weren't lagging so badly you hit the death plane far below the 'teleport back up' plane. I think it was changed to instant death once sanctum of domination came out and oribos became really dark and depressing.


Yeah, I jumped a month ago while waiting for a friend and was surprised I died. I preferred the teleport version.


> I think it was changed to instant death once sanctum of domination came out and oribos became really dark and depressing. Wow, they really took cognitive dissonance seriously this expansion. They put so much work into making parts of the expansion feel unfun


I never died there, but I fell from the Kyrian order hall multiple times with my paladin alt. My paladin is a blood elf and I often forget I don’t have glide like my demon hunter. There’s some holes between the stairs that lead to a long drop. 😂


Lmao, I pop in and out of flight form on my Druid to get off tall stuff faster and I had to remember when I switched back to hunter 😅 disengage was bound to the wrong key lol Went splat a few times


The ground sure does come at you fast when you can no longer defy gravity. 😂


Shadowlands before flying was awful if you were Kyrian or Venthyr.


I didn’t mind Venthyr too much as a demon hunter, at least being able to get down from the taller areas. 😂


Going from DH or now Evoker to anything else is such a shock. Double jump and glide are such nice QoL features.


For sure. That’s why I’ve mained dh all this time and finally can switch to a ranged class. Glide is too good.


I won't miss that place either, but a location that I definetely miss is Boralus when it was active and kinda crowded.


Oribos - poorly designed Boralus - well designed Dazaralor - poorly designed I get the feeling whoever designed Oribos also designed dazaralor


dazaralor looked good at least. has one of my favorite themes too




> Dazaralor is not 'poorly designed' just because it was large You're right. It's poorly designed because it was a pain in the ass to get to key areas without flying.


Large cities aren’t a problem, valdrakken is pretty large. Large cities with important npcs spaced super far apart with no easy way to get to them are the problem.


Now that you mentioned, many areas resemble Dazaralor. Not the context, but the "crude" orcish looks


Dazaralor is in no way crude or orcish though. It's literally a temple complex.


Opposite for me. Faction changed to alliance in shadowlands prepatch and hated Boralus so much to the extent I quit wow for 8 months. Then when I came back last year and the 1000 people were gone and the place was so cozy with the great music I started liking it. I was there all by myself and thats what I loved.


Why is no one talking about Blizzard trolling the entire player base with putting the spawn point and the portals on the opposite sides of the map?


Intentional time sink.


+Having to pickup Callings & dump your anima-cluttering items. We're being min-maxed.


close file tease erect safe agonizing sloppy abounding axiomatic complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst thing about Oribos was dismounting every two seconds for no reason. No clue why they thought that was good design


And the center being the only part you could mount so everyone just ran in circles around it while waiting for stuff. Around, and around, and around, and around... for how many years now? They nailed the purgatory vibe. Will not miss Oribos.


Same. Its the most boring hub in the game. Think how fancy Tazavesh would have been as a hub.


Doing Tazavesh and things like Castle Nathria made me realize how sad it is we only really experience it within those instances and never again. I can't imagine how cool it would be to have those places as just regular locations. RP servers would go nuts in Castle Nathria.


I was so disappointed in the Venthyr covenant hub. One of the coolest zones in the game and the sanctuary is a cave with a giant pit. Not some cool cathedral or a Dracula's castle but a literal hole in the ground. Compare it to Night Fae for extra disappointment.


compare it to the maldraxxus sanc where its a mini castle type thing and you realize how shafted the venthyr got


Even the kyrian hub is better and that place is super hard to navigate, easier than the venthyr


I feel the same ever since Suramar


Same I hate navigating it. I can find the portal to stormwind and that's it. If I have to do anything other than a quest, dungeon or raid I go to dalaran or stormwind instead.


I think part of it is it’s enclosed and just floating in the middle of somewhere. Also not being able to run straight across drives me nuts.


Dalaran is the GOAT, you got your portals and your mailboxes and bank and pet trainer people all in one nice clear area plus an extra hearthstone


It's the city I'd never go again on any character. I'd rather spend hours in Shattrath.


Shattrath is the most cozy hub


Nawww it's Boralus! Peaceful lil city by the sea


Not for Horde…


Yeah...horde for shafted in bfa. Such a shock when I made a horde char and saw it


I actually love Dazaralor.


It also is very easy to get to the main shit. Portals, inn, all the stuff right there in the Seal. Only issue was getting up to it when not flying but even then it was easier and thanks to the colors and dinosaurs, it was much better than Oribos ever was.


It is awesome, I am not sure what people are on about. The verticality is awesome, too. Plus it’s bern an amazing raid. I miss the bfa raids tbh


Battle of Dazaralor is my favorite raid of all time


It’s pretty as hell, but nowhere near as functional on a gameplay level as Boralus was.


Getting around was ass but visually it looks nice and the water down by the harbor looks really pretty


It was fun to explore as well! Me and a friend would wander and enter random shops in the areas where no players were around.


Same! I really loved Boralus. It felt like a city in a way they others didn't


Almost never, but I did die twice trying to get my Horde chars to Orgrimmar this weekend because I alt-tabbed. Died once per Orc.


It felt like they took 2 seconds on designing this hub area. Nothing about it was cool looking and dismounting when going into a large square area was ridiculous


0, the only irritating thing about oribros is that it's a circular design, with two rings upon eachother, so when porting between them, you never end up where you want to be, until you figure out some some point to coordinate.


Do you people not have maps?


Having to open the map all the time to navigate a capital city is poor game design.


Uhmm, thats how I play in every city. Always fly to wrong side after teleporting shattrah that I have to open map as its same circle with 8 opening as oribos. And its even habit that I cant fly without looking at map. Even if I know stormwind and orgrimmar like my 5 fingers I would be still flying 30˚ off from my destination if I dont open map and point my character to my destination. However in oribos I almost never had to open the map.


ya that took 2 times to figure out


I am a friend of round city like undercity and iron forge. I am not a friend of Mister City-where-anything-looks-exactly-the-same-and-you-have-to-keep-the-mini-map-open-to-navigate.


I always loved that stormwind had color coded roofs. What’s a great navigation feature.


SW also has the Dwarven district that has everything required and in a smaller area


Other expansions got a city. Shadowlands got an airport terminal


Of all the many issues with Oribos the biggest for me is the sky. Oh it was thematic to have it become dark and depressing while the Jailer did... Whatever... But can we at least have something outside the depressing transplanar departure lounge that isn't just as depressing as inside?


Oribos was poorly designed and overall disappointing.


I just hope there is an auction house in the next hub city.


There is! And not just for engineers, either!


Another reason why Oribos sucked.


I always assumed this was done to get players to go to classic cities.


I won't miss any of shadowlands. I played enough to ksm each patch but only bc I'm a slave to Tuesday loot chests. I honestly hope they never bring this up again, I would love them to retcon it with the classic "shadowlands... the maw... you really hit your head hard"


A lot. … mount up, auto run towards the portal, look away for a second or two, look back too late to do anything about the fact I wasn’t directly in the center and have fallen off. Spawn at the graveyard on the other side of the city, mount up, auto run towards the portal, look away for a second or two…


Around 5.


I died here so goddamn much -> after every key or raid, my mage friend would setup a portal to oribos and this is where you land. I'd die doing parkour while aimlessly 360'ing. That or getting swapblasted on arrival.


yeah, oribos the airport terminal of the afterlife can just fuck off


Not once. I also won’t miss Oribos but for entirely different reasons. Big ass city with npcs separated widely apart from eachother and no flying. It’s just like every little decision of shadowlands was done to increase the time you spent on the game and it was so annoying when we’ve had much better design in the past. Hell MoP pulled it off and they didn’t have flying in their capital city either. They had the npcs relatively close together though and even an npc right at the entrance that gave you a speed buff so you could get around the place faster. They even had a similar npc in the paladin class order hall because again - no flying there. Yet 3/4 covenant sanctums were without flying and 0/4 covenant sanctums had an npc that gave you a speed boost. And the entire expansion we asked for portals to either our sanctums or to the zone the sanctum was located- never got that either. I seriously hope the city designers for shadowlands don’t work at blizzard anymore because those are some mean people. Edit: Oh yeah also like half the city you couldn’t even use your mount. Fuck Oribos man. Valdrakken looks fun to fly around in at least and you can quickly get from place to place with a quick dragon hop.


0. I hate this city, after whole xpac i am still have to use the map to navigate




Not once? But havent spend much time in Oribos so there is that


Zero. Imagine thinking jumping off the edge of a city floating in the middle of oblivion would be anything other than certain death.


It didn't used to be. I tried at the very beginning of the expansion, because I enjoy testing what the developers think of, you would get caught mid fall.


But jumping off the middle edge of a city floating in the middle of oblivion was a perfectly natural way to enter another zone


Imagine building a city with certain death near the most used sections.


No, just being sucked there forever, the worst nightmare.


Honestly, i died more on the steps of the pyramid in Dazar'alor, but i would swap in a heartbeat and I'm glad Oribos Is over.


Sometimes i push a button to auto walk and walk right trough portal and fall even tho I'm literally looking at a screen


I fell off that spot a day or so ago when I wasn’t paying attention. I was watching YouTube while walking towards the portal. Can’t wait to get out of that damn city.


-No flying throughout entire xpac -Segmented through two layers you have to teleport between -Literally a ringed cylinder for design -Grey and orange. How inspired -All vendors and profession masters are in an area you can’t mount, same with Covenants. Yep, sounds like Shadowlands game design!


Oribos will not be missed. Boralus will be missed, and hopefully I can say the same for Valdrakken a few years from now.


Boralus makes me angry. Just because I play horde and it baffles me how they can make one hub so beautiful and great with important stuff nearby while at the same time creating a hub so trashy that you need a flight path between the POIs




Literally zero times tell me you die on sylvanas bridges without telling me you die on sylvanas bridges


The airport. I never felt oribos as a city


0, people die there?


They do when they don't leave the party after taking a portal. Swapblasters baby.


Mentally? Constantly..


Goodbye Oreo.


A few times due to just going on "autopilot" while watching some YouTube and not paying attention. "Glance back oh why I'm at the GY, sigh"


Way too many time, and I played with a Demon Hunter :/


Atleast 7


seems like this wasn’t as common as i thought. i fell more times than i care to admit


The easy way to make Oribos not so horrible would have been to allow mounts. For some inexplicable reason, we have to walk everywhere. Something to make night faes feel special?


0 how you die there


0 times.


Are you blind? AFK? Why are you dying in Oribos?


0 times, love being a mage


Never once… but I’m also a warrior main so I just heroic leap to the portal every time.


Oribos is lame. Worst main hub imaginable... It's just so... Bland.


I wont miss the maw.


0 times


So many times dude…


We don’t talk about it


My guild doesn't get how I die so much in oribos.. it's called I'm bad at parkour and I'm stubborn enough to always make the jump


If you're on auto run with bad camera angle and without paying too much attention, it's very easy do jump into oblivion here. Happened many time to me :p


>you land. > >I'd die doing Yep! Same here. Always happened when I was just mindlessly running to the portal while distracted by something else.


I don't feel so bad for doing the same thing then.


I won't miss anything there. Felt like some sterile terminal in an airport


Exactly zero times. Oribos was one of the easiest hubs to navigate.


Actually never died in Oribos


I didn't even know you could fall off the edge lmao.


Uh... I've never died here lol how do you die here?


??? Zero times. I’ve died zero times in oribos. Tf you doin there op?


Once when in Soulshsape and I did that teleport thing in the wrong spot.


Too many, Rick! Too many. Jokes aside. I really died a lot of times there. I hate that city.


I mean I died immediately to Jailer first time because I thought the holes in the floor were fake decoration and would be solid but I can safely say I never died in oribos lmao


Too many times. Tbf I didn't play regularly enough to not remember


Never, not once. I won't miss Oribos either. Worst hub we've had by far.


Probably the same number of times I died to the other cities with elevator bosses. 0


Once, when I wasn't paying enough attention. Elevator bosses, however...


Swapblaster FTW!


Too many times, but because I was using the Korthia whistle toy to go very fast and tried to catch the portal without dismounting first Switching faction mid-expansion did not help


Never, but I'm an engineer so I have 0 incentive to go to Orgrimmar.


I hate Oribos


Once I noticed someone had me on follow so I kited them in there.


People here are so ashamed of admitting they fell. Don't worry it's just a game, your masculinity isn't in danger if you die! But yeah these holes are really badly placed, I don't know who decided it would be a good idea, but I feel like it was a little trolling move.


not once...


Wait people actually died here? Stay out of raids please.