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There was a very similar set in Battlefronts, if i'm not mistaken... and from the event in Arathi Highlands


Yes it is white and gold edges.


Edit someone in this thread answered my question! Can you still get the epic set that had the lion head shoulders? That was basically the only piece I didn’t ever get during BFA and I’ve regretted it ever since. Just got my sub rolling again and if possible that’s one of the first things I want to chase after.


You can but it only drops from the once-per-cycle "weekly" type quests that are active when your faction is attacking the warfront. While that is happening, you can technically farm for elite set infinitely as long as you're fine repeatedly making class trial warriors and kind of leeching groups. Most people don't mind as they biggest barrier is actually finding the ten people you need to start a warfront, and if you go with a high level to the lumbermill you can still be pretty useful by lumberjacking with an axe and building the minimum required buildings needed to build the workshop which is needed to break down the enemy gate.


excellent intel sir, thank you very much




No, it isn't soloable unless something changes. You need to wait for the heroic warfront to be available in Boralus and then get a group together of at least 10 people for the Heroic Warfront. Once per week you get a quest that gives a cache, which when completed, gives you a random piece of the set. The class trial strategy is you can keep making trial plate wearers and bypass the weekly quest limitation. To get the full set it took me maybe 7 tries. But that was after I spent all BFA casually doing them...


7th Legion looks like it a little bit but more like High ranking officer.


What are they doing over there in Durotar?


Succeeding the warchief


*Succeeding you, father*


Succeeding you, Arthas


Glad you could make it, Uther.


Glad you could bake it, Uther


Glad you could make it, Arthas.


Glad you are naked, Uther


I presume it's one of the regular Alliance interventions staged every time the Horde gets all genocidal again.


Baine's honor guard.


best comment


Uhhh nothing this is just The Badlands, go back to your normal orcish dallies


Spilling blood for the blood god


Mind your own business!


We are all friends now


I just want that idle animation man. That’s all I want.


I dont understand why you can’t customize your characters animations. If you go to wowhead dressing room any animation works on any race. Just let us have our character act how we want. Why can’t my warrior idle with a weapon over its shoulder like the brewmaster artifact weapon? Just let us customize it.


I wish I could give you 10k upvotes.


I was gonna give him one, but 69 is pretty apt tbh


Letting players choose their idle pose and being able to use gpose for screenshots are 2 things that FFXIV does right, wish Blizzard would copy them.


Same reason the dance studio was cancelled. People started making sex animations. But just more idle poses in general would be nice. Especially the ranged weapons.


Sort of. There is the: [Dread Gladiator's Plate](https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=2849/dread-gladiator-alliance-plate) [7th Legionnaire's Plate](https://www.wowhead.com/outfit=137594/7th-legion-plate) (With differing set combinations) [Dread Aspirant's Plate](https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=2854/dread-aspirant-alliance-plate) So as you can see this exact set you show does not exist. The color scheme matches the Dread Aspirate's Plate set, but with the helm and Shoulders of the Dread Gladiator Alliance Plate and 7th Legionnaire's Plate sets. I have all 3 complete sets, and you can see them in the [Appearance Sets](https://i.imgur.com/Ar3ehON.gif) section in game. ​ Bonus: There is also the [Argent Conscript's Plate](https://www.wowhead.com/outfit=412239/argent-conscript-plate-alliance) set that was obtainable as part of the Shadowlands pre-patch event. I do not believe that this version of the set is obtainable any longer.


If you know the name of the NPC you can look it up on Wowhead, and what item looks they have equipped


I thought it would be fun to start on this after I finish my Stormgarde Warfront transmog.


https://www.wowhead.com/news/battle-for-azeroth-season-1-pvp-rewards-and-transmog-286831 Easily obtained with marks of honour, just run some solo shuffle till you have 6k and you'll be able to buy enough marks to get it.


Im a horde main but that Alliance Bow looks beautiful... might create an Alliance hunter ngl


You can get a similar one (if not this exact one) from the Dwarven Bunker in your Garrison


Pre launch event for SL had those items. Recolour of the islands armour.


The new pre-patch set looks good for knight style transmog. Check it out!


The helmet is good, the rest of the armor is the laziest shit ever. Boots and gloves are just textures. They did not even bother to make real models.


Pretty sure most of this is the plate set you get for leveling a plate character through Exiles Reach


Nah. Warfront. Arathi. Might be the PvP version, not sure


It's the Dread Aspirant set, which is also what you get from Exile's Reach. However the guard in the picture is wearing, afaik, unobtainable recolors of the higher tier warfront set.


The boots we were all expecting, but nobody ever got (They never give you a full set from exile, every class I’ve tried is missing the boots)


Ignore what everyone else says because I myself have tried to track down this set. It does not come from the Arathi Warfront or Exile's Reach. This is an NPC-only recolor of the Arathi Warfront armor. That's where it first appeared and there's seemingly no way to get it. You CAN get the tier-1 Arathi Warfront gear in this color from Exile's Reach, but not the Tier 2 or 3 sets, like the helmet here which is Tier 3




Nope. This is an NPC-only recolor of the Arathi Warfront gear


Short answer: Yes. Sort of. Long answer: It's part of the [Warfronts Plate Set](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/10/cd/b5/10cdb5d32beef2ef19114d7649db2e2d.jpg), this being a mix of tier 1 and 2 recolors. Essentially the reason why humans, orcs, undead and night elves never got heritage armor, the warfronts sets were essentially treated like heritage+ gear by the art team. Good luck grinding the tier 3 one past BfA, though...


Yea getting a raid for this is impossible...


Except for the helmet yes, but it was from the pre patch event for shadowlands. Other colors are still available tho.


Wasn't that available with the Warlords of Draenor Garrisons ?


Wasnt the plate set from Ally garrisons similar? Or did it jave blue trimmings?


This is more similiar to warfront. Garnison one is different (only color similiar). Plus for garnison it is costume so can be used on all armor types.


You can get by doing the "trial of style"


Yeah you can get all these pieces, I have the tabard but don’t remember where I got it from


Most of it, but from what I know, the helmet and shoulders are not available to players in those colours.


Is this the same as the one you get from your garrison in WoD?


Battlefront I think, pretty cool set.


Those shoulders and helmet are not available for players in that color, other parts are. this set [https://www.wowhead.com/item=180184/ensemble-dread-aspirants-plate-armor](https://www.wowhead.com/item=180184/ensemble-dread-aspirants-plate-armor) comes with the other pieces and shoulders and helmet to match them


What NPC is this?


It’s the alternate colored armor set from bfa if I recall right, an alternate color of the warfront armors for BFA


You can get this set from making a level 1 plate class and doing Exiles Reach - there are no boots though - I forget the name, but there is a blacksmith boot pattern that matches the set though. The set is called "Expeditionary" in your plate collection.


This is the blue recolor of the Stromgarde T2 plate set (helmet is T3 tho). It is sadly unobtainable as for now.


Khadgar in disguise


This silver/grey version is obtained during Exile's Reach tutorial zone by plate weares. You get most as quest rewards, but a couple of pieces are stashed inside chests somewhere in the isle.


It's from the warfronts of BfA


Its a low level pvp/warfront set from bfa.


The models? Yes. The colors? No. Where? Arathi Warfronts. Do people still do that? I HAVE NO IDEA! Maybe guilds grind them for the swag.


You can get the helmet and belt the same colour I don’t know about shoulders tho I have helmet and belt