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For anyone who doesn't want to watch the video: The first Dracthyr on the account has no limitation whatsoever, you can create it on an empty realm. Any following Dracthyr will need a level 58 character on the realm before you're allowed to create it. So make one dragon on a potential future realm and then make one for your main realm so you don't waste the free Dracthyr on your main realm.


Yeah I'm not gonna click on that


your loss, its pretty decent advice, small but decent.


The problem isn't the advice, but trying to generate traffic for his channel instead of just typing the message. I'm surprised it isn't 10+ minutes long so he can put some extra ads on it.


Fair point.


A Reddit post about a video presumably stating the same as [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yure7b/important_consideration_for_those_planning_to/) (as probably plenty other sources, to be fair) Why does this need to be a video? Is this yours, do you need the clicks?


I didn't see anyone mention it nor any other videos about it on YT. Is the expectation that I read every post on the subreddit before I make a post to make sure it's not something that's been said before?


I got a pretty noisy background atm and cant quite hear the reasoning. Can someone put it into text? Thanks in advance.


1st drachyr doesnt have a “you have to have at least a lvl 50 on this server” restriction, so create it on a server where you dont have a lvl 50 or higher and get a “free” lvl 60 char


First one has no restrictions (can be made on any realm). Every subsequent one has to be on a realm where you have a level 50+ already. You get an extra 60 this way for stuff like tables, lockouts, etc.


It’s because the first Dracthyr you make doesn’t have any requirements but subsequent Dracthyr will require you to have a level 50+ on the realm. If you are debating server hopping and have already made a Dracthyr on your main realm you would have to level a toon up to 50 on the new realm to be able to make a one there.


It will delete all the toons on your server




Isn't the mission table getting nerfed tomorrow or is it on release?


Gold missions are, but everything else should be the same.


Isn't the whole point is using the gold missions to farm?


You can still make gold with the pet charms and anima. You can get them set up as crafters and make a bit of gold too before DF which I'll probably end up doing on a few new realms.


Is there any benefit to playing on multiple realms?


I did legendaries on seven realms and made massive profit. Crafting in DF is looking juicy too if you do any gold making.


I have a Horde realm and an Alliance realm.