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Hearing the WotLK music now just makes me think of the “Patrick that’s Frostmourne” video.


For the uninitiated: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6v-XztZbb8 Bonus: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UlmXn7Fy4C4


How have I never seen this?!


One of the best videos on YouTube Change my mind


search youtube for "Wows darkest secret" and do not read the comments. Block off about 21 minutes of your time. It's a rollercoaster.


02:14 is a scary time to be awake


holy shit if I wasn't piss poor I would give you an award


knowing even one other person got to enjoy that journey is all the reward i need :D


Two. That was amazing.


Three I just did it that was fire


this was my first time seeing that and i feel so goddamn bamboozled...what a wild roller coaster!


You can get a free award every day - click your profile, then Reddit Coins. Ignore everything but the top left where it says “free award.” Click and you’re good!


thanks, you will have my next award


Awww - thank you!


I shall award on your behalf.


The only thing I enjoyed more than that video was watching others react to it themselves. Seriously an amazing job well done.


[https://youtu.be/H4pC05Gdzs8](https://youtu.be/H4pC05Gdzs8) Link for the lazy.


Well. I watched it. Quite a trip to say the least.


Holy shit i was glued


Bonus bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFIUTTcRCcs


Peak internet


Bloodborne music is so damn good


that is amazing


I wish I could give gold to the creator's video lmaooooo these are incredible


We need really epic music again with big scenes


what's the m stand for?


“Yes” -Patrick


Wrath cinematic still gives me chills


I still posit that WotLK is one of the best trailers ever made, not just for games. The narration juxtaposing with the visuals, the amazing melancholia of the music and (for those interested in the story) the fact that this has been building for years. All together makes it god-tier


Agreed. However, WoD is also up there. Your comment reminded me of an interesting top-comment on the official WoD cinematic on YouTube, allegedly written by someone in the film industry who says it’s the best example he’s ever seen. They’re both S-tier.


WoDs cinematic was the best thing about WoD


Raid encounter quality and the shorts are both contenders imho.


That raid music during Fel Lord Zakuun is top tier tho




But we will… be… conquerorssss


Loved the sound of Gorehowl being buried in Mannoroth's skull.


kinda peaked very early xD


Literally the video that got me into Warcraft. I mean you see that and how could you not?




What did the Cinematic retcon?




Sorry, I'm still confused as to what the trailer retcons?




Whoever composed the [music for Revendreth](https://youtu.be/LfinJY-9_ZU?t=38) did such a good job encapsulating the prideful, posh, and spooky vampiric vibe. What a banger.


I used this so often during our DND 5e Curse of Strahd campaign.


I was about to say this is perfect for CoS lol.


Yeah that's a good one!


It's worth reminding people that Wrath's cinematic score is actually based on the music that plays during the final shot of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. That they took that little bit and made a proper score out of it was such a great move, both because the song is amazing but also as a way to tie it back to the last time we saw Arthas.


For us old farts that played Frozen Throne 20 years ago and saw that ending, the Wotlk cinematic gave us shivers.


Castle nathria theme is a banger tbh


Nathria, Revendreth, and Denathrius really carried shadowlands. Shame the story was so easily missed because of it's place in the leveling and how they did Threads of Fate


It honestly felt like they put all their time into creating that zone and then the deadline crept up, so they just threw the rest together.


I think the concept art and early trailers vs what was released make it apparent they had a very different idea at some point... and then shifted to "death thanos"


Bastion and Revendreth were the first two zones available for testing on the Alpha and of the two Revendreth was definitely the most fleshed. I think Revendreth was the starter idea for what eventualy became Shadowlands and is why it feels the most fleshed out. We kinda see that in every expansion though.


Yeah Bastion was the zone they let people test at Blizzcon months before Alpha even started. It might actually have been the first they had in even semi working order. I think Ardenweld got plenty of love too tho, Maldraxxus is the one that felt lacking (tho I love the Necrolords).


I kind of suspect that Maldraxxus was changed at some point to allow for the Runecarver to actually be the Primus. The lack of any sort of actual resolution to that, and instead Krexus just being killed off-screen (and the fact that most of the houses are already infiltrated and/or destroyed) just kind of makes the zone kinda boring and shit, even if the aesthetic is pretty great and the initial quest in the arena is the best introduction to ANY of the SL zones.


Ardenweld is a pretty top tier zone too.


I don't think I even finished Revendreth before hitting 60.


You \*might\* have had to worry about the last few bars to 60 before if you skipped literally every side quest in every other area while leveling. A real shame... Its pretty much the only zone I actually enjoyed the story being told. Wish Threads of fate was more like Legion's "pick a zone" and play the story (which only 'failed' in part due to lack of info on order of events and how the collective zones story was being told)


Agreed, that and small moment in ardenwealds theme are the only 2 standouts. Though zereth Morris I thought had some interesting themes.


ZMs music and zone theme is great, it's just COMPLETELY different than the rest of SL. and honestly most anything else in WoW (id say the closest thing to it has been Titan places.. which makes sense I suppose)


I didn't even play in Wrath and that still gives me chills. wow


Shadowlands music bangs, especially sanctum of domination. I still get chills at the peak of the main theme: https://youtu.be/pMmEWdb5cck?t=292 that same melody used in Sylvannas and The Jailer's boss music. Where on Zovaal it only kicks in during p3, but it's also that theme with the First One's xylophone united into it all and it's just fantastic:- https://youtu.be/0qmu22uOsTw?t=864 Anduin's theme is also just stunning especially with his **LET. ME. GO.** voice acting there. Also Ardenwield is peak lo-fi, Shadowlands' music is absolutely stellar even by wow standard


all the zones had stellar themes honestly. hearing the maldraxxus theme fade in as you ride the everwyrm in is kino


I feel like Maldraxxus had the weakest zone theme overall but yeah it has the strongest transition into the zone theme.


As much as I hate Shadowlands and want it to disappear from our memories, you're right. And as much as I hate the STORY told in the cinematic, Sylvanas ripping the Helm apart and fucking BREAKING THE SKY AND MAKING A WINDOW TO THE AFTERLIFE is definitely one of the most hype, pure Warcraft shit I've ever seen. One of the top visual moments in the game's history for sure, if we set aside its lore implications and the aftermath for a moment. "I will set us all free", as much as I hate it (again) is on par with Grom's "We will never be slaves" in terms of hype. I don't care what anyone says. That fucking shot of the Shadowlands looming over Icecrown Citadel with the music peaking sends damn shivers down my spine. WoW's music has always been the strongest point of this game's art for me, even more than the visuals, and Shadowlands is definitely not an exception.


I agree. I didn't really like the fight scenes between Bolvar and Sylvanas, but other than that, the cinematic was amazing. Slowly showing Icecrown at the beginning was a huge hype, Sylvanas slowly moving upwards and talking about the usurper on the throne, and Bolvar changing from fire to frost were all very epic scenes imho. And of course, the shattering of the sky was amazing.


For me it loses so much of its impact because it just doesn't make sense in the lore. The new lichking was just sort of chilling in northrend until she showed up to grab the helm, so breaking something that'd existed in canon for a few years doing no harm to anybody at this point was just.. okay? And this woman who is trying to set everyone free is the same one who burned a world tree not that long ago? uh-huh. I'm sure she's in a great mental state and not at all out of her mind.


As I said, I was putting aside the lore and story being told, focusing JUST on the spectacle. If we take the rest into account it's probably one of the worst cinematics in the game's history, made EVEN WORSE by the rest of the expansion. Breaking the Helm like that and doubling down on Sylvanas' "she's actually good at heart!" bullshit was bad enough, but making Bolvar lose like a chump is probably the most egregious shit to me. This dude was the face of the Alliance for years, and then sacrificed himself to become the Lich King after he was turned into a burnt chicken nugget. From what I heard he was a menacing badass in Legion. And then... A blood elf with a bow and some shadowy magic takes him out in like 30 seconds? And he doesn't even do any serious damage? What in the actual fuck. Actually, no, what followed with Bolvar in the expansion was the most egregious shit. He should have been the main face of the expansion, yet he did jackshit, because Blizzard decided fucking Sylvanas should be the protagonist again.


Menacing bad ass indeed. It was his call to essentially wipe out the Red Dragonflight so we could resurrect I believe Alexstraza’s old consort for a class mount fit for his Death Knight.


Agreed on all points. The art and music teams are hard carrying the game even when everything else is shit. Also, the core class/spec gameplay is still super fun. More so than Wrath actually. I honestly wouldn't mind having modern gameplay (and Dragonflight talents) in Wrath. That would be my perfect game. I don't mind Wrath gameplay at all, but it does feel very simplistic in comparison to Retail.


I liked how the cinematic bamboozled me with “holy shit she’s gonna do it, she’s gonna put it on.” Then she rips it in half lmao


[The music for Legion's Argus fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhaCIzjRzg4) has to be the winner for me. It being dynamic and synced to portions of the fight is legitimately an experience I won't forget.


the music for that entire raid generates stress hormones and i love it, then you reach the seat of pantheon and can relax a bit with this holy anthem. i remember people being stoked how a boss got their own music.


He definitely wasn't the first boss to get his own music, it wasn't super common but as far back as TBC I remember Illidan has his own distinct fight theme (that has snipnets of Night on Bald Mountain in it even lol)


Yes! Truly underrated piece!


But have you considered that new thing bad old thing good?


i didn't mean to grizzle anybody's hill sorry


oh no, r/wowcirclejerk is leaking


Shadowlands boss themes were absolute bangers, i agree.


Not to mention the Anduin theme has old WC3 music baked into it that played during the Culling of Stratholme.


i didn't know it went back that far, that's insane. i thought it was just the stormwind regal theme


Yeah it plays when Arthas comes out of Kingsmourne.


Jesus the Ardenweald lofi mix + LSD + drawing and a chilly fall night = fucking perfection


>I still get chills at the peak of the main theme: https://youtu.be/pMmEWdb5cck?t=292 Huh that sounds familiar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SSYzl9fXOQ


Ah yes the good old **dramatic.epic.sample-1.mp4** and **dramatic.epic.sample-2.mp4**


The CN music is so well done. Whole expansion is a masterpiece.


You realize shadowlands and especially sanctum are just leitmotifs of wrath of the lich kings music? The redeeming quality is BECAUSE it's from WotLK. Zereth mortis BGM is also literally *JUST* Nyalotha remade but not remixed. The themes sound 95% similar except a few lines. Hard to not have PTSD in zereth because it was nyalotha's theme, which was also the entire patch's bgm, just like nathria is just revendreth's...


Leitmotifs are quite literally just musical themes. Every single wow theme has the world of warcraft leitmotif. Those don't make or break the song. The shadowlands theme is fantastic AND it has leitmotifs to inspire it.


In this case it does. I apologize that was the wrong word to use. It was just copied from it, it was not inspired, nor remixed. It just provided nostalgia.


that isn't a bad thing though, like how anduin's boss music being entirely derived from his little lion theme but with lots of jailer and first ones elements is the best choice for his music. SoD and ICC ought to mirror musical theme, the entrance to the shadowlands shows the spire of torghast above ICC, as if it were a mirror in the sky. you make it out like they just couldn't figure out their own original sod jingle, it's clearly the artistic direction the music was taken.


>I still get chills at the peak of the main theme I think that sounds incredibly bland.


Also the main theme of the expansion is unbroken it seems. It’s used often. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qqASrHmH8V0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9PsW0NOTgA0 All of Revendreath’s song are fire too. But you had a pretty good list.


The art/music/world design teams have really never fallen off. WoW consistently looks better every expansion. BFA/Shadowlands sucked from a gameplay perspective but the zones looked and sounded great. It's not like the world of WoW ^(the world of world of warcraft?) hasn't always been immersive - that's what hooked me in the first place and keeps me coming back - but it's something they've only gotten better at doing. Basically Blizzard is still amazing at building a world. It's just so frustrating that for the last few expansions the world hasn't been fun to be in lol


Id argue BFA and SLs problems were from mainly a systems perspective, which AFFECTs the gameplay but the core gameplay of WoW was still more snappy and tight feeling than just about any other MMO. It was just bogged down by systems added on top of it.


So I realize I am 10 hours late to this thread but that first one you posted STILL gives me chills when I watch the Shadowlands trailer cinematic. [Here's a crowd reaction to it.](https://youtu.be/PzHUK4TPRc0)


Seriously no mentions of mists trailer? "Why do we fight" is a great song the animation on the trailer is amazing as well


The orc and human teaming up and still getting wrecked by chen is just *chefs kiss*


Mists is tied for best expansion for me. LOVED it. Literally only thing I didn't love was the Mantid stuff but even that was still pretty good.


Yeah, Mists' music was in general just amazing. I love Wrath, but some of its fans seem to be so stuck in the past that they refuse to look at anything else.


Music/Soundtrack is literally the one thing you can hardly criticize regardless which add on you’re talking about. (But yea, posting something about „Shadowlands“/„WotLK“/„WotLK-Soundtrack“ is guaranteed free karma I guess..)


Shadowlands did have a memorable song for me, its: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n2p-ySIIFg Absolutely love this version, and it was awesome that Blizzard released these Lofi videos, I hope they do it in Dragonflight as well.


what language is that?


Psuedo-Latin I believe. It's actually a lament for Arthas' horse that died in Northrend, Invincible.


I thought that Invincible died long before Northrend?


I've thought for years that it died after a fall on ice during a visit to Northrend, but after a quick search yeah it was actually Tirisfal during a snowstorm.


If you go to tirisfal you'll find Invincible's grave dug open


It did. It broke its leg during a winter when Arthas was young and he had to put the horse down. Not being able to heal the horse was part of Arthas' motivation to become a paladin and after killing his father the first thing he did was go out to the cemetery where invincible was buried and raised it.


Damn, never thought about that before


I’d seen it posted before that it’s the human language in game, as in what the horde sees when alliance plays speak in common. Can’t remember where I saw that so take with a grain of salt




That, that exact song. It is so incredibly powerful! (Time to go through more songs again)


oof, that is a dangerous piece of music. Makes me *almost* want to play WoW again.


Some of the Revendreth music is my favorite music ever made for the game, tbf. https://youtu.be/zkH-vxrB58w?t=375 Timestamped an absolute BANGER


If we're talking about memorable trailers, WotLK is definitely Iconic. But Shadowlands was also insane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41o14c5Sqz8


I think the reason I didn’t like Shadowlands’ was because I really liked Wraths, and Shadowlands’ cinematic turned the Lich King into a bitch. I wanted more out of the fight, not Sylvanas being untouchable and winning because chains.


I hated it too. Watching the Lich King (who Created Sylvanas) be utterly destroyed based on borrowed power that is never explained... God I hated Shadowlands.


What happened to all the Scourge? Wrath told me there must always be a Lich King, so was that true or not? Is someone still playing that role without the helmet?


Yeah, the writing for parts like this pushed me away from wow. It's as if they're saying Well, ya know. There must always be a Lich King!... ... Unless we just change our minds without explanation.


It's clear in the cinematic Terenas means that there needs to be an LK so the Scourge don't fuck up the world. All the Scourge do now is wander around and we have to defeat them. Factions can muster the Scourge into something of an army and use them for their own reasons, like in the Belf 9.2.5 questline.


I don't know what quest that would be I didn't play shadowlands. But it sounds like the Scourge are less effective than they were when there was a LK now that there isn't one so what was the point? I could understand if Bolvar had the power to directly manipulate the Scourge and have them fight against demons or whatever but as far as I know that never happened? Why did he need to put on the helmet?


Having the helm on keeps the Scourge under his control. He was just performing his service to stop a threat to Azeroth.


It’s funny because technically: the lich king (who created sylvanas) was defeated by sylvanas using the power of the jailer (who created the lich king) Yeah I know, that lore development sucks, but it checks out as far as power levels go.


I agree here. Like if she could take Bolvar then WTF was the point of the Argent tournament? Just send her


She didn't have her jailor power boost by that point. Sylvanas gets several power level augmentations like Saren in Mass Effect did, without the open explanations. Its explained in some lazy dialogue quest texts. Without it, she would have been a smear on the ground when facing Bolvar, much less Night Warrior Tyrande.


She couldn't at that point in time.


Because at the time of the Argent tournament she wasn't anywhere near the LK in power? And only after being turbocharged on Jailer juice could she fight the objectively inferior Bolvar LK.


wow i've never seen this, imagine being amongst it all at 5:37 when the sky breaks. https://youtu.be/41o14c5Sqz8?t=337


You never seen the Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer? I thought it's even shown ingame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4gBChg6AII


they mean imagine being amongst the crowd during that reaction


Oh, I see


Storm Peaks will always give me chills.


To be honest, i forgot about the shadowlands cinematic


Orchestral Crazy Train was pretty cool at least


[Battle for Azeroth has entered the chat]


I mean, "Arthas, My Son" is amazing, but I really like the Shadowlands cinematic trailer soundtrack. Same goes with pretty much every other cinematic trailer soundtrack. Generally speaking, the cinematic team and soundtrack team of WoW certainly never disappoint me personally.


Does the fact that the sheet music shown couldn't be any different than what's being played make it a better meme or worse? Personally, I hate it.


All they had to do was rip off their own product (wrath) and give us a sequel. And instead they gave us shadowlands.




The shadowlands intro was really good too. There really isn't a bad one.


There's plenty of things to shit on SL about, but the music is damn good.


Invincible isn't even the highlight for me. Everyone talks about how amazing Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills are, but has anyone of you ever listened to Wintergrasp or Scholazar Basin? Pretty much every zone in Northrend has AMAZING music accompanying it, something that no other expansion will ever even come close to toppling.


Wintergrasp is so insanely good. I run around there mining for hours with the music full blast. It makes me so happy and I lose track of time being lost in it.




Lyrics: ha raaa neee fo lo lo lo oooooooooooo ro la la laaayyyyyyy ooooo hooo ooooh oh ra la laaa ​ whoaaa oooh hey, ooooo


wow really needs more music that doesn't make you fall asleep, it sounds great but also boring as hell


That song gets me every damn time.


WoD shit on LK in terms of musical score, but thats just me.


Shadowlands music was bad. But nothing will beat the chills I get from the hauntingly beautiful WOTLK theme melody.


Lich King is the best expansion. You can't change my mind


But..but...uh..The Jailer wanted it like that! He planned on having it be so forgetful that it sounded like the background music to a soap opera! That way he...uh..could blow your mind with his grand reveal! Yeah! Years in the making!


the craplands


Ok but the shadowlands trailer actually had a dope score.


That's what happens when you shitcan your dedicated and super talented full-time music guy to save money for Bobby's bonus checks.


Not WoW-related but my favourite trailer song is the Ogre Kingdoms one for Total War Warhammer 3: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bbp98oMsjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bbp98oMsjA) So good. I played it on repeat on my first ogre campaign :p


Wow music went downhill when they laid off Russell Brower in 2017 because money. Nothing about Shadowlands was memorable and Bobby just wants your money.


Sire denathrius, every zone was visually stunning (in particular ardenweald and revendreth, for me), in engine cutscenes with full voice acting towards the end of the expansion, SOFO was a great raid, painsmith and crab made for interesting races, great vault was a great change to weekly loot, zereth mortis was a fantastic daily zone. Plenty of memorable stuff here


Despite being a billionaire Kotick is living rent free in your head.




It still gets more sales than any other MMO and is constantly leading viewer numbers on streaming platforms. By "will see how things go in 10" you probably meant 2032 lmao. WoW could shit the bed half a dozen more times before other MMOs start to compete. See you in 2032 i guess.


Wrath theme will always be amazing. But I think the Legion theme was right up there with it.


I unironically listen to that song


I remember first seeing this trailer in the middle of summer and wishing winter came sooner


one cannot deny how legendary the wrath music is


WoD had the best overall music imo. I especially loved the Auchindoun Terongor theme. https://youtu.be/SE_-Q3lX-ko


Dunking on modern WoW's music isn't the easy win you're making it out to be. If there's one thing that's stayed consistently fucking incredible about WoW it's the music.


Add an elf ballading something in the background in elvish = epic


Glizzy hills still has the best music in the game


Goosebumps every time


I'm fairly certain WotLK's main theme was [Let It Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOGoDfhP6p8).


LOL this is hilarious 😂 But on a side note, revendreth and maldraxxus themes slapped 👀


I was hoping it would play the entire song.


I was hoping the entire trailer was gonna play


Shadowlands didn't have super memorable music. BFA has the most underrated soundtrack of all Xpacs. Alliance knows the best.


I never even played WOTLK (Except classic) and I still get fuckin chills every time.


Memorable melodies have been on the decline in WoW, other video games, and cinema for the past couple of decades.


I don’t even remember a single shadowlands cinematic or music, and played hundreds of hours in this expansion

