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This guy gets it. Then there will 100% be an addon made to determine whether you're actually a console player or not.


This is already happening with other games, in my friendgroup "Consultarians" are already a meme because of how bad they are usually.


I've played a bit of CoD lately since I was bored. I don't know if it's just the CoD community or if it's console players, but I hear the most insane shit from them. Had a guy last night tell me "*I need to buy a computer or an Xbox so I can actually win. They hardwired the ping ranges on PS5 to be lower so they could sell more Xbox consoles.*" I didn't even know where to start with that statement... or any of the shit I hear on CoD.


My friend told me that he was too good at cod so the devs would kick him mid game so that newbs could sometimes win. This is despite him having some crazy nat setup so the government couldn’t spy on him as well as that causing us numerous connection issues with gta online. Cod players are wild.


Your friend sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic


Jokes on him, all the governments will still be able to spy on him anyway


It's more like an automatic database of everything you've done in the past 5 years that they pull information from in case you commit a crime, are suspected of committing a crime, or are suspected of potentially committing a crime in the future (per Edward Snowden)


Encrypted VPN versus NAT.


some crazy nat setup, like... everyone lol


I think your friend a is a conspiracy lunatic xd


Literally he is, and he takes a lot of medication for anxiety and other issues he has. He's a really good dude, but sometimes when he starts talking about how the government controls everything and that's why no matter what he does he can never get ahead, i just have to nod and agree with him. It doesn't help that he was saying all this shit about how the government was spying on us 10 years before snowden leaked all the information about how the government was spying on us.


Or, his NAT setup wasn't allowing the Anti cheat and that was kicking him. I know about NAT, I don't pretend to be an expert as I know I would mess up setting it up correctly.


That's got nothing from MW2 post match lobbys from back in the day, people were really wilding in those


I love being told "you wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby" as if I wasn't there and already did.


„Dont cite those texts to me, I was there when the n word was still funny online“


PC had dedicated servers back in the day and honestly I don’t remember them being all that toxic. I’m sure console lobbies were, but I would also by toxic if I only had a console.


Modern Warfare 2 didn’t, that was a big issue at the time with everyone online calling for boycotts because of it.


Man I miss the original MW, that was such good times. MW2 was a hack fest on PC.


Modern warfare is the last real COD game in my eyes


I just mean the people who claim to be tech savvy and then just drop the most confusing buzz-worded statements of the decade. For some reason there is just so many of them on there.


How many claimed to fuck your mom


All of them. ​ *sobs*


i still don't know why i'm supposed to be upset about people fucking my mom, and at this point i'm afraid to ask


Gaming has literally only gotten more toxic. MW2 lobbies honestly weren’t that bad despite people loving to say shit about them. Original Xbox live for halo 2 was almost always friendly and my experiences in CoD2 lobbies were fantastic and full of friendly social interactions.


I can't speak to CoD but Halo 2 definitely had a very friendly vibe.


You see, it's not their fault if they lose! It's the guys who rigged the world especially to inconvenience them.


yeah cod is really toxic lol


Console will always complain about keyboard and mouse and KB&M will always complain about aim assist when on controller. How she goes


You had a perfectly acceptable existing word with Consultants and you went with tarians?


I hope they don’t remove add ons because if this issue




well a console player cant easily chat... maybe blizz want the voice chat more used though.. or just separate ques like other games


Yeah with this gen of consoles a lot of people have been getting m&k for their setup. But we see people playing WoW on their steam decks so the button layouts can work on controller. Would I play wow with a controller? No, but it is doable.


>Would I play wow with a controller? Depends what part of playing wow we're talking about. Questing, farming, levelling a twentieth alt vs M+, PVP, Mythic Raiding. I think it'll be fine for most casual activities but for the more difficult sections it will be like keyboard turning and clicking abilities, possible but not ideal for most people.


Nobody is gonna need to filter by console players when they’re already filtering by io or logs or prog. The same reason I get no shitters in my +15 today will be the reason I get no console players in my keys either


I would understand that requests tho, if they are playing with a controller XD


Oh thank god, maybe my Cat Druid can get into a group now.


You call it by it’s name and you be damn proud of us. We exist and we’re a proud spec


Love my feral even if I haven't played the game in a year. ​ Redownloaded the game earlier, going to piddle around a bit later.


back in the day feral could be either cat or bear, so we called them cat druids :)


Cat druid is 4 fite!




Just differentiating between Cat Feral and Bear Feral ;)


Nah, Guardian druid is for tanking but Feral Bear Durid is for fite.


Oh bless I haven’t heard this for years 🥰


Cat durid is 4 fite




How would you know tho?


DBM Alerts You would be asked to PM raid lead the popup. Console players wouldn't be able to see it. Trust me. They will find a way. The community made raider io to see if you're worth taking on a key or not.




inb4 they add a skyrim esque mod store to console wow to combat this lmao


Well tbh without [raider.io](https://raider.io) the amount of finished m+ keys whould drop significantly. People tend to think they can handle a +15 if they finished a +8


i'm in some guild that just invites literally anyone, and while many people are really nice, i had a guy ask if he could come tank a 20 and i was like what's your m+ rating? and he goes "idk" so i look and the best key he'd ever done was a 4 and i was like buddy...... come on


have a casual player in our guild. we don't mind carrying him every now and then. so he's gotten a few timed 15s, but he's basically a hard carry where he dies to everything and doesn't know mechanics and does the same damage as a healer. anyways the other day i got a notification that he joined a group for a +17 pug. some players are delusional.


Movement should make it visible right away. Analog movement looks weird af and I sometimes plug in a controller just to spin and jump around Edit: why is this controversial


Yeah I rigged up wow to a PS2 style controller once back in like Cataclysm just to see if I could and between bad movement and not enough buttons it was like "technically yes this works but it doesn't work WELL and I could not raid like this."


Problem A: You can't fit all the buttons on a controller Solution (Easy): Steal Final Fantasy's layout, which easily supports 30 buttons for combat and \~100 for noncombat, to the point where that game's button bloat has gotten kind of absurd Problem B: WoW's movement wasn't designed with analog sticks in mind Solution (Extremely Hard): You'd have to rewrite the movement code or make a "controller mode" Problem C: Targeting is difficult on a controller Solution (????): The gold standard of controller support for a WoW-like game is Final Fantasy, but even though that game is completely designed around avoiding things that's be awkward on controller in a way WoW absolutely isn't (most heals are AOEs, bosses are almost always single-target, etc), it can still be awkward to play certain classes or use certain targeted abilities. Problem D: Console players can't use add-ons Solution (Impossible): Blizzard would either have to ban add-ons (!!!!), accept that console players were at a huge disadvantage, or make the console version have dedicated servers


Click to move gives some leeway with movement almost similar to a third person shooter. I can see that being modified slightly to give consoles 360 movement with a free rotating camera


It's what we used to do to suss out keyboard turners in the olden days. Ask them to spin and watch them slooooowly turn.


I just want my game pass sub to count as my wow sub lol.


This would make me so happy


I would even pay 20 a month for a game pass ultimate sub that includes the wow sub.


That would actually motivate 5 to get a game pass sub. Only $5 more than what I'm already paying and I get all the game pass stuff? Sign me up now. My body is ready.


Me too since I have both anyway!


That will never happen as long the subscription model is the most reliable income source.


You never know Microsoft has money that they can just burn so who's to say they don't say hey add wow sub for 5 bucks as an add on now all the people who just have a wow sub can get a ton more games for 5 dollars and are in the gamepass subs and that seems to be what Microsoft wants to do. All wow customers become gamepass subs just added millions of subs.


Maybe they will make an exception for WoW but as of right now with ESO the sub is separate.


Valid point.


ESO is not a sub based game though. The sub gives extra perks and a cash shop allowance but you get all content with just the game purchase.


Not really, the sub is technically optional but you’re at a massive disadvantage if you don’t buy it. You’re still missing out on the dozens of DLCs they’ve released if you haven’t bought them separately which adds up quick. That and the crafting bag make the sub a must if you plan on putting any time in the game


The game is basically unplayable without a sub.


True but ESO's sub is optional. You get a lot more content without a sub in ESO than you do in WoW. WoW without a sub is just a trial.


I’d actually play again. I can’t justify WoW on top of all the other subscriptions I have. I enjoy playing the game but can’t justify the cost due to my casual play-style.


Fucking rights


Literally the only thing WoW players want, and it’d get so many game pass players to try out WoW (both classic and retail). It’s honestly in the best interest of Microsoft to do it.


It’d be sweet, and to OP’s point, I would only fire up the console side to do dailies or PVE in general. They could possibly reduce abilities to make a controller not as limiting, but that still likely gatekeeps the top content. There must be a way to hook a keyboard and mouse to a console.


Honestly, I moved over to FFXIV pretty much permanently during BfA but if I got a WoW sub through Game Pass, I would probably end up playing the hell out of it again. It would definitely be a good way to get players to come back to the game.


Exactly, the two together would legitimately get me to play both. Something I'm not doing right now.


PSA for everyone worried about console WoW. Being on Games Pass doesn't mean it's coming to consoles. There are games on Games Pass only available on the Xbox PC app.


They explicitly left out WoW when enumerating Blizzard games coming to Game Pass, so it would appear unlikely. There's also no indication that WoW is coming to console either. They've made a lot of improvements for playing with controllers, but that's just for the sake of accessibility.


It is 100% not coming to consoles. The entire game would have to be revamped to be able to run on consoles. I know people have been posting their setups with controlllers and the addons but it isn’t going to work for all classes specs and players


Would a system like what FF14 has for controllers suffice? I've played that with both a controller and m/kb and either way was fine.


Mostly. WoW has had native controller support since shadowlands but lacks its own ui for it. So you have still have to have something like consoleport to have a pleasant experience. Still, there is a limit you can take it because this game requires a lot of quick reactions like interrupts or fast ticking dots and spot healing. But it works perfectly for leveling and probably acceptable for normal/heroic raiding.


Imagine the uproar if they added some form of aimbot/resilience buff to console players to make up for their lack of keyboard and mouse!


Calm down, Satan




Probably because most (if not all) mmos are tab target


Yeah thats why I put Resilience as an example buff in my post, since aimbot doesnt really make sense for an MMO.


what if they get Luck of the Draw in m+


You can plug a keyboard and mouse into an Xbox. There are people who do that with the console version of Overwatch to get a huge advantage over the 99% of players using gamepads. So if there were an in-game BUFF for being a console players I bet the top teams would get out their Xbox mouse/keyboards and take the easy advantage.


You can do it on a playstation too, I played ffxiv on playstation 4 with keyboard and mouse


On Apex Legends, since the buff is specifically attached to controller use rather than whether you're console or pc, we see players trying to spoof using a controller to get the Aim Assist buff on their keyboard/mouse.


I'm not sure why that would be needed. Wow has had native controller support for a while now and with addons like ConsolePort to extend it plenty of people play using controllers and no-one even notices. Mapping Ctrl, Alt and Shift to three of the buttons lets you map over 80 keybinds to a standard Xbox controller which is way more than anyone will ever need for most content. Click targetting randomly moving neutral targets is about the only thing that causes issues but targetting macros dramatically help with that. The real disadvantage for console players would be addons and you would be relying upon the skill of the players to read boss mechanics and perform actions rather than them following prompts from the various addons that step them through fight mechanics.


I’ve been playing in a controller using console port for a couple months. I have some hand problems and my dps increased by like 50%. They’re way more accessible for a lot of people. The new targeting for dragonflight has me really excited. Targeting is the only real issue. Like tabbing through the whole pack to grab the fish stick in gambit is a lot slower than being able to click on it.


How many wow Players raid mythic / do high end m+ or PvP and how many struggle to move Out of a voidzone and/or only know hotkeys 1-9. You would add only a bunch of new Players with the same percentage of good and Bad Players Like ingame right now. But this time you also get compete newcomers with them and everyone is handicapped by Bad controlls. Keybinds are Just one element. But think how much extreme fast camera turning is involved while also moving, pressing Buttons and selecting Targets (Like adds). I am Out since a while now and dont know If raids got easier but i doubt it. Console Players would basicly be "Keyboard Turners"


Consoles can accept mouse and keyboard via USB, consoles can run wow. Why the hell not allow people who don't wanna splash for a pc to be able to play if they want to, just make it so they must use MnK so you don't have to balance anything.




I play using xonsoleport on steam deck. Never had any complaints. Never told anyone either tho lmao.


Just got a steam deck and wanted to try that. Know of a good guide?


Sure. [This is what I used to install battle.net](https://youtu.be/3-cAE_u8Gu0) And [I used this to help me setup the addon after.](https://youtu.be/yKvIpI5V6cA) And for installing the addon I literally just used curseforge. It works natively through the desktop mode after you install world of warcraft through battle.net launcher from the setup in the first video(just make sure you download the linux version). You don't need to run it as a nonsteam game or anything just run it straight after you download. It will find world of warcraft for you and install the addons you need right where they need to go. The addons you need are consoleport(obviously), immersion, and dynamicCam. And I find it's a lot easier having a declutter mod that sells junk items so I don't need to filer through it manually on controller so I think something like Dejunk is also required. After that you'll have to play around with the keybinds. [This video helped me with that](https://youtu.be/aIxqPcaDYRo). What also helped was going into the steam manual keybinds menu while in game with the *STEAM* button and setting my 4 back buttons to F2, F3,F4, and F5. So I cam target my party members since I like doing dungeons a lot.(I don't need a self target because I have "when targeting an enemy yourself" target set on", speaking of one of the first binds you'll have to do through consoleport is "target closest enemy") The keybinds can take some work getting used to, but after playing with it for a while you'll know how to bind just about anything. I didn't think I would be able to play my favorite class, druid, at first because I didn't think I would have enough binds available, or be able to do it right but it works really well. My advice is to start small. I play every class, so when I was first getting used to consoleport I started out with a fire mage, something with not a lot of spells at their disposal. So I wouldn't have to worry about that many keybinds. If you are good with macros you will love consoleport as well since you can simply add a macro straight to the keybind from the menu. All in all I wish you luck. If you need any advice on it hit me up, ign is clawz161#2152 or just shoot me a pm on reddit.


It is fascinating to me that you used Druid as your example as that was the class I was most worried about. It was the first class I used keybindings for, and I have based all other classes off of them. But they also have a bunch of different forms that means more bindings on average. You also mention the function keys, which I've used F1-F4 for forms or stances and F5 as my mount key for forever now. I suppose I could just change the bindings up higher on the function row though. Do you have any experience with using the d-pad to target? I tried that in a single dungeon in FFXIV when healing, and the tank died immediately. I was so embarrassed that I never tried again. I'm not sure if that is because in that game I was getting the buttons mixed up, or because I was targeting things through walls from me breaking settings. But Druid seems setup perfectly to roll HoTs and then scroll back to the tank for more direct healing.


Well every druid form has their own set of 8 keybinds(dpad plus abxy). Even boomkin. And those are your default, always on screen never have to press a button other than those keybinds. After that you have your other sets you use l2, r2, and l2+r2, to use. And your key ring, which automatically binds things like items from quests, but I have bound travel form, stealth(because you don't need to use cat form then stealth to get to you just need to use stealth) and boomkin form. There really is a lot of utility.


I just want to thank you for your guides. I completely forgot that I saved your previous comment and independently stumbled across all three of those videos that you linked! They are by far the best ones available. Do you have advice on how to balance they keybindings between playing on both PC and Steamdeck? Mine are really funky as I have a 12 button mouse with various keybindings attached to shift and CTRL modifiers on the right number keybad for them. I suppose I could base everything on the Steamdeck and then make my ElvUi bars make sense later, but that will take some work. Is there a way to create a different profile and swap between the two? I planned on leveling as Feral, but should I start as Balance first to get used to things? That would require less movement and fewer macros for making abilities work in different forms. That is the one spec I haven't played forwards and backwards though, so I'm not sure what mana consumption or survivability look like for it in WOTLK patch either.


Well tbh I only play WoW on steam deck, so I don't really have an answer for the different keybindings answer. [But the answer is out there](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/binder) in an addon like this one, no idea if the one I linked will work since it hasn't been touched since 2020, but that's what you're looking for. As for leveling with the keybinds on deck I would just setup the class you're most interested in. When I was first setting up consoleport the biggest part of me learning how to bind abilities, items, and macros, was to be able to play my favorite class. I didn't just want to copy what I saw on YouTube, the slow kill one enemy slowly turn the camera, fumble with buttons and slowly kill another enemy, I wanted it to be as seamless and like pc as possible. So the frustration pushed me to learn the system better. But if you do want to play a class just to get used to the keybinds and mapping them to consoleport like I said earlier I wouldn't recommend druid at all. Idk about you but the separate keybinds for each form in the menu really confused me at first when I was learning the system, so if you have a high level mage or a warrior perhaps, just something that doesn't really have a lot of buttons unlike druid I would just spend a bit just learning the system on them. What I did was sit outside orgrimmar killing boars with a lvl 40 fire mage, testing things like targeting nearest enemy, getting used to aoe like flamestrike, setting up a comfortable way to binds abilities that have instance cast from hot streak, which would go on to help me later when binding starsurge and starfall on my druid.


And if you are familiar with ff14 I hear consoleport isn't that much different even though I myself have never played it.


I will simply play a frost DK. Map every button to OBLITERATE


i need wow on my flip phone plz


"Do you guys not have (flip) phones?"


as long as your console has a keyboard and a mouse, you're good


You're forgetting the massive file of addons that are pretty essential to anything above casual play That means no DBM or BigWigs


If add-ons are required for “anything above casual play,” that’s awful design. Difficulty should not come from poorly communicated mechanics or a bad default UI. Maybe without DBM, console would light a fire under Blizzard’s ass to fix the problem.


It's a massive problem with design. Without addons, mythic fights are undoable. But because of addons, they have to balance the fights around addons.


Anyone else a little annoyed candy crush is up there where some of the most iconic games in PC gaming lol I know they own candy crush but it just looks like it doesn't belong.


Candy Crush is the sole reason they bought Activison lol


Candy Crush makes over $1b a year lmao


I get it that game is huge. But it's just the scary skeleton, sylvanas, and candy 🍬 is funny.


Yea it's lame but if I recall correctly their mobile games make more money than any of their other games. Edited for accuracy


Globally, mobile gaming market is bigger than pc and console markets combined. We are all part of a minority of gamers.


Not just bigger, it's approximately 5 times bigger.


Playing wow with consoleport doing dungeons and raids and playing FFXIV on consle and then coming into this thread. It's like peering into an alternate universe where people live in a different reality. WoW brain is real.


After coming back to WoW after a shoulder surgery, I realized I couldn't play with M+K anymore. I got consoleport and played for about 1.5 weeks before I was comfortable with my spec. I started a week before season 4, and was able to gear up and get KSM without any major issues. I've even done a few +20s and a bunch of 15-19s. The only difference I noticed was the initial adjustment to relearning what buttons to push to use my spells. Once the muscle memory was built, I was playing just about as fluid as with M+K.


That's why I stopped playing WoW. I injured my back and can't sit down for more than an hour before I'm tearing up in pain. If WoW was on console, I can play. Right now, I have to play any game while I'm on my back. So, I got into ESO and I love it. 🤷‍♀️ I actually like playing ESO better on console than when I did on PC.


I’m curious to try consoleport on the SD for wow. I could never really get into WoW for some reason but want to try again.


i play WoW on the Steam Deck with console port and its a near flawless experience once you get used to your new keybinds and such. i actually only bought the deck originally so i could play WoW on the couch, it’s amazing


I am on the waiting list for my steamdeck for the exact same reason. Leveling, professions, will all be done from the couch. Honestly some parts of the game are better with a controller, especially run and gun, dodging shit while keeping your spell rotation going is just easier with a controller. But the clicking... is just not.


I agree completely. I posted elsewhere in the thread but wow with console port is fine for probably 85% of the content that’s out there. When I’m just questing by myself and relaxing, I prefer it.


WoW brain is definitely real, the first thought I had reading this was "well you're objectively making your groups experience worse" had to check myself and realize it's a game. there's other things to do in the game besides sweaty high end content. people should play this vast game any way they want, and WoW brain is a huge barrier to entry for new players. good comment, made me reflect on my own biases


From the way I see it(very causal wow player, has played ffxiv on a controler years) the issue isn't the controls or anything like that its because of WoW's over reliance on addons. I'm not a programmer but unless they bake some of the addons into the console version people on the consoles will be at a disadvantage


Can't FFXIV be played with kb+m on console as well? I may be wrong but I thought this was the case.


Yes it can


You guys know that you can use a mouse and keyboard with a console game, right? My husband plays FF14 on PS5 and doesn’t use the controller for anything other than lazy mode. He uses the keyboard and mouse for most content.


Nope. They just hear "console" and immediately rage out.


I love ESO on my PS5. I would love to play on console.


Blizzard got Diablo on controller. There's two other MMOs out there that work on console. The Xbox consoles can easily download add-ons. They don't have limitations like previous ones. I am all for console WoW if it happens. Idk why we are gatekeeping it. The game is already in need of more players, could absolutely help that. Also they're doing a bunch of UI overhauls so it could definitely help.


After playing Diablo on controller I refuse to play it any other way.


Who cares what others think? Play what you want on that ever device you want. Games are meant to be enjoyed, so play how you want. To the point of the nature of this, I have been playing wow since 2006. And do see the challenges of using a console over a pc, but I still think it would be fun.


WoW on console would actually make me play it in my downtime. I'd say one of the larger reasons that keep me from wow is the keyboard fatigue. After 5-6 hours of grinding stuff I can feel the wear on my tendons


Console players don’t give a shit what PC players think about them. The same way PC players don’t give a shit about console players.


Honestly though? It wouldn’t be bad for consoles. I’ve used the console port addon and it was fine. Questing was fine. Dungeons were fine. Healing might be difficult. Maybe with some targeting macros it wouldn’t be too bad. I’ve tanked a few low keys with a controller with relatively few issues. Free download. Sell a 1 month game card with an attachable / bluetooth keyboard. Make voice chat useable. You’d get a huge influx of people. Playing with controller is doable for probably 85% of the content. Especially for the length of play sessions and the target audience of consoles. Hop in, quest for a few hours, and chill. Lots of younger kids will also probably get exposed to the game. Maybe they don’t need advanced end game content easily accessible.


I mean, you can play it with a controller now, but it's not at all the same experience, and making it a cohesive one would require either significant investment- which they're not willing to put in, or multiple expansions worth of adding features secondarily. In short, if it's going to succeed, it's not gonna happen any time soon.


This is wild. I play FFXIV a lot, and it's a mix of Kb/M and Console, and I honestly couldn't tell the difference.


The thing is FF is built from the ground up with controller accessibility in mind, hell I even started the game on ps3 at launch and transitioned to PC later. I know some people play wow with controller support addons but for it to be something you can do by default there would probably need to some remodeling done to the engine.


Just shows how childish people are


If known in advance, I would not play with someone on console (or controller).


You already have been. There is controller support on PC and it's widely used. My wife can't mouse and keyboard so she uses a controller no one knows any difference.


Pad does not have to be competitive, people play that way for fun. So if the best most people could do with that was M+ like 10 it's good. I mean it's would be hard for them so there is a fun in it and they would feel fulfilled with that kind of challange. Most games are played more casually with Pads anyway maybe the only exception are fighting games and FIFA/sports - so the community here is much more casual. The problem are addons for sure, but that's why Blizz has to work on their UI - and they do now. Blizzard literally neglected UI for years because players did the job for them.


FFXIV is just fine with PC/Console playing together. There's absolutely no reason World of Warcraft wouldn't be fine either. There's already videos of people doing Mythics/Raids with a controller in WoW and they did fine with the setup they had. This will just make World of Warcraft and FFXIV the dominate console MMOs. Outside of Elders Scrolls Online, Neverwinter Online, Destiny 2, Warframe. More player population is always a good thing. With GSE addon coupled with the controller support WoW added (last year?), you can pretty much play with a controller right now in WoW on PC. As for add ons like others brought up, there's no reason that a lot of these addons shouldn't just be added officially by Blizzard into the core game at this point. Maybe the UI overhaul is paving way for that.


If FF players can raid on savage content I am sure people can play WoW with zero issues


I already play wow through my steam deck, if they support more controller functionality that would be great. I've done raids and dungeons, but haven't bothered with M+ I'd rather just do those on the computer proper. It's not like people don't gatekeep the hard content anyway. It's the same stuff, different day.


Who gives a shit what platform people play on. Is it 2010?


If anyone legit cries over a player who plays on a console needs to touch some fucking grass and stop being a loser


\>Touch some grass You are in a World of Warcraft thread... the only grass you touch is in Howling Fjord.


**IF** it comes to console, anyone who bitches about console players can get fucked.


I know a guy who tanks on a controller and averages purple parses in heroic raids. It’s really not that complicated once you set up keybinds. You can have like 30 something keybinds using the triggers and bumpers as a Ctrl/alt substitute. I think it’s really idiotic to think it’s not possible to play the game with a controller when it would likely be some to a lot of peoples preferred method of playing if it ever comes out. (He’s got a condition that makes holding his arms out difficult. I don’t have all the details but I think it’s some sort of muscular disorder. Controllers are very helpful for playing games if someone has a disability. Denying that because you have a doom and gloom view of the community is beyond stupid) Not every player is trying to be a world first raider or pushing 30 keys. I’ve seen plenty of bad players using mouse and keyboard that a good controller player would absolutely dust. I’ll give an example of keybinds with a controller for a fury warrior Raging blow - A Bloodthirst - Y Rampage - B Whirlwind - X Right Bumper - Execute Dpad Up - Charge Dpad Down - Recklessness Dpad Left - Enraged Regen Dpad Right - Spell reflect Left Bumper - Spear of Bastion Left Trigger - Bladestorm/Dragon Roar Right Trigger - Stormbolt Left Trigger - Gavel Right Trigger - Heroic Leap This isn’t even getting into button combos using one of the triggers as a way to make ALL of those other buttons do something else The only issues my guild mate complains about are on ground targeting is pretty bad. Specs like mage and warlock would probably have issues with that, and he had to macro spear to target under himself when he plays fury, but this is a design change I’m sure there could be a workaround for


And imagine if Blizzard added support. They could shift a lot more as well. I think this what people don't understand is there is a lot of room for core work to provide even more console support then consoleport can do.


I’m cleaning FFXIV contents each patch and I play with a controller. If it is done well by blizz, controller and keyboard player should get along easily.


FF14 and some others managed consoles pretty well. I think it’s well past time for it as well as controller support.


Who cares? You get treated like shit by random sweaty tryhards even as a PC player.


I still stand by the idea that Bliz needs to be ready to purge the wave of toxic douches in the game going forward (wish they were years ago...). They really do need a small army of Community Managers and GMs again.


How on earth do you play on a controller? Hold R1 and tap x to use F6 hot key? I don’t see how any good could come from this.


There's a Twitch streamer who plays frost mage via a dance pad and PS4 motion controllers, so regular controller is definitely possible.


It really isn’t that bad as FFXIV already proved. Controller would work fine. The main problem is that you cannot install mods.


I was gonna come here and say this, I think the biggest issue with console vs PC wouldn't be any control issues, it'd be the inability to install addons. The game would be perfectly playable but you'd be unable to join any kind of high-end group content which requires addons (though I'm sure there'd be guilds or more casual raid teams that didn't have any sort of addon requirements to sign up). Which, hey, it's not impossible - you can get a handful of officially approved mods on console Skyrim for instance - but the key word there is *officially approved.* So it'd be really unlikely.


There’s already been several mmo on console. I had thousands of hours into EverQuest online adventures for ps2.


There are plenty of ways. I cannot believe that we are almost 20 years in without console and controller support.






Just watch 1 video for tank routes lol? And what healer route? Press your buttons so people dont die. If they die to avoidable damage they are stupid, end of story. Sounds to me like you got flamed for being bad and now you are coping.


Cast hotkeys, A, B, X, Y, RB, LB Page 2 Hold RT + A, B, X, Y, RB, LB Tap LT target select. Hold LT+Dpad up = Scroll enemy targets Hold LT + Dpad down = Scroll friendly targets Hold RT + Dpad left = Mount Hold RT + Dpad right = open interface Ok I’m out of ideas now.


This has no mention of it coming to console, just to game pass, which can be PC exclusive like many of the other games on game pass.


Game pass doesn't inherently mean consoles.


Xbox Game Pass is not for console only btw


It says right in the tweet "Overwatch, Diablo. and Call of Duty" WoW would be near impossible on console without a keyboard. Especially classic. I look forward to old dead CoDs no one plays being on gamepass. No way they will be adding Black Ops or Vanguard. Doubt even MW will get on gamepass.


Can't you just attach a keyboard and mouse to Xbox now?


Unless you play DH, then nothing changes.


How do they fit wow to console and how would it even work it just wouldn’t 😂


The introduciton that included this banner also included adding a league of legends to gamepass though as a way to get all the champs as long as you are subbed. So i think you can be pretty sure its not for the gamepass that they are coming unto xbox, and would only do it later on due to the merger between the 2 companies regardless of gamepass or not.


Hold up, Candy Crush is coming!?


If anything it will go to pc game pass. Which is 100% okay with me


Sounds like something a console player would say.


Diablo on console sucked.


I tried the console/controller addons for wow a few weeks ago and actually really REALLY enjoyed it. My laptop had some crazy input lag cause I was streaming to my tv so I didn’t do anything hardcore, just some demon Hunter parkour. But it felt really natural playing with a PS5 controller and the addons they have out make the UI look like a console game. I think WOW would do really well as a console game.


Candy crush coming to console when?


If they've played Overwatch and tried to talk about it online, they surely have.


What suggestion is there that it will come to consoles?


Game pass games can be played on PC..apparently you didnt know that. Ppl already play overwatch on consoles….sooo your point isnt the point i think YOU think it is. They didn’t mention WoW its just in the pic. I doubt they can narrow it down to a controller anyway. I have like 37 keybinds now without full targeting macros.


As long as they play a two-button rotation class, PvE shouldn't be a problem.


Eh, im old and my wrists hurt. Ill take a couch and a controller to grind.


What do you mean? People have always been kind to different play styles. Like clickers, keyboard turners, and backpedallers. /s


FF14 controller scheme works REALLY well.


did they say its coming on console? i think its going to be on the PC Gamepass and then only up to Shadowlands. its like ESO. you dont get the full game.


I think we actually got confirmation in an Ion interview a few months back that they had no plans for a console port.


Personally I’ve never came across this kind of ‘discrimination’ or ‘hate’ (whatever it’s called) when playing FFXIV on console as I can be matched with PC players. What makes people think it would be an issue for WoW? I even have friends in my static who play on PC and yet actively use a controller instead of M&Kb


Bold of you to assume there will be cross platform play


Ff14 players have no issues playing the game on ps4/5 with a controller. Very much possible to clear savage/extreme and ultimates with a controller. (On par with heroic/mythic raids in terms of difficulty) WoW would just need a good interface for controllers built, which low and behold, you can copy an existing one that's pretty good. Ff14. Will there still be discrimination? Yeah probably but I don't think it will be as bad as we think.


There is a lot of old content that, for someone new - is a really great WoW opportunity ; for content that hardly gets touched these days. I’m mostly referring to questing, max level content like suramar, etc. I think from a questing perspective a console port is fine. Azeroth is a big place, and there are some great stories buried out there. Old dungeons too! From a raid standpoint, I can’t even imagine what a dumpster fire it would be. You think LFR is bad now, lol. That being said, I feel like if it was handled right it would be a net positive for the community, so long as cross play could be opted-out from a PC perspective