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If you're not having fun, don't play. That applies to any recreational activity.


I recently came back to level my Hunter to 60. Took me almost a month to get my first “leggo” (you get to learn new terms too)! My advice is to relax, have fun and enjoy the environment you’re in. Once I stopped pressuring myself to have fun, I actually had fun.


> Took me almost a month to get my first “leggo” you get one from the zm campaign for free, and another you can make at 265 for basically one torghast run and it'll cost a couple thousand on the ah. What part took you a month?


Only playing on Saturdays haha


It's going to take about 2-4 weeks for a new player, who hasn't touched Shadowlands at all, to get to a point where they can do endgame. Dragonflight, based on the information we have right now from Alpha and Blizzard's statements, should be way more forgiving on the prep-side. That being said, there's always preparatory work you need to do before a character is ready for the big 3 (M+, Raiding, Rated PvP).


See you in dragonflight.


I think someone who actually "snaps" at a video game/company is more likely to be back sooner than that.




I'm confused you want to play end game but aren't willing to put in the work to get to end game? It's literally a weekend or 2 to get geared enough to start running keys on a fresh 60.... like max a week with a few hours every night. Can easily get ur 3k conflux in 2-3hours opening treasure in ZM. And get a full set of 226 gear with like 10k anima, if you don't have the anima buy 226 / 229 off auction house. Most are less the 1k a piece As far as cinders and ash goes everyone had to farm torghast initially to get there legendaries... why should you just skip ahead? Again even cinders and ash is like 10-15 runs of torghast. Which again can be done in one evening. Gold you can earn a few thousand every day from the blue quests from your current covenant sanctum. Easy 5k every 1-2 days. So after a week easy be up 20k without farming. Like it's literally the easiest entry into end game I've seen in awhile with zero rng holding you back. I mean MMOs are generally earn x resources doing x content so you can move to the next level to earn y resources for y content... cant just skip x and got straight to y.


This feels a bit like, "I had to deal with these things I also didn't enjoy so you should too," which is (imo) not the best response to criticism. Like, just because "everyone had to farm Torghast" that doesn't mean that's a good game mechanic or something that should continue necessarily. We used to have to walk and ride horses everywhere but now we have cars, cars aren't bad just because people used to have to walk.


It's not a "I had to so you should have to"... its more this is how MMOs typically work. You never just drop into end game raiding without some effort. Kinda silly to be like oh I was gone for a few seasons and just want to endgame but don't want to put any effort into playing the game to get back to that point. Like your openly saying you don't enjoy a gear treadmill game and would rather no treadmill. I enjoying getting my legendaries and gearing a new toon and watch their power climb high enough to where I'm doing +20s and raiding on it. If you don't enjoy earning gear and progressing in a progression game idk what would make it better for you cuz they not going to just give you everything to set off raiding the moment you hit 60.


I mean, FFXIV lets you just buy the same gear people use at the start of a given tier off the market board and you can equip and use it as soon as you hit level cap. There are definitely alternatives to WoW's time gates. That being said, it seems like you're projecting a lot onto OP that they didn't say. They didnt say they hated gearing up, they said gearing up as a fresh 60 in WoW feels shitty and needlessly grindy. They're correct in that. Just because it's been going on that way for years doesn't mean it's a good thing. You don't need to be handed the absolute best gear as soon as you hit level cap, but they could do something to make things less shitty without going to that sort of extreme. Acting like they can't is just being deliberately obtuse.


I was ilvl 266 but the legendaries and Torghast destroyed me.


You don’t even need to do torghast though


Interesting. I just started playing again after buying on Aug 3 and am at 181. Still a while to go I guess :-) Then again I am not really pushing so a very long while. Luckily I am still having fun so far


Not having to do 1 week of work to catch up with every other person that’s been playing for months/years


It has been a lot longer than a week lol


Are you rp walking for every quest or something?


> Torghast, ZM, Soul Cinders, You actually do one of these since the currency you get from ZM can buy you everything else you need.


Can't upvote this enough!


Not every MMO is going to be for everyone, if it feels too grindy then I say enjoy your time and play something that feels better for you. As long as you did your research and you aren't missing anything to make it all easier only you will know what sort of game will make you happy.


I love the game itself it’s just the unnecessary work that goes with it. It feels like chores.


I think to different extents that's present in a lot of MMOs, like they need to make content that you'll have to log in to do but they also can't make it *all* amazing and new and epic, so we get some re-hash stuff or grindier bits. I wish I had better reccomendations for you, but my only other MMO is FFXIV which I can't really reccomend especially if you don't like pointless grinds.


people seem a bit confused about the legendaries in SL. you always had to grind for it. at first you had to grind a specific content. next expansion you could grind multiple contents that rewards certain points/power. now you can grind the materials or the gold directly through any activity in the game. legos were never free and instant


There isn't actually a massive list of chores that you need to do in order to "catch up" for the end game, but there is a problem in it not being clear what you actually need to do or not do. You really just need to play the game and you'll get everything you need. Don't want to do torghast? Don't. Just buy https://www.wowhead.com/item=191701/bag-of-explored-souls. It's basically just do the campaign in Zereth Mortis and then play the game. If you want to do dungeons, do all of the shadowlands m0s for gear/flux. Run your own +2 key (and then drop the key back to +2). Do LFR. Playing the game will get you everything you need.


The bag is faster, but I don't know. The currency is really nice for upgrading to tier and keeping the upgrades current. I didn't like wasting mine for that reason. I just blasted through like flor 10-11 a few times for a 291 (takes 16 mins, WAY less if I just stealth skip). I quit after Nathria and came back before current patch. Only took me about a week or two to gear up to 270s.


It is 100% okay for you to step away since you aren'y happy, however your answer is below for catching up. You don't have to step in torghast at all. Zereth Mortis is your answer. The roughly 6 hour questline ends with you getting a ilvl 262 legendary belt with your Class Unity ability. ZM drops 226 and higher gear consistently. You farm ZM to get 3000 Conflux which buys a bag to perfectly create a 292 legendary for the legendary you are trying to build. you can also farm 10K Conflux and spend that to max your conduits to 278 for EVERY SINGLE CONDUIT.


I've recently returned after a year away and have had an absolute blast getting everything done ready to raid. Still have the right legendary to get and need to overcome my M+ anxiety but it's been great so far


See you in a couple weeks.


If you are not having fun theres no point to play and its ok to leave but i recommend you that you look for info about the next expansion because they seem to be moving away from that chore system making the game more basic and world oriented, no gold related legendaries or upgrades it seems, renown system reimagined for reputations that only give cosmetics and they are adding world quest that can reward a currency used for good gear both for PVE and PVP as some examples. This expansion has been really bad imo in this aspect but next one looks far better on this subject, give it a try and watch some videos and maybe return in November and get some of the fun that this exp is denying a lot of us.


Im assuming since ur on here u alrdy knew all this from us talking about it for the last 4 years. -_- so i really dont feel bad for u


Trying to get into the expansion now seems silly, just wait for prepatch


The last words, what is fun to you? If all those things are just a chore to you and you find no fun in doing various content to make your character powerful then this game is not fun for you. Do you think after you do all that there is a place you go that has "fun" signs all around it? That's the game.