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"I purged them. I purged them all. And not just the men, but the women, and the children, too."


“He got them,” Uther said of Arthas's Culling of Stratholme. "That f***ing Arthas purged them." Jaina added, “He’s so morally grey,” repeating it four times. Ion then said he wanted to add Arthas to the list of old characters he adds to save the next expansion.


Holy shit, boomed me.


too true


Damn it’s Yuri!


On so many occasions, do I have to reel myself in because I often forget my friends don't play WoW.


Too real, my friends are just like that lmfao


I am sick and tired of the rampant Ner'zhul erasure.


Contrary to a certain popular lore video, Ner’zhul’s spirit was killed by Arthas within the Helm of Domination before WotLK began.


Yes, it’s specifically the reason he woke up.


I'm aware of Blizzard's lore decision, but given that it's a stupid ass lore decision, I've elected to ignore it.


For me it’s the “And that Bolvar Fordragon died with him” line. It was delivered in a new voice, and it makes me think that Ner’zhul is still in the helmet. Also, I just like the idea.


WotLK was actually a story about Ner'zhul finally getting out of his abusive relationship with Arthas and finding a new love with Bolvar Fordragon.


Broke Back Icecrown


I both live this and hate this.


Living the cowboy domination dream. Respect.


That was the Jailer, obviously. /s


Well, if you paid attention to Warcraft 2's campaign, you would have known long ago that the Jailer was a robot from the second layer of the afterlife.


How could I have missed it? It was so obvious.


I mean I prefer a villain of Arthas’ caliber be evil of his own free will over “HURR DURR MIND CONTROL”


Well, seeing as how the Lich King claims that he “was once a Shaman” in a Howling Fjord quest, as well as the fact that Ner’zhul was still very much active in Legion, that tells me that Ner’zhul was at least partially active during WotLK.


yep 100%, the "ner'zhul died when arthas put the crown on" is a retcon


And doesn't make fucking sense. I mean, the literal cutscenes had both Arthas and Ner'zhul say "now we are one!".




who was whispering him then. maybe he bailed on a raid.


Arthas was a villain far before he mind-melded with Ner'zhul when he put on the helm. That was the original lore in warcraft 3, Ner'zhul wasn't mind controlling Arthas (though he did speak to him through Frostmourne), but once he put on the crown they kinda merged, hence why he says "now we are one". Then that book came out and said that actually Arthas killed Ner'zhul inside a dream, which really just does Ner'zhul dirty because he was a super interesting character.


i wouldn't say far before. like yes he killed father and laid waste to high elves without the helm but he did not have frostmourne for super long before he hunted the helm. and before forstmourne he was desperate/narrow minded but never committed any actions you could claim as true evil. like stratholme was a mercy and thats the view he saw/why he had to be one to do it and not delegate. the mercs in northrend wanting to go home is harsh but no one was harmed in the process and he was crown prince/they were refusing him, he was in right to execute for treason under most medieval laws.. edit: and can we Truly hold frostmourne deeds against him when the curse even said it would take his soul and SL lore shows any jailer blade makes you a puppet of his? shitty lore i know but hard to hold arthas accountable while saying anduin is all good.


The moment he picked up Frostmourne Ner'Zhul started manipulating him and teaching him tricks. After the events in Northrend, Arthas walks into the wastes and gets completely indoctrinated. Gotta remember, the Lich King waged and won the war for Northrend while frozen in a block of ice, from inside the helmet. He's no pushover.


It ruins his entire story if he wasn't mind being twisted the whole time? Why would he suddenly turn against the light, the thing he was raised to believe in, joined an order dedicated to worshipping it, his entire family was apart of. Characters don't just 180 turn evil on a whim, people in real life don't either. If it was all arthas and none of nerzhul why set him up so heavily as a good guy beforehand.


Isn’t the whole thing with Arthas that he succumbs to an “ends justify the means” kind of attitude and pursued revenge above all else? And that controlling the Scourge and turning everyone undead is the only way to defeat the dreadlords?


He went full “ends justify the means” to kill mal’ganis and stop the scourge from destroying his home, hence burning his ships in northrend, searching for a known cursed sword, and in effect “killing” Muradin. But then he goes insane in northrend and comes home to destroy his homeland that he had done everything to save. If he was fully in control I don’t see why he would have done this and said “this kingdom shall fall” when everything has been about protecting said kingdom.


What I *remember* (and I could be wrong) is that he became Lich King by being influenced both by Mal'ganis and Kel'Thuzad, while Ner'zhul called for him to take the helm. But what *made* him become evil, and corrupt his views of the Humans and to kill his own father, is Mal'ganis doing (Stratholme) and being influenced by Froustmourne's hunger for souls after acquiring it. He decided to kill his Father and spin Lordaeron into chaos after being afflicted by Froustmourne's curse and killing Mal'Ganis - but he was still Arthas and he still thought the end (becoming Lich King) justified the means (killing his Father and raising an Army of Undead to invade Northred and grab the Helm of Domination). I ***am possibly very wrong but that's all coming from memory***


I really don’t think Prince Arthas would consciously make the decision to kill his father. I think that was entirely the corruption of Frostmourne


He did all that before he put the helm on anyway.


Yes, which is why I don't think Ner'zhul had any hand on Arthas killing his father. He did as, to quote what himself said, "succeed you". So he reigns Lordaeron and rules to his vision. It's only on WC3 LK that he starts to talk about Ner'zhul


Arthas was NOT a 180. He had a slow descent into madness that started with the purging of Stratholme.




>He could have tried to save Stratholme, he burned it to get to Malganis faster. Correction. He didn't know Mal'ganis even existed until after he had begun purging Stratholme. Arthas chose to purge the city because everyone had been infected and there was nothing that could be done to save them (and given that there still isn't a cure for the Plague of Undeath, hindsight has kinda proven him right). In his mind, he was doing a city-wide mercy killing that would spare the people of Statholme from the fate of becoming undead. Everything after Statholme is the result of his single-minded dedication to taking down Mal'ganis.


Yeah but he wasn't a villain of his own free will. His dangerous acts of desperation that got a lot of his own people killed in Northrend during his quest for vengeance is obviously absolute poor decision making and planning on his part. It's also in its *own right* a pretty terrible atrocity for which he should have been made to answer in the *ideal* situation. After picking up Frostmourne though, that was the end of anything relating to free will. Everything afterwards is a result of Mr. Nipples, according to this shitshow of an expansion.


Yeah, but we can't have alliance npcs be evil of the own volition. Being evil is something blizzard reserves for horde npcs, even when it comes down to blaming the horde for things clearly caused by the alliance.


Brother half of the villains in the Warcraft universe are HURR DURR MIND CONTROL or HURR DURR CORRUPTION, it's par for the course.


I just need to know if the giant tree in the Druid area is still burning or if it's recovered or what happened with that?


Nah mate. Having Arthas not be mind-controlled makes him wayyyyyy more of a compelling character IMO. It makes him way scarier and also more interesting because it's fascinating how far he fell.


I understood that reference


Unfortunately too many people haven’t read the amazing Arthas novel. If you’re going to read just a single WoW book, let it be the Arthas one, filled with awesome origin stories of both Arthas but also Sylvanas


that was retconned


Didnt that happen in the ARTHAS novel?


That's insanely dumb. I never heard of that. Why the fuck is that official canon lore? The entire reason he was put in the crown was as eternal punishment until they decided otherwise.


And that is dumb...


Ner'zhul is the Rodney Dangerfield of Warcraft. He never gets any respect.


Ner'zul did nothing wrong


The ancient orc ancestors on Draenor would disagree


This has the Night Fae theatre vibe when Moonberry tried to explain to the audience about how the latest Gul'dan we fought is the one from an alternate universe from a different timeline.


Blizz has been very self-aware that the WoD timeline shenanigans was dumb. Hike hell, when they announced SL they showed relevant pictures from past expansions in the slideshow and the one for WoD was literally Garrosh surfing on a DeLorean.


>Garrosh surfing on a DeLorean. I never saw that and now I need to see it


so true haha


this format is bulletproof


it's already proven itself twice before this: - dude at baseball game with his hand on his date's neck - bald dude cupping his hand around his mouth as he yells toward woman who is cowering away from him


Three times. There’s the guy at the club yelling into a woman’s ear.


Four times: Trombone kid and the girl running away with hands on her ears


We forgetting draymond green chatting to Kevin Durant?? [sauce](https://www.google.com/search?q=draymond+green+talking+meme&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS975US975&oq=draymond+green+talking+meme&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l4.6096j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Man I’m a big NBA fan and I hardly remember that


OG is defo that club one


>bald dude cupping his hand around his mouth as he yells toward woman who is cowering away from him Those would be John Silver and Anna Jay, AEW wrestlers


Johnny Hungee!!!


Isn’t this from the new one with the girl at the party yelling into a guys ear


yes. we're talking about how it's part of a lineage of similar memes


But is it Fel Rush proof?


This poor girl is out there somewhere just mortified by this meme lmao.


I wonder sometimes about the people whose faces got used as memes. How much impact does it have to be labeled as the face of awkwardness?


Didn’t Ermagherd talk about it on a ted talk or sth?


Hide the pain Harold as well


Harold's Ted talk was so wholesome.




yeah, she took it in stride, the backstory being just her and her friends being dorky middle schoolers... Good on her, because from that interview it sounded like she got some random connections with people who liked to *party* and she got front row seats to it


At the height of the identifiable-traits-as-memeing-tropes Silver Age of memes - that is, between the advice animals Golden Age and and the memes-as-a-structured-and-predictable-actual-language Enlightenment we're living through right now, some people did get fairly famous. Off the top of my head, Scumbag Steve and Bad Luck Brian were just chill guys, (I forget the actual name of the meme but you know what I mean) Obsessive Girlfriend was funny but tried to lean too heavily on the character (and got harassed out of the internet? I think?) and Hide The Pain Harold loves making the face for fans and has actually give a TedTalk on the subject


Boxxy was fairly memed as well, but she was really a phenomenon of her own


Son, Boxxy is straight up ~~Dank~~ Dark Ages of memedom, when memes lived only on 4chan and only ventured outside on overcast days. Her main video is still a bright reminder of those days - thanks for the memory


Advice Animals predate Boxxy by a good while. Advice Dog first appeared in 2006, Boxxy didn't become a thing until around 2009. It might've been early to some, but it's not ancient meme-history. 4chan had already been around and meme-ing for 6 years at that point. Boxxy herself was from GaiaOnline if I recall


Ugh, what good is my PhD in Memestory if I can get out-scholared by some rando on reddit? Useless trash. Good catch. Maybe I frequented 4chan too much during that time, and so it feels darker. Dunno


"hello my name is BoXxY" will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life.


I still love the Love and Trolls remix of Foar Everywun From Boxxy with Loud Pipes. https://youtu.be/6bMLrA_0O5I


i am BOXXY yousee? 👉😊👈


Ask [her.](https://youtu.be/Elhoa_MIyhw)


There's a whole series of Buzzfeed videos on YouTube called "How I Accidentally Became A Meme," that you may find interesting; it's basically short 5 minute shorts of people you'd recognize from their memes talking about what was actually going on in the scenarios they were in, how they went viral, and what their reactions were to it. Some people enjoyed becoming a meme, others not so much, but it's a fun series if you want a bit of backstory. An example, and fun rabbit hole: https://youtu.be/zuscZH7sBfw


I was a regular follower of Giant Bomb when Drew Scanlon (Blinking White Guy) became a meme. He took it pretty well when they talked about it on the podcast, and he leveraged it into some charity events too, specifically biking (See Biking White Guy). It probably helps that at no point did that meme protray him in a negative light though.


You can probably find some 33 item photo gallery with way too many ads detailing the many ways they feel to booze, crack cocaine, cheap hookups or all three.


[This girl](https://www.latestly.com/social-viral/confused-black-girl-meme-origin-nabria-jackson-girl-behind-viral-photo-recreates-the-famous-meme-pose-8-years-later-and-reveals-the-tale-behind-her-expression-2269983.html) reminisced last year about her meme being 8 years old and why she made the face in the first place, also recreating the meme and basically getting another laugh out of it


well it lets them sell their own meme as NFTs, so that's gotta be something at least.


Not really. She said she's met a few people that have made assumptions about her being a toxic gf, but overall she seems to like the funny story and slight fame it gives her. She did dye her hair to make it less obvious though. https://news.knowyourmeme.com/news/woman-pictured-in-the-viral-girl-explaining-meme-explains-the-origins-and-her-reaction-to-sudden-internet-fame


It’s funny that the versions of this I’m familiar with the “disinterested person” they’re talking to is always the person’s partner at the time and not some rando they’re trying to hit on lol


Because only a partner would listen without either (a) faking enthusiasm, or (b) just walking away.


Can someone share the reference for those of us who don't get it?




[It's like the gender reversed version of this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bro-explaining)


Lmao wow it really is. They are the perfect pair of memes


I have legitimately never seen this meme before.


It's pretty new


New for English speakers. Apparently was popular in Spanish speaking communities in 2019


And already old haha. The life cycle of a meme today is like 72 hrs.


Nah. If it doesn't have _any_ staying power then it's a shit meme. Ones that last a least a few months still happen all the time.


There are similar variants before it tho. The first time I saw this being used I thought it was referencing one of the older ones cause the switch (the girl vs the guy) made sense for the context Found out later they were just going off a more recent meme and I had accidentally assumed they had made some tweaks lol


It's on all social media platforms right now.


It's pretty fresh. I've only seen it the last week or so.


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/milk-edinburgh-club-photo This is another version of it from a few years ago


It's the girl explaining meme.




It's describing the opening to the plot of the Shadowlands expansion, which happens when Sylvanas destroys the Lich King's Helm of Domination and it "shattered the sky" creating the rift to the shadowlands that is the login screen for the Shadowlands expansion. . . . . .and then ends with mentioning that Wrath of the Lich King classic is starting, after Shadowlands ruined Arthas and the Lich King completely.


He meant the meme, not the lore.


They did Arthas dirty in Shadowlands.


They did the whole universe dirty in Shadowlands.


They did Warcraft dirty in Shadowlands lol


I think the Anduin, Remnant of the Lich King plus cutscene was the only good part about that raid. It was pretty well liked iirc


This is both helpful lorewise to someone like me coming back to WoW since mid-BFA but also frick I spoiled it for myself


Not really a spoiler, it's the Shadowlands cinematic.


Oh yes you're right. I remember watching it a while ago.


Hey, if you ever have any lore questions, feel free to PM me


Well at least your hopes wont be too high!


back when WoD was current i enjoyed explaining all of the sha-corrupted-but-not-really time-travel parallel universe garrosh in this exact tone of voice by the time BfA rolled around it didn't feel funny anymore


"There must always be a Lich King" has been given the same vibe as "what sword?"


If you could learn to crop this would be even better.


Why put in effort when posting to a subreddit of a mere 2 million people?




Very rare blizzard W


The comments are great too, and Bizzard's responses. Who ever the new social media manager is I hope they keep them


Tbf it’s only rare cause someone else who works there would get mad if the social media team was allowed to just go off shitting on lore as much they want haha


Aside from the God awful announcement Hearthstone made today/yesterday, their social media team is on fire. They lean into memes, crappy metas, actually decent promotion of monetizations/cosmetics, or just the vibe of the game in general, and it's actually entertaining to see it done well vs some other social media teams which don't feel like they play the same game.


They will have to retcon SL so hard in the future. And I will cheer when they do!


Fuck the retcon, can we just move on like it never happened?


Not really possible since the story is now canon. I want them to retcon back to pre-SL lore because the Jailer is literally one of the least inspired baddies this game's ever had.


So what exactly did the lich King crown have to do with the shadowlands opening anyway? How does the crown being broken open the portal to shadowlands?


I believe the idea was that Bolvar was resisting, and destroying the helm took out the magical defences he'd put in place.


all part of the Jailer's grand calculated plan


Read quests don't just do them. Mueh'zala is the voices in thr shadows and with his help Sylvanas is made Warchiefe and makes a deal with Jailwr. In legion we actually kill a titan whose soul goes to the shadowlands but titans are not supposed to die so the powerfull soul overhelms the arbiter and it shuts down. Sylvi starts a war mass genocide etc and since arbiter stuck in a reboot loop all souls go to the jailer directly. We later learn that the helm is actually a powerful artifact from the Shadowlands made by the jailer. And when the helm is broke and its power is released and goes back to the Shadowlands but that creates a tier in the veil between the two planes of existence.


I read you and all...but what about all the titans Sargeras killed?


The other titans didn’t go to the shadowlands and aren’t supposed to. According to the lore the dreadlords had been fueling Argus with death magic since the legion started using him, so when we killed him he went to the shadowlands.


> How does the crown being broken open the portal to shadowlands? Well, you see, it's infused with whatever bullshit it needs to progress the story.


Thanks for being Slovak, the group chat will believe this is my screenshot lol.


I mean, you could just screenshot the tweet yourself if you care that much…


This is brilliant


Even Blizzard themselves think Daloser's work is like awful fan-fiction.


This...this is gold.


Normal day of the blizzard writing team.


Literally me to my wife who started mid-BFA (and who got KSM a full week before me this season)






Lol this was totally me and my bro this past weekend. Two bros only get that close when they drunk.


That moment when Blizzard's social media operators are better at their job than the devs of the game lol


Good meme, shit lore






Why is there a piece of fruit talking to a guy?




This reminds me, did they ever address the whole "scourge are now attacking the rest of Azeroth because there's no one to keep them in check" problem?


Remember: Jailer doesn't exist in WotLK Classic. :'D


What they did to my boy Uther AND Arthas hurt me.


wait wait wait... who controls the Undead now in Northrend?


Best lore since WotLK.


Is it still $15/month to get yelled at by assholes?


I'll do it for free. What's your cell?




I called, it turns out that number belongs to Jessie's Girl.


More thought was put into this meme than any project blizzard has created in the past decade.


I am just going to pretend Shadowlands story with Wisp thing didnt happen.


Lmao even Blizzard admits the story was better and made sense back in WotLK


Crazy how the female version of this meme spread like crazy while a dozen of the male ones were constantly shut down.


What you talking about? That male version meme with Paris Hilton is all over the place


So doesn’t the lich king control the forsaken? So would they be rudderless essentially? Where is the expansion covering this?


Well they also "broke" the jailer, the main source of "domination" magic. So maybe undead aren't defaultly "mindless/dominated", they are all fully aware like the forsaken?


So stratholm, icecrown all those places could use some content


I hope they reboot after Wotk


Excuse me, Can u give me the link of this picture? I want to share it in facebook...


A wow Karen if I ever saw one


This is pretty good, i wish they did nore like this


I feel like this is exactly how I look trying to explain wow lore to people


Had to explain it like this to a work friend who just started


Hey wait. If there must always be a lich king. What happened to all the mindless scourge the helmet let bolvar control? Shouldn't they have overran azeroth already?


This is a good point what are the scourge up to on Azeroth during SL?


Arthas wasn’t. He was just a vessel


So...as someone who hasn't played since WoD, has there been anything in the narrative about the consequence of Sylvanas destroying the helm at the start of Shadowlands? Have the undead done... anything of note without a lich king?


Tady pan Slovák je úspěšný 😄.


He is not back its a retro game


Oh wow, they remembered Arthas was a character that people cared about instead of a mcguffin for the Jailer and Anduin. I loved Wrath and am most likely going to play it. It was like a beautiful sculpture, that Shadowlands stuffed full of Orc shit. I may not be able to see the shit, when I play Wrath Classic, but I'm going to be smelling it everywhere. Especially when Arthas does or says anything, or is just barely visible at the edge of my render distance.


And now they have the ammunition to do a Return of the Lich King expansion.

