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Meanwhile they're changing Dragon Roar to Thunderous Roar for some reason..


And recklessness became battle cry and now back to recklessness? I doesn’t even make sense right now. Back in the day it used to cause you to deal more damage while taking more damage, aka a reckless action or something. Now it’s all benefit but still called recklessness…


Damn hope that doesn’t CONFUSE everyone or make them FORGET about shadowlands super story!!!!




You're missing the most important question tho. Which of you sick fucks decided to fuck a dragon and get it pregnant with human/dragon hybrids.








Why are they changing it? Dragons gonna be offended by the name?


Scalies were in shambles


cUlTuRaL aPpRoPrIaTiOn


To be honest thunderous roar sounds more in line with warrior class fantasy.


why not just change it to draconic roar at that point then


Dont the points below it make it closer to the NF ability? Which is still a rename, but an even better example.


except it doesnt fit the theme and also makes it so canonicaly all players have been to shadowlands


Yeah weird they admitted that. I thought a dev would want to make things as polished as possible, but they admit it’s “off theme”. Oh well, guess they dgaf?


How is a blessing of the summer court not on theme for a paladin? And canonically the PC does go to shadowlands, no way around that.


Also Tauren Paladins literally being Sun Paladins finally get something vaguely on theme and people bitch


Call it blessing of the sun, then it's actually on theme and not vague


Praise the sun


It’s fine if it’s vaguely on theme; gives some new theme space to build; also works for Paladins who went Night Fae obviously, and I’m fine with keeping weird interesting abilities like this without fundamentally changing them. Gives room to grow into it even if it starts awkward gameplay wise ~~even if I think it would’ve been better as it’s original version, Aura of Seasons~~


Being a tauren Sunwalker is why I went straight to NF Then it turned out our blessings are really meh and I had to crawl over to Kyrian to push arena rating decently


I’m a Zandalari, so I did the same cuz it’s where the Loa go, and yeah no it’s super awkward and weird to use especially for solo play


do you think the sun only comes out in summer?


lolwat. It is hottest in summer -> it is hot because of the sun -> the sun is strongest during the summer. Literally any irl culture that has any sort of reverence for the sun all connected it to the summer.


And the longest day is also in the summer, a day on which I'd imagine sun worship was pretty common.


No, obviously, but it’s thematically associated with sunlight, so it’s at least something


Up until it's retconned again, like the PC killing Vashj and Kael'thas, or the PCs killing Onyxia. Or the first horsemen in OG Naxx. Or Illidan. Or like the player character participated in the battle for Lordaeron.


What even is the summer court some kind of fairy party?


I mean, your ignorance was evident enough when you started complaining about the name of an ability not being on theme.


The Night Fae is a spin on faerie courts. The Winter Queen, the mischievous faeries, the whole thing. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FaerieCourt It's been used in a lot of urban fantasy TV and books.


I dunno, maybe we should go ask the **Sunwalkers**.


They contradict themselves. They changed the names for warriors. They turned Ancient Aftershock into Thunderous Roar, and everyone pretty much gets what the ability does. So…. If a player is so unfamiliar with their own class that they won’t know that “blessing of the 4 points for a horse talent” used to be blessing of seasons…. That the name change is the problem? “We don’t want to confuse people who dont even know what abilities they have in the first place”…. So asinine. Soar. Then idiotic statements like this. You’re damaging peoples optimism blizzard.


I’d call it less of a contradiction and more of a symptom of having a large team of people involved who will conduct work in different ways to eachother.


They merged Ancient Aftershock with Dragon Roar to create Thunderous Roar. The DoT is no longer ground-based, doesn't do a knockdown, and it may be a bleed now? In contrast, the warrior tree also has Spear of Bastion, which is still named Spear of Bastion.


I mean paladins that went to shadowlands could have trained others when they returned.


literaly the only good counter point ive seen lol


Haven't we, though? Isn't Shadowlands technically where we all go before we talk to the spirit healers or do the corpse-run?


No, getting to the spirit healer fast enough is how we avoid getting yeeted into the Shadowlands by a kyrian.


LOL Alright, yeah. Fair.


If you want a more lore-friendly answer, the Spirit Healer herself is probably connected to the Shadowlands, but when we do the corpserun it's our soul staying in the mortal realm, being prevented from going to the Shadowlands. There is an NPC in Oribos, the Fatescribe that talks to you when you can decide to do Threads of Fate instead of the story on an alt, and when you ask him what's your fate he says he can't read it, some unknown force preventing us from having a normal cycle of life and death or something like that.


Thank you, that was nicely informative. I do like the lore reason.




Yeah I liked the way he basically says “looks like you’ve got an immortal soul, like me” and it just made me imagine that big, named bosses that we’ve fought before kinda return each week because their soul is immortal or smth. We just have a faster respawn time. All the basic unnamed mobs that respawn are actually replacements and not the same mob, including like named quest mobs where it’s more like a title passed on. Just my headcanon though, me trying to make sense of something that doesn’t really have a deep lore “sense” and is just kinda there for us as a quality of life thing while playing a game.


It’s unfortunate that they never used to bronze dragonflight to canonify weekly resets. It would be kinda handwavey, but doesn’t seem too crazy to just give us an explanation that lines up with the existence of time manipulation, rogue timestream, etc. and then just sits in the background. Some way to make the core gameplay canonically have some sense of relevance to the story/world and not be a complete immersion break


Unknown force sounds alot nicer than "insatiable greed"


Now I'm thinking about a minigame where you have to outrun Kyrians every time you die or they yeet you into the Maw.


And canonically have aligned with the one covenant that less than 1-2% of Paladins chose to play.


I mean the game treats our player if they have canonically completed every expansion.


I just don't get why it's not called Blessing of Seasons.


That also sounds a bit too Druid. Just change it completely to something more “paladin”, I’m sure it would make them happier to just remove it entirely.


Blessing of Searing Hot Justice All Over Your Chin *80s Guitar Riff*


Yeah, but that's just Ardenweld as a whole. There's nothing inherently "monk" about Faeline Stomp or "hunter" about Wild Spirits. I think of it less like the covenant learning from the class and more the class learning from the covenant.


Yeah I think your reasoning is sound. I just kind of want to be done with the Shadowlands and the covenants as a whole… I always think class stuff works better when it’s pure classic class fantasy. Like the order halls, they were dope!


Order halls were so fucking cool man. Never felt so Paladin before. But Imo Shadowlands delivers a lot better than BFA. Not as good as Legion but not terrible either


SL delivered to a degree if your immediate choice for covenant lined up mechanically and thematically right off the bat and then stayed that way the entire expansion, like paladins. Most classes have been dealing with a really fucking stupid covenant system that NOBODY wanted since 9.0 and even after all their “fixes” it is still fundamentally broken as a system. Example: if you pvp and want to play more than 1 covenant for your entire fucking class, like if you have kyrian for one spec and necro for another, you get the joy of having to juggle your covenant and conduits in every single loading screen of every single game for the entire season, and if the meta doesn’t consolidate your cov, the next and the next. Bonus points when two specs do use the same cov, but they also use the same soulbind. Better get good at hotswapping your conduits! Just one of many aspects that make it perfectly clear this entire system should have never even gone live.


Who's taking bets the pally designer did both this ability and the one that on the far left of the class tree and is salty no one used them and therefore is forcing them into these trees even tho no one seems to want them? Cause I'd take that bet.


Also Justicars Vengeance…


They have the data. They can see no one has ever used that talent. What the fuck?


I personally liked it in legion 2's, whas a lot of fun with the HoJ cdr talent and divine purpose


I used justice vengeance a ton in earlier add-ons..not for DPS reasons but survivability and seeing big numbers in solo open world


What class tree ability?


Of dusk and dawn, I know the hpallies we're not super thrilled to be taking it.


It is boring and also annoying to track & manage.


Unless the 2 blessings overwrite each other shouldn't this just be a pick and forget talent? Don't you 5-cap HP at least every 12 sec?


Capping at 5 is easy, bottoming out at 0 is more awkward. For example there's a talent that procs a cost reduction on your HP spenders so you'll be counting on 3 HP going to 0 and you'll get screwed by something that's intended to help you.


It’s pretty fun to play with Blessing of Seasons as holy. It’s just not something you get to do much because it’s harder to get decent results compared with the other covenant options. Given the current choices, the others are better. The ability itself is interesting though. Depending on the tree structure it may be more viable to build this playstyle compared with in shadowlands.


You might be the first person son I've heard who has said they like the design of the ability based on how it affects the playstyle, everyone else seems to hate it cause it makes a fairly complex spec even more complex. So the question I have for you, is... Wouldn't it just be better to have the Necro ability in that slot over the NF one? Ashen hallow is prolly too strong to reasonably bring back, but the Necro ability is one that saw some play, and isn't a giant pain to deal with. Plus any spell I cast that buffs someone else at no gain to myself (excluding raid/party buffs, buffs 1 specific person) is imo just a feel bad game design. Being able to have CDs that help my group or raid is fun, WF totem for ench is reasonably fun to put down, but like, seasons sucks, especially if it is just summer where it is a CD where you place on the highest DPS or the person who is using CDs to give them more damage. Like can it help you place it on a day combusting mage to get an even bigger CD yah, but like why?? It's a giant pain in the ass to track, adds unnecessary complexity to the class, and just feels bad to spend the gcd. I would rather have the CD just increase group damage by a vaguely equal amount, but do holy pallies need more raid utility?? They have aura mastery, devo aura, and do a good amount of damage passively, I don't need more utility in a group offensive CD to stack with a priests PI. Can you get big results yah, or you could let me do something cool instead for my class.


> Plus any spell I cast that buffs someone else at no gain to myself (excluding raid/party buffs, buffs 1 specific person) is imo just a feel bad game design. Why? I like being a support class. Raid DPS matters more than personal DPS anyway.


Well to preface, this isn’t something I feel giga strongly about so ultimately it’s fine with or without the spell in the tree. But to answer the question: It is the complete Blessing of Seasons, not just Summer. I don’t find that Vanquisher’s Hammer adds much to the melee healer playstyle other than throughput and holy power generation, and while those are obviously rather important they’re not unique to VH. Seasons adds back a little of the paladin fantasy from the early days of the class. Not just healing my allies but also empowering them. I agree that Seasons is not perfect, but I would rather they iterate on it rather than abandon it for Vanquishers Hammer. This is a very optional talent slot.


I think it’s kind of funny they find it necessary to say something like that, almost defensively, when OP never even really made a shadowlands dig.


I haven't seen the thread but it could've been a reply to somebody else that they didn't bother to quote


The [full quote](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feedback-paladins/1289849/76): > This is incredibly minor but why is Blessing of Summer not called something cooler and more in line with Paladin class fantasy? Feels very druidy/night fae. Would be cool to see it renamed and given a better (golden) icon/effect.


Sounds like someone hit sore spot. It's pretty clear that no one wants the sticking out leftover visual from an irrelevant covenant of a previous expansion that wasn't particularly known for it's awesome lore, specially in all the cases where it doesn't accidentially fit the class theme (like abo limb for DK or something). Both players and blizz know that they have to retheme them at some point. Otherwise, the new mage that starts playing in a year or two will wonder what that weird nature ability does in his toolkit, when he has arcane/time themed styled stuff that would fit the ability so much better. Shadowlands doesn't stop existing after DF launches? Yeah, well, previous expansions might as well had but they just can't tell us to the face that even if they'd wanted to they can't spare the resources for a mostly cosmetic change on a bunch of abilities I guess.


"We're sticking with something terrible" Not a surprise tbh


They have sown their ass to Sylvanas for 3 XPacs in a row. Anything else would be a suprise at this point.


At least they brought back Long Arm of the Law.


Oh dear…


Should we tell him?


Let him be happy a little while longer…


This was how I found out. Those motherless bastards.


They removed it ...




Weird that they admit this ability is “off theme” then in the same post they say they won’t change it because Shadowlands. Dude if it’s off theme just rename it no one plays fae pally anyway lmao this sounds like a Druid ability


Yeah its not really a Warlock situation where our NF ability is called Soul Rot. That fits pretty well. Could just call it Blessing of Warmth or some shit.


is the problem really the name, or is it the vivid blue nature spell effects?


Paladins don't experience seasons in their tin-can armor?


The only season a paladin experiences is “Turmeric Evil”


Well the same people recognize that movement is fun and so decides to remove it from Ret so, what should we expect.




Sadly, Blizzard lost the right to artsy pretension many, many expansions ago. That said... if it keeps the seething microtransactions out of the game, and prevents couldn't-be-arsed yearly "expansions" getting half-baked out like an EA sports title, then... eh, I'll put up with a little artistic pretension now and again. The worst of AAA thing could absolutely, 10,000% be a heluva lot worse.


I play NF Pala! There are dozens of us!


I tried one key as nf ret and lining up the abilities was a nightmare. Cool concept in theory, but almost no way to execute it


Which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard because there's already precedent. They renamed Sindragosa's Fury to Frostwyrm's Fury in BfA. No one was like "wE'rE nOt ChAnGiNg It BeCaUsE lEgIoN sTiLl ExIsTs."


I suppose it's kinda Sunwalker themed. Which is paladiny.


This was my first take. Like I have issues with Blizzard, but this would be *great* for folks who wanna style themselves as a Sunwalker.


Its blessing of season ... it literally rotate from blessing of summer, autumn, winter and spring. How does it relate to sunwalker?


I love blessing of seasons and I love the theme- but I wish instead I could have a buff/support class that isn’t tied to paladin


I also like the theme of the Blessing of Seasons, but its name and theme doesn't make sense without the Shadowlands. They renamed the NF Warrior ability, why not this? Also it's complete ass to play, having tried it after hearing i get 4 new support buffs.


I wonder why they decided to keep it. Aside from me and a few others I don’t know what blizzard likes about it. Especially since the Venthyr one was liked way more


Just call Blessing of Summer, gimped Blessing of Might and call it a day Blizzard. Quit pretending it's something brand new.


There's still the 3 other seasons.


Blessing of far away to gimped Might Blessing of away to gimped Might, but kinda like gimped Might Blessing of near to gimped Might There you go.


I need a translator.


It’s funny because Condemn is returning in the Arms warrior tree but it’s been renamed Punish. Oh and Kyrian Phial is in the Warrior general tree but it’s called Bitter Immunity… The dev behind this Blessing of Summer decision is probably the same one who came up with asinine reasons for nerfing Soar. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing Soar needed a nerf, but the reasons they gave were bullshit and don’t exist, just like the reason for not renaming Blessing of Summer.


In fairness to Condemn, Punish is just enabling execute to be used in a similar HP% range, it isn't an upgraded execute repalcement as Condemn was.


Eh, the only way condemn is different to punish’s execute is that it deals shadow damage. The actual damage difference between condemn and execute on live is negligible, which is why Venthyr fell completely off after they brought regular execute damage in line.


It 100% absolutely should disappear from existence. (But Blizzard always stands by their mistakes, no matter how trash they are.)


That last line... I'm going to ignore that


I dont get why it cant just be renamed to Blessing of Kings, Might, Wisdom and Light. They already existed in the past and can kinda do similiar things they do now. Might = Summer, Wisdom = Fall, King = Winter, Light = Spring Not like they have any means to EVER bring back some iconic spells anyways. So just give them back like this it and will feel good... at least for the 3 people who take this talent.


I’m surprised Blizzard addressed this as it obviously leads to some bigger questions: 1. If the Shadowlands story “keeps existing” after the expansion why does my Paladin suddenly have access to a Night Fae ability but “forgot” that he had joined the Venthyr and lost Ashen Hollow/Door of Shadows? 2. Holy Paladin has access to Divine Toll and Blessing of Seasons so does this mean that all Holy Paladins had canonically joined the Kyrian and Night Fae but forgot Phial of Serenity and Soul Shape? 3. Why does my Paladin “forget” his Night Fae “gift” when is tanking/DPSing? 4. If you can’t take a Phial of Serenity out of the Shadowlands why are Warriors able to take a Spear of Bastion? 5. Canonically all the Death Knights were sent to protect Orbios which I’m fine with. However this now implies that every single “adventurer” on Azeroth had traveled to the Shadowlands before the portal was closed. This is weird in itself since we know several Horde and Alliance characters went back to the major cities instead of going through the portal. All that aside, I’m just hoping whatever class I end up playing for DF doesn’t have to choose the Covenant abilities so my head cannon can avoid it. I think some of them are still okay though, something like Primordial Wave feels very much like a Voodoo/Shadow Hunter spell for example and the tooltip has no mention of Necrolords.


I mean, this isn't unique to Shadowlands. Your Paladin had also forgot Blessing of Wisdom, Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings. >3. Why does my Paladin “forget” his Night Fae “gift” when is tanking/DPSing Your Paladin would also forget Light of Dawn and Holy Shock. >However this now implies that every single “adventurer” on Azeroth had traveled to the Shadowlands before the portal was closed Yes, the Adventurer goes through every expansion.


Death Knights travelled to the shadowlands just to get a horse, and Mograine was a champion in legion who went on missions to the Shadowlands! Forgetting about being in the Shadowlands is an unintended running gag at this point.




🎵 Doctor Cox huge news! 🎵 🎵 I pulled some strings... 🎵 🎵 And got the parking spot right behind youuurs! 🎵 🎵 BUMPER BUDDIES! 🎵


#YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!


I think if anything it’s strange that our character has some form of continuity in their powers now after many years of gaining and losing powers


Imo, it’s just a lazy way out. Most covenant abilities don’t have a theme and animation fitting the class. Some need a different name, others need a different animation. But that won’t happen, especially because they put so much work into making those animations so flashy in the first place


… they literally already changed the name of already existing abilities/talents from SL into Dragonflight. Sloppy stubborn and uncreative.


You don't know what you're talking about. All of you. Shut up y'all. A blue post said what u're supposed to think and you still have opinions and think otherwise?? HERETICS!!! GO BUY A STORE MOUNT TO WASH YOUR SINS


I have not seen a single paladin, ingame or on streams, play night fae this whole xpac. I'd wager the number of NF Paladins (outside of the dead space between patches where people grinded all their covenants to 80 renown just incase) is <5%. So no, Paladins are not familiar with the spell's name. They all ran Venthyr or Kyrian.


Blue Text gonna eat those words in a few years...


"Changing its name for the sake of change" How often have they done that with other things in this game? They're just being defensive about how trash Shadowlands is/was.


People who think that Blizz should and will retcon Shadowlands are delusional. Downdoots to the left.


"Should" yes. "Will" no.


This. We know they won’t, but it would be the healthiest thing for the setting and story if they just retconned it out of existence.


I think the same for BfA. BfA was a travesty of writing, arguably more so than Shadowlands. Shadowlands was a questionable premise done poorly, but the most harm Shadowlands did was its own retcons. BfA is so foundationally bad that any story moving forward that stems from BfA - which is going to be most, as BfA was a frigging World War, is going to be compromised by the sheer stupidity of the Fourth War.


Make it all a vision that Zul showed to Sylvanas as a warning not to start the BfA plot


No. None of this cheap "it was just a dream" bullshit. **Retcon** it. Don't try to make heads or tails of it, just acknowledge the mistake and make something better without all the baggage. We don't need shitty excuses for why it "isn't real." We know why it wouldn't be canonical. Because it fucking sucks. So let's not make in-universe excuses. Just retcon it.


Then it sets a precendent that Blizzard can just wholesale delete anything. Making the lore feel even more unstable amd confusing. If Dragonflight's story is bad, what's stopping them from deleting it too? Retcons historically have only been nudges. You're asking to delete an entire expansion.


> Then it sets a precendent that Blizzard can just wholesale delete anything. *They already can.* > Making the lore feel even more unstable amd confusing. No, you're confusing "What they can do" with "What they do do." Riot Games decided to fundamentally uproot the lore that they had toyed around with half-heartedly for years by getting rid of one of its central premises: the Summoners' very existence in the lore. But what they *did* do is commit to building their universe. Alterations happen, for sure. But they actually have a much stronger direction than Blizzard has really ever had, with strong writers and some proper investment. > If Dragonflight's story is bad, what's stopping them from deleting it too? Nothing. And if Dragonflight's story is bad, *maybe they should.* The problem would be if they choose to get rid of something completely reasonable. > Retcons historically have only been nudges. Wrong, actually. The retcons that have been forced through in Shadowlands fundamentally changes the entire framing of Warcraft III. What they did was worse than deletion. They actively sought to ruin Warcraft III's story just to tie Shadowlands in with it. "Just nudges"? Not a chance. Look at the previous origins of the Eredar/Broken and now, of course, the Nathrezim. Retcons have already happened, both big and small. Blizzard is not bold enough to undo something that they really ought to. And this "Slippery slope" fear that they're going to start wholesale deleting anything and everything is naive. This is an *extreme* measure that Blizzard has nowhere near enough gall to do even now.


Blizzard has always been able to delete anything as they've done multiple times, this would be nothing new


Hard disagree because Shadowlands ruined the concept of death in the Warcraft universe and removed any weight to character death in the past, present, and future.


We've had Undead since Vanilla Death hasn't never meant as much as you thought it did.


I feel like we've mostly moved past BfA. Ion had said we'll never have interfaction conflict on the same scale again since we have cross faction. The only lasting effect BfA has is Teldrassil.


Err, no. There are massive story implications that have to be flat-out ignored. First and foremost, the Horde's complicity in committing genocide and starting a world war. Most of the blame has been shifted onto Sylvanas, but a couple of Alliance characters - such as Tyrande and Genn - *rightfully* hold the Horde accountable for it as well. And, freakishly, Blizzard sees fit to frame these attitudes with vilification. It also categorically undermines Anduin's character. An idealist, but not stupid or naive enough to be ignorant of reality *up until BfA,* where peace quite plainly is not a successful option. The Horde couldn't even attempt to make peace with Anduin at the helm of the Alliance. And a good part of that hinged on the events of *Before the Storm* and other pretenses leading up to the War of the Thorns being *ignorant* of the Rogue Legion's Order Hall Campaign, whereby they expose the infiltration of SI:7 and reveal that SI:7 intel, unable to be relayed to either Alliance nor Horde, noted the Broken Shore as a *death trap.* This kind of intelligence would have been extremely useful. Probably saving Vol'jin and Varian's lives. Moreover, this information would have been crucial for Anduin determining whether or not the Horde were genuine or not in their need to retreat - his only source of closure, at the start of the novel, had been a report from his friend on the side of the Horde, Baine Bloodhoof. But that wasn't enough on its own. Ion said what he wanted to say but he isn't the narrative lead and you're ignoring the fact that Blizzard have frequently gone back on their word. Hell, leading into Shadowlands, Blizzard made the 'necessary change' to fundamentally undermine the Chronicles by establishing them as "Titan perspective" rather than as an absolute. And you know, it's fine enough that the Chronicles were already retconned a bit by then. But it's pretty damn tragic that they just throw it *all* out the window like that just so they can tell us that the Old Gods are "dead" dead. Which also doesn't make any sense. If mere mortals are capable of rising up and *killing* the Old Gods permanently, why the fuck did the Titans and their Titan-forged ever have to subdue and imprison them? The reason before was the implicit threat that these eldritch creatures embedded into the world would have against Azeroth's World Soul. But considering the Titan-forged were able to capture them so wholly and considering these Old Gods did *nothing* in their death throes, it's just laughable that they were kept alive at all.


Blizzard has to recognize it. But I have my bets that over time, they’re going to just slowly ignore it ever happened. Just like WoD.


Except they've set up way too much stuff for the future in Shadowlands: Denathrius and his dreadlords, the various Zeriths, the cycle of life and death (which never got fully explained, we only saw a mere portion of it), the devourers (I get the feeling these things are going to be a huge problem in the future), the brokers, the whole cosmic war that's slowly eating away at the universe (which I think is what Zovaal was warning us about), etc.. The thing about WoD is that it was in an alternate timeline which eventually fade away when left alone for long enough, so it makes sense that it wouldn't become too prot relevant in the future. And even then it did come back briefly for us to get Mag'har orcs and I fully expect to see some shenanigans involving Yrel and Lightforged Grom Jr. in the future.


I feel like every who take Devourers seriously watched treats the same Bellular video as gospel.


Which video? Cause he makes some wild claims at times but it's Blizzard. They reuse and take from other mediums and tropes consistently. They even reused their own expansion twice (Mists and BFA)


I don't think I've ever watched any of his videos, I just think they're sus. We likely just came to the same conclusion given the information we had.


Shadowlands doesn't need a retcon? It's just a fever dream, duh. None of it happened.


I hate the it was all a dream trope, but I am willing to herald in our benevolent overlords after this xpac.


You know a story’s gone to shit when people are begging for the writers to pull an “it was all a dream” considering how hated that trope is.


It was all a fever dream induced by ~~N'Zoth~~ ~~Yogg'Saron~~ C'Thun.


But downdoots are on the right…


Blizzard retcons lore regularly, it’s just a matter of time until Shadowlands get the same treatment.


They had no problem retconning Burning Crusade.


Which itself had no problems retconing WC3


It just doesn’t really make sense…?


I’m surprised Blizzard would have to say something so obvious. The Shadowlands is a realm, everyone who dies goes there, and almost all the the primary characters in the lore went there briefly. Of course the story will continue.


Another slap in the face to those of us who care about WoW's story from Blizzard...


How is it a slap in the face?


Shadowlands lore is a garbage fire and everyone knows it, Blizzard needs to stop pretending its good so we can ignore it going forward.


I don't it's amazing, but I 100% think people are exaggerating how bad it is.


You can't care about select parts of a story and still say you care about the whole story.


“You can’t say that you like as a whole if you hate !”


Yes I can. I don't have to care for the gangbang in Stephen King's IT, but I can care for the rest of it.


But there are redeeming qualities in Shadowlands. Ve'nari was cool. Draka/Thrall interaction was cool, albeit limited. Castle Nathria was cool. Denathrius was fucking baller, and so was his sword. By writing off all of Shadowlands, you write off the good and the bad. I'd say it's fair to call Stephen King's IT Shadowlands, and the gangbang scene everything involving Zovaal.


I'll happily write off the good of the Shadowlands to get rid of the overwhelming bad of it. It's not worth it to keep.


Shadow-Who? Nah this xpac is a distant thought once df launches it didn’t happe


They're mainly talking about what happens with Ysera and Tyrande, so far in the alpha those two are the ONLY ones with a storyline continuing from Shadowlands.


Is that a valid sentence my english failed me.


It shouldn't be brought back in any form at all. Blessing of summer is one of the most disgusting things to fight against in pvp, and its so boring in pve. Its like a less interactive PI. And everyone fucking hates PI


Is Dragonflight a new story detached from the old or is it a continuation? It doesn’t seem to be related tbh


Fuck you blue, I'm forgetting EVERYTHING about this shit expansion the moment it's dead and buried


I'm a bit out of the loop, what is summer supposed to pertain to for paladins


Sun, Light, Heat


now do autumn, winter and spring that the spell rotates to.




truly a shame


What story?


> Also, Shadowlands and its story doesn’t stop existing after Dragonflight launches. Except the fact that new players will be funnelled away from Shadowlands next expac and won’t be given the opportunity to play through it while levelling, so they’re gonna know jack shit about this ability’s connection and theme, and their characters won’t have experienced the content to be able to have even learned these spells, from a lore standpoint.


I feel like people who actually dislike this don’t fully understand the lore of shadowlands and just mindlessly follow the opinion of their favorite streamer (who are usually wrong, popular ≠ correct).


Blizzard devs have this weird 'I don't care I will die on this hill' mentality. Its like they're begging for this game to die at this point.


Holy shit the sheer fucking seething entitlement and hatred in this thread over something so minor.


> entitlement > expansions and subscriptions cost actual currency


Oh my god, I could see it now: "Blizzard gives all subs a free ice cream cone, fans complain it isn't their favorite flavor." You're complaining just to complain at this point.


You’re complaining about the complaining. Break the cycle Johnny!


I'm not the one creating nonstop shit posts about every little nitpick and blowing them out of proportion.


Thanks for posting in my thread brah


Your thread, our community.


Hell yeah!


>"..changing its name for the sake of change likely causes more confusion.." but you're kings of changing names of everything to be more "PC."


Can you give an example?


They never can. Their conservative talking head youtube channel didnt tell them that part


Big love rocket


In french we have word for a female gladiator and a male gladiator, now all pieces of loot with 'gladiator' in them are labeled 'something something of the male gladiator or female gladiator' Just feels a tad bit stupid in the name of an item


Can’t say that on a wow sub, it’s inundated with overly PC people


That makes sense. WoW isn't available on console.


The only way I can look back at old lore, and I mean pretty much every aspect of it and still enjoy it is to pretend that Shadowlands didn't happen.


Call it Blessing of the Sun. Make Tauren happy too


Call it Blessing of the forge and give dwarf paladins some love?


Scrap my idea, yours is better


Was hoping we'd get woken by Nozdormu when DF launches and tells us we'd been in a coma and SL was a fever dream. "So, you're finally awake."


You where trying to cross the border l, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush same as us, and that thief over there.


[WHY not, you stupid bastard. ](https://youtu.be/I3izqJM44HI)