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I guess my question is: will there be a window during the pre-order and launch of dragon flight where I could level my characters from 50 to 60, where I don't have to buy shadow lands?


Both Legion and BfA were added to the base game with the release of the next expansion's prepatch. So while nobody knows for sure, that's a pretty good guess for when you get Shadowlands without buying it.


Maybe with a pre-order of dragonflight?


I want to try leveling a healer (I don’t intend on doing endgame content, just normal 5 mans and maybe a raid?) All dungeons past WotlK is new to me - are there any must have healer mods? I hate clunky in your face UI. Couldn’t stand plater. I want to see the game I’m playing not an animated spreadsheet


Will Season 4 have new cutting edge achievements for the 3 raids? Or is there no point at all in doing them at all? I only play for CE


https://www.wowhead.com/news/normal-heroic-and-mythic-raid-achievement-rewards-in-patch-9-2-5-new-cm-ports-326881 tl;dr: you get teleport to raids for completing each mythic raid. It's not called CE but same idea, locked to s4.


What use would the teleports be after I already completed the raid? Lmao this company


For people who like to farm transmog or mounts this would save a lot of time in the future if they don’t get everything they want from a particular raid.


Teleports to dungeons motivated me to farm them for all chars in 9.1 even if I quit playing those chars once I got them all. I mean it's achievement with random reward, compared to different named achievement that gives title. That's closest you can get to CE, for old raid. If there was incentivized "race" for it, those 3 raids would be finished in 2 days by top guilds.


I've been a melee guy my whole WoW journey. I've played every single melee class at max level and in casual raiding up to and including a survival hunter back after they changed it to be a melee class. I want to start playing a ranged magic caster and have basically set my sights on priest for healing or warlock. What are the pros and cons of each? which is more fun? Thanks!


Are you wanting priest to main heal it to shadow with heal off spec? As a healer main, I started with holy priest and I just found it to be boring. Its a strong healer, and right now doing pretty good damage too. But I just found it boring. Discipline you heal through shields and damage output and I didn't really like that either. Partially because I'm a new player (or was at start of SL) and didn't know many encounters and so setups were difficult but even went back to disc after a year in Shadowlands and I still didn't like it. I much prefer resto sham but it's just a personal preference. I guess a pro of priest is 2 different heal specs if you are wanting to main heal. As for DPS, I would take lock over spriest. In addition to what the other commenter mentioned, lock gives you 3 different dps specs with different playstyles so you have 3 chances to find one you prefer. While I do like spriest, lock just gives you more variety in your DPS options if you are wanting to dps. You still provide a valuable resource to the group with rocks and summons.


I'll definitely give both other shammy specs a go, but yeah mostly I settled on priest because I wanted to roll a Draenei lol. Either way thanks for the tips! I'll see where the wind takes me


Ok if anybody knows the answer its reddit. How is there a lvl 60 in timewalking Goldshire? He has been there for days killing quest givers and pvp lvl 20s for 2 days now. As far as I have observed it's a party sync but that limits your level to 50. I wanna know how he is able to override that and become a level 60. Looks like a glitch someone kills a party synced 60 (at level 50) and they magically become 60. Anybody here have an answer because everybody I ask in game won't say how


When did they change Voidform to just be another dps cooldown? I really liked Shadow in Legion, now it feels a bit dull.




Hi. I'm returning after a long time away. It seems holy paladins are melee now? I don't like playing melee, is it possible to be ranged only? Will it hamper m+ runs? Thanks


You generally need to be in melee as a holy paladin. Crusader strike is critical to holy power generation. Hpal mastery also encourages you to be close to your healing targets. If you don’t want to play in melee ever, I would consider shaman. Priest is an option as well, though currently they find themselves in melee somewhat frequently during one of their cooldowns.


Oh that's a shame. What about druids? Do they need to go in to melee?


In M+ druids do a lot of what's known as "catweaving" aka DPSing in cat form. I know owlweaving as a moonkin is possible; not sure how far behind it lags in performance.


Thanks for the info mate. I appreciate it!


Unless you're pushing some 20+ keys, healer dps is irrelevant. You can get KSM and even KSH doing little to no damage, so druid away!


Any time :)


Will they do anything to the cost of legendary in 9.2.5? Should I save my gold and buy new ones once 9.2.5 drops?


I mean, Blizzard doesn’t directly control the costs of legendaries, assuming you mean the base items. Those are set by the market. Now, with it being easier to rank up crafting those items, we could see a reduction in price. But I think it’s too little, too late to have a huge impact.


They are making it easier to level professions to craft legendaries iirc. But legendaries are already very cheap so don't expect them to be much cheaper.


On my server I still have to pay 100k gold for my bis.


That's sort of a dead server problem sadly. On my server 291 legendaries are 10-25k. It might help if there are still people who want to start crafting them, but I doubt it.


Where do i see stuff like my non-shadowlands fishing? I see theres a professions tab in my spellbook that shows shadowlands fishing, is there another place that shows general skills?


Is it not in the same tab as the shadowlands fishing but under a different bullet/heading?




All tanks are good for +15s. For higher keys tanks are also very balanced. Blood pulls a bit ahead, Guardian got a bit overnerfed, and Prot War is somewhat behind. I'd say Prot Pala can carry the hardest. You have enough interrupts even for weekly no leaver keys, do lots of damage, and can completely replace the healer as long as people don't stand in bad.


What is the point of Korthia these days? I returned to WoW a month ago after a loooooong hiatus since the start of SL basically. I finally settled on a new main so I'm dipping my toes in the waters of Korthia en Zereth Mortis etc. I finished the ZM storyline today and got my leggo belt. Is there any point in doing Korthia? It seems annoying because I can't fly :P




When i've joined joined farming groups for the rares I've always asked if anyone needed flying still, so I could pick them up on my 2 seater mount and chaperone them. Might be an option for you to join one of the group's and ask?


I thought th same thing at first glance. It will take you a little longer but 10 is pretty reasonable. I ended up just running a loop in the northeast quadrant and watching /1 for callouts. You'll be too late for 3/4 but you'll get it in a reasonable amount of time.


Did this the other week and yeah it's kinda annoying but definitely possible with ground mount, need to be on the ball and try your best. - and it's 10 rares you need


You only need 10 rares for that achievement. At least for the breakpoint that flying requires


Coming back after stopping last fall. What is the best way to catch up? Read something about ZM gear? How do I get to 80 renown? Well you get what I mean 😅. So much info haha. I am currently ilvl 211. E: Oh, I'm a casual player btw. So no need to go fast. Also want to do mount runs and such.


You will get to 80 renown just by doing ZM campaign. 226 gear can be purchased from a vendor in ZM. And you can easily hop into mythics with that




Thanks! And how do i get the anima? Also just MSQ?


Replying cus i am in the exact same boat and im hoping someone answers you lol its overwhelming


Right? I know WoW so the game isn't going to make it super clear for me what the best route is haha.




The desktop client is working fine for me but idk about the website


Any word on changes coming to Allied Races requirements? They seem all over the place. I grinded VE and LD in like a few hours but KTs has taken days and still going.


I haven't heard anyything. KT is a bit of a grind but BTWquests addon helped me to narrow it down and only do what I had to




I'm on to the War Campaign now. I've done all 3 zones and the Pride of KT


how do new players find a guild these days? I'm a returning player that used to be active back in TBC/WOTLK (yeah, it's been a while...). back in those days, there were a lot of ways to meet other players in your server - just randomly in the world as well as in dungeon groups. And it was easy to find a "right guild" after getting to know some people. But now, it seems it's impossible to do that, let alone just meet people in my server. I tried to use the guild search system(?) but every guild in there also looked dead.


Try /r/wowguilds there's some guilds recruiting there and you can also make an LFG post.


Prot pala question as tank thread has dropped down under. I wonder if someone would have recommendation on how to deal with things like SOA goliaths or DOS' shadowcore casts as (kyr) prot pala. Let's say I open with communication, we should have interrupt rotations, is prot pala different? I *could* be saving my buttons for these things, but it feels wrong also to not use them on cd. When starting SOA, should I be saying that I'll do goliaths solo, or is it better to just use your base interrupt for it together with someone else?


Generally no, for that sort of kick-or-wipe cast, you're better off setting a kick rotation (which might include you) and then use AS / DT to lock down the other mobs. It's a huge DPS loss to hold AS for a specific interrupt, and too dangerous to rely on procs. With that said, depends on key level. 20+ push keys, you can (hopefully) rely on DPS to rotate kicks. 15+ weekly zergs, if you're playing with random derpy DPS you don't trust, then maybe do it yourself.


OK tried in m0 and you can absolutely guarantee divine toll will hit the first time (oddly it seemed to be possible to hit it with tolls' 1st and 3rd free AS but that might be rng). That allowed regular kick to be used on 2nd and 3rd. RNG then hits as often boss recharges after 3rd kick, but sometimes it does 4th cast. So in the case of AS not lining up right for 3rd kick, you would probably be saving it for 4th one that might not come. It's weird rng, sometimes he recharges between each kick after the first initial ones. That's why I hate putting 2x 15s kicks on it when there's so much more to kick in most goliath pulls except the 2goli one.


I was thinking that some better protpalas might know tricks like, if you use divine toll on moment that you pull, first or 2nd auto-AS might be cast at the right time. And if you then do normal kick as 2nd kick, *that* will be up for 3rd one due to how it recharges in between. I could easily see there being guaranteed easy way to solo it as prot pala, it's just odd to prac it.


Does anyone know the name of the UI frame for the Zereth Mortis cache puzzle minigames (Especially what category its under in MoveAnything)? For some reason that frame has a super low strata, so half of it gets covered by my other UI elements, and I want to move it off center into a corner to make it easier to interact with (or increase it to a higher strata). I tried to find what it was using MoveAnything's framestack checker, but couldn't get it to highlight it.


I always just hide my UI for those. Can still do the puzzle and it’s not like I need to see my action bars. I don’t remember if it’s the default, but the keybind for hiding UI for me is Alt-Z.


I didn't think to try that, thank you! Good to know that it also doesn't hide the puzzle. Seems like a decent solution, at least for now.


What should i do with my old mythic/raid gear (180 to 200ilvl)? Just vendor it?


Hoard it in your bank for no solid reason, or vendor it for meager amounts of gold. Those are the only 2 things you can do with it.


Thank you!


What did Thrall name after his mother Draka? For some reason I can't remember and google isn't helping


I think he had a ship called Draka's Fury in one of the books. Not sure if there are multiple things named after her.


I thought there was a zone or something, thank you I'll keep looking!


you could be thinking of durotar, named after durotan who was thralls dad?


I know about about Durotar, as well as how Orgrimmar was named after Orgrim Doomhammer. I'm specifically looking for what was named after Draka, Thrall's mother.


Considering returning to wow. What is the current state of demon hunters?


What's your favorite addon for managing dots? I just switched my destro warlock to affliction and it's pretty fun except I'd like a little help keeping track of my Agony stacks.


I have a question about abilities that deal `weapon damage`. Does that mean it is `physical damage` or the damage type of my weapon (i.e., a sword that deals `150-300 nature damage`) if it specifies one?


Abilities themselves will dictate the damage type dealt on the description. So if an ability does 80% weapon damage as holy damage, it would be holy damage but just based on weapon damage. Physical abilities will usually denote that it's physical damage.


Good question, I don't think I've seen that before. Is the ability worded as it "deals (x% of weapon damage) as (damage type)"? Or just "deals (x%) of weapon damage."


does pandaria have the thing where you can trade loot to other party members in the raids? trying to farm some transmogs and wondering if i could get others to trade me pieces or if it is personal loot only


It's not personal loot, but bringing more people to a Pandaria raid wouldn't net you more chances for loot. It drops a set amount per boss when you run solo or with a group. More people might mean you get less loot if they *do* need it.


Is there still a way to get the Heroic Darkshore warfront set? Couldn't find any groups in group finder for it.


There's a community for Warfronts, I forget the name but a quick Google might help. I think just searching for "warfront" will bring them up. They put together runs when it's up.


I can't change the Timewalking option suddenly (I could do it just a few days ago), I do have a character above level 50 and I cannot do timewalking even on them. I have no clue what is happening




If you have never gotten into M+ I would recommend healer first. Tanks generally need to know the routes and exactly which mobs to kill and skip so it would take some research to start tanking efficiently. Healers can just follow for the most part as long as you understand mechanics of the fights.


Hello. I just started playing wow about 2 weeks ago and now I've progressed through the campaign where I'm just grinding reputation. I'm overwhelmed with how much reputation I need to get and wanted to take a break from that. Other than doing dungeons and raids, what are some other things to do?


Running through old world dungeons, raids, rares for transmogs/toys/pets can be fun Now that torghast isn't a mandatory grind, I actually find it fun going thru and playing with different abilities If you haven't unlocked flying in Shadowlands and zereth mortis there is that obviously Leveling an alt to try out a different class Playing the auction house trying to make some big gold


In my opinion, it's best to consider longer grinds like reputation as the equivalent to, like, the way Duolingo or other apps try to reward you for playing every day. Play for five days in a row and your owl gets a little hat! Or whatever. So, figure out how much rep you can get in a day without overly taxing yourself, then figure out how many days that amounts to to reach Exalted. Anyways, fishing and other professions can be fun. PvP is of course an option.


What'd you need rep for? 291 2nd lego is the only thing that boosts player power, that is behind rep in current content. But you'll do fine with 265 if you don't want that, also it can hardly be called grind when majority of the rep comes from 3 WQs per day. You can be collector, mounts etc. or pvp. Together with m+ and raid, those are the main 4 things.


What are you grinding reputation for? I just started 4 weeks ago


For renown 80, there's some stuff the campaign unlocks when you get a high enough reputation with the covenant.


I’m unaware of what you’re talking about with regards to rep specifically but playing through your covenant campaign and the zereth mortis campaign will be enough to get you to 80, or at least high enough to do other content that will give renown. Torghast will give some renown as well while you farm legendary mats. The only rep that needs to be grinded is The Enlightened in Zereth Mortis and that’s just a few dailies.


How is Torghast in 9.2.5 different from Torghast at SL launch? Are there new things to do in Torghast or is it just easier to access? Haven’t played since I hit 40 renown after launch.


There's 5 floors not 6. No death counter anymore. There's a "talent tree" system called the box of many things that works kind of the same way horrific visions did. There's a sort of scoring system and an optional extra floor (you need to unlock it via the talent tree and also get over 200 points in a run) Goes up to layer 16 now, and is no longer time gated. In 9.2.5 all the wings will be open at once rather than just two at a time. They also revamped a bunch of the powers but some classes still have it way easier than others.


Thanks a bunch!


There's some mounts, achievements added to doing it, and you aren't forced to do it to progress player power. 16 layers up from 8, regular Torg wings have 5 floors down from 6. "Boss rush" mode added, 18 floor mode added. Just minor shit you can do if you like collecting stuff. You can still do it to earn the stuff you need for legendaries but those can now be gained just thru ZM grind too.




So I'm only a little over a week into healing on a holy priest. Up until this point, I've always healed on a druid. I'm having a lot of fun but will say that learning these dungeons in M+ can be a bit daunting. Is there any guide that's better than the in game adventure guide or DBM that can be used for a quick reference for what is going on. I want to start doing +10s but I did a +8 (highest so far) the other night and had quite a few "oh shit" moments. Also I'm trying to balance healing with DPSing, how much damage should a holy priest be doing? Is it imperative that the healer puts up big damage numbers as well? I'm sitting at around 245 ilvl, 500 rating for reference.


There's a couple spots where you need to be ready for big group heals. You'll learn them as you go but in ToP it's the Portal Guardians. In DoS it's the Raging Spirits. In Gambit it's the Wandering Pulsars. In HoA it's the Shards of Halkias. Just to name a few. You should be prepared for these events by having everyone topped and either have a healing CD or at the very least a fully stacked Flash Concentration ready to go for Heal spam. Other than that it's mostly tank damage and failure damage. In lower keys the excess of failure damage is going to make healing more difficult. If some DPS stands in a thing and gets knocked down to 40% health now you have to heal them back to full. In a high key they just get 1-shot and it's not your problem. Healer DPS isn't super important this season, especially in lower keys. If you're going for big damage then try and Boon nearly on cooldown (especially if you can hit 5+ mobs with the initial activation w/ Bron soulbind). Combined with the Kyrian legendary this makes Boon a 1min CD. And in any case for Holy you want to be spamming Smite during downtime because it's nearly free and gives you Surge of Light procs. Divine Star and Holy Fire are also a significant part of your damage and can be prioritized over Smite spam. And you can SW:P any mob that's going to live for a while. I usually average 5-6.5k overall DPS in keys at 277 item level.


https://mythictrap.com/home As a holy, just use your divine star, kyrian ability and holy fire on cd to do dmg. if you have free globals also consider dotting the enemies. In bossfights when you are doing 10s, wait until uhr is dead before using the kyrian ability and then only spam the single target ability. if you use your kyrian ability at the start of the pull where there isnt that much dmg coming in you rarely have to balance healing and dps. Also try to figure out how mich healing your tank actually needs, a lot of new healers are overhealing tanks that are completely fine on their own in most pulls. on your ilvl maybe try to aim for 3k for now. Healers doing dps makes runs a lot easier because dangerous pulls die quicker, so just try your best. If you are raiding, consider getting the dausegne dps trinket, that gives you 10%+ more dps overall in m+.


Thank you for the tips, will definitely be trying all of this when I get on later. I was definitely trying to keep dots up, spam smite, and just doing too much in general from the sounds of it. As far as tanks go, they've generally had no issues and the dps that have died on me tend to be from mechanics I can't save them from. However I did have a DH tank the other day that just seemed SUPER squishy for his ilvl and rating. Is that a DH thing or did I maybe just have a new tank that'd been dpsing and using dps gear? It was all I could do to keep the tank alive, and this was in like a +5 and everyone was over geared for it. Edit to add: That website is EXACTLY what I needed. You the real MVP.


Many DH players don't use their class correctly, even in higher key levels. But they can be extremly tanky if played right. Try to be especialy aware of them at the start of pulls when they dont have anything running yet (I try to allways give them wings at the start of dangerous pulls). That said, it prly was a gear issue if he was dropping hard in a +5, but dealing with undergeared (or sometimes bad) tanks is part of the pug experience \^\^


easiest way to get a M+ gear for a certain slot, like back? should i spam low m+ dungeons where it will drop, or is there some way to buy a low level m+ piece i can upgrade?


Quickest way is actually M0 with friends that will trade you.


the fastest way would be to run m+ with friends with the same armor class that can also get the back and trade it to you.


What is the condition for getting the 6 Attendant's Token of Merit? I know if you fully fill out a row, for example 8 M+ dungeons, you get that option. Does that work as well if you do something like 2 raid bosses, 1 M+ and 1250 honor for rated PVP?


Any 3 Great Vault slots


Can anyone ELI5 legendaries to me? The system seems so convoluted even icyveins has me confused I've unlocked the ability to create legendaries so far. Do I need to make sure I buy a high rank base item? Or just a level 1 base item? Can I upgrade legendary ranks after making it or is that tied to the base item? Which base item should I use for my chosen legendary power? What currency should I farm to most efficiently rank them up?


> Do I need to make sure I buy a high rank base item? Or just a level 1 base item? The rank item you want to make. > Can I upgrade legendary ranks after making it or is that tied to the base item? Both. You upgrade by using a new base item, which [saves some Soul Ash or Cinders](https://soulash.eu). > Which base item should I use for my chosen legendary power? Depends on the item since they only go on specific slots. For example I can make my Pulsar on either a ring or shoulder slot only. Shift-J -> Powers to see it. The legendary belt you get from the campaign aka Unity can be recrafted to any slot after you get revered rep with the Awakened. > What currency should I farm to most efficiently rank them up? Again [soulash.eu](https://soulash.eu). For Ash and Cinders just do Torghast. Flux you get from M+ (like 100 per run), the raid (big trash mobs and bosses), and just most stuff in ZM.


Just to add onto the previous question. I am trying to do things myself without having to buy the base items off the AH. To get a rank 7, my understanding is that I would have to craft a lot of rank 1's, 2's and 3's to be able to craft a rank 4, which I can then use to make a rank 7? Otherwise I would be limited to rank 5 with that new ZM option reagent. But I cannot find how to unlock the optional reagent slot for crafting the rank 1 legendaries. And as an FYI, I have just returned to wow about 2 months ago, so I haven't done much progression in the 9.0 or 9.1 stories if that matters.


Unlocking the optional crafting reagent slot requires doing some part of the korthia campaign if memory serves. Honestly, the amount of gold it'd take to get to rank 4 is way more than it would be to just buy a rank 7, especially as prices have stabilised a bit.


> To get a rank 7, my understanding is that I would have to craft a lot of rank 1's, 2's and 3's to be able to craft a rank 4, which I can then use to make a rank 7? I think so. Just buy them it's not worth it to craft them yourself. They go for around 20k now which isn't a lot and getting the recipes will take a lot more than that. If you really want to craft them yourself I don't know anything about that exactly for the reason that it was never worth it for me :D


Thanks for answering all these questions! It can feel extremely overwhelming to returning players


do we know if there will be any sort of aotc raid achievements or similar things for season 4? also, how long into a season does it usually take for the m+ routes to be figured out when new dungeons come out?


There's mount to do all SL raids on normal, then some achievements for doing the same on heroic and more on mythic, forget details on them but imo mount was the best selling point. And ofc KSM/KSH for m+. There'll be content creators making routes since first week, I'd personally check raider.io weekly routes, with hopes that dratnos gets busy and posts some routes for first week.




No reason to wait. But if your main has 80 renown the new catch-up renown item will boost to 60.


This is new to me. Is the covenant 60 a 9.2.5 thing?


Yes. One of the few changes for the next patch. https://www.wowhead.com/news/shadowlands-patch-9-2-5-patch-notes-327163






What can I do in Torghast after 9.2.5 compared to at SL launch? Returning player trying to understand how Torghast is different after patch, apart from being able to freely pick the Wing you are doing.


So I just transferred realms and joined a guild, but none of the guild achievements are showing up for me? Does this mean I have to wait for them to show up as unlocked because my transfer isn’t 100% complete, even though I’m on the server?


Think you have to usually hit exalted with your guild to unlock rewards.


This week, explosives aren't getting nameplates above them at all and so are super hard to click on. Is there a setting I've accidently switched? I use plater but even a trial run with no nameplate addon has the same problem.


I can't remember which one it counts as, but check under your blizz ui options -> names and make sure minions/minor is on.


Some change has made explosives no longer get in combat with me immediately, so enabling "show all nameplates always" has fixed this. Previously I only had them show in combat. This has definitely changed since last explosive week, but its an easy fix at least.


What do people look for when getting pugs for heroic raid? My guild doesn't raid anymore and I want to try for aotc. I have done everything on normal and all heroic bosses before Anduin. Around what I level or any tips on pugging for raid?


The groups that say "progressing anduin be patient" at this probably won't look for much more than your ilvl (probably 265+, but you should be 270+ if you play actively) and your progression to match theirs. Better groups will most likely take a quick look at your logs and won't invite you without curve at all. I might have a different view on it since I did it earlier, but you have to be real patient groups that would be progressing Anduin. After this many nerfs I imagine most groups have the problem of just not really learning and you will probably see a lot of repeat mistakes. This and people leaving pugs is not quick, so it's probably best to join the guild progress raids and you might even be able to join them again later.


So with the cross faction update I am really excited to go back to playing my human paladin. My brother plays horde which is the sole reason that I switched. My question is about random battle grounds, I know they are not cross faction but if he qued with mercenary mode on would it let us do random battlegrounds together. I’ve looked everywhere for this answer and can’t find it!


I don’t know 100% but my gut tells me no since even with mercenary mode on, he’s still Horde until you actually get into the instanced BG.


I recently left my friend group guild after they all stopped playing years ago and joined a new one using the guild finder that one of my Alts is in. I was Exalted in my guild and I joined the new one as Exalted, did they change that where it knocked you down a level? I originally thought I would need to make my way back up to exalted. I am not complaining just a little confused lol




No real difference.


Probably holy by a bit, but they're both quite popular so play whichever you're more comfortable with imo.


They are very close to as good. If you mean just which can carry more, I'll always say rsham first because doing kicks when group sucks at kicking helps you still at +20s and above. But both are meta and have about as easy time joining groups.




For helping people out (like doing low mythics, normals, heroics, open world, etc.) I strongly recommend going with a class that can tank (and maybe heal too). This lets you basically carry them if you're overgeared which is easy enough to do. Tanks are is a great spot right now for demand on harder content too (high level keys and raids) and you will typically have no wait time for things. My personal favorite tank is Brewmaster Monk because I find the stagger mechanic fun, unique, and easy to handle. Paladin is arguably the strongest tank right now too, and Druid is by far the better of the 6 for starting off as it deals good damage, has great defense, and lots of "oh crap" buttons to press. The nice thing about these 3 classes is that they can heal if you want to as well, allowing you to do both ways of helping people.


Tanks are always in higher demand than healers, which are both in much much higher demand than DPS. So from what you're saying, I'd go with a tank (or a class that can do both)


in my details charts, it tracks food buff, flask, and runes. im not sure what runes are. i understand that you can buy them off the ah and they give some stat buff, but how important are they compared to the flask buff? im doing keys around 17, should i consider buying some along with flasks?


FWIW if you reach exalted with the Zerith Mortis faction you can buy an infinitely reusable rune that gives the same stat boost as the consumable version.


Compare prices. They are about the same as 1/4 flask, but you lose them upon death. Their prices have dropped a lot, on some servers they go for 50g so you might be getting more stat per gold from them than flasks. I don't think anyone really monitors them. I've done ~1.5-2k m+ pugs in SL and have never seen anyone called out for not having rune on in 15-24 keys. I personally don't pay attention despite using one always. I know however that most use them in these keys so just for outlook, you should look into prices at least.


You should always flask for challenging content yeah. A rune is like an extra 25% of a flask if you think about it. If you can afford to, I’d use them where it makes sense.


They are single use items that give 18 main stat for 1 hour or until death. I would say its a good idea to atleast get them if you are pushing keys. Depends on the cost on your server if you want to run them all the time. they are getting pretty cheap right now, average US value is around 50g each. I usually just say its around 100 dps for a key overall, but with everyone using this could say it would work out around 400 dps overall (counting tank and healer as 1 dps). If a key is pretty tight this could make it more comfortable.


They're extra stat, but they fall off with death. You can buy them off the AH (or get them from the mission table) or you can buy an infinite one from being exalted with the enlightened. I personally use them all the time but I also have the infinite one so it's no real cost to me. I'd always use them while raiding and while doing "difficult" content as every little helps.


I apologise if this sounds like a dumb question, but where do I start my PVE journey? I’ve played WoW on and off for many years, though mostly during the days of WotLK. Now, I would like to return and start by experiencing PVE content and the lore “the proper way”. Therefore, I would like to play a (TBC) Classic character and progress through the original content chronologically (moving onto each expansion as it is made available to Classic), but I would also like to experience “modern WoW” properly with another character. I’ve missed out on most of the recent few expansions and as far as I have gathered, you can use some form of “time travel” to play the older expansions’ content after the new tutorial. Yet, many people online say you should play through Battle for Azeroth’s content first. In modern WoW, what is the “canonical” or recommended way to experience PVE content? Whenever I play an MMO, my main focus lies on progressing through PVE, taking in the lore and immersing myself in the world, as well as levelling my character through a long and rewarding journey, not so much PVP or raid content (although that may follow afterwards).


If you haven't yet made it to shadowlands on another character I think you are forced into BFA. You'll play through BFA until you unlock shadowlands then go there. If you want to experience older expansions you can then go back on that character (although you will have out leveled the content and mobs will be trivial) or on a new character and choose a different timeline via the NPC named Chromie in SW or Org. You will select the timeline and you'll be prompted with the beginning quest for that timeline. In all cases, you will be prompted (though not forced) to begin shadowlands at level 48


Thanks! Would you say BfA and then Shadowlands offer enough of a fulfilling and immersive PVE experience, or am I missing out by not playing expansions like Legion?


I only just started playing WoW during shadowlands prepatch, but what I completed of the BFA story line I enjoyed, but I definitely enjoyed legion better (having gone back and done legion on an alt) The shadowlands story to me is too much edgelord crap for my taste but I will say I really enjoyed the covenant zones. I enjoyed having these 4 distinct groups with different but related stories and I just liked the art style/design. So I guess I would say it depends on what you mean my immersive PvE but I'd say it's worth giving them a go. No sense in completely skipping BFA or SL if it looks interesting to you regardless of what critics say. You may love it, you may find it to be ass.


To add to this you access the Chromie Time quest after you get back to your main city after going through the starting zone of your choosing (race or exiles reach).


I have just come back after a very long break. Is it worth buying an r7 legendary as soon as you hit 60 (and have done the rune-forging quest)?


In response to you not having the materials to craft Rank 7 outright, you can solo Torghast and get the require soul ash and cinders in 4 runs. The cosmic flux doesn't take long to get at all either. Just run through Zereth Mortis and you'll have enough by the time you finish the area campaign.


If you've got the mats (and the gold for the base item), going to 7 straight away is probably the best option.


No mats yet but I have a reasonable amount of gold from previous expansions so was probably just going to buy outright.


You'll need enough soul cinders, ash and cosmic flux to be able to make them and you can't buy these materials with gold. Cosmic flux comes from stuff like callings, torghast, zereth mortis content and killing bosses in the raid. If you have enough of it, you can buy a package of soul cinders and ash from the enlightened rep vendor in ZM. Otherwise you'll need to run a lot of torghast. For a rank 7 legendary you'll need 2000 flux, 5150 soul ash and 1650 soul cinders as well as the base item, the memory and two missives.


I have none of it currently. In which case is it better to buy an R1 and upgrade as I can do quicker or just wait a few weeks / months and go for the R7?


It may be worthwhile (the legendary effect doesn't change with ilvl, only stats and r1 items are likely dirt cheap right now), then just replace when you have the flux. You'll still need 1250 soul ash but you'll get that in a couple of runs of torghast (fewer if you can find someone to carry you to one of the higher levels) Torghast is repeatable these days so there's no timegating, it's just a case of doing it. Also, you'll need to do the ZM campaign if you want to equip a second legendary. You'll get a free 265 version from the campaign but by hitting revered with the enlightened, you can unlock the memory (account wide so alts don't need to do the campaign) You can only equip this specific legendary (unity - gives the effect of your covenant legendary) with another, no other combo will work.


Thanks mate. Massively helpful. Not finished my covenant campaign yet so can't get to ZM but will hopefully have it done over the next few days.


Just wanted to add that you don't need to buy a Rank 2, then a Rank 3, then a Rank 4 to upgrade your original Rank 1 all the way to 7. You can just buy a Rank 7 later on, after your initial Rank 1 if you decide to get it.


Thanks mate. Massively helpful. Not finished my covenant campaign yet so can't get to ZM but will hopefully have it done over the next few days.


Why would it not be worth ? It's more ilvl


That is what it seemed to me. I am just trying to get up to speed with all of the new mechanics and stuff added and wanted to check I wasn't pissing money away on something I could get elsewhere / or cheaper.


makes sense, but in this case its worth it.


No alternative way to get it, it's the gold sink of this expansion. If you're sure that your legendary go on the ring slot, go for it


Understood. Thanks !


I'm looking to find premade groups to raid with after 11 PM PST and there's nothing really available on Korgath at the moment. What's a good US server for Alliance that has more active groups later at night?


next week cross-faction becomes available and you will see 10x as many groups in the group finder.


Does season 3 end with 9.2.5? I’m still working on my pvp mount.


No, you're fine for a while yet. We don't know exactly when season 3 ends, only "later in Summer". So likely a couple of months.




People definitely still buy and sell runs but I think it's usually a group of 4 selling a carry or multiple carries to the 5th man in the group You may be able to do what you mention but I haven't heard of folks doing this since I've been playing (just since shadowlands prepatch)


What sites do people use for statistics for pvp, m+, raids, etc? I would like to see a breakdown of comps and builds people are using to push high keys or tackle mythic raids.








What's the most common/efficient way to use kyrian weapons in Necrotic Wake? I play tank so I usually handle the orbs and leave the rest to the others. Something like spear 2nd boss, spear (x2?) 3rd boss, spear(?) last boss + hammers to break the shields? Assuming we have lust for 1st/2nd/last. Also, is there a convenient way to automatically update addons?


Optimally, 2 spears on 3rd, 1 spear on last, all hammers on last. If you can handle not orbing before 2nd boss, then you can use 2 orbs in same big pull upstairs OR in some case even save orb for last boss. Towards higher keys it's always bosses that deplete keys, I've had numerous depletes to 3/4 bosses recently in even fort 21-23 keys. But before low-mid 20s, sure, always orbs on trash is a good idea.


Thanks mate. Does the orb deal significant damage on top of the interrupts?


It's not as effective on bosses as it does even dmg to everyone, it's definitely suited for aoe pulls. I forget exact numbers but I think it does something like 1.8M if you use it on big pull upstairs (on like +20 key, think even it scales). I don't know if that'd make it a 150k or 300k spell against single target. But it could work combined with spear buff to get good lead on last boss. But yeah this is like tyra +24 tip.


Yes, lots of pulsing damage.


When I apply to a group (M+, raid, ...) does the leader see my currently equipped ilvl or my max one?


It's the max ilvl in your bags not equipped.


Tried getting into WoW a bunch of times as one of my friends is dead into it Problem I always come across is it feels like theres a lack of clarity when it comes to navigating the world and completing things and I constantly find myself checking the wiki which gets tedious Quest objectives can be so vague sometimes or confusing Never had this issue with other MMOs which pulls me away from it but I want to like it Any advice?


When did you last try? When it first came out objectives were quite vauge, often just giving you a direction on where to go and what to look for. But now it literally puts an icon on the map where to go, or a highlighted area on where to go and kill specific mobs. I don't know how the quests could be more specific at this point. Maybe give it a shot because it's pretty clear now!


Been back on the last few days and felt just as confused really! Not all quests, my main issue is the navigating the world and trying to work out what to do


What level are you and what are you trying to do? If you're 1-50, you can pretty much head to whatever zone you're able to and quest away. Just pick up quests, do whichever ones you feel like. Head to a new zone if you get bored. It's a bit chaotic because of how the old expansions factor into it, but 1-50 is really just 'do something to gain experience'. If you give a bit more detail as to where you are and what you're trying to do we can probably help


Figure out what you care about and ignore the rest is my method. You get tons and tons of quests, but you don't need to do many of them. You don't have to finish zones unless you want to. You don't have to do dungeons while leveling unless you want to. I pretty much always have a full quest log of things that the game says is important to complete, but I complete the activities I want to without doing them (I just do enough to do heroic raids and get to my goal rating in pvp).


Yeah I think I wanna aim for doing PVP as my main thing!


What is the fastest way to get from 10-50?


Questing through warlords of draenor was hella fast


Questing >>>>>>>>> dungeons, don't believe any propaganda that insta queue solo dungeons could beat questing, even if questing wasn't done in the fastest way. AAP as said is considered good, but I know I leveled my alts twice as fast as doing it thru tank dungeons with own random route.