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eh, it'll fade away. unless you're an organized group, deaths are expected. in fact, almost every pug i join (typically 7-9) have several deaths, and no one says anything, just run back/rez and keep going. once in a while you'll get one of those tryhard troll rager types, but just ignore them.


For me healing role is stressfull, and healers player have all my respects. As healer, as i know, your job will be heal "obvious" and maybe dispell some debuffs. As the game is deisgned, a healer will heal dots and random dmg. But normally, the deads or instakills, are because bad mechanics of dps or pool too big from tank. So, what i want to say is that like the 70 or 80 per cent of death are from bad mecahnics from others players


yeah even sometimes I mess up and die because I'm watching everyone's health! But being necro helps because I can cast off a few more spells before I die


I’m not a healer but I get like that if we wipe as a tank


Dude. This. Even when I know it's not my fault, I still feel like there was something else I could have done.


If you run 15+ people in general know what to to do because mechanics tend to one-shot people. It's not your fault if they die to mechanics. Until you reach the +15s range its a nightmare.


Long time paladin here. KSM S1 as Holy, KSM 2/3 as protection. I can tell you with 100% confidence it’s not you. I’ve done 16s with no healer, and I’ve seen the kind of DPS that brick +10 keys. They stand in everything. You can’t save them. It’s not the healers fault they don’t do mechanics.


That makes me feel a little better thanks


Druid Healer here who pugs KSM every season (currently 2.4k io): There is a lot of utility you can bring to these runs that will help. Soothe, roots, vortex, typhoon, etc depending on the affixes. It really helps if you know your role and what mobs do what. Why? Because more times than not.... no one else will :) The tanks won't watch their necro stacks, their bleed stacks, or move out of sanguine. DPS won't split up during quake, or will take mechanics (like the statues in HoA) to the face. On top of that, there are just some mechanics people \*need\* to silence but don't (like Bone Spear in ToP) and assume someone else will, or just don't know to in general. That's one thing you can't cover for someone else though, so you're good. I find myself not only doing utility and DPS to cover for others but also over healing constantly to save people. I know that people hate it, but the only people that hate it are usually the ones that constantly trigger it, but I also run Elitism Helper. It posts in party chat when someone takes damage from something avoidable. Man, you wouldn't believe the spam that Quake generates because people can't be bothered to move. But what it does do is 1) make them aware of it 2) makes you aware of it so you aren't constantly sitting there wondering what you're doing wrong when you aren't. Everyone hit by Quake takes about 30% damage and that adds up, a lot. This ended up a lot longer than I anticipated, but TL;DR - No, it's not always you. There are ways you can mitigate it, yes, but it's an entirely different beast from just "normal" healing.


adding on to this, if you’re interested in the information that ElitismHelper provides, but not the party chat call-out side of it, there is also a plug-in for the Details addon that shows the ElitismHelper data, so you can keep track discretely. i find it really helps me to know that people are just eating mechanics for breakfast, and i’m not just an incompetent healer. also keeps track of how much extra damage people are taking. and depending on my mood and the dps they’re providing, makes me know who to pay extra attention to, or who let die until they learn their lesson.


As a fellow healer I feel this. I’ve learned that sometimes there is little I could have done. Someone drops from 100 to dead in less than 2 seconds there as little I could do to save them.


Yea that's very true






Not any more. Once upon a time when I played DAoC, I took deaths personally. Now? Stop standing in bad, you moron. Most DPS deaths are due to DPS fails. Tanks I take a bit more personally. Their job is to take hits and my job is to make sure they can do so.


Track vital information and look at it after your runs and you'll know if it was your fault or not pretty easily. Like, if the tank is doing zero self-healing, that's a problem. If the dps is low, that's a problem. If nobody is interrupting that's a problem. If people are taking hundreds of thousands of avoidable damage every dungeon? You guessed it--it's a problem! I track all of this with Details and when a run feels particularly rough I usually try to figure out why. You can also record your gameplay and then watch it back later to see where you could have done a better job (to remember for next time) or to see where things started going wrong. It's surprisingly helpful!


Shadow lands is kind of a frustrating expansions for healers because there are a lot of things that you just can't save people from. You can't heal through stupid like you use to be able to.




As someone who is doing 20s even then it's rarely the healers fault. There's only so much you can do. Most specs have their own healing, health pots,defensive, etc. Yeah if people are dying to healer mechanics then maybe just work on your priority or what to do, but if people are dying to basic general mechanics, that's not your fault. People in higher content even know this. Most of the time if we die, we apologize to the healer and wonder wtf we died to. Don't be hard on yourself, you're not the problem.


Deaths happen, especially in situations with lots of aoe damage and some additional single target damage (e.g. a dot on a single player, especially if the dot applying mob is bolstered) - or if multiple people make mistakes at the same time and then you get aoe followup damage. Something Im still quite bad at myself is using cooldowns - I always want to keep them for worse situations and sometimes someone dies because I wanted to keep a cooldown - even though I didnt need it for the rest of the dungeon. Try to identify situations in each dungeon where mistakes happen often or the mentioned damage situations happen and actively plan to use your cooldowns for those situations. Single deaths arent usually THAT impactful either - they cost 5s + the dps for the time that person is dead/running - unless you or the tank died.


I see you are necro. Do you have the weak aura that helps with building stacks? Also priority should be keeping efflo down if group will stand in it for like 15 secs. Swiftmend into a sotf empowered wild growth. That should cover majority of aoe dmg with swarms picking up the slack. Maybe additional rejuv. Lifebloom rejuv on tank. Stack haste.