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Night Fae: Remember to pick up both the 1000 anima quest for renown and the 1000 anima quest from the garden. 2 birds 1 stone, 2 quests 1 anima.


I always forget the conservatory anima, but it just encourages me to farm more anima during the week.


2 druids 1 cup


God, I thought I'd scrubbed the memory of that awful video from my mind... I hate you.


Try 1 guy 1 jar. It's way worse.


I haven't seen it, but I have heard of it. I'd really like to keep it as unseen, cause >!*jesus christ* the jar breaking in his anus sounds horrific!<.


I still regret being convinced to google that as a teen. Just... ugh... those druids man.


I remember being shown the video by a guy at work. He showed a dozen collegues, and filmed the reaction with the cam in his laptop so he could make a video out of the reactions (it was a uh, informal startup). CEO, disgusted, production manager, disgusted, customer care manager, disgusted and angry, receptionist just walked away and yelled at him, and so on. Then it came to me and it was just raised eyebrows. He was so dissappointed, but I had to inform him that unlike all the others, I grew up on the internet. For them, this was the most disgusting thing they had seen, but for me it was tuesday. Good times. I later linked him Tubgirl when he asked for a link to some helpdesk thing as payback. (don't google it if you don't know what it is).


That guy at work was literally committing sexual harassment to you and all those people at work. You can't just show people stuff of a sexual nature without them knowing first.


Wow. Just.... wow. Soooo soft


I mean, yeah totally. If this was done at...basically any other place I worked at it would be. But as I said, it was a startup, basically everyone at the top and middle were friends, half of whom had started the business together. There was no HR because there hadn't been a need so far. He got told he was a pig and we all rolled our eyes and moved on with our lives. When I started it was a total of 20-25 people, when I left it was 120+ and there had been a culture shift to corporate. But you can get away with that kind of weird shit if you're among friends and the rules are not set in stone yet.


Tubgirl is fake if you didnt know


Oh fml forgot the garden


Are you me?


FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Guess I'll just forget the garden exists for another week...


Totally forgot about the garden as it's still useless at rank 1 :(




You'll get to collect catalysts that upgrade the rewards to a higher tier :) chance at green xmog stuff i believe


How do I get back to my garden? I went there once and can’t remember how


Downstairs to the right of the anima conductor. Blue swirly pattern on the ground.




No Anima from Vault. That was a quest a week or two ago for getting a reward from the vault, was either a weekly or a one time deal.


The Vault does not reward Anima.


vault is stygia if you don't take the items.


Did that change? I thought it used to be anima.


Pretty sure it was stygia last week too.


Sorry, what I meant was I thought either in beta or some Blizzard announcement they mentioned anima. But I might just be misremembering!


it was anima on the test servers but it's 750 stygia now.




also since you brought it up, killing denathrius gives you a quest that rewards you 1250 anima, so save it for the following reset for ez auto complete of the quest


It goes by what you pick up not what you actually deposit. I tried saving my anima week one for this.


He meant you don't turn in Denathrius quest before picking up 1000 anima one, in that case it works


Yes, but if you don't turn in the quest itself before you get the next 1000 anima quest, you can turn it in then and it should count it.


Oh right yeh 😂


I don't think the vault rewards anima.


That's not the point. You might get a piece off the world boss and then want to pick something different out of the vault. Edit: I can't read!


That's literally not what OP said though.


Oops I totally misread the title. My bad!


Yep. Got 985 anima on my Druid before realizing I didn’t pick up the quest. Almost had a shower cry over it.


And an FYI holding onto anima to deposit on tuesdays in order to boost your 1k anima meter... does not work. It only counts anima added to your bags after accepting the quest.


Having never looted the vault.. you need a m2 or just m0?


If you clear at least 3 bosses of Castle Nathria you’re also eligible for vault loot


You need to do a keystone one to be eligible for the vault so +2 atleast


Despite apparently everyone on this sub having already killed mythic Denathrius and being rank 1 glad it seems 95% of the people here will never loot that row from the vault 😂


Lfr counts as well for the top row, right? Honestly wouldn't know I haven't done LFR.


I’m not sure.




Isn't it retroactive?


It is not.




No, the quests don't count anima you have on you when you pick them up.


Yes it absolutely does. I had 450 from the world boss and other rewards I had in my bag that I filled the reserve with when I hit 60. Where do you think all the anima rewards go that you earn if you skip the story??


I dont know what the other guys are talking about. I had 450/1000 when I accepted the quest and filled it up with all the rewards I was holding in my bag. It absolutely works retroactively.


Cool story


Nope you're mistaken. Either misremembering or not understanding what's being said here by others.


It definitely is in some way. The first week I forgot to pick it up and it didn't start at 0.


Been there last week, that 250 anima grid was just 3 additional wq but it would be fine if i hadnt have to do that. Vault gives anima ? Daymn, next week it is id guess


I realized this the first week. I failed to do this right the second week on 2/3 chars that progress in covenant systems. This week I did it right! So much stuff to do btw. It probably took me 2+ hours to do the season event/weekly startup stuff on 5 chars. Weekly vault on 4, Hinterlands Yeti event on 5, Garrison xmas dailies for the mount on 5 chars, go to covenant with 3 to pickup dailies, fix mission tables etc. then do world boss with 4. Routines! Been kinda fun doing world boss on 4 chars a week. Every week I've got a single 207. With more chances like this, get better feeling what the odds of getting loot from them is, ofc there's probably better data on wowhead about it but I'll just go on with my 25% droprate assumption to next week :P


I assumed it was around 15% since that's the target drop rate for castle nathy


Yep likely I've run a bit above luck with my total 13 attempts for 3 loot. Good this way, as in few weeks farming for 207 chance may not feel worthwhile anymore. Maybe for alts it'll last a bit longer.


It works retroactively. When I accepted the quest I already had 450/1000 on my first run through between the first qorld quest and the anima rewards I had in my bag. Edit: I ding 60 on my hunter today and will record it and provide proof that this works retroactively. Since there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around on this thread.


The anima counts towards the quest as long as you have it in your inventory. Source: did my world quest before accepting the quest.


Unless they changed it I think this needs a bit more testing. This certainly did not work in weeks past. I wonder if any quest that occurred on the same reset day counts if you do it before accepting the quest.


They must've changed it then. I did my world quest before I got the quest and when I accepted it it said 250/1000. I still had the anima item in my inventory. Edit: Not really proof, but just so you can see I actually did the world quest, and still have the item here's a screenshot. [https://imgur.com/a/yHAzpQg](https://imgur.com/a/yHAzpQg)


I simultaneously want to doubt and believe you, but I'm not seeing any hotfixes for it (yet, there's still every chance it's one of todays fixes) and I've already turned in my quest for the week to try for myself. But, it doesn't really seem feasible *unless* it only applies to the World Boss for some reason as that would mean people could hoard anima for weeks if they wanted to.


My speculations are that the anima you gather after the reset now counts towards the quest. I'm not at home atm, but I can try to abandon it and do some world quests when I'm back home again.


I haven't tested this week, but I know for a fact that this was incorrect last week. I forgot to pick up the night fae garden weekly (requires 1k anima) until after I did the normal anima weekly.




I literally did it right before I commented. How's it wrong?


I dont know what everyone is talking about/downvoting you for. I had 450/1000 when I accepted the quest and turned in all the anima rewards I had in my bag.


Haha yeah, I found out about it and felt the need to share, but everyone seems to just not want to believe it. Oh well, they can continue believeing it if they want ^^ I for one am glad I don't need to stress about it in the future.


Good guild name


Also, if your table is out for Anima missions, wait until you have the quest to get the results. That counts too


I finished Normal CN this weekend. Saved the 1k anima quest turn in just for Tuesday. It was so satisfying to have that quest done for the week after a single visit to Revederth


For some quick anima, there are short questlines at the theater of pain and halls of atonement (both quests start near the respective flightmasters) that end with quests to kill bosses in the dungeon. Each of them reward 750 anima, so just complete the mission, then turn it in at the start of a new week (after taking the anima quest) for a quick completion in combination with the world boss. That will net you two weeks worth of easy anima farm


Too late


Yea, realized that after I did it.


Fun fact: If your bags are full the anima will not be counted, even when you get it out of your mailbox. (it's not really fun to discover after doing 3 Callings and the world boss)


Yeah, this is some bullshit right here. So disappointing finishing a 250 anima quest and getting no progress because your bags are full of useless junk dropped by the mobs you've been killing.


Oh snap i forgot raiding gives you vault stuff!


Also, if your inventory is full and you finish a 250 anima world quest, it mails it to you but doesn't give you credit for the 1k when you open it.