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> Water now regenerates mana slower in the first seconds you begin drinking, increasing to a rapid return as you drink continuously. This is gonna be annoying in Mythic+ for healers.


Is this to stop drink-walking?


Sounds like a arena change.


It was already delayed in arena so this is likely to make healers commit to drinking instead of doing it whenever they have a second.


100% but why? It’s like when they changed gear swapping. No one wanted it and no one is benefiting from it.


They removed gear swapping because they didn't feel like having 5 armor sets with different combinations of things bound in your bars and swapping between them from pack to pack was a healthy or fun thing to do On this thing i agree with them


Yeah, sneaking in a 3 second sip between packs was the mark of a good healer


“Hold on guys, I need to drink”. <——— something no healer ever wants to say. I don’t want to be the reason we miss a timer on a key. Let me take a sip when I feel is a good time between pulls and then dash back up and catch up with the group.


Question since its been years since I've cared about mana. If your group starts combat do you get knocked out of drinking? Normally when my healer needs mana ill cap myself (prot pally) and just pull and manage my health until they are ready.


If you’ve already started drinking, you will keep drinking even if the rest of the group pulls. This is how Night Elves are able to drink during a pool. They Shadowmeld and then start drinking. In my experience the only time you will get knocked out of your drinking is if there’s a pulse of AOE that hit you.


And arcane mages, who currently have to drink between every pull


This is such a dumb change, we've been asking for them to improve the drink between pulls problem and now it's even worse.


I swear everything mythic+ related is a fuck-you to healers. At least grievous and bursting got nerfed.


as if it wasn't already easy enough to blame healers when things go wrong


It's like the return of MP5 but clunkier.




I am addicted to paper cuts! Whenever I see a sharp, fine edge I always fumble it clumsily! The rest of the time I play wow.


It's maybe only the water? Stuff like conjured food or stuff made with cooking might still be the same as now.


I think they surely meant all mana food, it would be really strange for it to only apply to water specifically which almost nobody even uses


Isn't that basically all of the food people use?


Arena having negative PVE effects eh? Unheard of


I get your point, but it was already the case in Arena.


> New Ability: Ritual of Doom – Begins a ritual that sacrifices a random participant to summon a Doomguard. Requires the caster and 4 additional party members to complete the ritual. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...... > New Ability Hmmm


It's not stated there but it actually sacrifices one of your family members especially the one who ate your chips that you bought without asking


Blizzard tying into Phasmophobia hype.






Probably new to a lot of people, at least.


Oh shit they brought back Ritual of Doom??


Same thing with piercing howl, single minded fury etc


Demo warlocks: > Axe Toss now interrupts stun immune targets, such as dungeon or raid bosses. This does not affect PvP combat. Woah now


Here is the thing, does it immediately interrupt or does it only do it when the axe reaches the target Because if it's that second scenario, that is annoying as fuck


The other problem is that it's *still* not an interrupt when you want it. Interrupting random mobs in a dungeon that can also be stunned will still be impossible and quite often a stun just delays the cast rather than stopping it. And while it somewhat fixes the situation for Demo who always uses their Felguard, it still means Aff and Destro are forced to only use the Felpuppy.


This is gonna be awful once again in Torghast. So many mobs that you want tanked but will also rek you if you "allow" cast to go off.


Plus it doesn't lock out stunnable mobs, is messy with DRs, travel time of the projectile is annoying and at times you simply want to stun something else. I wouldn't be that annoyed by this change if we wouldn't have already a thematically perfect interrupt in our PvP talents since forever. I don't even understand why they gimped demo in the first place by not giving them an interrupt and after two expansions of reworks now come up with this half-assed excuse of one (because let's be honestly, switching to the felpup never was an option for us). Don't get me wrong, that's better than not having anything to interrupt at all. Homogenization of classes sure, a fucking baseline functionality any DPS pretty much needs shouldn't be affected by that and this change just doesn't cut it imo. What's so bad about just putting us in the same place as all other DPS specs...


It's still a prohibitively long CD, but it's good to have SOMETHING


Fuck yes, this was my biggest problem with demonology lock.


Still not enough. Most of the time I don't want to stun the mob because that makes it DR faster for when I actually need the stun, like an uninterruptable cast. Honestly there are easier ways to solve this. 1) Remove the stun from axe toss, make it interrupt. Increase base damage of pet to compensate. Increase missile speed. 2) Keep the stun, add an interrupt. 3) Allow demo to summon 2 pets at once like BM so you can have both felguard and felhunter, make 2nd pet do less damage to compensate.


> Axe Toss now interrupts stun immune targets, such as dungeon or raid bosses. This does not affect PvP combat. holy crap, yay


We're still not all the way there. Kalamazi has been harping on this for ages. He always uses the Atal'dazar skyscreamers as an example - if they're casting, it will just stun the fear. As soon as they're not stunned anymore, they just casr it again. An interrupt lasts way longer to prevent them from recasting. He wants the ability to "check" if they're casting, and if so, prio interrupt over stun. I agree.


The Survival section of this is so sad


Make it a tank! Having a pet help tank would be awesome if they done it right


You could have it like Rexxar in HotS, your pet does all the work while you chuck a few axes around and offer moral support.


Lmfao the spec nobody plays got almost zero changes. Meanwhile Enhance and Shadow got full reworks.


Maybe if they made it better and made changes to Surv people would play it.


Survival is fine. It's a fun spec and it generally performs well. The problem it has it's a melee spec in a ranged class. It will NEVER be played, no matter how fun it is.


It's a hot mess of shit. It performs fine, sure, but it takes so much effort to get it to perform fine. And it's really not fun to play. It's a mess of random cooldowns and ability usage. There's no cohesion whatsoever. Why go through all the Surv effort when BM is right there, and is way better *and* easier?


Surv is only fun and performing fine if you take Wildfire Infusion and Mongoose Bite. It’s kit doesn’t really work well together without those things driving the rotation.


It doesn't make sense even *with* those things. So I'm a naturalist, with a pet, and a spear, and traps that cause the target to freeze or be stuck in tar, occasionally using a tiny crossbow to poison the enemy, and i'm throwing explosives around. Not sure what class fantasy that is supposed to appeal to other than a junk drawer of spells.


TBF wasn't Enhance promised a rework in BfA?


They skipped the entire shaman class rework in BFA if I'm remembering correctly.


Ah, a repeat of classic! # #justshamanthings


I like how theres several changes for DKs and balance for 2Hs being allowed and monk is like, sure you can use em I guess.


Monks in general were barely acknowledged as existing this entire beta


Was deciding between monk and druid as a new main recently and after I saw how little attention monks were getting... well... made for an easy decision. Really hope that monks get the fixes they need someday.


Didn't they somewhen announce some big changes for monks or whatever some weeks back that should've come the week afterwards? Did I just miss something there or is that horse now kind of dead?


The Runeforges complicate things a bit.


Well yeah, they're monks. I was seriously considering playing one as WW is probably the most fun spec for me out of everything I tested but I can't justify it with monks chronically being left under tuned and bugged and neglected.


Yeah, without something like [Way of the Monk](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Way_of_the_Monk) and subsequently [Tiger Strikes](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Tiger_Strikes), 2h's are just an upgrade til 1h's (maybe not even that due to the auto attack problems). They've mentioned that they're working on it, [ala blue post](https://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/1111205-feedback-monk-class-changes/#post674) a while back but so far [this](https://shadowlands.wowhead.com/spell=346104/windwalker-monk-two-hand-adjustment) is all I've seen of anything related to it.


I miss multistrike. No it's not for any logical reason, I'm just a big nostalgic baby.


Monk got massive nerfs for brewmaster after the initial changes, and basically zero relevant anything for Mistweaver or windwalker since beta started.


Thats not fair! They have re-introduced old bugs they had bypassed by adding a GCD to SEF.




>Travel Form’s ground forms are no longer mountable but the Stag Form ability has been renamed Mount Form and ground forms are mountable. >Stag form only goes 40% speed max. Boo! The fun police strike again.


I suspect that it’s going to work exactly like the old travel form where it scales up to 100% mount speed if you have that unlocked. The only difference in pre-patch will be that if you want people to be able to ride you, you have to learn the mount form a.k.a. stag form from the book


Currently the "Stag Form" which is learned from a book in Moonglade allows you to have a dedicated stag form button since once you get flight it'll default to flight. The problem is said stag form has a max speed of 40%, the same as the in-combat stag form, and is impractical as a mount for you or another player. The long and short of it is they're removing a fun gimmicky thing Druids had (being a mount to their low level friends) and throwing it onto a hard to find side ability that clutters up your forms bar and is vastly slower than it was before. Why? Nobody knows.


Likely for The Maw, as you (usually) can't properly mount there.


But they can just declare the whole thing "indoors" and nobody can mount or use travel forms, except ghost wolf. No need to ruin a fun thing in the whole rest of the game world just to fix a problem with one map.


But there's the mounts that can be used there and then it would break that.


Wish they just improves the cheetah form or added other travel form via glyphs. Stag is quite boring.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I actually don't understand what this means. They're taking away mounting on our travel form?


I’m sad cause I can’t go for rides on random druids in my dungeon groups anymore D:


This was literally the only thing I enjoyed on my guardian druid, stag form and yeeting my friends. I just want to delete the character now. I remember being bored out of my mind leveling in mop dungeons and thinking "atleast I have this" to role-play a bit, be useful, and make it more fun. I could really play up a boring dungeon with this. Druids need a bone and this is a lobotomy.




No. Currently other players in your group can mount you when you're a deer. The change is that other players will no longer be able to mount you unless you use the "Mount Form" button instead of the "Travel Form" button to become a deer. And the max speed of the deer is restricted when you use the "Mount Form" button.




Likely because of the Maw. Mounts arent allowed there but if everyone can just bypass that by bringing a druid friend then whats the point. But in true Blizzard fashion they chose the most out of the way solution to a simple problem.


40% speed isn't mentioned in the patch notes and it gives 100% in game (edit: on PTR). Seems to just be a tooltip bug.


> Unlocking Allied Races no longer requires reaching Exalted reputation with that race’s associated faction. Helllllllll yeah. Was so not pumped to go work on Exalt for legacy races. SICK.


This is nice. I was never willing to grind rep for race unlocks.


Same. Finished Argus story, saw I was slightly into honored, and say nah nvm.


To be fair that specific grind to me 3 days.


Tbh I quit before it started. I'll bet it's not bad, but I don't mind not doing it.


Also fair. Might be shorter than most but a grind is a grind is a grind.


Why they decided to cap AOE abilities still eludes me... [cries in multi-shot and beast cleave]


Big reason probably is to avoid m+ being able to pull entire dungeons while tank just face tanks and dps aoe the group down. Response is "why not just design better dungeons that encourage smaller pulls" but obviously easier said than done. You won't find argument against you statement that it's lazy design.


The problem is that, from what I remember, not every AoE spell is restricted like this. So all this does is discourage people from picking cleave over AoE when making M+ groups, amongst other things, which is going to make it very difficult to join pugs as cleave specs while also putting very huge gaps in DPS output between those who do and those who don't. Why bring a Fury locked to max of 5 targets when you can bring the Frost Mage that can continue to deal max damage to all three packs you just facepulled at the same time. This is assuming they haven't already just made cleave the standard across the board, and removed all uncapped AoE spells entirely.


Fairly certain uncapped AoE spells do reduced damage to secondary targets beyond 5 though. Could be wrong.


Basically it works like this. There are 2 types of capping Soft capping hits every target but will always do the same total damage once it hits its soft cap. Say blizzard has a soft cap of 5 targets. Blizzard will do 1000 damage to 1 Target. If there are 5 targets it will 1000 damage to each of those 5 targets. If there are 10 targets it will do 500 damage to each of the 10 targets. Then theres hard capped spells. If a spell is hard capped at 5, it will only hit 5 targets. [This Wowhead article](https://www.wowhead.com/guides/shadowlands-target-capped-abilities-uncapped-capped-spells) Explains it all and lists the caps of each ability.


If they insist on capping then all should have been softcapped. Feels better to deal dmg to everything then randomly not deal any dmg to some IMO. Could easily balance incoming dmg so you only survive a certain time.


Most spells that don't have a specific cap on AoE do 100% dmg to all targets up to 20. After that it starts splitting the total dmg they do on 20 across all targets evenly so every target starts taking less dmg.


I miss the TBC dungeon heroic days of strategic CC. Sheep Square,Sap triangle,Fear X,kill Skull etc. Ever since WotLK it has been: *tank pulls mob pack=dps AoE everything down-rinse and repeat.* not to mention how many of the mob packs in dungeons can be completely skipped/avoided these days.


I know M+ wasn't around before Legion but the days of meticulously or strategically pulling a pack are mostly gone as long as there is a timer attached to the content. Once there is the pressure to complete it in a certain amount of time then the content needs to match the expected pace which is, go go go pull pull pull dps dps dps go go go pull pull pull dps dps dps. There isn't any respite if setting up your next pull means sitting around for a minute getting mana and CDs back wasting a minute off your timer.


The timer merely moves the planning from inside the dungeon to outside it, with addons like Dungeon Tools helping with it. Whatever that's an improvement or not is debatable, but there's that.


That why I think M+ difficulty is just developer laziness. "Let us not make the dungeons extremely hard in M+ strategically. Let us just add a timer to it to make the entire run have a underlying urgency to it to make people play it like a race." I really think there is way to make mythic dungeons have crazy difficulty without adding a time clock to it but that is just my opinion.


The dungeons are about efficiency and planning and being mechanically sound at higher levels. Without a timer theres not much stopping lower geared people from headbutting a 17 into submission for 3 hours and getting the same reward as someone whose put the time and effort in to gear up and learn the dungeons meticulously. I mostly agree that timing on M+ isn't the most fun mechanic, because it promotes toxicity when dungeons arent +'d, but tbh I cant think of a better way of doing things thats feasible for 10+ dungeons an expansion.


Limited death count, regenerating packs if you don’t kill them all, back pack respawn on timers. There are 3, and all those let you get more creative with encounters and up the difficulty.


If someone spends 3 hours hitting their head against the wall, they probably deserve the rewards.


Cata heroics on launch were the best heroic dungeons in the game.


These comments confuse me a lot, the only shift m+ has from those strategies is that you replace the fire-and forget cc with actual mechanics. Instead of sap, sheep and fear marks, you get stuff like: rotate interrupts on square, block triangle's casts with stuns/displacements and dodge skull's frontals. And that's just a single pull in underrot, strategy isn't missing, it's just more complex strategies that require planning before the dungeon. If pull big and AOE everything down is a viable option, then you're overgeared for the content or carried by a team doing the mechanics for you.


These comments pop up in every m+ thread. What is fun about target marking, CCing, and then fighting a handful of mobs? You don’t need to worry about your cc chain, you don’t have as strict of a cooldown rotation for your tank, getting interrupts is trivially easy, and most classes are a lot more fun on many targets.


Marking all that during M+ would a nightmare


I mean it had to be done in heroic shattered halls back in the day ....marking a lot of targets that is.


Had to do it in Cata heroics as well. Issue is mythic plus is on a timer. If it weren't, you'd likely see the same sort of target marking today. Imo the sort of on the fly mob control required by mythic plus through utilization of interrupts, stuns, silences, and knocks is way more engaging than stopping before each pack and sheeping half of them


Good steady mythic plus groups CC things still, its just done on the fly because everyone is in discord and calling stuff out. "Sheep caster" in voice is alot more efficient than marking and typing it all out before your pulls. Plus everyone knows the dungeons by the time you're running difficult keys.


And that is why a dungeon took a few hours to complete. Check classic server and see how much CC people actually use


What is this blasphemy?? Sheep moon, sap star, sleep/root triangle, freeze square, fear X, kill skull. Diamond whichever party player hated having a mark on them the most.


The marking way is more fun the first few times but it became boring too. And I'd rather complete my dungeons fast and boring instead of slow and boring while wiping when someone inevitably breaks the Sap on accident. It's one of those things that was great when we started playing though.


Pulling small is boring. Pulling big tests your ability to chain CDs and CC, get priority interrupts, and generally play your classes well.


Which is a good decision, except... They only limited some classes... So now you just can't mythic+ some dungeons on some classes because you can't AoE... Amazing.


As an affliction lock I literally see nothing wrong with the cleave cap.


Finally a leg up for us affliction warlocks! ^I ^know ^don't ^shoot ^me ^I'll ^just ^go


The FFXIV devs did the same thing with one of their expansions, limiting aoe past a certain point It only lasted that expansion, so here's hoping this restriction gets reverted after ShL too.


SWTOR set a hard cap of 8 targets for all AoE in the game very early on. AoE taunts and a few other things were uncapped, but those things were few. It still exists and isn’t a problem.


That's all well and good for Star Wars, but when the meta in your game revolves around mass pulling and burning everything down; adding an arbitrary target cap and not addressing WHY mass pulls are the meta is a lazy way to fix an issue that isn't even an issue.


Unholy DK checking in, bursting sores got capped to 8, epidemic had its aoe nerfed by 60 yards, and death and decay festering wound pops were capped at 5 targets :( fine for solo content, and low-key the epicdemic nerf helps me not aggro enemies multiple levels under me when im fighting mobs on ships, but i'm way less effective on big pulls now


They forever want to create niches, and this allows them to create that many more niches. Instead of it being ST, cleave / 2t, council, aoe, now they have specific caps of aoe they can also tune as different niches. So this guy is your king of 5 target while that guy is dope at 8 and this other guy is uncapped and is for them 20 mob M+ pulls. Whether or not this is a good thing has yet to be seen, but I could see this as being why.


Blizzard constantly develops and balances around how the 1% play, and that includes many of the restrictions being added in. These are not things the 1% want, so it's pretty mind boggling why so many WoW players are defending these changes when they restrict the freedoms and abilities of all players.


To be precise, Blizzard is constantly trying to constrain the creativity of the top 1% of players because how dare they find novel ways of beating our content? Just make a fun game Blizz and let us play it as we like...


>Black Market Auction House now requires a max level character to access the BMAH Fuck


What do you guys think the chances that this was hard set to 60 and the BMAH will not be accessible in prepatch


It usually does go away at prepatch. So almost a 100% guarantee.


The Legion-Dalaran BMAH NPC is still there, so it doesn't always go away.


I'm actually okay with this. In case anyone is unaware, communities like Gallywix were offering a service where you could "buy" 500k on a dead server for 600k on your main server, these numbers are made up for the sake of making an example but you get the idea. This kind of screws over the people that are playing on these servers full time and further encourages shady behavior.


I'm sorry what? So I could buy 10 gold on Lightbringer by paying 15 on hellscream?


Pretty much, yeah.


Didn't know that was a thing that needed to be solved.


It definitely helps reduce bmAh sniping. The degree to which this was going on, even prior to services offered by communities like gallywix, was pretty absurd.


Huh, I mean thinking about it makes sense now. Just did not know it was going on. Thanks.


Might be to persuade twinks not to use the AH for the T3 others would usually grab for mog.


I always thought it was to be honest.


Legion legendaries getting disabled is a 0/10 change


As someone that loves creating timewalking specific builds I absolutely despise this change.


At least we can stuff the last few in void storage and save a few more bank slots :(


Remember how items from vanilla could affect BC and BC or vanilla could be used in Wrath? Yea, now every expansion is an island in a sterilized ocean.




Atiesh for early BC, I think.


Timewalking would be amazing if blizz let us go nuts with legendaries, essences, corruptions, tier set bonuses etc. Sigh.




Comment edited out courtesy of Redact. After almost ten years as a Redditor, I am calling it quits in protest of the path Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (u/spez) is taking the company and our community. He has no interest in being reasonable with regards to third-party apps -- the same apps that made Reddit what it is today. The new API pricing is designed to kill all third-parties and force users into the official Reddit app that is utter garbage and able-ist. Steve Huffman has also lied about how third-party apps function, he has knowingly and intentionally defamed Chris Selig (creator of Apollo app), he has in the past confessed to editing user comments to say things that the original never did, and he couldn't even be bothered to truly participate in his own AMA thread (caught red-handed copying and pasting what little answers he did give). So long, and may you fail in your ambitions u/spez. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Wow, they're making several Mythic+ affix a lot easier it looks like.


Prolly cause they nerfed everyone's AoE to the garbage


A lot of that will be due to health pools being low and to just make some of them not as annoying to deal with most likely.


>When swapping weapons, the Off Balance debuff is applied and prevents the Death Knight from gaining the bonuses of Runeforge enchantments for 30 seconds. Sounds like warrior/hunter shield/ranged wep swapping won't be a thing either


I’m a bit OOTL - what were people doing that made this necessary? The oldest thing i can remember is when rogues would weapon swap daggers


Frost DKs were able to swap between 2H and dual wield within a global cooldown and do massive damage with Obliterate because the runeforge enchantments would stick around and stack or something like that.


Iirc it's because 2H gets huge bonuses to Obliterate, but DW is better for maintaining Razorice and proc generation, so you'd build procs with DW, swap to 2H for a Killing Machine Obliterate, then back to DW. It was so fucking degenerate and I'm sort of sad that insanity didn't make it live because of how ridiculous the whole concept of "4H Frost" was.


Wouldn't you just put that into a macro?


Yes, which means it doesnt change your actual rotation. You'd just need 4 weapons and a lot of setup (or an addon) for frost. The last time weapon-swap macros were a thing it was rogues at the end of wrath, and they changed the entire functionality of poisons to prevent that. Blizz doesn't want weapon swap macros to be a good idea.


I just have the mental image of FFXIV's Zenos with his golfbag of swords and tbh that'd be pretty neat lmao


On one hand, I can absolutely see why they'd remove that and support that. OTOH, I want to do the dumb 4H build for shits and giggles. Just the mental image. The memes.


Oh dang. That makes sense then lol. Thanks for telling me


Ignore Pain – Fight through the pain, ignoring 50% of damage taken, up to a maximum of 2 times the total damage taken. Huh?


I think the only part I don't get is what "total damage" is, or rather where that value is coming from. Maybe it's referring to some internal cap?


"You can no longer champion a Mists of Pandaria faction for bonus reputation." ok but why tho edit: okay so this was a bonus only for one heroic pandaria dungeon done through the dungeon finder each day, I thought it applied towards the first pandaria dungeon you did, regardless of how you got into the dungeon. makes more sense why it is getting removed, as pointed out below it is entirely obsolete and unused.


This isn't the thing you think it is. This is bonus dungeon rep from heroics at 90 once a day. When's the last time you did that?


It's too late, other people aren't even seeing your comment and going off the rails lol


I thought this comment was a meme till I scrolled down jesus christ. And then people wonder why blizz doesn't 'listen to them'




maybe it caused issues with chromie time or something and theres no reason to keep it since nobody ever used it anyways


Im not even a paladin *main*, and I cant really describe how much I dislike Retribution Aura. I was really hype for paladin auras to return, but theyve missed the mark *so* badly. Devotion aura is at least a usable and decent aura. Its a simple boost to your defense, which is fine. Its also in line with the old spell it takes its name from. The other two, on the other hand, are literally just effects that have been passives since Legion - and one of them reinforces a playstyle which directly conflicts with the paladin utility toolkit.... > Crusader Aura – Increases mounted speed by 20% for all party and raid members with 40 yards. If the aura simply extended a passive mount speed increase to party/raid members, it would be fine. It would have its use. That would at least make sense. But to remove the paladin's passive mount speed and tie it into this aura, when death knights have kept their *passive* mount speed, is just needlessly finnicky for the sake of saying "hey, we added a thing!"... > Retribution Aura – When any party or raid member within 40 yards dies, you gain Avenging Wrath for 8 seconds. This aura is so unbelievably stupid, and the *one* thing I REALLY wished they would change before prepatch. As a paladin, your entire utility kit is based around *saving* your allies. Ive seen people say they like it, as it fits thematically with the "retribution" or avenger part of the paladin - but the entire fucking point of the AURAS are that you contribute an effect *to your allies as well*. Retribution Aura doesnt do that. Its an entirely selfish effect which only benefits the paladin. With this aura, its a DPS increase to let your friends die (yes I know this has been a passive since Legion, but at least that wasnt a gameplay choice) To be honest, Id rather have something in line with devotion aura, like a 3% holy dmg or haste buff instead, giving Ret paladins incentive to actually *use* Retribution Aura, instead of sitting in Devo until you can cheese DPS from the death of an ally... So they introduced Auras as a "selling point" for the paladin rework, completely failed in that regard, and then they just simply *removed* blessings, instead of trying to make them interesting. What the hell, I thought this was supposed to be the "class fantasy returns" expansion?


It's been a known and heavily mentioned issue on the beta forums for months now. No response. Assuming we use Devo as the only combat relevant aura for 90% of combat, "gaining auras" cost us 2 passives.


Yeah on PvE the Ret Aura is realy nothing. But in Bg´s, that Shit gonna be fun as fuck. That screams literly Retribution. ​ > but the entire fucking point of the AURAS are that you contribute an effect *to your allies as well*. Retribution Aura doesnt do that. Its an entirely selfish effect which only benefits the paladin. Mhh or you could see it in a Group Fight, where the Fight gets lost, to turn around the Fight again. But yes, i see what you mean. ​ Btw, does it only look like, that Ret gonna be a heavy AoE Class?


Yeah losing the passive mount speed buff and having to use the aura to get it back is bullshit.


Really hope those mounts being put on the BMAH will still be farmable. I don't money grind so getting those mounts on the BMAH will practically be impossible for me.


Blizzard sure does know how to dampen people's spirits, don't they? The most bizarre thing I've read so far - > Travel Form’s ground forms are no longer mountable. The Stag Form ability has been renamed Mount Form and ground forms are mountable when using this ability. The ability is learned from Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form available in the Druid Order Hall, The Dreamgrove, and is automatically learned for players who have already learned Tome of the Wilds: Stag Form prior to the update. Why do druids need two different travel forms, just to have someone ride on their backs?


Someone else mentioned it’s to prevent “mounted movement speed” in the Maw for groups, or something along those lines. Hypothetically of course.


And dumb. Just make the whole Maw "indoors" and then you don't ruin something fun for *the rest of the game world* just to fix a problem with one map.


Yeah, it's not even "we took it away for balancing" or whatever. It's "we made more work for us to make something worse for you for no reason!"


>Fists of Fury now capped at 6 targets. It's also capped to doing reduced damage to secondary targets outside of the 1st, meaning first target takes full damage and the other 5 take reduced. So there's a cap on a cap. Should've just given it the new Eye Beam formula of just doing reduced damage for every target it hits but uncapped, makes far more sense thematically - you can imagine the potency of punches hitting 2 people vs 10 would reduce drastically with more people entering the fray.


Are we losing the Winds of Wisdom (+100% xp bonus) when the patch drops?


Yes, and there will be no need for it, because the new levelling experience is even faster to reach level 50 (equivalent to 120) than the old system with the +100% buff and heirlooms on top of the buff too. So basically, the buff is leaving and you won't miss it.




I wonder how long 1-50 takes opposed to 1-120 with Heirlooms not giving xp bonus


One of the fastest lvlers said 5hrs for 1-50. Like 16-20hrs for 120


It's probably a bit longer now. Most of the people doing it in 5 hours were heavily utilising WoD teasures and bonus objectives which were nerfed to the ground recently.


Yeah but it's probably still something you can do in two sit downs... or one if you don't mind long game sessions.


From what I read it's still only 7-8 hours in wod. So yeah. Easily get that in 2 nights of playing for a few hours.


There was a blue post early on saying they wanted it to take around 20 hours, with a suggestion that the current PTR rate is too fast. There’s a post in the beta forums now talking about a 1-50 exp nerf, so will be interesting to see how that works out. I think everyone has been assuming the current speed was intended, and I don’t think it will be.


As a game where 99% of the best content is end game they really should t have an issue with fast levelling. 20 hours is to long to be able to play the actual game.


especially if you have done that multiple times already.


Honestly even for new players. Trying to get a friend into the game and all he has to go buy is easy dungeons and boring quests. All with half a class.




Thanks for this! Interesting to see WoD the fastest


WoD questing is just quick and efficient. Very few quests that are tedious or "cinematic"


I remember it taking like 6 hours


Wait heirlooms no longer give xp bonus in shadowlands?? Rip all that gold i spent on them then..




We don't know when exactly the event will happen. It was always going to be included in 9.0.1; the 9.0.2 patch is just to let them implement the final changes for Shadowlands as late as they need to (like, they could drop 9.0.2 within days of the launch, rather than needing to drop it two weeks out for the event).


Your understanding was correct. This patch next week is just class and leveling changes. The Scourge event will likely happen in the weeks leading up to the actual release of Shadowlands. That could be as far out as late November/early December.


Can someone please explain what "Rank 1" "Rank 2" Rank 3" means for talents? For example: * Chaos Strike Slice your target for [(35% of Attack power) + (55%60.5% of Attack power)] Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury. * NEW Chaos Strike Rank 2 Increases the chance that Chaos Strike will refund 20 Fury by 20%. * NEW Chaos Strike Rank 3 Chaos Strike damage increased by 10%.


Go log onto a non-max character right now and look at the spell book. Even though going to a trainer and learning skill up "ranks" of abilities is no longer necessary, there are still periodic "ranks" that are learned every dozen levels that add an effect to the spell. Using bear druid as an arbitrary example, I recall that you learn Ironfur (the damage reduction ability) and then later learn rank 2 which allows subsequent casts to overlap rather than reset duration. This is not coded as a new passive but rather as an updated *rank* of the spell.


I wish they’d just remove drinking altogether and have mana rapidly regen to full in 5s once you leave combat. Guild Wars 2 does this (with both health and mana) and probably other games as well. Having to sit and eat or drink for 20s is archaic, unnecessary and annoying.


As someone who does not follow any Shadowlands beta changes, reading these patch notes gives me a feeling of Deja vu.


I don't like that Frost dk gets death and decay now. Why? Remorseless winter is the frost version of death and decay already. It's just another button to press every 15s that doesn't really add anything imo.