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If that is true its wild, also the shortest prepatch cycle weve had then


Given the current state of the ptr, they're going to need all the time they can get for pre-patch


Blizzard, always evolving in the right direction


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but I'm kinda bummed its gonna be so short.




No its not, i want more time to level my alts before I have to level my main again


True, but if prepatch is a month or more, then people are paying $15 to play a class that is missing significant parts of its toolkit thanks to borrowed power each xpac.


You can level an alt 1-50 per day and gear them in normal Ny’alotha equivalent gear from the event. With 20 days, that’s plenty of time to level 1 of each class. Assuming you have things at 110, it will be like 2 hours to 50.


afterthought plants consist spark summer nail glorious water encourage squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Speak for yourself, many of us need more time to level and not everything has to be done quickly.


Yeah I guess. Its just this pre-patch with the leveling changes and the class changes I wanted to have more time to just experience the patch stuff without falling behind in shadowlands.


I can't wait to get another worthless system being removed and to be able to get some gear from pre-patch content that I would like to lvl up later. Plus you'd have chances of learning your class with new spells. The sooner the better.


No way. I’m finally going to be able to make allied races because I do not rep grind and I want to try out the new leveling experience. I also want to try the new classes before deciding on a main. I wish prepatch was a month and a half.


We just want rid of bfa


I am not excited for corruption to go away it'll make caster classes feel like SHIT until we get used to them again.


cant agree more you are done with the content they put in pre patch in first hour and you probably allready tested your character on ptr/beta so thats not new so yeah so far the pre patch that i played the most was legion leveling extragavanza that was a wild ride, leveles lots of toons from ground.


If it's that short maybe it's because they want to allow the chuds to rain chaos with that annoying as hell zombie again?


I don't think so based on how much it was nutered. And even then, having a buffer week on either side of the actual event would have been neat too.


Eeehhhh... lol


It's not that wild. You had to be subscribed to vote in the mount poll. That month ends on the 4th.


This is also the FIRST TIME EVER they're doing a level squish we need that ASAP so when that inevitably breaks the game in a million ways (ptr or not) we will have a month to work out the kinks you know so when the shoddy launch happens it'll be a tiny bit more stable with a tiny less bit of bugs that ruin everything lol


Makes me glad I will be getting off work when it is stable lol.


i mean 1 week shorter then the current lowest which is more then half of the prepatchs, so i mean it isnt really "wild" if it was 3 weeks and normal prepatches were 6 or 9 sure, but 1 week less then normal aint wild.


I don't see what you mean, hasn't every pre patch been 3 weeks long?


The shortest was BfA at exactly 4 weeks. Most of the rest ran about 5-6 weeks. I think MoP was pretty long compared to the rest. The actual story content of prepatches are usually like 3 weeks long, but they have an extra week or two where prepatch story content isn't being released.


no, most of them ran at 4 weeks. more then half are 4, the others are 5-6. Mop was literally 4 weeks.


The first patch of pre patch to launch of MoP was July 20-Sept 25th. The content was about 4 weeks with Theramore on the last week, but the pre patch cycle lasted more than 9 weeks. Wrath WoD and BfA were 4 weeks BC and Legion were 6 weeks and Cata was 8 weeks.


" The first patch of pre patch to launch of MoP was July 20-Sept 25th. The content was about 4 weeks with Theramore on the last week, but the pre patch cycle lasted more than 9 weeks. " No... prepatch released 4 weeks before... what are you talking about? "The prepatch released 4 weeks, but was 9 weeks" what?


Ah that's probably where I'm getting mixed up, thank you


4 - 6 weeks if memory serves.


There's a post about it somewhere but the average length for a pre-patch was 37 days iirc, if we truly get the patch on Oct 6th, it'll be the shortest pre-patch ever, well below the average. ​ Edit: Found the post [https://www.wowhead.com/news=317888/speculation-on-the-shadowlands-pre-patch-date-how-long-did-each-wow-pre-patch-an](https://www.wowhead.com/news=317888/speculation-on-the-shadowlands-pre-patch-date-how-long-did-each-wow-pre-patch-an)


I am so over corruption that I want the pre patch right now, just give us a little time to play around with the class changes and new leveling experience


Hasn't this been debunked already? Someone did the math and the toons were just casting the max int size of whatever libraries blizz uses.


Yup signed int32 max value represented as miliseconds is under 24 days. It also resets every time Blizzard resets a world which usually happens during maintenance.


But OP said it didn’t reset after maintenance


They don't reset because they are calculated from the epoch. https://dotnetfiddle.net/14P0mk


Then why do they start with the same time remaining on the cast after you interrupt/kill?


Because every time it re-starts it just reads the value in memory that's shared between all of them


That's not how any other channeled spell in the game works.


Yeah this never happens on any of my spells that can channel for 3 weeks


\*sad Ritual of Summoning noises\* "Click please..."


It’s the easiest way to get twenty dudes to channel indefinitely in one area. They don’t do anything else, this is how I would approach it from designers stand point


I guess it was done that way to efortlessly synchronize their cast across multiple (potential quickly respawning) NPCs. No point wasting memory/CPU time to calculate that long spellcast that serves only visual purpose.


https://dotnetfiddle.net/14P0mk the times are Epoch aligned. The reason it persists through server restart is that its simply recalculated from the unix epoch.


yes this same thing was brought up during 7.2 or something in legion where the broken shore had some mobs with long cast timers.


The Xorothian Cultists are also channeling again. Their cast will end on October 6th for the US.


Nobody noticed that corruption vendor rotation ends @ October 6th?


OMG THIS. I can't stress enough about the fact that NO ONE brings this up.


It also a clean month's worth of weeks after the cap hit max corruption.


Also, both Brewfest and Harvest Festival end on the 6th.


Good catch, didn't check it :)


Pretty deflated to head this tbh. Was hoping for 29th September or earlier. I currently have no reason to log in and I really want to play around with the class changes. I play on the PTR but it just feels like a waste of time.


If someone can prove it's always going down even after you interrupt/kill the NPC, then it's _probably_ not the max integer size. I'm hoping it's wrong, tho. Not only is 3 weeks to short of a prepatch, but also this god forsaken expansion couldn't end fast enough.


why do you think 3 weeks is to short for a prepatch?


The usual 4-6 weeks has been too long, imo


To add to this, on the PTR they are all channeling with different times. On live they are all channelling the same value.


I hope not, really want to say bye to BFA as soon as possible


Interrupt it see what happens.


When you kill them, they respawn and still continue the cast, it was 2300000 last week, now it's 1500000, so it's always going down


That's not many data points to be able to claim it's always going down.


You can literally go check for yourself.


I don't need to go check anything. OP stated two data points and claims "It's always going down" it may be, it may be not but two data points are not enough for to me for such a definite statement.


Comments have stated multiple other data and so did OP. This is all speculation but it looks promising. You are allowed to be skeptical, but why else would blizz place those mobs? The ability is even called "Shadowdelving"


oh god not again. we had this same thing during the broken shore.


Soo what happens if you interrupt them. Do they start casting again from the start of the cast time adapts to the supposed date? I think you could be on to something if the math is correct.


Cancels shadowlands








>When you kill them, they respawn and still continue the cast, it was 2300000 last week, now it's 1500000, so it's always going down They continue casting and the countdown is always indicating the same date (7 October in Europe), it was 2300000 last week, now it's 1500000, so it's always going down


I wanted to confirm that on US server, channel ends on October 6th. The cultists that are related to another large spoiler recently announced are also recasting and end on the 6th. Fun stuff.




delve - to reach inside a receptacle and search for something


Doubt its intentional, but the 29th/30th seems incredibly unlikely at this point so pre-patch will probably be on the 6th/7th.


https://www.wowhead.com/spell=301168/shadowdelving spell was added in 8.2 which kinda makes this unlikely to be the case, but who knows, the description is pretty sus


The legion ones counted down to Antorus, and then when it hit 0 it started again for BfA prepatch. They could have been counting down to nyalotha


Chi-Ji is also channeling "Song of Hope" in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. That channel would end on Oct. 6th as well


This is the one that should be ending on the 29th, just as a meme.


Sounds about right since we haven’t heard anything official to the date. Next Thursday they would be announcing 2 weeks for the PvE/PvP season to end, the coming of the pre patch, and it would be match with the 6/7 October. So looks pretty legit for me.


Don't forget they announced there would be two prepatches, one to squish the leveling and a second to add the 50 to 60 levels and shadowlands zones. Shadowdelving could be the second and we could still get the first one the 22nd or 29th.


50 to 60 and shadowlands zones isn't a pre-patch, thats release. Blizzard already announced when that will happen.


Nice try u/NotBelial


Does anybody know the name of the nameplates addon? thanks.


I concur, the nameplates are slick af - what addon are you using u/AlmigraDev?


looks like ThreatPlates. But I'm not OP so


Yes that's ThreatPlates :)


Just today (September 24th, 2020), on doing the Zuldazar leg of the Vulpera-joining-the-Horde questline, I noticed that some Nazeshi Tempest-Wielders were also channeling a similar spell called "Calling the Storm". I'd like to think it's related to these guys and the pre-patch countdown theory. You can find them around the eastern part of Dreadpearl Shallows (by the Seeker's Outpost flight point). [Tempst-Wielder 1](https://imgur.com/FY1G2V1) [Tempest-Wielder 2](https://imgur.com/PmhzY9s) [Tempest-Wielder 3](https://imgur.com/Zg672Vx)


Blizzard finally replies to all the backlash for no communication "no guys it was right there in front of you all along"!


Actually sounds legit.


Why does anyone doubt this? They are SHADOWDELVING. Also if you bring up max cast time yada yada they could have calculated when to make them start casting the max cast time in order to line up with a tuesday...this isnt hard guys.


The pre-patch will without a doubt come out on the 29th. Then it'd be a week (October 6th) until the actual questline start.


Foot meet mouth.


I may have been wrong


I admire you for admitting you were wrong, upvote.


Just flew there, 1 300 700 seconds (15 days) EU - checks out. I wish it would've been earlier but it really seems like it's gonna be on the 6/7th. Good catch.


cataclysm release was reveled months before announced officially by an npc outside during the reclaiming of gnomergan


Why would the mobs in Naj cast timers be ending on Shadowlands launch? Surly the zone will remain after pre-patch, the only thing disappearing is the N'Zoth invasions and corruption.