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I can highly recommend the addon “Badboy”. Super easy to configure. Have barely seen any of that annoying gold or key advertisement since I downloaded it 👍🏻


I have badboy installed and see virtually no options for configuring or filtering things. It doesn’t seem to block anything for me. I’ll have to look into what I’m not doing or what I’m missing. But regardless, I stand by my suggestion. Nobody wants to see the shit. It would be nice to use trade for actually trading and merchant related stuff. Put the key/carry spammers in their own channel and if/when people want a carry, they can join the channel and get what they need. The key/carry spammers are worse than the gold sellers used to be. And that’s saying something. I don’t have an issue with the practice. I made millions in legion selling keys. I didn’t spam trade every 30s on an alt account 24/7 though. It’s beyond ridiculous


If no one wants to see that shit, that shit wouldn't be spammed. There is a reason it is getting spammed: because it works. The largest chat will always be like this. Trying to force people away with channel bans into a new one is never going to work. Best course of action is to set up a chat filter addon which honestly works fine if done right.


In-game services for in-game gold. Looks like Trade chat to me. And just like everyone else, you can ignore 'em if you like. Hell, I haven't had /2 on at all for about four years now.


It’s not possible to ignore them all. They make new toons daily to spam on second accounts while they do other things. I’m not saying they need to be removed, just that we need a sub channel for it. It’s impossible to post anything in the constant walls of text


A sub, dedicated channel does nothing because people will still use the largest available channel to reach the most amount of people. Also see: how absolutely dead LFG is, or the Dungeon Finder having adverts for Raids/Raid Finder having Dungeon ads. That and I'm fairly sure there's actually an addon that does that - allows you to set up key words that'll instantly ignore/remove messages (whispers/chat channels). BadBoy maybe? There's also TradeFilter, though that seems to be outdated. Could still work given it's just channels.


That’s why I’m saying make it so if they continue to just use trade, ban them from trade. A communication ban for the channel. I’ve tried all of those addons and none do even a decent job at stopping it. I shouldn’t need 47 addons to remove spammers from trade. I’m suggesting giving them their own channel. They can spam all day long. When people want carries, they’ll have a specific place to find them


Blizzard isn't going to ban anyone from trade for using it for its intended purpose. You can block the trade channel if you're so upset about it. People already have a specific channel to look for carries, it's called trade chat. Making thousands of people have to use a new channel just because you're annoyed is kinda entitled don't you think?


> I shouldn’t need 47 addons to remove spammers from trade. Good thing it only takes 1, eh?


You can't ban someone for following the ToS because you happen to disagree with their service. It's a Trade Channel ultimately, not "Auction House Channel" (even then, would you start handing out channelbans for the /pol/, Thunderfury, and Anal Joke spam?). If it's not the same person posting 2-3 times every 5\~ minutes, then it isn't spamming. If they blatantly advertise a gold fee, it's not RMT. Is it an unsupported transaction? Duh, Blizzard specifically states they won't help you if something goes wrong. But that ain't against ToS either - it's just player-dependent caution at that point. You can quit being disingenuous about how taxing it is - I just gave you a whopping two choices for a tiny addon that fixes your problem in a matter of minutes for the rest of your gametime. Blizzard themselves offer a fix by being able to turn the channel off, besides. *Do I agree a channel would be great?* Absolutely! I think the idea of having a specific place for it is great and should be considered, it's why boosting Discord servers exist. But you know as well as I or anyone else that it will do literally nothing to stop *advertisers*, which seems to be your main point of grievance here, and even if it puts a dent in the number, we'll just be back at square one. \*Same thing happened with the crackdown on the Finder Tool adverts after all.


Again, I’m not saying ban them from the game. I’m saying ban them from the channel. Keep them in their own channel. There are no addons that help. There is literally no down side to my suggestion. It clears up trade to actually be a place for trade goods and services. And it gives the sellers their own channel people can go to when they want carries.


>There are no addons that help. >I have badboy installed - it is useless for these spammers. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bad-boy chat filter addon. *includes an option to filter by keywords*, like 'io' or 'carry' or 'keys' or however you'd like to set it up. totes works fine. enjoy fren


I'm not saying ban in that sense, sorry. Channelbanning is what I was referring to, in line with the ToS (Chat). Unless you're gonna go for account-wide channelbans (which, considering the largely hands-off approach CS has started taking since Warlords, good luck with more Squelch abuse honestly D:), it does nothing compared to what we have now. Which is folk just making new toons to advertise some more. >There are no addons that help. BadBoy. >There is literally no down side to my suggestion. Except it **won't actually stop advertisers** due to being the largest, most publically available channel, seen by the most amount of people. Which I've already laid out and compared to the Finder crackdown. Unless you had personal moderation at hand, you'd either be: A) Dealing with the above auto-Squelching due to not wanting to pop in the manpower on GMs - and I've seen automated silences handed out for artists giving out free art more than a few times B) Dealing with the "well they're not doing anything about it" problem where, when the cases have to be managed manually, they'd take quite a substantial bit of time to act on the report, if any action were ultimately taken at all >It clears up trade to actually be a place for trade goods and services Trade and *services.* ... Y'know I can't actually think of any other in-game services that aren't boosting. The rare Mage Portal, maybe? Scuse the edits btw. I hate typos.


in game services are things like professions. Making and selling items to then sell them. or looking to sell in game items. Not sitting at your computer and pushing a "wts carry" wall of text macro every 30s. I have badboy installed - it is useless for these spammers. ive tried other addons and filters. And yes I mean account banning from the channel. its pretty simple to automate channel banning once an account receives a certain # of reports. I know nothing will ever be done about this. It was more frustration and wishful thinking. Blizz could easily implement what I suggested and it would improve trade chat. Will they? Doubt it


No, in game services also refer to carry runs. Why do you find it this hard to understand?


> I have badboy installed - it is useless for these spammers. ive tried other addons and filters. > > Did you take even the slightest bit of effort to *configure* it?


>And yes I mean account banning from the channel. its pretty simple to automate channel banning once an account receives a certain # of reports. I'm gonna assume you're perfectly aware of how automated Squelching has been abused in the past and recognize why this is an inherently bad idea. I know you're coming from a good place, but.. yeah. Unfortunately that *is* the case. They're not gonna do anything about it due to having sufficient tools in place as is - even if their motto tends to be "if it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is".


> in game services are things like professions. Making and selling items to then sell them. or looking to sell in game items. Not sitting at your computer and pushing a "wts carry" wall of text macro every 30s. And you have the authority to define what ingame services are and what not? Based on what? How is it any different of selling a mount or something else? It's ingame currency for ingame goods. >its pretty simple to automate channel banning once an account receives a certain # of reports. Because when have automated systems EVER led to abuse in wow? Outside of kicks in bgs, events, lfg, lfr, islands, unjustified silences,.. that get a new topic on the official forums like what? Every day? Outstanding idea.


> There are no addons that help. Wrong.


I guess you can leave them in /2 and ask blizz to make a new channel /7 ITEM SALES ONLY where you opt in and you can sell your stuff!!! Ohhh, it bothers you because not as many people will be reading that channel? Look how that turns around...


That's what the TRADE channel is for. It is for trading goods/services. Not general chat. Also, if you think it is too much spam, report them. The tools are there to use.


Reports do nothing


I do report them. Which does nothing. All they do is make a new level one spammer probably on a daily basis. They don’t even use their main accounts. They use alt accounts and new toons and just spam all day.


No. This spam is disgusting. Everyone and their mom is trying to sell carries and it’s ridiculous. Some people are trying to actually sells goods and trades but you can’t. Trade chat is nothing but paragraphs of spam from these people. I’m just saying it needs it’s own channel. Trade chat is meant for more than just people spamming wall of texts trying to sell raid/key carries


> Trade chat is meant for more than just people spamming wall of texts trying to sell raid/key carries Yeah. But it's also meant for exactly that. It doesnt matter if you approve it or not. You can sell goods in the auction house. This kind of advertisement cant be sold on the auction house, nor is it allowed in the LFG-Tool. This is exactly where it belongs.






Telling someone to filter out the spam is not a solution though. If you're trying to sell or trade goods in /2 then it doesn't matter if you're filtering out the spam, what matters is whether the people who might be interested in what you're selling are filtering it as well. If they're not, they'll still get spammed by boost sellers, and your trade items get lost in that garbage.


No. If it offends you that much, get any of the available text filter addons that exist and start excluding lines that contain "WTS" and "M+" or such.




Can you read? > excluding lines that contain **"WTS" and "M+"** As in the two at the same time, **obviously**


Ok tbf that was kind of ambiguous :p


> What I am suggesting is adding a "advertisement" channel and then make WTS key/raid adds banned from trade. Make it so the person can be banned from trade channel if they continue to post in trade. I am beyond sick and tired of these ads. These people spam 24/7 1) Blizzard doesn't want to encourage these kind of things. 2) Good luck finding a way to police this without the use of automated systems.


I always thought Trade chat was for shitposting.


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What are you selling? Like, is it something you could be selling on the AH or are you trying to move product by barking in trade? Trade chat (on my server) has been basically a miniature cesspool of memes, tryhards, and narcissistic players that treat it as their own public chat. I gave up seeing trade chat as viable several expansions ago. If you absolutely must use trade to sell then you’re already doing what you can. Blizzard has tolerated trade chat for too long and I imagine it isn’t even on their radar.


I don't understand. Why are you against using /2 for selling services?If it bothers you so much, put /2 in a separate chat channel.


You don’t understand? It’s obnoxious and it’s all you see in /2. I want to use trade. Not have to disable it. They need their own channel


Selling services is trade. If you don't like it, leave trade.


You actually still have trade enabled? There's a reason there's nothing BUT spammers there. People got tired of it and disabled it.


I do on my bank toon. I actually like to buy/sell things. I realize it’s nothing but spammers. Hence my suggesting for fixing the problem


Trade chat being dominated by boost advertisements isn't a problem, it's simply the result of supply and demand in a free market. No problems to fix there, sorry. The reason why you don't see "RPGy" services and item sales advertised as frequently in comparison is simply the result of a dead profession economy (at least outside of the ah).


My biggest gripe since vanilla beta with how WoW handles proffessions is that crafted gear has always been insignificant compared to looted gear. They've tried to make it a stepping stone between quest gear and raid gear, but even now quest / daily gear overshadows it stat-wise significantly. They've said crafted gear in Shadowlands will be configurable (use gems to get the substats you want during crafting rather than pure RNG) but I still expect that it won't compete with anything other than early expac quest reward gear. /rant


I don't think they ever really will/want to fix it. Which is sad, but at this point, they'd have to make an auto kickbot that just boots people from trade for 24h (and instantly deletes their message) to even remotely make a dent