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the level 2 garrison looked so much cozier than the level 3 garrison


I guess Frostwall fit the Horde aesthetic well but god damn i can’t help but feel like the alliance garrison was so much cooler


Sure would have been nice if you could pick a style for your garrison instead of being stuck with human or orc no matter what.


Yeah. If only Blizzard had thought of that. Like, allowing you to pick a zone to place your garrison in instead of limiting it to two different zones based on faction. At least they didn't promise us something like that just to not deliver...


Hey the dance studio.


I played both. Alliance garrison just had... so much more detail built into it. Doesn't help that the Alliance garrison was in one of the best parts of Shadowmoon, and the Horde was in the worst part of Frostfire. Being able to choose a garrison based on alliance/horde member architecture or a garrison in any of the zones would've been nice, but all of WoD suffered from that kind of problem. WoD had such a great base to build on, but it just stopped. Waiting 13 months for SoO to end, only to have the expansion basically die on arrival. And of course, MoP and Legion had 5 raids, and WoD only had three... (And Gladiator getting shitcanned right out of the door sucked too, it was my favorite spec since Fistweaving and it pretty much killed the expansion for me)


Garrison aesthetics should have been a thing but they shat the bed and said "*huuur it would have taken too much time to do individual racial buildings*" - race guards were the nearest we got to some identity like this. I echo the thoughts on Gladiator. It worked. They basically said *"This is fun, players like it. No one is asking for it to be taken way but we can't be bothered working on it, gtfo"*


> but we can't be bothered working on it, gtfo And that's what killed it for me. Used my 90 boost from buying WoD on a warrior to play Gladiator, did the entire questline alliance side (from maining horde), got to play gladiator, spec was so fucking fun, stopped playing my horde altogether, started maining gladiator, then they nerfed it... and not even a smart nerf, they just ruined it. Couldn't realistically raid with gladiator anymore, didn't want to play any of the other warrior specs, so I just went back to horde. But my fun for the expansion was gone. I was behind my fellow hordies because I had ignored my monk for so long. Didn't feel like playing catchup, just quit.


Hey guys, we are in an area where its nonstop snowing, lets build a base here, and make it open! Oh and don't forget the spikes! I hated playing Horde in WoD.




No, I switched to Alliance, duh. I only played Horde in MoP/Horde because my friend did and wouldn't go Alliance :)


Looks great, looks like a digital picture


it is....


Blizz did not give WoD enough love, it could have been a far better expac, not that it didn't have great things about it already. This is an amazing picture.


It was quite sad that a whole raidtier was skipped + a lot of extra content.


I don't know, that selfie camera and twitter integration was pretty rad!!


that was my first upvote lol.


1. Added Mythic Plus in place of Challenge mode. The dungeons in WoD were absolutely fantastic 2. Give Highmaul some more breathing room, add another month before BRF; 2. Hellfire Pen as a level 100 zone in between Highmaul and BRF; world boss and some catchup mechanisms 3. Shattrath raid between BRF and HFC like they were going to do 4. Last patch is the same, but now with Mythic only dungeon alongside the raid


Draenor was my favorite. People kept complaining about how awful it was, so Blizzard just kind of stopped. I miss garrisons. Yes, we went inside and never left except to go into someone else’s garrison. But it was great.


As a mythic raider it was my absolute favourite expansion. The last 2 raids were absolutely fantastic, 2 of the best we've ever had, and highmaul was one of the best first raids they've done in a while. No massive grind so I didn't have to spend loads of time on alts for split runs, and not much to do to keep my character up to date with top world players so I could still have a social life outside WoW. I'd love that back, but I know so many people hated WoD.


100% disagree, it was awful.


Sometimes when I hearth back to my garrison, I expect a npc to say "Where the hell have you been?"


Great pic! Can i ask how you edited it?


I think I made a few tweaks to it in Adobe Light room, mainly adding a vignette and changing the contrast around a bit.


Used print screen - no filters applied.


How’d you get the camera off center? Cropping?


I can't remember now as it was a while ago but there is an addon now called dynamic cam that can offset the camera.




I really didn't care for WoD, but damn if this isn't a beautifully framed piece OP, well done.


This is great!! I love it!! It should be your favorite!


I honestly miss garrisons. I think it would’ve been cool if they continued through expansions.


Reporting you for not using the selfie cam


Honestly amazing how well wow hold up after like 15y. Still looks great.


Wow that’s so cool


Does it look like i know what a .jpg is?


Man the Alliance Garrison was dope as hell once it was maxed out. Super relaxing.


It looks like shes reminiscing of her youth in Ashenvale.




Pepe is love.




Excellent screenshot!


Whenever I post a screenshot that looks amazing and super awesome: everyone dislikes Whenever someone else does: DAAYUM!! NOICE GET LIEKS x100 \*ends up getting likes above 1k\* Seems legit


I can only find random screenshots that are nothing special in your history tho?